Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Iowa
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Iowa Research Activities

Northern Leopard frog in an Iowa wetland.

Project Completion Date
Estimating Breeding Populations of Canada Geese in the Midwest – A Model to Predict Canada Goose Breeding Pair Densities Using National Wetlands Inventory Data September 2017
Effects of Introduced Common Carp and Invading Zebra Mussels on Water Quality and the Native Biological Community of Clear Lake, Iowa June 2012
Comparison of Amphibian Habitat Suitability in USDA CREP Wetlands and Natural Wetlands in the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa December 2013
Age Structure & Growth of Invasive Common Carp Populations in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge December 2011
Analysis of long-term mark-recapture dataset for monarch butterflies December 2027
Estimating waterfowl productivity in the Prairie Pothole Region December 2027
Effects of invasive carp and impoundment on food web structure and fish condition in Upper Mississippi River tributaries August 2027
Assessing road risk for amphibians and reptiles July 2027
Effects of reservoir operation on fish recruitment, movement, and survival in the Des Moines and associated rivers. December 2026
Examining drivers of temporal variation in hybridization outcomes in bigheaded carp in the UMR. October 2024
Habitat associations and biotic interactions of invasive Rusty Crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) to inform risk assessment and management of shallow glacial lakes at the invasion front. August 2025
Estimating age, growth, and mortality in a tributary-spawning population of Shovelnose Sturgeon using a long-term mark-recapture dataset. December 2025
Occurrence and Abundance of Topeka Shiners in Restored Off-Channel Habitats in Central Iowa Streams September 2012
MISSOURI RIVER MITIGATION: Iowa Wetland Restoration Functional Assessment May 2014
Development of harvest strategies for mourning doves June 2011
Assessment of environmental services of CREP wetlands in IA and the midwestern corn belt December 2009
Assessing the role of conspecific attraction in habitat resotration for Henslow's Sparrows in Iowa June 2010
Bird response to enhanced vegetation diversity in the Spring Run Complex of Northeastern Iowa August 2011
Diverse portfolios: investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the 1 Anthropocene December 2023
Blanding's Turtle conservation in Iowa June 2025
Imperiled bumble bee occupancy and health status in Iowa December 2024
Using new transmitter technology to evaluate the effects of environmental change and disturbance on shorebird breeding phenology, behavior, and nest success September 2024
Retrospective recruitment analysis of bigheaded carp in the Upper Mississippi River. October 2024
Evaluating the benefits of practices implemented under the Working Lands for Wildlife Program (WLFW) targeting northern bobwhites September 2025
Wetland Reserve Program Properties: Importance for Iowa Breeding Birds in the Prairie Pothole Landform December 2024
Effects of Tile Drainage on Restored Oxbows as Habitat for Endangered Topeka Shiners and other Biota December 2021
An Index of Oxbow Restoration Quality for Topeka Shiners Based on the Fish Assemblage December 2021
Bighorn sheep respiratory disease monitoring September 2022
Developing capture techniques and monitoring the movement of sandhill cranes breeding in Iowa December 2025
Ecology of Canada geese in urban area of Iowa September 2021
Farmed and CREP Wetland Amphibian Populations in the Des Moines Lobe of Central Iowa December 2016
Deterrence of Asian Carp in the UMR May 2019
Fish Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Iowa's Non-wadeable Rivers: Distribution, Relative Abundance and Relationships with Instream Habitat and Potential Movement Barriers December 2012
Evaluation of Controls, Impacts and Behaviors of Asican Carp in the Lower UMR October 2019
Evaluating Restored Mussel Population Genetics and Survivorship May 2020
Amphibian Occupancy and Effects of Habitat Use on Chemical Exposure in Northern Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipens) in Iowa Prairie Pothole Wetlands December 2018
Factors Affecting Mercury Concentrations in Iowa Fishes December 2016
Habitat Improvement Projects for Stream and Oxbow Fish of Greatest Conservation Need June 2018
Boone River Watershed (BRW) Stream Fish and Habitat Monitoring, IA December 2018
Asian Carp population ecology in tributaries of the upper Mississippi River December 2018
Monitoring protocol for otter and bobcat in Iowa December 2020
A case study of the Americorp Program November 2015
Grassland bird and invertebrate response to grassland diversity in restored plantings in northwestern Iowa August 2017
Research Publications Publication Date
Thomson, D. L., M. J. Conroy, D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, E. G. Cooch, C. M. Francis, J. D. Lebreton, M. S. Lindberg, B. J. T. Morgan, D. L. Otis, and G. C. White. 2009. Standardizing terminology and notation for the analysis of demographic processes in marked populations, pp 1099-1106 in Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations, Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3. Thomson, D.L., E.G. Cooch, and M.J. Conroy (Eds.). Springer, New York, NY. | Publisher Website April 2009
Zweep, J.S., C.N. Jacques, S.E. Jenkins, R.W. Klaver, and S.A. Dubay. Nest tree use by Southern flying squirrels in fragmented midwestern landscapes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42:430-437. | Abstract | Download September 2018
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, K. E. Schilling, and N. C. Young. 2018. The development of GIS methodology to identify oxbows and former stream meanders from LiDAR-derived digital elevation models. Remote Sensing December 2018
Yaw, T. J., J. E. Swanson, C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. L. Smalling, M. W. Vandever, and B. A. Zaffarano. 2017. Placement of intracoelomic radio transmitters and silicone passive sampling devices in northern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens). Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 27:111-115. September 2017
Whiting, J.C., D. D. Olson, J. M. Shannon, R. T. Bowyer, R. W. Klaver and J. T. Flinders. 2012. Timing and synchrony of births in bighorn sheep: implications for reintroduction and conservation. Wildlife Research 39(7): 565-572. | Abstract | Download October 2012
Vogel, J., R. Koford, and D. Otis. 2011. Assessing the role of conspecific attraction in habitat restoration for Henslow’s sparrows in Iowa. Prairie Naturalist 43:23-28. June 2011
Vogel, J. A., R. R. Koford, and D. M. Debinski. 2010. Direct and indirect responses of tallgrass prairie butterflies to prescribed burning. Journal of Insect Conservation 14:663-677. | Publisher Website May 2010
Vogel, J. A., D. M. Debinski , R. R. Koford, and J. R. Miller. 2007. Butterfly responses to prairie restoration through fire and grazing. Biological Conservation 140:78-90 October 2007
Tyler J. Grant, Peter G. Eyheralde, Melissa S. C. Telemeco, Amy L. Moorhouse, Rebecca A. Reeves, Karin Grimlund, Amy Podaril, Sarah E. Emeterio, and Robert W. Klaver. 2014. Book Review: Conservation by Proxy: Indicator, Umbrella, Keystone, Flagship, and Other Surrogate Species. Prairie Naturalist 46:109-110. | Download January 2015
Turner, M. M., C. S. DePerno, M. C. Conner, T. . Eyler, Ri. A. Lancia, R. W. Klaver, M. K. Stoskopf. Habitat, Wildlife and One Health: Arcanobacterium pyogenes in Maryland and Upper Eastern Shore White-tailed Deer Populations. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology 2013, 3: 19175 - | Abstract August 2013
Tucker, A.M., McGowan, C.P., Nuse, B.L., Lyons, J.E., Moore, C.T., Smith, D.R., Sweka, J.A., Anstead, K.A., DeRose‐Wilson, A. and Clark, N.A. (2023). Estimating recruitment rate and population dynamics at a migratory stopover site using an integrated population model. Ecosphere, 14(2). doi: | Abstract December 2022
Tucker, A.M. and M.C. Runge. 2021. Optimal strategies for managing wildlife harvest under system change. Journal of Wildlife Management, 85(5): 847-854. April 2021
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Lyons JE, Derose-Wilson A, Clark NA. 2021. Species-specific demographic and behavioral responses to food availability during migratory stopover. Population Ecology. July 2021
Thomas, J. T., M. E. Culler, D. C. Dermisis, C. L. Pierce, A. N. Papanicolaou, T. W. Stewart, and C. J. Larson. 2011. Effects of grade control structures on fish passage, biological assemblages, and hydraulic environments in western Iowa streams: a multidisciplinary review. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra November 2011
Szcodronski. Kimberly E., Diane M. Debinski, and Robert W. Klaver. 2018. Occupancy modeling of Paranassius clodius butterfly populations in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Journal of Insect Conservation 22:267-276. | Abstract | Download May 2018
Swearingen, T.C., Klaver, R.W., Anderson, C.R. and Jacques, C.N. (2023). Influence of camera model and alignment on the performance of paired camera stations. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 47(2). doi: November 2022
Swanson, J. E., E. Muths, C. L. Pierce, S. J. Dinsmore, M. W. Vandever, M. L. Hladik, amd K. L. Smalling. 2018. Exploring the amphibian exposome in an agricultural landscape using telemetry and passive sampling. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:10045. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28132-3. June 2018
Swanson, J. E., C. L. Pierce, S. J. Dinsmore, K. L. Smalling, T. W. Stewart, M. W. Vandever, and E. Muths. 2019. Factors influencing anuran wetland occupancy in an agricultural landscape. Herpetologica January 2019
Swanson, C. C., M. A. Rumble, T. W. Grovenburg, N. W. Kaczor, K. M. Herman-Burnson, R. W. Klaver, J. A. Jenks, and K. C. Jensen. Greater sage-grouse winter habitat use on the eastern fringe of their range. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:486-494. | Abstract | Download April 2013
Sullivan, C. J., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and C. A. Camacho. A comparison of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) population characteristics upstream and downstream of Lock and Dam 19 of the Upper Mississippi River. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11(1):99-111. June 2020
Sullivan, C. J., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, D. H. Wahl, Q. E. Phelps, C. A. Camacho, and R. E. Colombo. 2018. Factors regulating year-class strength of silver carp throughout the Mississippi River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:541-553. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10054 | Abstract March 2018
Sullivan, C. J., C. A. Camacho, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2017. Intra-annual variability of Silver Carp populations in the Des Moines River, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:836-849. DOI: June 2017
Sullivan, C. J., C. A. Camacho, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce. 2018. Influence of river discharge on grass carp occupancy dynamics in southeastern Iowa rivers. River Research and Applications 2018:1-8. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3385 November 2018
Stephenson, M.D., Schulte, L.A., Klaver, R.W. and Niemi, J. (2021). Miniature temperature data loggers increase precision and reduce bias when estimating the daily survival rate for bird nests. Journal of Field Ornithology. doi:
‌ | Abstract | Download
December 2021
Stephenson, M.D., L.A. Schulte, and R.W. Klaver. 2019. Quantifying thermal imager effectiveness for detecting bird nest on farms. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:302-307 | Abstract | Download June 2019
Stephenson, M. D., L. A. Schulte, and R. W. Klaver. 2024. The relative contributions of habitat area, configuration, and vegetative diversity on snake and lizard presence in agricultural landscapes. Conservation Science and Practice:16. May 2024
Stephenson, M. D., K. L. Yuza, L. A. Schulte, and R. W. Klaver. 2024. Habitat amount and edge effects, not perch proximity, nest exposure, or vegetation diversity affect cowbird parasitism in agricultural landscapes. Landscape Ecology 39:69-69. March 2024
Smith, J.B., S.K. Windels, T. Wolf, R.W. Klaver, J.L. Belant. 2016. Do transmitters affect fitness of American beavers (Castor Canadensis)? Wildlife Biology 22:117 - 123 | Abstract | Download May 2016
Smith, J.B., J.A. Jenks, T.W. Grovenburg, and R.W. Klaver. Disease and Predation: Sorting out Causes of a Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Decline. Plos One 9: e88271 | Abstract | Download February 2014
Smalling, K. L., R. A. Reeves, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, W. A. Battaglin, M. L. Hladik, and C. L. Pierce. 2015. Pesticide concentrations in frog tissue and wetland habitats in a landscape dominated by agriculture. Science of the Total Environment 502 (2015):80-90. September 2014
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2012. Habitat associations of fish species of greatest conservation need at multiple spatial scales in wadeable Iowa streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1046-1061. October 2012
Sindt, A. R., J. R. Fischer, M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2011. Ictalurids in Iowa’s streams and rivers: status, distribution, and relationships with biotic integrity. Pages 335-347 in Conservation, Ecology & Management of Worldwide Catfish Populations & Habitats. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77, Bethesda, Maryland. August 2011
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2012. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: current status and effectiveness of Aquatic Gap Program distribution models. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:135-146. March 2012
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. Occurrence, abundance, and associations of Topeka shiners (Notropis topeka) in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota, USA. August 2019
Shoup, D. E., S. P. Callahan, D. H. Wahl, and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Size-specific growth of bluegill, largemouth bass and channel catfish in relation to prey availability and limnological variables. Journal of Fish Biology 70:21-34. January 2007
Scott, D. P., J. B. Berdeen, D. L. Otis, and R. L. Fendrick. 2004. Harvest parameters of urban and rural morning doves in Ohio. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:694-700. July 2004
Schuler, K.L., J.A. Jenks, R.W. Klaver, C.S. Jennelle, and R.T. Bowyer. Infectious disease and cause-specific mortality in a semi-protected deer population. Journal of Wildlife Management. Wildlife Biology | Abstract | Download September 2018
Schilling, K. E., K. Wilke, C. L. Pierce, K. Kult, and A. Kenney. 2019. Multi-purpose oxbows as a new nitrogen reduction practice in the agricultural Midwest. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 4:190035. October 2019
Sasmal, I., R.W. Klaver, J.A. Jenks, and G.M. Schroeder. 2016. Age-specific survival of reintroduced swift fox in Badlands National Park and surrounding lands. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:217-223 | Abstract | Download June 2016
Sanders, F. J., R. Costa, and D. L. Otis. 2004. Use of modified artificial cavities to access red-cockaded woodpecker nests. Proceedings of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker Symposium IV: 453-458. July 2005
Runge, M.C., P.K. Devers, G.S. Boomer, J.E. Lyons, A.M. Tucker, Q. Zhao, and J.A. Diamond. 2023. Managing waterfowl harvest under climate change. Report to the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. September 2023
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2009. Physical habitat and fish assemblage relationships with landscape variables at multiple spatial scales in wadeable Iowa streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1333-1351. September 2009
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2009. Fish assemblage relationships with physical habitat in wadeable Iowa streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1314-1332. September 2009
Ribic, C. A., R. R. Koford, J. R. Herkert, D. H. Johnson, N. D. Niemuth, D. Naugle, K. K. Bakker, D.W. Sample, and R.B. Renfrew. 2009. Area sensitivity in North American grassland birds: patterns and processes. The Auk 126: 233-244. April 2009
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, M. W. Vandever, E. Muths, and K. L. Smalling. 2017. Amphibians, pecticides, and the amphibian chytrid fungus in restored wetlands in agricultural landscapes. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12:68-77. April 2017
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths., K. L. Smalling, R. W. Klaver, M. W. Vandever and W. A. Battaglin. 2015. Restored agricultural wetlands in central Iowa: habitat quality and amphibian response. Wetlands 36(1):101-110 (DOI 10.1007/s13157-015-0720-9). January 2016
Ray, Andrew M., Blake R. Hossack, William R. Gould, Debra A. Patla, Stephen F. Spear, Robert W. Klaver, Paul E. Bartelt, David P. Thoma, Kristin L. Legg, Rob Daley, P. Stephen Corn, Charles R. Peterson. 2022. Multi-species amphibian monitoring across a protected landscape: Critical reflections on 15 years of wetland monitoring in Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks. Ecological Indicators 135: 108519. | Abstract | Download February 2022
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, P. J. Braaten, C. L. Pierce, and V. H. Travnicek. 2002. Potential influence of harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Missouri River system: a case for pro-active management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:537-549. February 2002
Potter, L. M., D. L. Otis, and T. R. Bogenschutz. 2011. Nest success of northern bobwhite on managed and unmanaged landscapes in southeast Iowa. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:46-52. March 2011
Pierce, C. L., N. T. Simpson, A. P. Bybel, C. L. Zambory, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2019. Status of the Topeka shiner in Iowa. American Midland Naturalist 182:109-117. July 2019
Pierce, C. L., N. L. Ahrens, A. K. Loan-Wilsey, G. A. Simmons, and G. T. Gelwicks. 2013. Fish assemblage relationships with physical characteristics and presence of dams in three eastern Iowa rivers. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2654. April 2013
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham, H. Liao and J. G. Larscheid. 2001. Dynamics of the littoral fish assemblage in Spirit Lake, Iowa and implications for prey availability for piscivores. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:884-896. December 2001
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham and J. G. Larscheid. 2001. Short-term variability and long-term change in the composition of the littoral zone fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa. American Midland Naturalist 146(2):290-299. September 2001
Pierce, C. L., A. M. Corcoran, A. N. Gronbach, S. Hsia, B. J. Mularkey, and A. J. Schwartzhoff. 2001. Influence of diel period on electrofishing and beach seining assessments of littoral fish assemblages. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:918-926. December 2001
Phillips, M. L., W. R. Clark, M. A. Sovada, D. J. Horn, and R. R. Koford. 2003. Predator selection of prairie landscape features and its relation to duck nest success. Journal of Wildlife Management 67:104-114 April 2003
Phillips, E.C., C.P. Lehman, R.W. Klaver, A.R. Jarding, S.P. Rupp, J.A. Jenks, and C.N. Jacques. Evaluation of an elk detection probability model in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Western North American Naturalist79:551-565. | Abstract | Download December 2019
Peters, K. A., and D. L. Otis. 2007. Shorebird roost-site selection at two temporal scales is human disturbance a factor? Journal of Applied Ecology 44:196-209. January 2007
Peters, K. A., and D. L. Otis. 2007. Shorebird roost-site selection at two temporal scales is human disturbance a factor? Journal of Applied Ecology 44:196-209. February 2007
Peters, K. A., and D. L. Otis. 2006. Wading bird response to recreational boat traffic on a national wildlife refuge in South Carolina: Does flushing translate into site avoidance? Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:1383-1392. December 2006
Peters, K. A., and D L. Otis. 2005. Using the risk-disturbance hypothesis to assesseffects of human disturbance and predation risk on foraging American oystercatchers. Condor 107: 715-724. August 2005
Penne, C. R., and C. L. Pierce. 2008. Seasonal distribution, aggregation, and habitat selection of common carp in Clear Lake, Iowa. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1050-1062. June 2008
Penne, C. R., N. L. Ahrens, R. C. Summerfelt, and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Effect of relative transmitter volume on expulsion of radio transmitters in subadult common carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:986-991. August 2007
Pelham, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. 2001. Diet dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, 1997-1998. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 10:198-211. December 2001
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. 2002. Fish community structure in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone Rivers in relation to flow characteristics. Hydrobiologia 479: 155-167. October 2002
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. 2002. Classification of reaches in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone Rivers based on flow characteristics. River Research and Applications 18:31-42. January 2002
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. 2001. Growth rate responses of Missouri and lower Yellowstone River fishes to a latitudinal gradient. Journal of Fish Biology 59(6):1529-1543. December 2001
Pegg, M. A., C. L. Pierce, and A. Roy. 2003. Effects of channelization and impoundment on flow in the Missouri River: a time-series analysis of daily mean flow. Aquatic Sciences 65: 63-72. April 2003
Parks, T. P, M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2014. Historical changes in fish assemblage structure in Midwestern nonwadeable rivers. American Midland Naturalist 171:27-53. January 2014
Parks, T. P, M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2014. Anthropogenic disturbance and environmental associations with fish assemblage structure in two nonwadeable rivers. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.2844. October 2014
Palic, D., L. Helland, B. R. Pedersen, J. R. Pribil, R. M. Grajeda, A. K. Loan-Wilsey and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Fish assemblages of the upper Little Sioux River basin, Iowa, USA: relationships with stream size and comparison with historical assemblages. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22(1):69-79. April 2007
Otis, D. L., and G. C. White. 2005. Evaluation of ultrastructure and random effects band recovery models for estimating relationships between survival and harvest rates in exploited populations. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 157 - 173. February 2005
Otis, D. L., and G. C. White. 2002. Re-analysis of a banding study totest effects of an experimental increase in bag limits of mourning doves. In Morgan, B. J. T. and Thomson, D. L., Eds. Statistical Analysis of Datafrom Marked Bird Populations. Journal of Applied Statistics 29, nos1-4. May 2002
Otis, D. L., J. H. Schulz, and D. P. Scott. 2008. Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) harvest and population parameters derived from a national banding study. U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Technical Publication FWS-BTP-R3010-2008. Washington, DC. February 2008
Otis, D. L. 2006. A mourning dove hunting regulation strategy based on annual harvest statistics and banding data. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1302-1307. November 2006
Otis, D. L. 2004. Comparison of the distribution of mallard harvestin the Mississippi and Atlantic Flyways between periods of restrictive and liberal hunting regulations. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:351-359. April 2004
Otis, D. L. 2003. A framework for reproductive models of mourningdove populations. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 110:13-17. July 2003
Otis, D. L. 2002. Survival models for harvest management of mourning dove populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:1052-1064 October 2002
Otis, D. L. 2001. Quantitative training of wildlife graduate students. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:1043-1049. December 2001
Otis, D. L. Mourning dove banding needs assessment. 2009. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Population and Habitat Assessment Branch. Laurel, MD. September 2009
Nusser, S. M, W. R. Clark, D. L. Otis, and L. Huang. Sampling considerations for surveillance in wildlife populaitons. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:52-60. January 2008
Nixon, B.A., Evelsizer, V. and Klaver, R.W. (2024). Evaluating habitat use and relative abundance of Iowa’s river otter with harvest data. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 48(3). doi:
September 2024
Ness, B.N., and R.W. Klaver. 2016 Canada Goose nest survival in rural wetlands in north-central Iowa. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:705-713. | Abstract | Download December 2016
Ness, B.N., R.W. Klaver, and G.G. Zenner. 2017. Canada Goose nest success and nest densities on islands at Rice Lake Wildlife Management Area: 25 years later. Prairie Naturalist 49:37-40. July 2017
Mosby, C. E., T. W. Grovenburg, R. W. Klaver, and J. A. Jenks. 2012. Microhabitat selection by bobcats in the Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota, USA: a comparison of prairie and forested habitats. The Prairie Naturalist 44:47–57 | Abstract | Download June 2012
Monteith, K.L., R.W. Klaver, K.R. Hersey, A.A. Holland, T.P. Thomas, and M.J. Kauffman. 2015. Effects of climate and plant phenology on recruitment of moose at the southern extent of their range. Oecologia 178-1137-1148. | Abstract March 2015
Mills, N., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and D. Cashatt. 2019. Factors influencing fish mercury concentrations in Iowa rivers. Ecotoxicology January 2019
Mills, N., D. Cashatt, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2018. A case study and a meta-analysis of seasonal variation in fish mercury concentrations. Ecotoxicology (2018). May 2018
Miller, D. A., C. M. Vleck and D. L. Otis. 2009. Individual variation in baseline and stress-induced prolactin and corticosterone levels predicts parental effort by nesting mourning doves. Hormones and Behavior 56:457-464. Functional Ecology October 2009
Miller, D. A. and D. L. Otis. 2010. Calibrating recruitment estimates for mourning doves from harvest age ratios. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1070-1080. July 2010
Middleton, A.D., M.J. Kauffman, D.E. McWhirter, M.D. Jimenez, J.G. Cook, R.C. Cook, S.E. Albeke, H. Sawyer, and P.J. White. 2013. Linking anti-predator behavior to prey demography reveals limited risk effects of an actively hunting large carnivore. Ecology Letters 16:1023-1030. December 2013
Middleton, A.D., M.J. Kauffman, D.E. McWhirter, J.G. Cook, R.C. Cook, A.A. Nelson, M.D. Jimenez, and R.W. Klaver. 2013. Animal migration amid shifting patterns of phenology and predation: lessons from a Yellowstone elk herd. Ecology 94:1245-1256. December 2013
Middleton, A. D., M. J. Kauffman, D. E. McWhirter, J. G. Cook, R. C. Cook, A. A. Nelson, M. D. Jimenez, and R. W. Klaver. 2012. Rejoinder: challenge and opportunity in the study of ungulate migration amid environmental change. Ecology 94:1280-1286. | Download June 2013
Middleton, A. D., M. J. Kauffman, D. E. McWhirter, J. G. Cook, R. C. Cook, A. A. Nelson, M. D. Jimenez, and R. W. Klaver. 2012. Animal migration amid shifting patterns of phenology and predation: lessons from a Yellowsone elk herd. Ecology 94:1245-1256 | Abstract | Download June 2013
Michel, E.S., J.A. Jenks, K.D. Kaskie,, R.W. Klaver, and W. F. Jensen. 2018. Weather and landscape factors affect white-tailed deer neonates at ecologically important life stages in the Northern Great Plains.. PLoS ONE 13:e0195247 | Abstract | Download April 2018
Melendez Perez, A.A., D. Camarena, J.M.H. Ford, L.A.W. Gapinski, A.M. Hatch, B.E. Klossing, A.A. Yappert, R.W. Klaver. Book Review: America’s Public Lands: From Yellowstone to Smokey Bear and Beyond. Journal of Wildlife Management. | Download October 2023
McCombs et al. 2016. Large Carnivore conservation. Journal of Mammalogy 97:1256–1261. | Download July 2016
Luukkonen, B.Z, O.E. Jones, and R.W. Klaver. Survival and recovery rates of Canada geese banded in urban and rural areas of Iowa, USA. 2021. Journal of Wildlife Management 85: 283 - 292 | Abstract | Download March 2021
Loda, J. L. and D. L. Otis 2009. Low prevalence of amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachocytrium dendrobatis) in Northern Leopar Frog (Rana pipiens) populations of north-central Iowa, USA. Herpetological Review 40:428-431. October 2009
Litvan, M. E., T. W. Stewart, C. L. Pierce, and C. J. Larson. 2008. Effects of grade control structures on the macroinvertebrate assemblage of an agriculturally-impacted stream. River Research and Applications 24:218-233. January 2008
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart, and C. J. Larson. 2008. Fish passage in a western Iowa stream modified by grade control structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1384-1397. October 2008
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart, and C. J. Larson. 2008. Fish assemblages in a western Iowa stream modified by grade control structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1398-1413. October 2008
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Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. 2004. Consumption Dynamics of the Adult Piscivorous Fish Community in Spirit Lake, Iowa. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:890-902. August 2004
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Lang, B.J., P.M. Dixon, R.W. Klaver, J.R. Thompson, and M.P. Widrlechner. Characterizing urban butterfly populations: the case for purposive point-count surveys. Urban Ecosystems. 22:1083 - 1096 | Abstract | Download November 2019
Kramer, N. W., Q. E. Phelps, C. L. Pierce, and M. E. Colvin. 2019. A food web modelling assessment of Asian Carp impacts in the Middle and Upper Mississippi River. Food Webs. September 2019
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Klaver, R.W., D. Backlund, P.E. Bartelt, M.G. Erickson, C.J. Knowles, P.R. Knowles, and M.C. Wimberly. 2012. Spatial analysis of northern Goshawk territories in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Condor 114:532-543 | Abstract | Download August 2012
Klaver, R.W., C.R. Peterson, and D.A. Patla. 2013. Influence of water conductivity on amphibian occupancy in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Western North American Naturalist 73: 184-197 | Abstract | Download July 2013
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Johnson, D.H., S. K. Davis, and R. R. Koford. Conservation planning for prairie waterfowl: what are we doing for grassland birds? Pp. 2-8 in D. Williams, B. Butler, and D. Smith, eds. Restoring a National Treasure. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second North American Prairie Conference; 2010 August 1-5; Cedar Falls, IA. University of Northern Iowa. March 2012
Jain, A., R. Koford, A. Hancock, and G. Zenner. 2011. Bat mortality and activity at a northern Iowa wind resource area. American Midland Naturalist 165:185-200. January 2011
Jacques, C.N., R.W. Klaver, T.C. Swearingen, E.D. Davis, C.R. Anderson, J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and R.D. Bluett. 2019. Estimating detection and density of bobcats with capture-mark-recapture data from camera traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:256-264. | Abstract | Download June 2019
Jacques, C.N., Klaver, R.W., DePerno, C.S. and Rockhill, A.P. (2024). COMPARING THE EFFICACY OF TWO IMMOBILIZATION DRUG COMBINATIONS FOR THE CHEMICAL RESTRAINT OF BOBCATS (LYNX RUFUS). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 60(1). doi: | Abstract | Download January 2024
Jacques, C.N., J.S. Zweep, S.E. Jenkins, and R.W. Klaver. 2107. Survival and Home Range Use of Southern Flying Squirrels in West-Central Illinois. Journal of Mammalogy 98:1479-1488 | Abstract | Download September 2017
Jacques, C.N., J.S. Zweep, M.E. Scheihing, W.T. Rechkemmer, S.E. Jenkins, R.W. Klaver, and S.A. Dubay. 2107. Influence of Trap Modifications and Environmental Predictors on Capture Success of Southern Flying Squirrels . Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:313-321. | Abstract | Download September 2017
Jacques, C.N., J.A. Jenks, T.W. Grovenburg, and R.W. Klaver. 2015. Influence of habitat and intrinsic characteristics on survival of neonatal pronghorn PLoS ONE 10: e0144026 | Abstract | Download December 2015
Jacques, C.N., J.A. Jenks, T.W. Grovenburg, R.W. Klaver, and S.A. Dubay. 2015. Influence of ecological factors on prevalence of meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) infection in South Dakota, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51: 332-340 | Abstract | Download April 2015
Jacques, C.N., J.A. Jenks, R.W. Klaver, and S.A. Dubay. 2017. Associations among habitat characteristics and meningeal worm prevalence in eastern South Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 53:131-135 | Abstract | Download January 2017
Jacques, C.N., J. A. Jenks, T. W. Grovenburg, R. W. Klaver, C. S. DePerno. 2014. Development and evaluation of a pronghorn sightability model in the Northern Great Plains Journal of Wildlife Managment 78:164-174. | Abstract | Download January 2014
Jacobs, R. B., F. R. Thompson, III, R. R. Koford, F. A. La Sorte, H. Woodward, and J. A. Fitzgerald. 2012. Habitat and landscape effects on grassland birds in Missouri. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:372-381 January 2012
Jacobs, B., R. R. Koford, F. R. Thompson, III, H. Woodward, M. Hubbard, J. A. Fitzgerald, and J. R. Herkert. 2005. The grassland bird conservation efforts in Missouri and Iowa: how will we measure success? Proceedings of the Asilomar Partners in Flight Conference, 2002. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191. July 2005
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Hovick, T. J., J. R. Miller, R. R. Koford, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Debinski. 2011. Postfledging survival of grasshopper sparrows in grasslands managed with fire and grazing. Condor 113:429-437 May 2011
Horn, D. J., and R. R. Koford. 2006. Landscape Composition Influences Relationship Between Abundance of Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) and Field Size. Proceedings of the North American Prairie Conference 19:109-116 July 2006
Horn, D. J., and R. R. Koford. 2002. Effects of field size and landscape composition on grassland birds in south-central Iowa. J. Iowa Acad. Sci. 109:1-7 September 2001
Horn, D. J., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Relation of grassland bird abundance to mowing of Conservation Reserve Program fields in North Dakota. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 28:653-659. October 2000
Horn, D. J., R. J. Fletcher, Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Detecting area-sensitivity: a comment on previous studies. American Midland Naturalist 144:28-35. July 2000
Horn, D. J., M. L. Phillips, R. R. Koford, W. R. Clark, M. A. Sovada, and R. J. Greenwood. 2005. Landscape composition, patch size, and distance to edges: interactions affecting duck reproductive success. Ecological Applications 15:1367-1376. August 2005
Higgins, K.F., K.J. Jenkins, G.K. Clambey, D.W. Uresk, D.E. Naugle, R.W. Klaver, J.E. Norland, K.C. Jensen, and W.T. Barker. 2012. Vegetation sampling and measurement. In N.J. Silvy (editor) The Wildlife Techniques Manual: Research 7th Edition, Volume 1. April 2012
Herkert, J. R., D. L. Reinking, D. A. Wiedenfeld, M. Winter, J. L. Zimmerman, W. E. Jensen, E. J. Finck, R. R. Koford, D. H. Wolfe, S. K. Sherrod, M. A. Jenkins, J. Faaborg, and S. K. Robinson. 2003. Effects of prairie fragmentation on the nest success of breeding birds in the midcontinental United States. Conservation Biology 17:587-594 April 2003
Heitke, J. D., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks, G. A. Simmons, and G. L. Siegwarth. 2006. Habitat, land use and fish assemblage relationships in Iowa streams: preliminary assessment in an agricultural landscape. Pages 287-303 in L. Wang, and R. Hughes, editors. Influences of landscape on stream habitat and biological communities. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 48, Bethesda, Maryland. August 2006
Grovenburg, T.W., R.W. Klaver, C.N. Jacques, T.J. Brinkman, C.C. Swanson, C.S. DePerno, K.L. Monteith, J.D. Sievers, V.C. Bleich, J.G. Kie, J.A. Jenks. 2013. Influence of Landscape characteristics on retension of expandable radiocollars on young ungulates. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38: 89-95 | Abstract | Download March 2014
Grovenburg, T.W., K.L. Monteith, C.N. Jacques, R.W. Klaver, C.S. DePerno, T.J. Brinkman, K.B. Montieth, S.L. Gilbert, J.B. Smith, V.C. Bleich, C.C. Swanson, and J.A. Jenks. Re-evaluating neonatal age models for ungulates: does model choice affect survival estimates? PLoS ONE 9(9): e108797. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108797 | Abstract | Download October 2014
Grovenburg, T. W., R. W. Klaver, and J. A. Jenks. 2012. Survival of white-tailed deer fawns in the grasslands of the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:944-956. | Abstract | Download June 2012
Grovenburg, T. W., K.L. Monteith, R. W. Klaver, and J. A. Jenks. 2012. Predator evasion by white-tailed deer fawns. Animal Behaviour 84:59-65. | Abstract | Download June 2012
Grovenburg, T. W., C. N. Jacques, C. S. DePerno, C. P. Lehman, T. J. Brinkman, R. W. Klaver, K. A. Robling, and J. A. Jenks. Heterogeneity in habitat type and vertical height: effects on accuracy of radiotelemetry locations. Wildlife Biology 19:30-40. | Abstract | Download March 2013
Grovenburg, R.W. Klaver, and J.A. Jenks. 2012. Spatial Ecology of White-Tailed Deer Fawns in the Northern Great Plains: Implications of Loss of Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:632-644. | Abstract | Download April 2012
Greenberg, C., D. L. Otis, and T. Waldrop. 2006. Response of wite-footed mice (Peromyscus leacopus) to fire and fire surrogate fuel reduction treatments in a southern Appalachian hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 234:355-362. October 2006
Giese, J.C., M. Agee, C.G. Campbell, A. Hatch, C. Mitsdarfer, Ann-Ultelie Poincon, R. C. Russell, H. N. Chamberlain-Irwin, M. Kastner, D. Franklin, and R.W. Klaver. 2023. Book Review: Restoring the Balance: What Wolves Tell Us About Our Relationship with Nature. Journal of Mammalogy 104:425-427 | Download April 2023
Giese, J. C., L. A. Schulte, and R. W. Klaver. 2024. Bird community response to field-level integration of prairie strips. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 374:9075-9075. July 2024
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. 2007. Simulated effects of recruitment variability, exploitation, and reduced habitat area on the unique muskellunge population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:77-88. March 2007
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. 2007. Population dynamics and angler exploitation of the unique muskellunge population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:63-76. March 2007
Ford, J. M. H., A. A. M. Perez, L. A. W. Gapinski, J. M. Kaloczi, M. Rohde, T. Siddons, R. O. Wilson, A. A. Yappert, and R. W. Klaver. 2024. Wildlife Stewardship on Tribal Lands: Our Place is in Our Soul. Journal of Wildlife Management 88:NIL_18-NIL_21. July 2024
Fletcher, R., and R. R. Koford. 2003. Changes in bird populations with habitat restoration in northern Iowa. American Midland Naturalist 150:83-94 June 2003
Fletcher, R. J., and R. R. Koford. 2003. Spatial responses of an area-sensitive songbird near different types of edges. Auk120:799-810. July 2003
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2004. Consequences of rainfall variation for breeding wetland blackbirds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82:1316-1325 November 2004
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2002. Habitat and landscape associations of breeding birds in native and restored grasslands. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:1011-1022 November 2002
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., R. R. Koford, and D. A. Seaman. 2006. Critical demographic parameters for declining songbirds breeding in restored grasslands. J. Wildlife Management 70:145-157. January 2006
Fischer, J. R., B. D. Bakevich, C. P. Shea, C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Floods, drying, habitat connectivity and fish occupancy dynamics in restored and unrestored oxbows of west-central Iowa, USA. Aquatic Conservation: Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems 28:630-640. June 2018
Dunham, K.D., A.M. Tucker, D.N. Koons, A. Abebe, F.S. Dobson, and J.B. Grand. 2021. Demographic responses to climate change in a threatened Arctic species. Ecology and Evolution 11(15): 10627-10643. July 2021
Duehr, J. P., M. J. Siepker, C. L. Pierce, and T. M. Isenhart. 2007. Relationships of riparian buffer strips to in-stream habitat, macroinvertebrates and fish in a small Iowa stream. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 113:49-55. June 2007
Datta, S., J. A. Jenks, K. C. Jensen, C. C. Swanson, R. W. Klaver, I. Sasmal, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2015. Mate Replacement and Alloparental Care in Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis). Prairie Naturalist 47:36-37 | Download June 2015
Craig, R.J., and R.W. Klaver. 2013. Factors influencing graphic patterns in diversity of forest bird communities of eastern Connecticut, USA. Ecography 36:599-609 | Abstract | Download May 2013
Coulter, A. A., M. J. Moore, J. Golcher-Benavides, F. J. Rahel, A. W. Walters, S. K. Brewer, M. L. Wildhaber. A synthesis of the characteristics and drivers of introduced fishes in prairie streams: can we manage introduced harmful fishes in these dynamic environments? Biological Invasions. | Abstract November 2024
Cordts, S., G. Zenner, and R. Koford. 2002. Comparison of helicopter and ground counts for waterfowl in Iowa. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:317-326 September 2002
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2015. A food web modeling analysis of a Midwestern, USA eutrophic lake dominated by non-native Common Carp and Zebra Mussels. Ecological Modeling 312:26-40. June 2015
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2012. Semi-discrete biomass dynamic modeling: an improved approach for assessing fish stock responses to pulsed harvest events. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69:1710-1721. October 2012
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart, and Scott E. Grummer. 2012. Strategies to control a common carp (Cyprinus carpio) population by pulsed commercial harvest. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1251-1264. November 2012
Christianson, D., R.W. Klaver, A. Middleton, and M. Kauffman. 2013. Confounded winter and spring phenoclimatology on large herbivore ranges. Landscape Ecology 28:427–437. January 2013
Ceccato, P., C. Vancutsem, R. Klaver, J. Rowland, and S.J. Connor. 2012. A vectorial capacity product to monitor changing malaria transmission potential in epidemic regions of Africa. Journal of Tropical Medicine 2012:1-6. | Abstract | Download February 2012
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2019. Morphological identification of Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, and Grass Carp eggs using random forests machine learning classification. North American Journal of Fisheries Management October 2019
Brennan, A., P. C. Cross, M. Higgs, J. P. Beckmann, R. W. Klaver, B. M. Scurlock, and S. Creel. 2013. Inferential consequences of modeling rather than measuring snow accumulation in studies of animal ecology. Ecological Applications 23:643-653. | Abstract | Download April 2013
Bouska, K., B. Healy, M. Moore, C. Dunn, J. Spurgeon, and C. Paukert. 2023. Diverse portfolios: investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website March 2023
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Blanchong, J.A., C.A. Anderson, N. Clark, R.W. Klaver, P.J. Plummer, M.Cox, C. McAdoo and P. Wolff. Respiratory Disease, Behavior, and Survival of Mountain Goat Kids. Journal of Wildlife Management. 82:1243-1251. | Abstract | Download June 2018
Berdeen, J. B., and D. L. Otis. 2006. The influence of subcutaneous transmitter implants on the weight change and survival of mourning doves. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:93-104. May 2006
Bartelt, P.E., and R.W. Klaver. Response of anurans to wetland restoration on a midwestern agriculture landscape. Journal of Herpetology 51:505-514. | Abstract | Download October 2017
Bartelt, P.E., Thornton, P.E. and Klaver, R.W. (2022). Modelling physiological costs to assess impacts of climate change on amphibians in Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A. Ecological Indicators, 135, p.108575. doi: | Abstract | Download February 2022
Bartelt, P.E., DeVries, A.T. and Klaver, R.W. (2023). Response of Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma t. tigrinum) to Wetland Restoration in a Midwestern Agricultural Landscape, U.S.A. Ichthyology & Herpetology, 111(4). doi: | Abstract | Download November 2023
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Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2013. Habitat, fish species, and fish assemblage associations of the Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1258-1268. November 2013
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Arnett, E. B., W. K. Brown, W. P. Erickson, J. K. Fiedler, B. L. Hamilton, T. H. Henry, A. Jain, G. D. Johnson, J. Kerns, R. R. Koford, C. P. Nicholson, T. J. O'Connell, M. Piorkowski, and R. D. Tankersley, Jr. 2008. Patterns of bat fatalities at wind energy facilities in North America. J. Wildl. Manage. 72:61-78. January 2008
Presentations Presentation Date
Zambory, C.L., Pierce, C.L., Roe, K.J., Weber, M.J. 2017. Off-Channel Mapping for Identifying and Prioritizing Topeka Shiner Restoration Sites (contributed paper). Society for Conservation GIS Meeting, Monterey, CA, July 2017. July 2017
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, N. Young, and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Integrating LiDAR landscape analysis and species distribution models to prioritize areas for oxbow restoration. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018. March 2018
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, N. Young, and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Integrating LiDAR landscape analysis and species distribution models to prioritize areas for oxbow restoration. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018. February 2018
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, N. Young, and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Integrating LiDAR landscape analysis and species distribution models to prioritize areas for oxbow restoration (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018. January 2018
Zambory, C. L., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. The use of landscape variable associations with Topeka shiner occupancy of off-channel habitats to prioritize potential restoration sites (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017. March 2017
Zambory, C. L., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Application of Off-channel mapping methodology for identifying and rating oxbow habitats for federally endangered Topeka shiners (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017. March 2017
Yappert, A.A., S.A. Hoepfner, A.M. Tucker, R.B. Lanctot, S.T. Saalfeld, and S.J. Dinsmore. 2024. High-frequency GPS Devices Offer Unprecedented Access to Shorebird Ecology and Movement Information. Oral presentation at the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, New Brunswick, CA. August 2024
Yappert, A.A., A.M. Tucker, R. Lanctot, and S. Dinsmore. Shorebirds and Roads: How Human-altered Landscapes Influence Shorebird Movements in Alaska. USGS Friday Findings Webinar, March 28, 2025. March 2025
Wilson, R., A. Janke, A.M. Tucker, and T. Bogenschutz. 2023. Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Northern Bobwhite Occupancy in an Agricultural Landscape. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2023
White, J.J., T.W. Grovenburg, R.W. Klaver, D.E. Hubbard, T. Runia and J.A. Jenks. 2012. Association of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) and Conservation Reserve Program grasslands during brood-rearing season in eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Cedar Shore Resort and Convention Center. Oacoma, South Dakota. 27– 29 February 2012 February 2012
Weidner, J. A., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks, and G. A. Simmons. Relationships of fish communities and availability of deep-water habitat (poster). American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI, August 2004. August 2004
Vogel, J., and R. Koford. 2010. Bird response to enhanced vegetation diversity in the Spring Run Complex of northeastern Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, December, 2010. December 2010
Vogel, J., R. Koford, and D. Otis. 2011. Reproductive success of red-winged blackbirds in restored grasslands December 2011
Vogel, J., R. Koford, and D. Otis. 2011. Bird response to enhanced vegetation diversity in the Spring Run Complex of northeastern Iowa. Annual Meeting of American Ornithologists' Union, Jacksonville, FL, July, 2011. July 2011
Vaske, M., R. Hupfeld, G. Jones, R. Krogman, D. Paulson, M. Weber, and M. Moore. Assessing the effects of experimental flow releases on Shovelnose Sturgeon spawning in the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation. 2024 North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting. October 2024
Vaske, M., R. Hupfeld, G. Jones, R. Krogman, D. Paulson, M. Weber, and M. Moore. Assessing the effects of experimental flow releases on Shovelnose Sturgeon spawning in the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation. 2024 85TH Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. January 2025
Vaske, M. A., R. N. Hupfeld, G. Jones, R. M. Krogman, D. C. Paulson, M. J. Weber, and M. J. Moore. 2025. Are environmental flow pulses associated with Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) reproduction on the Des Moines River, Iowa? Oral. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference. Boone, IA. March 2025
Vandever, M. W., R. A. Reeves, K. L. Smalling, C. L. Pierce, and E. Muths. 2015. A collaborative, multi-disciplined approach to assess amphibian habitat in restored wetlands in an agricultural landscape. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Lawrence, KS, August 2015. August 2015
Umland, L., T. Hessler., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. A lake sturgeon recovery milestone: The first documented occurrence of spawning within tributaries of the Missouri River, Missouri. North American Paddlefish and Sturgeon Society Annual Meeting. Mobile, AL. October 2024
Umland, L., T. Hessler., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. A comparison of known vs modeled Lake Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in a Missouri River Tributary . American Fisheries Society Conference, Honolulu, HI. September 2024
Umland, L., T. Hessler, M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2025. Lake Sturgeon Spawning Event in the Osage River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. February 2025
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. Lake Sturgeon Recruitment Assessment for the Osage and Gasconade Rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. 7 February 2024. February 2024
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2023. Lake Sturgeon Occupancy and Recruitment in Tributaries of a Mainstem River. World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA. 5 March 2024. March 2024
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2023. Factors affecting Lake Sturgeon reproduction: the next step in recovery and management. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. April 2023
Tucker, A.M., T. Harms, and A. Buckhardt-Thomas. Assessing reintroduction efforts and evaluating recovery goals of trumpeter swans in Iowa using an integrated population model. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 2022 November 2022
Tucker, A.M., M.C. Runge, J. Ashander, R.E.W. Berl, J.R. Reimer, G.S. Boomer, I. Chadès, P.K. Devers, R.S. Epanchin-Niell, H. Kujala, J.E. Lyons, T.G. Martin, T.L. Morelli, M.A. Rubenstein, A. Terando, and Q. Zhao. 2023. Wildlife management under global change: Time-dependent policies for non-stationary systems. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Louisville KY. November 2023
Tucker, A.M. and M.C. Runge. 2021. Optimal strategies for managing wildlife harvest under system change. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2021
Trade-offs in Vital Rates of Mourning Dove Populations. 2011. Joint Cooper Society/Wilson Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. March 2011
Todorovic, Z., D. Palic, K. L. Kane, and C. L. Pierce. Use of GIS tools to identify critical points for assessment of aquatic ecosystem health in agricultural areas and potential for natural resource management (poster). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2006. February 2006
Tillotson, N., M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2018. Spatiotemporal population characteristics of Silver Carp along the invasion front of the Upper Mississippi River. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018. February 2018
Thomson, D.L., M. J. Conroy, , D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, E. G. Cooch, C. M. Francis, J. D. Lebreton, M. S. Lindberg, B. J. T. Morgan, D. L. Otis, G. C. White. 2007. Standardising terminology and notation for the analysis of demographic processes in marked populations. International Euring Symposium. Dunedin, New Zealand. Poster. January 2007
Temple, S.A., and R. R. Koford. 2002. Birds and forest edges: the ecological processes that generate complex patterns. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Tucson, Arizona August 2002
Swanson, J., C. Pierce, E. Muths, K. Smalling, and M. Vandever. 2016. Habitat use and pesticide exposure in northern leopard frogs in Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program wetlands (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, January, 2016. January 2016
Swanson, J. S., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. Smalling, M. V. Vandever. 2017. Habitat use and pesticide exposure in northern leopard frogs in conservation reserve enhancement program wetlands (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017. February 2017
Swanson, J. S., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. Smalling, M. V. Vandever. 2016. Habitat Use and Pesticide Exposure in Northern Leopard Frogs in Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program Wetlands (contributed paper). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. New Orleans, LA, July 2016. July 2016
Swanson, J. E., Yaw, T. J., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. L. Smalling, M. W. Vandever, and B. A. Zaffarano. Use of silicone passive sampling devices (PSDs) for assaying potential exposure of Northern Leopard Frogs to pesticides in agricultural wetlands (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017. February 2017
Swanson, C. C., T. W. Grovenburg, R. W. Klaver, K. E. Doherty, J. A. Jenks, and D. Theobald. 2013. Targeting conservation on unprotected lands in the USFWS Mountain-Prairie Region. Invited seminar, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Mountain-Prairie Regional Office, Denver, Colorado September 2013
Sullivan, C.J., C.A. Camacho, M.J. Weber, C.L. Pierce, D. H. Wahl, Q. E. Phelps, and R. E. Colombo (poster). 2017. Factors regulating year-class strength of Silver Carp throughout North America. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017. March 2017
Sullivan, C.J., C.A. Camacho, C.L. Pierce, and M.J. Weber. 2015. Seasonal variation in catch rates and size structure of Silver Carp in southeast Iowa Rivers (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Ames, IA, March 2015. March 2015
Sullivan, C.J., C.A. Camacho, C.L. Pierce, and M.J. Weber. 2015. Seasonal sampling dynamics of Silver Carp in southeast Iowa rivers (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN, February, 2015. February 2015
Sullivan, C. J., C. A. Camacho, C. L. Pierce, and M. J. Weber. 2016 Longitudinal variation in life-history traits of silver carp in the Des Moines River. (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016. March 2016
Sullivan, C. J., C. A. Camacho, C. L. Pierce, and M. J. Weber. 2016 Assessment of grass carp populations in southeastern Iowa rivers. (poster). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016. March 2016
Stephenson, M.D., L.A. Schulte, and R.W. Klaver. 2018. Prairie contour buffer strips serve as bird nesting habitat in Midwestern agricultural landscapes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018. January 2018
Sindt, A. R., Pierce, C. L., and M. C. Quist. 2009. Iowa stream fishes of greatest conservation need: a new project to refine prioritization and guide assessment (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, January 2009. January 2009
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2012. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: current status and effectiveness of Aquatic Gap Program distribution models (contributed paper). Rivers and Streams Technical Committee Annual Meeting, North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Rock Island, IL, March 2012. March 2012
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2011. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: relative importance of spatial scales (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA, September 2011. September 2011
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2009. The occurrence and habitat relationships of seven Iowa stream fish species of greatest conservation need (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, IL, December 2009. December 2009
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2011. Validation of fish species distribution models based on GIS-measured habitat variables. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA, January 2011. January 2011
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2010. Validation of occurrence models with emphasis on fish species of greatest conservation need (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010. September 2010
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2010. Validation of fish species distribution models based on GIS-measured habitat variables. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN. December 2010
Simpson, N. T., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Status and habitat use of Topeka shiners in the Boone River watershed, Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017. February 2017
Simpson, N. T., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Status and habitat use of Topeka shiners in the Boone River watershed, Iowa (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017. March 2017
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Occurrence, abundance, and habitat use of Topeka shiners in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018. March 2018
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Occurrence, abundance, and habitat use of Topeka shiners in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018. February 2018
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Occurrence, abundance, and habitat use of Topeka shiners in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018. January 2018
Silker, B.J., M.D. Stephenson, L.A. Schulte, and R.W. Klaver. 2018. Effects of vegetation composition and structure on daily nest survival in red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) and dicksissel (Spiza Americana) in Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018. January 2018
Shepherd, K., A.M. Tucker, and A. Toth. 2023. Evaluating occupancy and habitat associations of rusty patched and American bumble bees. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Louisville KY. November 2023
Shepherd, K., A.M. Tucker, E. Ibarra-Garibay, and A. Toth. 2024. Evaluating occupancy and habitat associations of rusty patched (Bombus affinis) and American (Bombus pensylvanicus) bumble bees in Iowa. Oral presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA. February 2024
Shea, C. P., B. D. Bakevich, P. W. Bettoli, J. R. Fischer, C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Combining dynamic occupancy models and trait-based approaches to assess the response of stream fish assemblages to hydrological and hydrothermal variability (contributed paper). Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, NC, June 2017. March 2017
Shea, C. P., B. D. Bakevich, P. W. Bettoli, J. R. Fischer, C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Combining dynamic occupancy models and trait-based approaches to assess the response of stream fish assemblages to hydrological and hydrothermal variability (contributed paper). Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, NC, June 2017. June 2017
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. Evaluations of physical habitat, stressor, and biological response indicators for wadeable streams in Iowa's Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005. September 2005
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. Comparison of wadeable streams physical habitat assessment protocols (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007. January 2007
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. Influence of physical habitat and watershed characteristics on stream integrity (invited symposium talk). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE, December 2006. December 2006
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2007. Physical Habitat and Fish Assemblage Relationships with Landscape Variables in Wadeable Iowa Streams (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI, December 2007. December 2007
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2007. Fish Assemblage Relationships with Reach-Scale Physical Habitat in Wadeable Iowa Streams (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI, December 2007. December 2007
Robles, A., and R. Koford. 2010. Potential and realized habitat for area sensitive bird species on Iowa State Preserves. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, Ames, IA March 2010
Reeves, R.A., C.L. Pierce, E. Muths, M.W. Vandever, K. Smalling, and W.A. Battaglin. 2013. Pesticides, nutrients and disease: Do restored wetlands provide quality amphibian habitat in an agricultural landscape? (poster) The Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, August 2013. August 2013
Reeves, R.A., C.L. Pierce, E. Muths, M.W. Vandever, K. Smalling, W.A. Battaglin, and R.W. Klaver. 2013. Amphibian indicators of wetland ecosystem health in the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa (contributed paper). The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, October 2013. October 2013
Reeves, R.A., C. Pierce, E. Muths and M. Vandever. 2013. Amphibian assemblages and population health in natural and restored wetlands in the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa (poster). Iowa Wildlife Society Meeting, Ames, IA. [poster presentation] February 2013. February 2013
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, and M. W. Vandever. 2012. Comparison of amphibian habitat suitability in various wetland types of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, Kansas, December 2012. December 2012
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Pesticides, nutrients and disease: Environmental stressors of amphibians in restored and reference wetlands in central Iowa (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, MO. January 2014. January 2014
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Pesticides, nutrients and disease: Environmental stressors of amphibians in restored and reference wetlands in central Iowa (poster). Iowa Water Conference. Ames, IA. March 2014. March 2014
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Developmental stress in leopard frogs in reference and restored agricultural wetlands in Central Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, MO. January 2014. January 2014
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Developmental stress in leopard frogs in reference and restored agricultural wetlands in Central Iowa (contributed paper). Iowa Wildlfe Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA. February 2014. February 2014
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, P. J. Braaten, C. L. Pierce, and V. H. Travnichek. June 2001. Potential influence of harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Missouri River. 5th Annual Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Great Falls, Montana. June 2001
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, P. J. Braaten, C. L. Pierce, and V. H. Travnichek. August 2001. Potential influence of harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Missouri River system: a case for pro-active management (poster). 131st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, Arizona. August 2001
Potter, L. and D. Otis. Nest Success and Brood Habitat Selection in Southern Iowa. 11th Annual Southeast Quail Study Group. August 2005
Pierce, C.L., M.A. Pegg, P.J. Braaten, and C.S. Guy. Growth of channel and flathead catfish in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone Rivers (invited symposium talk). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO, December, 2003. December 2003
Pierce, C. L., and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Origins, current status, and potential roles of oxbows for conservation and nutrient reduction in agricultural landscapes: introduction to the oxbow track. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018. March 2018
Pierce, C. L., and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Origins, current status, and potential roles of oxbows for conservation and nutrient reduction in agricultural landscapes: introduction to the oxbow session (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018. January 2018
Pierce, C. L., and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. Spatial patterns in stream fish assemblages over time: revelations from Iowa?s historical stream fish database (invited talk). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2008. February 2008
Pierce, C. L., and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. Spatial patterns in stream fish assemblages over time: revelations from Iowa's historical stream fish database (invited symposium talk). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE, December 2006. December 2006
Pierce, C. L., and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. 2010. Tracking changes in Iowa’s wadeable stream fish communities (invited talk). Raccoon River Watershed Association annual meeting, West Des Moines, IA, March 2010. March 2010
Pierce, C. L., T. W. Stewart, and M. E. Colvin. 2011. Monitoring and modeling the Clear Lake ecosystem: native and non-native species in the context of lake restoration (invited talk). Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2011. March 2011
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham and J. G. Larscheid. January 2000. The littoral zone fish assemblage in Spirit Lake, Iowa: abundance, variation and implications for forage availability (poster). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa. January 2000
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham and J. G. Larscheid. August 2000. The littoral zone fish assemblage in Spirit Lake, Iowa: abundance, variation and implications for forage availability (poster). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2000
Pierce, C. L., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, and P. J. Braaten. Growth responses of benthic fishes to environmental changes along the Missouri and lower Yellowstone Rivers (poster). American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005. September 2005
Pierce, C. L. and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. Spatial patterns in stream fish assemblages over time: revelations from Iowa's historical stream fish database (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007. January 2007
Pierce, C. L. 2010. The biology of invasive common carp (invited talk). Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Carp Control Workshop, Burns, OR, March 2010. March 2010
Pierce, C. L. 2009. Carp, zebra mussels, and the decline and recovery of Clear Lake (invited talk). Des Moines Chapter Izaak Walton League. Des Moines, IA, September 2009. September 2009
Phillips, M.L., D.J. Horn, W.R. Clark, M.A. Sovada, and R.R. Koford. 2002. Analysis of predator movement in prairie landscapes with contrasting grassland composition. 17th Annual Symposium, International Association for Landscape Ecology - United States Regional Association, Lincoln, Nebraska April 2002
Phillips, M. L., D. J. Horn, W. R. Clark, M. A. Sovada, R. R. Koford, and R. J. Greenwood. 2000. Effects of fragmentation of grassland habitat on selection of landscape features by predators in North Dakota. American Society of Mammalogists, Durham, New Hampshire. June 2000
Peters, K. A. and D. L. Otis.Human disturbance to wading birds at Cape Romain NWR, SC. Annual Meeting of theWaterbird Society. Lacrosse, WI. October, 2002. October 2002
Penne, C. R., and C. L. Pierce. Habitat use, seasonal distribution, and aggregation areas of common carp in Clear Lake, Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE, December 2006. December 2006
Penne, C. R., N. L. Ahrens, and C. L. Pierce. Expulsion of radio transmitters from juvenile common carp: effect of transmitter volume (contributed paper). Iowa-Wisconsin joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Dubuque, IA, January 2006. January 2006
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. Habitat use, seasonal distribution, and tendency to aggregate of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Clear Lake, Iowa (poster). American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005. September 2005
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. Habitat use, seasonal distribution and aggregation of common carp in Clear Lake, Iowa (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007. January 2007
Pelham, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. January 2000. Diet dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa (poster). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa. January 2000
Pelham, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. August 2000. Consumption dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa (poster). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2000
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. January 2000. Latitudinal growth comparisons of selected Missouri River fishes (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa. January 2000
Pegg, M. A., C. L. Pierce, and A. Roy. August 2000. Effects of channelization and impoundment on flow in the Missouri River: a time-series analysis (poster). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2000
Paukert, C. P., M. Moore, T. Moore, and N. Farless. Restoring Fish and Fish Habitat in Midwestern Rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA 23 August 2022. August 2022
Patterson, S.S., and R. R. Koford. 2004. DISTANCE analysis: a look at variation in species behavior and differences in observer ability. Cooper Ornithological Society, La Crosse, Wisconsin May 2004
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2013. Historic shifts in fish assemblage structure in Iowa’s nonwadeable rivers: New analyses for a new retrospective. Annual Meeting of the North Central Division American Fisheries Society, Rivers and Streams Technical Committee. Rock Island, Illinois, March 2013. March 2013
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2013. Anthropogenic disturbance and environmental associations with fish assemblage structure in two nonwadeable rivers in Iowa. Annual Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moravia, Iowa, January 2013. January 2013
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2011. Longitudinal Shifts in Fish Assemblage Structure along a Non-wadeable Iowa River (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA, September 2011. September 2011
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2011. Longitudinal patterns of fish distribution in the Cedar River, Iowa. Annual Meeting of the North Central Division AFS, Rivers and Streams Technical Committee, Rock Island, IL, March 2011. March 2011
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2011. Influence of Dams and Instream Habitat on Fish Assemblages in Two Non-Wadeable Iowa Rivers (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA, December 2011. December 2011
Parks, T., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2011. Species of greatest conservation need: distribution and relative abundance in the Cedar River, Iowa. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA, January 2011. January 2011
Parks, T., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2010. Species of greatest conservation need: distribution and relative abundance in the Cedar River, Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN. December 2010
Parks, T. P., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2012. Historical Changes in Fish Assemblages in the Non-wadeable Rivers of Iowa (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 2012. August 2012
Palic, D., R. Grajeda, L. Helland, B. Pedersen, J. Pribil, A. Loan-Wilsey and C. Pierce. Fish communities of the upper Little Sioux River basin: Current status and historical trends (poster). Iowa Academy of Science annual meeting, Des Moines, IA, April 2003. April 2003
Otis, D.L. 2003 . Population models for mourning dove harvest management. 10th Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society. Burlington, Vermont. September 2003
Otis, D. L. and G. C. White. Evaluation of ultrastructure and random effects band recovery modelsfor estimating relationships between survival and harvest rates in exploited populations. Euring 2003 Conference. Radolfzell, Germany. October 2003
Otis, D. L. Model selection and inference in species-environment studies. Syposium on species-environment interactions in agricultural landscapes: measuring, monitoring, and modeling multi-scale processes. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN December 2004
Otis, D. L. Model selection and inference in species-environment studies. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianaplos, IN December 2004
Otis, D. L. Harvest demographics of mourning doves in the continental U.S. 12th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Madison, WI USA September 2005
Otis, D. L. 2007. Mourning dove harvest characteristics derived from a national reward banding study. 14th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Tucson,AZ September 2007
Nusser, S., W.R. Clark, and D.L. Otis. Sample design considerations for monitoring CWD in deer populations. 12th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Madison, WI, USA September 2005
Moore, M.J, A. A. Hyman 2023. What Google Trends can (and can't) tell us about factors driving public interest in endangered species. Oral Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Overland Park, Kansas. February 2023
Moore, M. J., Coulter, A. A., Golcher-Benavides, J., Rahel, F. J., Walters, A. W., Brewer, S. K., Wildhaber, M. L. 2024. A synthesis of the characteristics and drivers of introduced fishes in prairie streams: Can we manage harmful introduced fishes in these dynamic environments? Oral Presentation at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Moore, M. J., Clayton, D., Weber, M., Frese, P., Weihe, P, Dinsmore, S. and Kinkead, K. 2025. The Craytabase: a cooperative effort to catalog information on the distribution of Iowa’s crayfishes. Oral Presentation at the Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Boone, Iowa. March 2025
Mills, N., D. Cashatt, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. Mercury accumulation in flathead catfish: implications for length-specific consumption advisories. (poster). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016. March 2016
Mills, N., D. Cashatt, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. Intra-river differences in fish mercury accumulation rates in six Iowa interior rivers. (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016. March 2016
Mills, N. T., Cashatt, D., Weber, M. J., and Pierce, C. L. 2015. Temporal variation in largemouth bass mercury concentrations (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2015. March 2015
Mills, N. T., Cashatt, D., Weber, M. J., and Pierce, C. L. 2015. Seasonal variation in largemouth bass mercury levels (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015. February 2015
Miller, D. A. and D. L. Otis.2008. Delayed effects of developmental conditions on flight ability of Mourning Doves. 136th Annual AOU meeting. Portland, OR August 2008
Miller, D. A. and D. L. Otis. 2007. Toward rangewide estimates of mourning dove recruitment: initial results from a national harvest wing collection pilot program. 14th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Tucson, Arizona. September 2007
McDonald, L., A.M. Tucker, and E.M. Lang. 2025. Evaluating Spatial Error in Radio-Tracking of Blanding Turtles in Terrestrial Habitats in Iowa. Poster presentation at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Pittsburgh, PA. April 2025
Matthews, A.J., M.J. Weber, and C.L. Pierce. 2017. Tributary contribution of larval production in the Upper Mississippi River (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017. March 2017
M.J. Moore, Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, Z. J. Witzel, J. T. Lamer, and M. J. Weber. Patterns and drivers of hybridization between Silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and Bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) carp in the Upper Mississippi River. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. September 2024
M. J. Moore, Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, D. D. Turney, S.A. Valentine, Z. J. Witzel, J. T Lamer, G. W. Whitledge, and M.J. Weber. Examining environmental correlates of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) year-class strength in Upper Mississippi River natal environments using otolith microchemistry. Oral Presentation American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. September 2024
Lyons, J.E., B. Nuse, A. Tucker, K. Anstead, C. McGowan, C. Moore, C. Starks, J. Sweka, and D. Smith. 2024. Co-Production of Adaptive Management for Horseshoe Crabs and a Threatened Migratory Shorebird. Oral presentation at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai'i. September 2024
Loda, J. and D. L. Otis. 2006. Relationships between amphibians, water quality and landscape context of wetlands in Iowa. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska. December 2006
Loan-Wilsey, Anna K., R. L. McNeely, P. D. Brown, K. L. Kane and C. L. Pierce. A statewide stream fish community database for biological assessment (poster). Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR, August 2004 August 2004
Loan-Wilsey, Anna K., R. L. McNeely, P. D. Brown, K. L. Kane and C. L. Pierce. 2004. A statewide stream fish community database for biological assessment (invited poster). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2004. February 2004
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. An evaluation of effects of grade control structures on fish movement and fish communities in Turkey Creek, Cass County, IA and macroinvertebrate communities in Walnut Creek, Montgomery County, IA (poster). Iowa-Wisconsin joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Dubuque, IA, January 2006. January 2006
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. An evaluation of effects of grade control structures on fish movement and fish communities in Turkey Creek, Cass County, IA and macroinvertebrate communities in Walnut Creek, Montgomery County, IA (poster). American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005. September 2005
Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. January 2000. Assessment of consumption dynamics of the adult piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, 1995-97 (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa. January 2000
Lang, E.M., S.J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Movement Ecology of Blanding's Turtles in Central Iowa. Oral Presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA. February 2024
Lang, E.M., S.J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Blanding's turtle movement and home ranges in Iowa. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD. October 2024
Lang, E.M., S. J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Blanding's turtles on the move in Iowa: Seasonal movement and home ranges. Oral presentation at the Joint Meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Ann Arbor, MI. June 2024
Kramer, N. W., Q. E. Phelps, C. L. Pierce, and M. E. Colvin. 2016. Using food web modeling to determine effects of increased exploitation on invasive carps in the middle Mississippi River (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, January, 2016. January 2016
Koford, R.R., and H. Stallman. 2002. Habitat rankings in the Mississippi Headwaters/Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem based on PIF concern scores. Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, California March 2002
Koford, R.R., and D.J. Horn. 2004. Landscape composition influences the relationship between relative abundance of grassland birds and field size. North American Prairie Conference, Madison, Wisconsin August 2004
Koford, R.R. 2009. Importance of private and public grasslands for conserving songbirds. Joint meeting of Iowa Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA January 2009
Koford, R.R. 2003. Avian responses to habitat restoration and alteration (by a wind farm) in Northern Iowa. NRCS/Iowa State University Research Coordination Meeting, Ames, Iowa February 2003
Koford, R.R. 2002. Landscape features that affect grassland bird abundance. Mississippi Headwaters/Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem team meeting, Prairie City, Iowa August 2002
Koford, R.R. 2002. Evaluation of restoration in the southern portion of the PPJV. PPJV Management Board meeting, Pierre, South Dakota August 2002
Koford, R.R. 2000. Analyses of species' frequencies of occurrence must account for passive sampling. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota December 2000
Koford, R., and A. Robles. 2010. Landscape factors associated with habitat use by area-sensitive grassland birds in southern Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis December 2010
Koford, R. R., and W.R. Clark. 2002. Iowa Eagle Lake Research, 1998-2002. Midwest Pheasant Study Group, Springbrook, Iowa October 2002
Koford, R. 2008. Evaluating the success of habitat restoration for grassland birds. American Ornithologists Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Portland, Oregon August 2008
Koford, R. 2005. Bird and bat responses to changing landscapes in northern Iowa. Iowa DNR Wildlife Bureau meeting, Springbrook, Iowa. February 2005
Koford, R. 2007. Restoration of a tallgrass prairie landscape in Iowa: impacts from changes in agriculture and the Conservation Reserve Program. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. December 2007
Koch, J., M. Quist, C. Pierce, M. Steuck, K. Hansen, and G. Jones. 2008. Population parameters of shovelnose sturgeon populations in the upper Mississippi River (contributed paper). MICRA meeting, Nashville, TN, January 2008. January 2008
Koch, J., M. Quist, C. Pierce, K. Hansen, and G. Jones. 2008. Effects of commercial harvest on shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Mississippi River (poster). American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, ON, August 2008. August 2008
Koch, J., M. Quist, C. Pierce, K. Hansen, and G. Jones. 2007. Effects of commercial harvest on shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Mississippi River (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Koch, J. D., M. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. Population parameters of shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Mississippi River (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007. January 2007
Klaver, R.W., and P.E. Bartelt. 2012. Spatial analysis of Northern Goshawk territories in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Waldorf College. 5 November 2012. November 2012
Kinkead, K. E., D. L. Otis, and A. G. Abbott. 2003. Genetic variation among Ambystoma populations associated with restored wetlands. 88th ESA/ISEM Annual Meeting. Savannah, Georgia. August 2003
Kinkead, K. E. and D. L. Otis. 2003. Effects of wetland restoration on amphibians in Carolina bays. 10th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Burlington, Vermont September 2003
Kinkead, K. E. and D. L. Otis. 2003. Amphibian Response to Hydrology Restoration in Carolina Bays. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Manuas, Brazil. June 2003
Katzenmeyer, Eric D., Michael E. Colvin, and Clay L. Pierce. 2008 Fish growth responses to changing conditions: common carp (Cyprinus carpio) decline and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion in Clear Lake, Iowa (poster). American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, ON, August 2008. August 2008
Katzenmeyer, E. D., M. E. Colvin, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Fish growth responses to changing conditions in Clear Lake: effects of common carp and zebra mussels (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, January 2009. January 2009
Katzenmeyer, E. D., M. E. Colvin, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Fish growth responses to changing conditions in Clear Lake: effects of common carp and zebra mussels (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN, August 2009. August 2009
Kaloczi, J., Hupfeld, R. N., Krogman, R M., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G., and Moore, M. M. Assessing Age and Incremental Growth Rates in Cedar River Shovelnose Sturgeon through an 18-year Mark-Recapture Dataset. Oral Presentation, 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2025
Kaloczi, J., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G., Hupfeld, R. N., Krogman, R M., Brooks, G., and Moore, M. J., 2025. A Multi-Method Assessment of Age and Growth Rates in Cedar River Shovelnose Sturgeon. Oral Presentation at the Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting Boone, IA. March 2025
Kaloczi, J., Moore, M. J., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G. and Hupfeld, R. N. 2024. Incremental Growth Rates in a Cedar River population of Shovelnose Sturgeon through a 17-year Mark-Recapture Dataset. Poster Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 2024. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Kaloczi, J., M. J. Moore, M. J Hamel, G. Jones, R. N. Hupfeld, and R. Krogman. Incremental Growth Rates in a Cedar River population of Shovelnose Sturgeon through a 17-year Mark-Recapture Dataset. Poster Presentation, Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting March 2024
Jordan, N. A., D. L. Otis, R. A. Costa and S. A. Gauthreaux. Hatching failure and embryonic mortality in a red-cockaded woodpecker population in South Carolina: current conditions and traditional constraints. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union. New Orleans, LA. September, 2002. September 2002
Johnson, D.H., S.K. Davis, and R.R. Koford. 2002. Conservation planning: what are we doing for nongame birds? TWS annual conference, Bismarck, North Dakota September 2002
Johnson, D.H, S. K. Davis; R.R. Koford. 2010. Conservation planning in the prairies: does waterfowl management help grassland birds? August 2010
Jain, A., and R. Koford. 2005. Bird and bat behavior and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. September 2005
Jain, A., R. Koford, A. Hancock, and G. Zenner. 2005. Bird and bat activity and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. EEB Spring Symposium, Ames, Iowa March 2005
Jain, A., R. Koford, A. Hancock, and G. Zenner. 2003. Bird and bat mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm: preliminary results. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri December 2003
Jain, A. A., R. R. Koford, A. W. Hancock, G. Zenner. 2005. Bird and bat activity and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. Western Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Sacramento, California January 2005
Jain, A. A., R. R. Koford, A. W. Hancock, G. Zenner. 2004. Bird and bat behavior and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana December 2004
Jacques, C.N., T.C. Swearingen, E.D. Davis, R.W. Klaver, C.R. Anderson, J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and R.D. Bluett. 2018, Evaluating potential effects of camera density on capture and recapture rates of bobcats. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018. January 2018
Jacques, C.N., S.A. Dubay, B.M. Walker, and R.W. Klaver. 2018. Sex biased effects on prevalence of parasites in southern flying squirrels. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018. January 2018
Jacques, C.N., R.W. Klaver, J.S. Zweep, and S.A. Dubay. 2018. Nest tree use by southern flying squirrels in fragmented Midwestern landscapes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018. January 2018
Jacobs, B., R. Koford, F. Thompson, H. Woodward, M. Hubbard, J. Fitzgerald, and J. Herkert. 2002. Grassland bird conservation efforts in Missouri and Iowa: how will we measure success? Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, California March 2002
J. Kaloczi, Moore, M. J., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G., Hupfeld, R. N., & Krogman, R. M. 2024. Assessing age and incremental growth rates in a Cedar River population of Shovelnose Sturgeon through a 18-year mark-recapture dataset. Oral Presentation American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. September 2024
Horn, D. J., M.L. Phillips, R.R. Koford, W.R. Clark, M.A. Sovada, R.J. Greenwood 2000. Effects of landscape composition, field size, and edges on nest success of ducks. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota December 2000
Herkert, J., D. Reinking, D. Wiedenfeld, M. Winter, J. Zimmerman, W. Jensen, E. Finck, R. Koford, D. Wolfe, S. Sherrod, M. Jenkins, J. Faaborg, and S. Robinson. 2003. Effects of grassland fragmentation on the nesting success of breeding birds in the mid-continental United States. Cooper Ornithological Society, Flagstaff, Arizona. April 2003
Heller, B. and D. L. Otis. 2009. Analysis and assessment of Giant Canada goose banding in the Mississippi Flyway. 16th Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Monterey, CA. September 2009
Heitke, J., Gelwicks, G., Simmons, G., Siegwarth, G., and C. Pierce. January 2001. A preliminary look at fish Index of Biotic Integrity (FIBI) in Iowa streams. Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Ames, Iowa. January 2001
Heitke, J. D., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks and G. E. Simmons. In-stream habitat and fish biotic integrity of Iowa's interior rivers (poster). Iowa/Illinois Joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Moline, IL, February 2002. February 2002
Heitke, J. D., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks and G. E. Simmons. In-stream habitat analysis of Iowa's interior rivers. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA, December 2001. December 2001
Heitke, J. D. C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks and G. A. Simmons. Fish assemblage, habitat and land cover relationships in Iowa streams: biotic and abiotic conditions in the context of intensive agricultural land use (invited symposium talk). American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI, August 2004. August 2004
Harms, T.M., S.J. Dinsmore, K.E. Kinkead, R.W. Klaver. 2012. Effects of landscape-level habitat variables on site occupancy of grassland birds in Iowa. The Wildlife Society 2012 Annual Meeting. Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon. 13 – 18 October 2012. October 2012
Harms, T.M., A. Buckhardt Thomas, and A.M. Tucker. 2022. Integrating multiple data sets to estimate a population trend for Trumpeter Swans in Iowa. Oral presentation, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. February 2022
Harms, J., M. Weber, and M. Moore. Effects of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on native fish condition in Upper Mississippi River basin. Poster Presentation. 2024 85th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2025
Harms, J., M. Weber, and M. Moore. Effects of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on native fish condition in Upper Mississippi River basin. Oral Presentation. 2025 56th Iowa American Fisheries Society Conference, Boone, Iowa. March 2025
Hall, L.E., and R.R. Koford. 2005. Grassland bird nest survival in restored and remnant prairies in northwestern Iowa. Cooper Ornithological Society, Arcata, California. June 2005
Hall, L.E., and R.R. Koford. 2005. Avian nest success and snake occurrence in restored and remnant prairie complexes in northwestern Iowa. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. September 2005
Hall, L. E. and R.R. Koford. 2004. Avian nest success and snake occurrence in restored and remnant prairie complexes in northwestern Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana December 2004
Grovenburg, T. W., R. W. Klaver, C. N. Jacques, T. J. Brinkman, C. C. Swanson, C. S. DePerno, K. L. Monteith, J. D. Sievers, V. C. Bleich, J. J. Kie, and J. A. Jenks. 2012. Influence of landscape characteristics and ungulate demography on retention of expandable radiocollars. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Cedar Shore Resort and Convention Center. Oacoma, South Dakota. 27– 29 February 2012. February 2012
Grovenburg, T. W., K. L. Monteith, R. W. Klaver, and J. A. Jenks. 2012. Predator evasion by white-tailed deer fawns: shifting selective pressures. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Cedar Shore Resort and Convention Center. Oacoma, South Dakota. 27– 29 February 2012. February 2012
Grant, T., D. Otis, and R. Koford. 2012. Herpetofauna response to the 2011 Missouri River flood at mitigation sites in Iowa. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference and BiOp forum, Pierre, SD. March 2012
Grant, T., D. Otis, and R. Koford. 2011. Monitoring of Herpetofauna in Wetland Restorations: The Missouri River Floodplain in Iowa, Missouria River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE, March, 2011. March 2011
Grant, T., D. Otis, and R. Koford. 2010. Pilot study and plans for herpetofauna monitoring in Iowa. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE March 2010
Golcher-Benavides, J., Szott, E.A., Turney, D.D., Witzel, Z.J. Lamer, J.T., Whitledge, G.W., Moore, M.J., and M.J. Weber. 2024. Recruitment dynamics of bigheaded carp in the Upper Mississippi River informed by otolith microchemistry. Oral Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD January 2024
Golcher-Benavides, J., Moore, M. J., Weber, M. J. (2023). Natal origin and recruitment dynamics of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in the Upper Mississippi River. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Poster Presentation. March 2023
Golcher-Benavides, J., E. Szott, Z. Witzel, J. T. Lamer, G. W. Whitledge, M. J. Moore, & M. J. Weber. Otolith microchemistry to study recruitment of bigheaded carp in the Upper Mississippi River. Oral Presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. August 2023
Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, Z. J. Witzel, J. T. Lamer, M. J. Weber, and M.J. Moore. Examining drivers of temporal variation in hybridization outcomes in bigheaded carp in the Upper Mississippi River. Poster Presentation. Iowa American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. March 2024
Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, D. D. Turney, S.A. Valentine, Z. J. Witzel, J. T Lamer, G. W. Whitledge, M. J. Moore, and M.J. Weber. Recruitment dynamics of Silver Carp informed by early life environments in the Upper Mississippi River. Poster Presentation. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. March 2024
Gapinski, L.A., A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2023. Breeding bird use of Wetlands Reserve Program properties in Iowa: Assessing restorations across 16 years. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2023
Gapinski, L.A., A.M. Tucker, and K. Kinkead. 2023. Breeding bird use of WRP properties in Iowa's Prairie Pothole Region over a 15-year time span. Poster presentation at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS. February 2023
Gapinski, L., A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Tracking occupancy of avian SGCN at restored wetlands in Iowa across 16 years. Oral presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA. February 2024
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. A population and angler use assessment of muskellunge in shoepack lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (poster). Midwest Fisheries Conference, Bettendorf, IA, December 2002. December 2002
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. A population and angler use assessment of muskellunge in shoepack lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (contributed paper). Minnesota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Chaska, MN, March 2003. March 2003
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. A population and angler use assessment of muskellunge in shoepack lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD, August 2002. August 2002
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce and L. W. Kallemeyn. Simulating long-term threats to muskellunge in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI, August 2004. August 2004
Ford, J.M., A.M. Tucker, A. Janke, and T. Harms. 2024. Grassland bird community benefits from northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) habitat management. Oral presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA. February 2024
Ford, J., A. Janke, and A.M. Tucker. 2023. Avian Grassland Community Benefits from Northern Bobwhite-focused Land Management. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2023
Flinders, L., Kaloczi, J., Hupfeld, R., Flammang, M., Krogman, R., Moore, M. Assessing differences in reproductive potential in two Shovelnose Sturgeon populations. Poster presentation. 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2025
Flinders, L., Kaloczi, J., Hupfeld, R., Flammang, M., Krogman, R., Moore, M. Assessing differences in reproductive potential in two Shovelnose Sturgeon populations. Poster presentation at the Iowa AFS Conference. March 2025
Fletcher, R.J., and R.R. Koford. 2002. The nature of multiple edge effects on bird distributions. North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana September 2002
Fletcher, R.J., Jr., and R.R. Koford. 2002. Changes in bird communities with habitat restoration in northern Iowa. Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, California. March 2002
Fletcher, R.J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2002. Edge effects and bird distributions: when multiple edges collide. 17th Annual Symposium, International Association for Landscape Ecology - United States Regional Association. Lincoln, Nebraska April 2002
Fletcher, R.J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2001. Changes in bird communities with grassland restoration in northern Iowa. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa December 2001
Fletcher, R.J. and R.R. Koford. 2000. Edge type affects abundance of grassland birds breeding in Iowa. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota December 2000
Fletcher, R., and R. Koford. 2001. Lessons learned from estimating parameters needed to determine seasonal fecundity in grassland birds. American Ornithologists' Union annual meeting. August 2001
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Factors affecting species richness and bird abundance in restored grasslands and native prairies in northern Iowa. The Wildlife Society 7th Annual conference, Nashville, Tennessee. September 2000
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Breeding birds in restored uplands and native prairies in northern Iowa. Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ames, Iowa. January 2000
Evaluation of the statistical properties of grand Canyon humpbackchub population estimates from ASMR and alternative mark-recapture models. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium 2005. October 2005
Evaluating Sampling Approaches for Monitoring Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Deer Populations. Huang, L., S.M. Nusser, W.R. Clark, D. L. Otis. Joint Statistical meetings. Seattle, WA August 2006
Dodici, G., and R. Koford. 2000. Mallard nesting success in northern Iowa. Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ames, Iowa. January 2000
Dodici, G., R.R. Koford, and G. Zenner. 2000. Evaluation of the productivity of mallards in northern Iowa. 2nd North American Duck Symposium & Workshop. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan October 2000
Dodici, G., R. R. Koford, and G. Zenner. 2001. Estimates of mallard productivity at the Eagle Lake Wetland Complex in northern Iowa. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa December 2001
Dodici, G. R. Koford, G. Zenner. 2001. Habitat selection by Mallards nesting in northern Iowa. American Ornithologists' Union annual meeting August 2001
Dodici, G. R. Koford, G. Zenner. 2000. Nesting mallards in northcentral Iowa: does patch size matter? 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota December 2000
Dixon, P., D. L. Otis, J. Sauer. 2009. Modeling population trends by combining information from multiple time series. Joint Statistical Mettings. Denver, CO. September 2009
Dixon, P., D. L. Otis, J. Sauer. 2009. Hierarchical Modeling of Data from Multiple Monitoring Programs to Develop a Decision Framework for Mourning Dove Harvest Management . 16th Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Monterey, CA. September 2009
Dixon, P. , D. L. Otis, and J,. Sauer. 2008. Modeling populaiton rends by combining information form multiple time series. International Statistical Ecology Conference. St. Andrews, Scotland. July 2008
Desig, R. A.M. Tucker, L.A. Gapinski, and G.R. Kramer. 2025. Assessing avian SGCN occupancy and abundance trends in the Prairie Pothole Region of Iowa. Oral presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2025 Winter Meeting, Ames, IA. February 2025
Davis, E.D., T.C. Swearingen, C.N. Jacques, R.W. Klaver, C.R. Anderson, J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and R.D. Bluett. 2018. Estimating density of bobcats in Midwestern landscapes using spatial capture-recapture models. Midwest Fish and Wildlife conference. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018. January 2018
Davis, E.D., T.C. Swearingen, C.N. Jacques, J.L. Fusaro, R.W. Klaver, C.R. Anderson, J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and R.D. Bluett. 2018. Influence of spatial alignment on photographic detection rates at remotely triggered camera stations. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018. January 2018
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, S. Kempema, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Reproductive ecology of ferruginous hawks and golden eagles in north-central and western South Dakota. 2013. Presented to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Huron, SD. July 2013
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, S. Kempema, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Reproductive ecology of ferruginous hawks and golden eagles in north-central and western South Dakota. 2013. Presented to North Dakota Department of Game and Fish, Jamestown, ND. July 2013
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Breeding ecology of ferruginous hawks, Swainson’s hawks, and northern harriers in south-central North Dakota. 2013. Presented to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Huron, SD. July 2013
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Breeding ecology of ferruginous hawks, Swainson’s hawks, and northern harriers in south-central North Dakota. 2013. Presented to North Dakota Department of Game and Fish, Jamestown, ND. July 2013
D. C. Paulson, Vaske, M. A, Weber, M. J., & Moore, M. J., 2025. Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Habitat Selection on the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation; SRP Symposium Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2025
D. C. Paulson, Moore, M. J., Vaske, M. A., & Weber, M. J. 2025. Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Habitat Selection on the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation, Iowa Chapter AFS Meeting March 2025
D. C. Paulson, Moore, M. J., Vaske, M. A., & Weber, M. J. 2025. Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Activity Patterns on the Des Moines River, Iowa. Poster Presentation; Iowa Chapter AFS Meeting March 2025
Cordts, S., and R.R. Koford. 2000. Evaluation of the productivity of mallards in northern Iowa. 2nd North American Duck Symposium & Workshop. Saskatoon, Satkatchewan October 2000
Cordts, S. D., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Estimates of total mallard productivity in northern Iowa. Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ames, Iowa January 2000
Comparison of Mourning Dove Harvest Strategies Derived from Two Different Sets of Multiple Data Sources. 2010. Annual Wildlife Society Meeting. October 2010
Colvin, M.E., S. Grummer, J. Wahl, T. W. Stewart, and C. L. Pierce. 2010. Impacts of invasive species and restoration on recreational fisheries: Zebra mussels and common carp in a shallow hypereutrophic lake (poster). American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010. September 2010
Colvin, M.E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. Setting Harvest Targets for a Common Carp Stock Undergoing Pulsed Harvest (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, IA, December 2011. December 2011
Colvin, M., Grummer, S., Wahl, J., Stewart, T., and Pierce, C. 2010. Real and potential common carp and zebra mussel impacts on water quality in the context of ongoing shallow lake restoration. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN. December 2010
Colvin, M. E., C.L. Pierce, and T.W. Stewart. 2008. A proposed ecosystem simulation model to predict the effects of common carp and zebra mussels in shallow lake ecosystems (poster). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2008. February 2008
Colvin, M. E., C.L. Pierce, and T.W. Stewart. 2008. A proposed ecosystem simulation model to predict the effects of common carp and zebra mussels in shallow lake ecosystems (poster). 2nd USGS Modeling Conference, Orange Beach, AL, February 2008. February 2008
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart and S. Grummer. 2012. Minimizing impacts of carp in a shallow lake: A simulation modeling approach for restoration and management (invited talk). American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 2012. August 2012
Colvin, M. C., E. D. Katzenmeyer, T. W. Stewart , and C. L. Pierce. 2009. Zebra mussel biology and potential impacts in Clear Lake (poster). Clear Lake Protective Association annual meeting, Clear Lake, IA, August 2009. August 2009
Colvin, M. C., E. D. Katzenmeyer, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Simulating food web interactions among nuisance common carp, invading zebra mussels, and the native biological community in a shallow eutrophic lake (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, IL, December 2009. December 2009
Colvin, M. C., E. D. Katzenmeyer, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Simulating food web interactions among nuisance common carp, invading zebra mussels, and the native biological community in a shallow eutrophic lake (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN, August 2009. August 2009
Colvin, M. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2008. Carp Removal Strategies: a Simulation Model to Identify Effective Carp Removal Strategies for Clear Lake, IA (contributed paper). Iowa-Dakotas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, SD, February 2008. February 2008
Colvin, M. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2008. Carp Removal Strategies: a Simulation Model to Identify Effective Carp Removal Strategies for Clear Lake, IA (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, ON, August 2008. August 2008
Colvin, M. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2007. Carp Removal Strategies: a Simulation Model to Identify Effective Carp Removal Strategies for Clear Lake, IA (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI, December 2007. December 2007
Clayton, D., Moore, M. J., and Weber, M. J.. 2024. Habitat Associations and Distribution of Invasive Rusty Crayfish in a Shallow Glacial Lake. Poster Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 2024. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Clayton, D., Moore, M. J., and Weber, M. J. Effects of Environmental Variables on Crayfish Occupancy in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes and Wetlands. Poster Presentation. 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2025
Clayton, D., M. J. Moore, M. J. Weber. Habitat associations and distribution of invasive Rusty Crayfish in a shallow natural lake. Poster Presentation. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. March 2024
Clayton, D., M. J. Moore, M. J. Weber. 2025. Habitat Associations of Invasive Rusty Crayfish and Native Virile Crayfish in a Shallow, Eutrophic Natural Lake. Oral. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference. Boone, IA. March 2025
Clayton, D, Weber, MJ, and Moore, MJ. Habitat associations and distribution of invasive Rusty Crayfish and native Virile Crayfish in a Shallow Eutrophic Natural Lake. Oral Presentation, 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2025
Cherko, E. C., T. W. Stewart, C. L. Pierce, and D. D. Stokke. 2004. Potential of recycled fishing line as fish habitat: effectiveness of different formulations based on invertebrate colonization (poster). Iowa Academy of Science annual meeting, Cedar Falls, IA. April 2004. April 2004
Cashatt, D., N. Mills, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2017 Factors affecting fish mercury concentrations across Iowa lakes (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017. February 2017
Cashatt, D., N. Mills, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2017 A cooperative study of mercury contamination in Iowa fish and implications for angler consumption (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017. March 2017
Camacho, C., M. J. Weber and C.L. Pierce. 2014. Distribution and population dynamics of Asian carp in Iowa rivers (poster). Iowa Water Conference. Ames, IA. March 2014. March 2014
Camacho, C., M. J. Weber and C.L. Pierce. 2014. Distribution and population dynamics of Asian carp in Iowa rivers (contributed paper). Iowa-Nebraska Joint Chapter American Fisheries Society. Council Bluffs, IA. February 2014. February 2014
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. First evidence of bighead, silver and grass carp reproduction in Southeastern Iowa tributaries. (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016. March 2016
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce. 2015. Using GSI and Gonad Staging as an Indication of Silver Carp Spawning in the Des Moines and Mississippi Rivers (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Ames, IA, March 2015. March 2015
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce. 2015. Seasonal Variation of Silver Carp Egg Development in the Upper Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN, February, 2015. February 2015
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce. 2015. Reproductive ecology of silver carp along the Upper Mississippi River invasion front (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society. Portland, OR, August 2015. August 2015
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, K. J. Roe, N. Ulloa, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. Using a Baysian hierarchical approach to identify fish eggs. (poster). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016. March 2016
Bybel, A. P., N. T. Simpson, C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Genetic analysis of Topeka shiner utilization of oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018. March 2018
Bybel, A. P., N. T. Simpson, C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Genetic analysis of Topeka shiner utilization of oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018. February 2018
Bybel, A. P., N. T. Simpson, C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Genetic analysis of Topeka shiner utilization of oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018. January 2018
Bybel, A. P., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Status and genetic analysis of Topeka shiners in three basins in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017. March 2017
Bybel, A. P., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Habitat associations of Topeka shiners in two basins in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017. February 2017
Bryan Nuse, Anna Tucker, John Sweka, Kristen Anstead, Clinton Moore, James Lyons, David Smith, and Conor McGowan, 2022, Updating the adaptive management plan for horseshoe crab harvest and red knot conservation in Delaware Bay. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022. June 2022
Brown, J.F., R.W. Klaver, T. Gilmanov, and R. Evelsizer. 2012. Comparison of remote sensing and carbon flux phenology measurements across the northern mixed prairie of North America. Phenology 2012: Future Cilimate and the Living Earh. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 10 - 14 September 2012. September 2012
Braaten, P., Pegg, M., Guy, C., and C. Pierce. August 2000. Population dynamics of benthic fishes in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone rivers (invited symposium talk). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. August 2000
Bouska, K. L., B. D. Healy, M. J. Moore, C. G. Dunn, J. J. Spurgeon, and C. P. Paukert. Diverse portfolios: investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes. USGS Ecosystem Mission Area Friday Findings Webinar, 15 September 2023. Virtual. IP-157389. September 2023
Berl, R.E.W., P.K. Devers, G.S. Boomer, J. Ashander, A.M. Tucker, and M.C. Runge. 2023. Implications of social non-stationarity and changing hunter behaviors for waterfowl harvest. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Louisville, KY. November 2023
Berkman, L. K., A. T. Taylor, J. B. Koppelman, S. K. Brewer, J. M. Long, T. N. Volkers, E. Sterling, M. J. Moore, and L. S. Eggert. 2022. Divergence, admixture, and fitness in the Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Poster Presentation American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Spokane, Washington. August 2022
Bergstedt, L., Pegg, M., Pierce, C., and R. White. August 2000. Fish community structure in relation to hydrological characteristics throughout the mainstem Missouri and lower Yellowstone rivers (invited symposium talk). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. January 2000
Berdeen, J. B., D. P. Scott, D. L. Otis, and R. L. Fendrick. Population parameters of urban and rural mourning doves in Ohio. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Bismark, ND. September, 2002. September 2002
Bartelt, P.E. and R.W. Klaver. 2012. Occupancy of Restored Wetlands by Amphibians in Winnebago County. Status of Amphibians and Reptiles in Iowa. Mt. Mercy University, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 22 September 2012 September 2012
Bakevich, B., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2011. Distribution and abundance of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA, January 2011. January 2011
Bakevich, B., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2010. Distribution and abundance of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN. December 2010
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2011. Distribution and habitat associations of Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa, December 2011. December 2011
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2011. Distribution and habitat associations of Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA, September 2011. September 2011
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce and M. C. Quist. 2012. Status, distribution, and habitat associations of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. Rivers and Streams Technical Committee Annual Meeting, North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Rock Island, IL, March 2012. March 2012
Ashander, J.D., R.E.W. Berl, G.S. Boomer, T.L. Morelli, A. Terando, Tucker, A.M., Q. Zhao, M.A. Rubenstein, T.G. Martin, I. Chadès, R.S. Epanchin-Niell, J.R. Reimer, H. Kujala, J. Dooley, P.K. Devers, J.E. Lyons, and M.C. Runge. 2023. Future climate change and management of waterfowl harvest in North America. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Louisville, KY. November 2023
Alexander, A., E.M. Lang, J. Tamplin, K. Kinkead, and A.M. Tucker. 2024. Habitat suitability model for wood turtles in Iowa. Poster presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA. February 2024
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Zambory, Courtney Lynn, "Geospatial methods for aquatic conservation: Topeka shiner restoration site selection and the development of an Iowa watershed health assessment" (2018). May 2018
Swanson, J. E. 2017. Amphibian occupancy and effects of habitat use on chemical exposure in northern leopard frogs in Iowa prairie pothole wetlands. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames. August 2017
Stephenson, M.D. 2017. Quantifying methods to improve statistical power in grassland and passerine bird nesting studies. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. May 2017
Sindt, A. 2011. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadable Iowa streams: status, habitat associations, and effectiveness of species distribution models. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. April 2011
Simpson, Nicholas, "Occurrence, abundance, and associations of Topeka Shiners and species of greatest conservation need in streams and oxbows of Iowa and Minnesota" (2018). May 2018
Rowe, D. C. 2007. Relationships of fish assemblages, in-stream physical habitat, and landscape characteristics in wadeable Iowa streams. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. May 2007
Robles, A. J. 2010. Patch- and landscape-scale effects on area sensitivity of grassland birds in Iowa. M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. August 2010
Reeves, R. A. 2014. Comparison of amphibian habitat suitability in wetlands in the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. August 2014
Penne, C. R. 2007. Radio-telemetry study of common carp in Clear Lake, Iowa, to guide future management. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. May 2007
Pelham, M. E. 1999. Diet and consumption dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. December 1999
Pegg, M. A. 2000. Hydrological variation along the Missouri River and its effect on the fish community. Ph.D. Dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames. August 2000
Parks, T. P. 2013. Fish assemblages in Iowa's non-wadeable rivers. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. May 2013
Mills, N. 2017. Factors affecting mercury concentrations in Iowa fishes. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames. December 2016
Miller, D. A. Reproductive ecology of the mourning dove: large-scale patterns in recruitment, breeding endrocrinology, and developmental plasticity. Ph.D. dissertation. Iowa State University. December 2009
Madejczyk, J.C. 1998. Fish community relationships with hydrological and landscape characteristics in Iowa's rivers and streams. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. May 1998
Litvan, M. E. 2006. Evaluation of fish passage and fish and macroinvertebrate communities in southwest Iowa streams modified by grade control structures. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. August 2006
Liao, H. 2001. Assessment of diet and consumption dynamics of the adult piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Ph.D. Dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames. August 2001
Lambert, J.J. 2017. Grassland bird community response to vegetative diversity in restorations in northwestern Iowa. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa June 2017
Katzenmeyer, E. 2010. Fish growth responses to a changing environment: effects of aquatic nuisance species and environmental factors in a shallow, eutrophic lake. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. May 2010
Jovanovic, B. 2011. Ecological toxicology of fathead minnows in Iowa streams. Ph.D. Dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames. December 2011
Jain, A. A. 2005. Bird and bat behavior and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. August 2005
Horn, D. J. 2000. The influence of habitat features on grassland birds nesting in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota. Ph.D. dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. August 2000
Heller, B. 2010. Analysis of giant Canada gosse band recovery data in Iowaa nd the Mississippi Flyway. M.S. thesis. Iowa State University May 2010
Heitke, J. D. 2002. In-stream and riparian habitat relationships in Iowa streams. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. August 2002
Hall, L. E. 2005. Avian nest survival and snake abundance in restored and remnant grasslands in northwestern Iowa. M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. August 2005
Gapinski, L.A.W. 2024. Breeding bird use of wetland easements in the Prairie Pothole Region of Iowa. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University. July 2024
Frohnauer, N. K. 2003. Population characteristics and angler use of muskellunge in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. August 2003
Ford, J.M. 2024. Influences of northern bobwhite habitat management on Iowa species of greatest conservation need. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University. July 2024
Fletcher, R. J., Jr. 2003. Spatial and temporal scales of distribution and demography in breeding songbirds: implications of habitat fragmentation and restoration. Ph.D. dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. August 2003
Cordts, S. D. 1999. Estimating waterfowl abundance and productivity in the Prairie Pothole Region of northern Iowa. M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. August 1999
Colvin, M.E. 2012. Impacts of nuisance species in a shallow lake: a simulation modeling approach for restoration and management. Ph.D. Dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames. August 2012
Camacho, C. 2016. Asian carp reproduction and early life history stages in eastern Iowa rivers. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames. May 2016
Bakevich, B. 2012. Status, distribution, and habitat associations of Topeka shiners in west central Iowa. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. May 2012
Technical Publications Publication Date
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2011. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: status, habitat associations, and effectiveness of species distribution models. Final Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 118 pages. March 2011
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2010. Iowa stream fish species of greatest conservation need: using IAGAP and REMAP products to refine prioritization and guide assessment. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 11 pages. December 2010
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2009. Iowa stream fish species of greatest conservation need: using IAGAP and REMAP products to refine prioritization and guide assessment. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 29 pages. October 2009
Samuel, M.D., Joly, D.O., Wild, M.A., Wright, S.D.,Otis, D.L., Werge, R.W., Miller, M.W. Surveillance strategies for detecting chronic wasting disease in free-ranging deer and elk: results of a CWD surveillance workshop. USGS National Wildlife Health Center Report. March, 2003. 40pp. April 2005
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Relationships of Fish Assemblages, In-Stream Physical Habitat, and Landscape Characteristics of Wadeable Iowa Streams. Final Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 136 pages. May 2007
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. 2006. Evaluations of Physical Habitat, Stressor, and Biological Response Indicators for Wadeable Streams in Iowa?s Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 47 pages. April 2006
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. 2005. Evaluations of Physical Habitat, Stressor, and Biological Response Indicators for Wadeable Streams in Iowa?s Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. May 2005
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. 2005. Evaluations of Physical Habitat, Stressor, and Biological Response Indicators for Wadeable Streams in Iowa's Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. May 2005
Reeves, R. A., and C. L. Pierce. 2013. Amphibian assemblage and population health as an indicator of ecosystem health in various wetland types of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa. Annual Progress Report to the U.S. Geological Survey. 24 pages. January 2013
Pierce, C. L., K. L. Kane and G. T. Gelwicks. 2003. The Iowa Rivers Information System (IRIS): Progress Report 2003. Progress Report for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 10 pages. June 2003
Pierce, C. L. 2012. Fish assemblage relationships with physical characteristics and presence of dams in three eastern Iowa rivers. Final Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 83 pages. April 2012
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Radio Telemetry Study of Common Carp in Clear Lake, Iowa, To Guide Future Management. Final Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Bureau, U.S. Geological Survey, and Iowa State University. 132 pages. May 2007
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. 2006. Habitat Use, Seasonal Distribution, and Aggregation of Common Carp in Clear Lake, Iowa. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Bureau, U.S. Geological Survey, and Iowa State University. 27 pages. March 2006
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. 2005. Habitat Use, Seasonal Distribution, and Tendency to Aggregate of Common Carp in Clear Lake, Iowa. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Bureau, U.S. Geological Survey, and Iowa State University. May 2005
Otis, D. L., J. H. Schulz, D. A. Miller, R. Mirarchi, and T. Baskett. Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura). In The Birds of North America, No. 117. (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, D.C.: The American Ornithologists Union. 19. July 2008
Otis, D. L. and H. Wickham. 2006. Evaluation of the Statistical Properties of Grand Canyon Humpback Chub Abundance and Trend Estimates Produced from ASMR and Alternative Mark-Recapture Models. Draft Final Report to USGS GCMRC. 50pp. September 2006
Otis, D. L. 2009. Mourning Dove Banding Needs Assessment. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management. Laurel, MD. 22pp. May 2009
Mourning Dove National Strategic Harvest Management Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. September, 2004. 15pp. April 2005
McDonald, L.L., T. R. Stanley, D. L. Otis, D. E. Biggins, J. L. Koprowski, and W. Ballard. 2010. Recommended methods for range-wide monitoring of prairie dogs in the UNited States. Draft USGS Special Scientific Report. June 2010
Loan-Wilsey, Anna, R. L. McNeely, P. D. Brown, K. L. Kane and C. L. Pierce. 2004. A comprehensive biological inventory database for the Iowa Aquatic Gap Analysis Project. Gap Analysis Bulletin No.12:2-3. USGS/BRD/Gap Analysis Program, Moscow, Idaho. March 2004
Loan-Wilsey, A. K., R. L. McNeely, P. D. Brown, K. L. Kane, and C. L. Pierce. 2005. Iowa Stream Fish Atlas. Prepared for the U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. October 2005
Loan-Wilsey, A. K., C. L. Pierce, K. L. Kane, P. D. Brown and R. L. McNeely. 2005. The Iowa Aquatic Gap Analysis Project. Final Report. Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Iowa State University, Ames. June 2005
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2006. Evaluation of fish passage and fish and macroinvertebrate communities in southwest Iowa streams modified by grade control structures. Final Report for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Hungry Canyons Alliance. 181 pages. August 2006
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2006. An Evaluation of Effects of Grade Control Structures on Fish Movement and Fish Communities in Turkey Creek, Cass County, IA and Macroinvertebrate Communities in Walnut Creek, Montgomery County, IA. Annual Progress Report for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Hungry Canyons Alliance. 55 pages. April 2006
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2005. An Evaluation of Effects of Grade Control Structures on Fish Movement and Fish Communities in Turkey Creek, Cass County, IA and Macroinvertebrate Communities in Walnut Creek, Montgomery County, IA. Progress Report for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Hungry Canyons Alliance. 24 pages. March 2005
Koford, R.R., and D. L. Otis. 2008. Bird response to enhanced vegetation diversity in the Spring Run Complex. Progress Report, SWG project, to Iowa DNR. July 2008
Koford, R.R. 2010. Assessing the Role of Conspecific Attraction in Habitat Restoration for Henslow’s Sparrows in Iowa. Final Report. June 2010
Koford, R. R., and W. R. Clark. 2000. Abundance and nest success of grassland birds in relation to landscape features and predator movements. Prepared by the Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as a progress Report to USGS Biological Resources Division, Reston, Virginia. January 2000
Koford, R. R., and S. D. Cordts. 1999. Assessment of waterfowl productivity and abundance in the Prairie Pothole Region of northern Iowa. Prepared by the Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as a final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 3, Fort Snelling, Minnesota; and Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Des Moines, Iowa. January 2000
Koford, R. R., and D. L. Otis. 2010. Bird Response to Enhanced Vegetation Diversity in the Spring Run Complex September 2010
Koford, R. R., and D. L. Otis. 2009. Bird Response to Enhanced Vegetation Diversity in the Spring Run Complex July 2009
Koford, R. R. 2009. Potential and realized habitat for area-sensitive bird species on State Preserves June 2009
Koford, R. R. 2000. Effect of habitat restoration on grassland birds in the southern part of the Northern Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion. Prepared by the Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as a progress Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 3, Fort Snelling, Minnesota; and Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Des Moines, Iowa. January 2000
Koford, R. 2002. Effect of habitat restoration on grassland birds in the southern part of the Northern Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion. Progress Report, Research Work Order 50, Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Wildlife Bureau, Iowa Department of Natural Resources. March 2002
Koford, R. 2001. Effect of habitat restoration on grassland birds in the southern part of the Northern Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion. Progress Report, Research Work Order 50, Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Wildlife Bureau, Iowa Department of Natural Resources. March 2001
Koford, R. 2001. Bird Survey of the Kellerton Bird Conservation Area. Report submitted to the Wildlife Bureau and Wildlife Diversity Program, Iowa Department of Natural Resources. March 2001
Kitchell, J.F., Grimes, C., Lindley, S.T., Otis, D.L., Schwarz, C. Report to the Adaptive Management Work Group, Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program. An Independent Review of Ongoing and Proposed Scientific Methods to Assess the Status & Trends of the Grand Canyon Population of the Humpback Chub (Gila cypha). December, 2003. 21pp. April 2005
Frohnauer, N., C. Pierce, and L. Kallemeyn. 2007. USGS researchers help conserve unique muskellunge strain in Voyageurs National Park. USGS Fisheries and Aquatics Bulletin 6(2):3-4. July 2007
Debinski, D., R. Koford, and J. Miller. 2007. Effects of Prairie Restoration Using Fire and Grazing Regimes on the Butterfly Community of Iowa?s Loess Hills July 2007
Cox, R.R., Jr., Eadie, J.M., Otis, D.L., Reinecke, K.J. Science-based allocation of resources for waterfowl conservation in the contiguous U.S.: implications for the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service MBCF Allocation Process (MAP) Team. May, 2004. 5pp. April 2005
Colvin, M. E., E. D. Katzenmeyer, T. W. Stewart, and C. L. Pierce. 2010. The Clear Lake Ecosystem Simulation Model (CLESM) Project. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 160 pages. August 2010
Colvin, M. E., E. D. Katzenmeyer, T. W. Stewart, and C. L. Pierce. 2009. The Clear Lake Ecosystem Simulation Model (CLESM) Project. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 142 pages. June 2009
Colvin, M. E., E. D. Katzenmeyer, T. W. Stewart, and C. L. Pierce. 2008. The Clear Lake Ecosystem Simulation Model (CLESM) Project. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 110 pages. June 2008
Brown, P. D., R. L. McNeely, C. L. Pierce, and K. L. Kane. 2005. The Iowa Rivers Information System (IRIS). Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. October 2005
Bakevich, B. D., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2010. Distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa. Annual Progress Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 15 pages. December 2010
Andres, B., J. Bart, M. Hack, D. Humberg, M. Koneff, H. Laskowski, J. Nichols, D. Otis, and J. Roberson. Monitoring Avian Conservation: Rationale, Design, and Coordination. Prepared by: The Coordinated Bird Monitoring Working Group of the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. September, 2004. 30pp. April 2005
Type Citation Publication Date
Software Release Tucker, A.M. and M.C. Runge. Optimal harvest of a theoretical population under system change. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release. Reson, VA. October 2022