Zambory, C.L., Pierce, C.L., Roe, K.J., Weber, M.J. 2017. Off-Channel Mapping for Identifying and Prioritizing Topeka Shiner Restoration Sites (contributed paper). Society for Conservation GIS Meeting, Monterey, CA, July 2017.
July 2017
New approach to identifying candidate oxbow restoration sites demonstrated.
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, N. Young, and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Integrating LiDAR landscape analysis and species distribution models to prioritize areas for oxbow restoration. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018.
March 2018
Presented novel methods for selecting oxbow restoration sites.
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, N. Young, and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Integrating LiDAR landscape analysis and species distribution models to prioritize areas for oxbow restoration. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018.
February 2018
Presented a novel method for selecting oxbow restoration sites.
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, N. Young, and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Integrating LiDAR landscape analysis and species distribution models to prioritize areas for oxbow restoration (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018.
January 2018
Demonstrated new method for identifying oxbow restoration sites.
Zambory, C. L., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. The use of landscape variable associations with Topeka shiner occupancy of off-channel habitats to prioritize potential restoration sites (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017.
March 2017
Use of GIS-derived landscape variables for Topeka shiner conservation will be presented.
Zambory, C. L., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Application of Off-channel mapping methodology for identifying and rating oxbow habitats for federally endangered Topeka shiners (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017.
March 2017
Methods are described for identifying and rating oxbows for restoration.
Yappert, A.A., S.A. Hoepfner, A.M. Tucker, R.B. Lanctot, S.T. Saalfeld, and S.J. Dinsmore. 2024. High-frequency GPS Devices Offer Unprecedented Access to Shorebird Ecology and Movement Information. Oral presentation at the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, New Brunswick, CA.
August 2024
We present an overview of the ecological questions that can be addressed using high-frequency GPS tags on migratory shorebirds. This emerging technology provides new avenues for research and understanding movements and behaviors, but also presents new challenges in data collection and management. This talk is aimed at researchers to present a balanced view of the challenges and benefits of high-frequency GPS tags and the types of studies that might be most suited to their use.
Yappert, A.A., A.M. Tucker, R. Lanctot, and S. Dinsmore. Shorebirds and Roads: How Human-altered Landscapes Influence Shorebird Movements in Alaska. USGS Friday Findings Webinar, March 28, 2025.
March 2025
Arctic-breeding shorebirds have experienced widespread population declines in recent decades and future infrastructure expansion poses a threat to breeding birds. We found that Dunlin respond strongly to annual environmental conditions and use roadside areas prior to nesting likely due to the availability of food resources in these areas.This work highlights the need to evaluate the consequences, positive or negative, of shorebird use of human-modified areas on the breeding grounds.
Wilson, R., A. Janke, A.M. Tucker, and T. Bogenschutz. 2023. Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Northern Bobwhite Occupancy in an Agricultural Landscape. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society.
November 2023
We evaluate the use of autonomous recording units (ARUs) to monitor bobwhite occupancy by comparing ARU detections with concurrent covey call surveys by trained observers. Our findings will help inform future studies of northern bobwhite occupancy at a landscape-scale previously unattainable with traditional survey methods. Such a study design will be critical in informing targeted and effective conservation efforts to restore populations of this iconic game bird.
White, J.J., T.W. Grovenburg, R.W. Klaver, D.E. Hubbard, T. Runia and J.A. Jenks. 2012. Association of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) and Conservation Reserve Program grasslands during brood-rearing season in eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Cedar Shore Resort and Convention Center. Oacoma, South Dakota. 27– 29 February 2012
February 2012
Weidner, J. A., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks, and G. A. Simmons. Relationships of fish communities and availability of deep-water habitat (poster). American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI, August 2004.
August 2004
Vogel, J., and R. Koford. 2010. Bird response to enhanced vegetation diversity in the Spring Run Complex of northeastern Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, December, 2010.
December 2010
Vogel, J., R. Koford, and D. Otis. 2011. Reproductive success of red-winged blackbirds in restored grasslands
December 2011
Vogel, J., R. Koford, and D. Otis. 2011. Bird response to enhanced vegetation diversity in the Spring Run Complex of northeastern Iowa. Annual Meeting of American Ornithologists' Union, Jacksonville, FL, July, 2011.
July 2011
Vaske, M., R. Hupfeld, G. Jones, R. Krogman, D. Paulson, M. Weber, and M. Moore. Assessing the effects of experimental flow releases on Shovelnose Sturgeon spawning in the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation. 2024 North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting.
October 2024
This research is working to understand relationships between flow management and Shovelnose Sturgeon reproduction to improve management for the species.
Vaske, M., R. Hupfeld, G. Jones, R. Krogman, D. Paulson, M. Weber, and M. Moore. Assessing the effects of experimental flow releases on Shovelnose Sturgeon spawning in the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation. 2024 85TH Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.
January 2025
This research helps the US Army Corps understand how to better manage spring flow pulses downstream of dams to promote the reproduction of native lotic species without also benefiting invasive species.
Vaske, M. A., R. N. Hupfeld, G. Jones, R. M. Krogman, D. C. Paulson, M. J. Weber, and M. J. Moore. 2025. Are environmental flow pulses associated with Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) reproduction on the Des Moines River, Iowa? Oral. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference. Boone, IA.
March 2025
This research helps us understand how environmental flow releases at dams managed by the USACE can help promote reproduction of a migratory species of conservation need.
Vandever, M. W., R. A. Reeves, K. L. Smalling, C. L. Pierce, and E. Muths. 2015. A collaborative, multi-disciplined approach to assess amphibian habitat in restored wetlands in an agricultural landscape. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Lawrence, KS, August 2015.
August 2015
Amphibian habitat value of wetlands restored to reduce nutrient export was assessed.
Umland, L., T. Hessler., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. A lake sturgeon recovery milestone: The first documented occurrence of spawning within tributaries of the Missouri River, Missouri. North American Paddlefish and Sturgeon Society Annual Meeting. Mobile, AL.
October 2024
This study will help managers better identify possible Lake Sturgeon spawning efforts to further inform recover of this species.
Umland, L., T. Hessler., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. A comparison of known vs modeled Lake Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in a Missouri River Tributary . American Fisheries Society Conference, Honolulu, HI.
September 2024
This study will help managers and policy makers understand the contribution of recreational fishing in the US.
Umland, L., T. Hessler, M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2025. Lake Sturgeon Spawning Event in the Osage River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO.
February 2025
This study identifies movements and possible spawning locations of Lake Sturgeon, which will help inform recovery efforts for the native species.
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. Lake Sturgeon Recruitment Assessment for the Osage and Gasconade Rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. 7 February 2024.
February 2024
This study identifies movements and possible spawning locations of Lake Sturgeon, which will help inform recovery efforts for the native species.
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2023. Lake Sturgeon Occupancy and Recruitment in Tributaries of a Mainstem River. World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA. 5 March 2024.
March 2024
This study identifies movements and possible spawning locations of Lake Sturgeon, which will help inform recovery efforts for the native species.
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2023. Factors affecting Lake Sturgeon reproduction: the next step in recovery and management. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.
April 2023
This study identifies movements and possible spawning location of Lake Sturgeon, which will help inform recovery efforts for this native species.
Tucker, A.M., T. Harms, and A. Buckhardt-Thomas. Assessing reintroduction efforts and evaluating recovery goals of trumpeter swans in Iowa using an integrated population model. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 2022
November 2022
Trumpeter Swans are a species of conservation concern in Iowa. Since their reintroduction, the population has grown to exceed the previously-set recovery targets. Iowa is currently re-evaluating recovery goals and monitoring for this species, and this analysis will provide an estimate of population growth rate from 1994-2020 as well as age- and sex-specific demographic rates to inform those decisions.
Tucker, A.M., M.C. Runge, J. Ashander, R.E.W. Berl, J.R. Reimer, G.S. Boomer, I. Chadès, P.K. Devers, R.S. Epanchin-Niell, H. Kujala, J.E. Lyons, T.G. Martin, T.L. Morelli, M.A. Rubenstein, A. Terando, and Q. Zhao. 2023. Wildlife management under global change: Time-dependent policies for non-stationary systems. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Louisville KY.
November 2023
This is the opening talk of a symposium focused on wildlife management under non-stationarity. In this talk we synthesize work from diverse fields to discuss the challenges in accounting for non-stationarity and the tools available to address these problems.
Tucker, A.M. and M.C. Runge. 2021. Optimal strategies for managing wildlife harvest under system change. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society.
November 2021
Presenting the contents of a previously published simulation study investigating time-dependent harvest policies when system change is causing non-stationarity in demographic rates. This work provides a framework for understanding optimal harvest of wildlife under climate change.
Trade-offs in Vital Rates of Mourning Dove Populations. 2011. Joint Cooper Society/Wilson Ornithological Society Annual Meeting.
March 2011
Todorovic, Z., D. Palic, K. L. Kane, and C. L. Pierce. Use of GIS tools to identify critical points for assessment of aquatic ecosystem health in agricultural areas and potential for natural resource management (poster). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2006.
February 2006
Tillotson, N., M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2018. Spatiotemporal population characteristics of Silver Carp along the invasion front of the Upper Mississippi River. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018.
February 2018
Presented status of Asian carp spread in Upper Mississippi River.
Thomson, D.L., M. J. Conroy, , D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, E. G. Cooch, C. M. Francis, J. D. Lebreton, M. S. Lindberg, B. J. T. Morgan, D. L. Otis, G. C. White. 2007. Standardising terminology and notation for the analysis of demographic processes in marked populations. International Euring Symposium. Dunedin, New Zealand. Poster.
January 2007
Temple, S.A., and R. R. Koford. 2002. Birds and forest edges: the ecological processes that generate complex patterns. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Tucson, Arizona
August 2002
Swanson, J., C. Pierce, E. Muths, K. Smalling, and M. Vandever. 2016. Habitat use and pesticide exposure in northern leopard frogs in Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program wetlands (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, January, 2016.
January 2016
Habitat use and exposure to pesticides was measured in frogs associated with restored wetlands.
Swanson, J. S., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. Smalling, M. V. Vandever. 2017. Habitat use and pesticide exposure in northern leopard frogs in conservation reserve enhancement program wetlands (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017.
February 2017
Habitat use and resulting exposure to environmental pesticides in frogs was described.
Swanson, J. S., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. Smalling, M. V. Vandever. 2016. Habitat Use and Pesticide Exposure in Northern Leopard Frogs in Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program Wetlands (contributed paper). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. New Orleans, LA, July 2016.
July 2016
Habitat use and resulting exposure to pesticides were assess in frogs inhabiting a restored wetland.
Swanson, J. E., Yaw, T. J., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. L. Smalling, M. W. Vandever, and B. A. Zaffarano. Use of silicone passive sampling devices (PSDs) for assaying potential exposure of Northern Leopard Frogs to pesticides in agricultural wetlands (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017.
February 2017
A new technique for assaying exposure to environmental pesticides was described.
Swanson, C. C., T. W. Grovenburg, R. W. Klaver, K. E. Doherty, J. A. Jenks, and D. Theobald. 2013. Targeting conservation on unprotected lands in the USFWS Mountain-Prairie Region. Invited seminar, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Mountain-Prairie Regional Office, Denver, Colorado
September 2013
Informing FWS Regional Director on opportunities for conservation on unprotected lands
Sullivan, C.J., C.A. Camacho, M.J. Weber, C.L. Pierce, D. H. Wahl, Q. E. Phelps, and R. E. Colombo (poster). 2017. Factors regulating year-class strength of Silver Carp throughout North America. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017.
March 2017
Regional patterns of reproduction on Silver carp were explored.
Sullivan, C.J., C.A. Camacho, C.L. Pierce, and M.J. Weber. 2015. Seasonal variation in catch rates and size structure of Silver Carp in southeast Iowa Rivers (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Ames, IA, March 2015.
March 2015
Seasonal differences in catch were presented to illustrate the best times of the year to sample.
Sullivan, C.J., C.A. Camacho, C.L. Pierce, and M.J. Weber. 2015. Seasonal sampling dynamics of Silver Carp in southeast Iowa rivers (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN, February, 2015.
February 2015
Seasonal differences in catch were presented to illustrate the best times of the year to sample.
Sullivan, C. J., C. A. Camacho, C. L. Pierce, and M. J. Weber. 2016 Longitudinal variation in life-history traits of silver carp in the Des Moines River. (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016.
March 2016
Life history traits of Silver carp were assessed throughout the Des Moines River to determine the extent of their invasion.
Sullivan, C. J., C. A. Camacho, C. L. Pierce, and M. J. Weber. 2016 Assessment of grass carp populations in southeastern Iowa rivers. (poster). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016.
March 2016
Presence and abundance of grass carp was presented.
Stephenson, M.D., L.A. Schulte, and R.W. Klaver. 2018. Prairie contour buffer strips serve as bird nesting habitat in Midwestern agricultural landscapes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018.
January 2018
These preliminary findings indicate that if widely adopted, contour strips of prairie could serve as quality nesting habitat across large parts of the agricultural Midwestern landscape.
Sindt, A. R., Pierce, C. L., and M. C. Quist. 2009. Iowa stream fishes of greatest conservation need: a new project to refine prioritization and guide assessment (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, January 2009.
January 2009
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2012. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: current status and effectiveness of Aquatic Gap Program distribution models (contributed paper). Rivers and Streams Technical Committee Annual Meeting, North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Rock Island, IL, March 2012.
March 2012
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2011. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: relative importance of spatial scales (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA, September 2011.
September 2011
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2009. The occurrence and habitat relationships of seven Iowa stream fish species of greatest conservation need (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, IL, December 2009.
December 2009
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2011. Validation of fish species distribution models based on GIS-measured habitat variables. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA, January 2011.
January 2011
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2010. Validation of occurrence models with emphasis on fish species of greatest conservation need (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010.
September 2010
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2010. Validation of fish species distribution models based on GIS-measured habitat variables. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Simpson, N. T., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Status and habitat use of Topeka shiners in the Boone River watershed, Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017.
February 2017
Occurrence and habitat associations of Topeka shiners was presented.
Simpson, N. T., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Status and habitat use of Topeka shiners in the Boone River watershed, Iowa (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017.
March 2017
Distributional status and habitat associations of Topeka shiners will be presented.
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Occurrence, abundance, and habitat use of Topeka shiners in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018.
March 2018
Presented updated models predicting occurrence of endangered Topeka shiners.
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Occurrence, abundance, and habitat use of Topeka shiners in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018.
February 2018
Presented updated models predicting occurrence of endangered Topeka shiners.
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Occurrence, abundance, and habitat use of Topeka shiners in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018.
January 2018
Showed habitat relationships of Topeka shiners.
Silker, B.J., M.D. Stephenson, L.A. Schulte, and R.W. Klaver. 2018. Effects of vegetation composition and structure on daily nest survival in red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) and dicksissel (Spiza Americana) in Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018.
January 2018
Results can be used to inform future implementation of the prairie strips practice to improve their value for wildlife conservation.
Shepherd, K., A.M. Tucker, and A. Toth. 2023. Evaluating occupancy and habitat associations of rusty patched and American bumble bees. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Louisville KY.
November 2023
This presentation summarizes preliminary occupancy analyses to understand the local and landscape habitat features that are associated with presence of rusty patched and American bumble bees. This work is intended to help support habitat management efforts by partners in state agencies and the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife program.
Shepherd, K., A.M. Tucker, E. Ibarra-Garibay, and A. Toth. 2024. Evaluating occupancy and habitat associations of rusty patched (Bombus affinis) and American (Bombus pensylvanicus) bumble bees in Iowa. Oral presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA.
February 2024
This presentation describes preliminary results of an occupancy analysis aimed at understand the local- and landscape-level site characteristics associated with occupancy of two imperiled bee species. We describe similarities and differences between the two species, which could lead to tradeoffs in habitat management.
Shea, C. P., B. D. Bakevich, P. W. Bettoli, J. R. Fischer, C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Combining dynamic occupancy models and trait-based approaches to assess the response of stream fish assemblages to hydrological and hydrothermal variability (contributed paper). Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, NC, June 2017.
March 2017
Novel combination of occupancy modeling and use of traits as covariates in analyses of relationships with variable hydrological and thermal environments will be presented.
Shea, C. P., B. D. Bakevich, P. W. Bettoli, J. R. Fischer, C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Combining dynamic occupancy models and trait-based approaches to assess the response of stream fish assemblages to hydrological and hydrothermal variability (contributed paper). Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, NC, June 2017.
June 2017
Response of stream fishes to variable hydrodynamics demonstrated.
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. Evaluations of physical habitat, stressor, and biological response indicators for wadeable streams in Iowa's Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005.
September 2005
Rowe, D. C., and C. L. Pierce. Comparison of wadeable streams physical habitat assessment protocols (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007.
January 2007
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. Influence of physical habitat and watershed characteristics on stream integrity (invited symposium talk). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE, December 2006.
December 2006
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2007. Physical Habitat and Fish Assemblage Relationships with Landscape Variables in Wadeable Iowa Streams (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI, December 2007.
December 2007
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2007. Fish Assemblage Relationships with Reach-Scale Physical Habitat in Wadeable Iowa Streams (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI, December 2007.
December 2007
Robles, A., and R. Koford. 2010. Potential and realized habitat for area sensitive bird species on Iowa State Preserves. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, Ames, IA
March 2010
Reeves, R.A., C.L. Pierce, E. Muths, M.W. Vandever, K. Smalling, and W.A. Battaglin. 2013. Pesticides, nutrients and disease: Do restored wetlands provide quality amphibian habitat in an agricultural landscape? (poster) The Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, August 2013.
August 2013
This study demonstrated effects of pesticides, nutrients and disease on amphibians in wetlands.
Reeves, R.A., C.L. Pierce, E. Muths, M.W. Vandever, K. Smalling, W.A. Battaglin, and R.W. Klaver. 2013. Amphibian indicators of wetland ecosystem health in the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa (contributed paper). The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, October 2013.
October 2013
This study described amphibian indicators of wetlandf health.
Reeves, R.A., C. Pierce, E. Muths and M. Vandever. 2013. Amphibian assemblages and population health in natural and restored wetlands in the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa (poster). Iowa Wildlife Society Meeting, Ames, IA. [poster presentation] February 2013.
February 2013
This study demonstrated amphibian population differences between wetland types.
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, and M. W. Vandever. 2012. Comparison of amphibian habitat suitability in various wetland types of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, Kansas, December 2012.
December 2012
This study compares the value of restored and natural wetlands as amphibian habitat in the agricultural landscape of Iowa. Results will be part of the overall assessment of wetland restoration in improving the ecological integrity of Iowa's highly altered landscape.
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Pesticides, nutrients and disease: Environmental stressors of amphibians in restored and reference wetlands in central Iowa (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, MO. January 2014.
January 2014
This study compared environmental stressors in amphibians from reference and restored wetlands in Iowa.
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Pesticides, nutrients and disease: Environmental stressors of amphibians in restored and reference wetlands in central Iowa (poster). Iowa Water Conference. Ames, IA. March 2014.
March 2014
This study compares environmental stressors in restored and reference wetlands in Iowa.
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Developmental stress in leopard frogs in reference and restored agricultural wetlands in Central Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, MO. January 2014.
January 2014
This study compares developmental stress in frogs from reference and restored wetlands in Iowa.
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, K. L. Smalling, and W. A. Battaglin. 2014. Developmental stress in leopard frogs in reference and restored agricultural wetlands in Central Iowa (contributed paper). Iowa Wildlfe Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA. February 2014.
February 2014
This study compared developmental stress in frogs from reference and restored wetlands in Iowa.
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, P. J. Braaten, C. L. Pierce, and V. H. Travnichek. June 2001. Potential influence of harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Missouri River. 5th Annual Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Great Falls, Montana.
June 2001
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, P. J. Braaten, C. L. Pierce, and V. H. Travnichek. August 2001. Potential influence of harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Missouri River system: a case for pro-active management (poster). 131st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, Arizona.
August 2001
Potter, L. and D. Otis. Nest Success and Brood Habitat Selection in Southern Iowa. 11th Annual Southeast Quail Study Group.
August 2005
Pierce, C.L., M.A. Pegg, P.J. Braaten, and C.S. Guy. Growth of channel and flathead catfish in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone Rivers (invited symposium talk). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO, December, 2003.
December 2003
Pierce, C. L., and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Origins, current status, and potential roles of oxbows for conservation and nutrient reduction in agricultural landscapes: introduction to the oxbow track. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018.
March 2018
Presented on the many benefits of oxbows in agricultural regions.
Pierce, C. L., and K. E. Schilling. 2018. Origins, current status, and potential roles of oxbows for conservation and nutrient reduction in agricultural landscapes: introduction to the oxbow session (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018.
January 2018
Gave background on oxbows and introduced session speakers and topics.
Pierce, C. L., and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. Spatial patterns in stream fish assemblages over time: revelations from Iowa?s historical stream fish database (invited talk). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2008.
February 2008
Pierce, C. L., and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. Spatial patterns in stream fish assemblages over time: revelations from Iowa's historical stream fish database (invited symposium talk). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE, December 2006.
December 2006
Pierce, C. L., and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. 2010. Tracking changes in Iowa’s wadeable stream fish communities (invited talk). Raccoon River Watershed Association annual meeting, West Des Moines, IA, March 2010.
March 2010
Pierce, C. L., T. W. Stewart, and M. E. Colvin. 2011. Monitoring and modeling the Clear Lake ecosystem: native and non-native species in the context of lake restoration (invited talk). Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2011.
March 2011
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham and J. G. Larscheid. January 2000. The littoral zone fish assemblage in Spirit Lake, Iowa: abundance, variation and implications for forage availability (poster). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
January 2000
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham and J. G. Larscheid. August 2000. The littoral zone fish assemblage in Spirit Lake, Iowa: abundance, variation and implications for forage availability (poster). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2000
Pierce, C. L., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, and P. J. Braaten. Growth responses of benthic fishes to environmental changes along the Missouri and lower Yellowstone Rivers (poster). American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005.
September 2005
Pierce, C. L. and A. K. Loan-Wilsey. Spatial patterns in stream fish assemblages over time: revelations from Iowa's historical stream fish database (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007.
January 2007
Pierce, C. L. 2010. The biology of invasive common carp (invited talk). Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Carp Control Workshop, Burns, OR, March 2010.
March 2010
Pierce, C. L. 2009. Carp, zebra mussels, and the decline and recovery of Clear Lake (invited talk). Des Moines Chapter Izaak Walton League. Des Moines, IA, September 2009.
September 2009
Phillips, M.L., D.J. Horn, W.R. Clark, M.A. Sovada, and R.R. Koford. 2002. Analysis of predator movement in prairie landscapes with contrasting grassland composition. 17th Annual Symposium, International Association for Landscape Ecology - United States Regional Association, Lincoln, Nebraska
April 2002
Phillips, M. L., D. J. Horn, W. R. Clark, M. A. Sovada, R. R. Koford, and R. J. Greenwood. 2000. Effects of fragmentation of grassland habitat on selection of landscape features by predators in North Dakota. American Society of Mammalogists, Durham, New Hampshire.
June 2000
Peters, K. A. and D. L. Otis.Human disturbance to wading birds at Cape Romain NWR, SC. Annual Meeting of theWaterbird Society. Lacrosse, WI. October, 2002.
October 2002
Penne, C. R., and C. L. Pierce. Habitat use, seasonal distribution, and aggregation areas of common carp in Clear Lake, Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE, December 2006.
December 2006
Penne, C. R., N. L. Ahrens, and C. L. Pierce. Expulsion of radio transmitters from juvenile common carp: effect of transmitter volume (contributed paper). Iowa-Wisconsin joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Dubuque, IA, January 2006.
January 2006
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. Habitat use, seasonal distribution, and tendency to aggregate of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Clear Lake, Iowa (poster). American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005.
September 2005
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. Habitat use, seasonal distribution and aggregation of common carp in Clear Lake, Iowa (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007.
January 2007
Pelham, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. January 2000. Diet dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa (poster). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
January 2000
Pelham, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. August 2000. Consumption dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa (poster). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2000
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. January 2000. Latitudinal growth comparisons of selected Missouri River fishes (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
January 2000
Pegg, M. A., C. L. Pierce, and A. Roy. August 2000. Effects of channelization and impoundment on flow in the Missouri River: a time-series analysis (poster). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2000
Paukert, C. P., M. Moore, T. Moore, and N. Farless. Restoring Fish and Fish Habitat in Midwestern Rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA 23 August 2022.
August 2022
This study will help managers of midwestern rivers that may help guide further restoration efforts
Patterson, S.S., and R. R. Koford. 2004. DISTANCE analysis: a look at variation in species behavior and differences in observer ability. Cooper Ornithological Society, La Crosse, Wisconsin
May 2004
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2013. Historic shifts in fish assemblage structure in Iowa’s nonwadeable rivers: New analyses for a new retrospective. Annual Meeting of the North Central Division American Fisheries Society, Rivers and Streams Technical Committee. Rock Island, Illinois, March 2013.
March 2013
This study showed how fish assemblages have changed over time in Iow rivers.
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2013. Anthropogenic disturbance and environmental associations with fish assemblage structure in two nonwadeable rivers in Iowa. Annual Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moravia, Iowa, January 2013.
January 2013
This study demonstrates how human and environmental factors affect fish assemblages in rivers.
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2011. Longitudinal Shifts in Fish Assemblage Structure along a Non-wadeable Iowa River (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA, September 2011.
September 2011
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2011. Longitudinal patterns of fish distribution in the Cedar River, Iowa. Annual Meeting of the North Central Division AFS, Rivers and Streams Technical Committee, Rock Island, IL, March 2011.
March 2011
Parks, T.P., M.C. Quist, and C.L. Pierce. 2011. Influence of Dams and Instream Habitat on Fish Assemblages in Two Non-Wadeable Iowa Rivers (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA, December 2011.
December 2011
Parks, T., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2011. Species of greatest conservation need: distribution and relative abundance in the Cedar River, Iowa. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA, January 2011.
January 2011
Parks, T., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2010. Species of greatest conservation need: distribution and relative abundance in the Cedar River, Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Parks, T. P., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2012. Historical Changes in Fish Assemblages in the Non-wadeable Rivers of Iowa (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 2012.
August 2012
Palic, D., R. Grajeda, L. Helland, B. Pedersen, J. Pribil, A. Loan-Wilsey and C. Pierce. Fish communities of the upper Little Sioux River basin: Current status and historical trends (poster). Iowa Academy of Science annual meeting, Des Moines, IA, April 2003.
April 2003
Otis, D.L. 2003 . Population models for mourning dove harvest management. 10th Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society. Burlington, Vermont.
September 2003
Otis, D. L. and G. C. White. Evaluation of ultrastructure and random effects band recovery modelsfor estimating relationships between survival and harvest rates in exploited populations. Euring 2003 Conference. Radolfzell, Germany.
October 2003
Otis, D. L. Model selection and inference in species-environment studies. Syposium on species-environment interactions in agricultural landscapes: measuring, monitoring, and modeling multi-scale processes. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN
December 2004
Otis, D. L. Model selection and inference in species-environment studies. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianaplos, IN
December 2004
Otis, D. L. Harvest demographics of mourning doves in the continental U.S. 12th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Madison, WI USA
September 2005
Otis, D. L. 2007. Mourning dove harvest characteristics derived from a national reward banding study. 14th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Tucson,AZ
September 2007
Nusser, S., W.R. Clark, and D.L. Otis. Sample design considerations for monitoring CWD in deer populations. 12th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Madison, WI, USA
September 2005
Moore, M.J, A. A. Hyman 2023. What Google Trends can (and can't) tell us about factors driving public interest in endangered species. Oral Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Overland Park, Kansas.
February 2023
This work evaluates the use of publicly available data to assess interest in species conservation. It also will examine what factors drive public interest in endangered species to inform outreach and engagement efforts.
Moore, M. J., Coulter, A. A., Golcher-Benavides, J., Rahel, F. J., Walters, A. W., Brewer, S. K., Wildhaber, M. L. 2024. A synthesis of the characteristics and drivers of introduced fishes in prairie streams: Can we manage harmful introduced fishes in these dynamic environments? Oral Presentation at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
In this paper we synthesize the state of knowledge of introduced fishes and their effects to fish communities in prairie streams, which have been historically overlooked ecosystems. This research can help guide future risk assessment, introduced fish suppression, and native fish conservation in prairie streams. This research is a product of the Prairie Fishes and Streams Collaborative Working Group, comprising scientists from multiple state, federal, and academic institutions.
Moore, M. J., Clayton, D., Weber, M., Frese, P., Weihe, P, Dinsmore, S. and Kinkead, K. 2025. The Craytabase: a cooperative effort to catalog information on the distribution of Iowa’s crayfishes. Oral Presentation at the Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Boone, Iowa.
March 2025
This collaborative research helps establish a crayfish database as for Iowa. This information is important for native and invasive species management in the state where little is known about this data deficient taxanomic group.
Mills, N., D. Cashatt, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. Mercury accumulation in flathead catfish: implications for length-specific consumption advisories. (poster). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016.
March 2016
The relationship of mercury concentration with length of flathead catfish was explored to assist with development of consumption advisories.
Mills, N., D. Cashatt, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. Intra-river differences in fish mercury accumulation rates in six Iowa interior rivers. (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016.
March 2016
To enable better consumption advisories, potential differences in mercury concentration between rivers was evaluated.
Mills, N. T., Cashatt, D., Weber, M. J., and Pierce, C. L. 2015. Temporal variation in largemouth bass mercury concentrations (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2015.
March 2015
Seasonal variation in mercury contamination was presented to aid in creating consumption advisories.
Mills, N. T., Cashatt, D., Weber, M. J., and Pierce, C. L. 2015. Seasonal variation in largemouth bass mercury levels (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015.
February 2015
Seasonal variation in mercury contamination was presented to aid in creating consumption advisories.
Miller, D. A. and D. L. Otis.2008. Delayed effects of developmental conditions on flight ability of Mourning Doves. 136th Annual AOU meeting. Portland, OR
August 2008
Miller, D. A. and D. L. Otis. 2007. Toward rangewide estimates of mourning dove recruitment: initial results from a national harvest wing collection pilot program. 14th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Tucson, Arizona.
September 2007
McDonald, L., A.M. Tucker, and E.M. Lang. 2025. Evaluating Spatial Error in Radio-Tracking of Blanding Turtles in Terrestrial Habitats in Iowa. Poster presentation at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Pittsburgh, PA.
April 2025
Triangulation via radio-tracking is a standard method in wildlife studies to monitor species' movements and habitat preferences, particularly in challenging areas. An accurate understanding of these errors is critical for interpreting movement data and supporting habitat conservation efforts. By quantifying spatial errors and emphasizing the need for precision in radio-tracking methodologies, this study contributes to improving conservation practices for Blanding’s turtles.
Matthews, A.J., M.J. Weber, and C.L. Pierce. 2017. Tributary contribution of larval production in the Upper Mississippi River (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017.
March 2017
Contribution of tributaries to production of larval Asian carp in the Mississippi River will be presented.
M.J. Moore, Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, Z. J. Witzel, J. T. Lamer, and M. J. Weber. Patterns and drivers of hybridization between Silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and Bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) carp in the Upper Mississippi River. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
September 2024
This work helps us understand the prevalence of hybridization between two invasive species. Genetic introgression may have impacts on the feeding ecology and fitness of these invasive species with implications for native species.
M. J. Moore, Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, D. D. Turney, S.A. Valentine, Z. J. Witzel, J. T Lamer, G. W. Whitledge, and M.J. Weber. Examining environmental correlates of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) year-class strength in Upper Mississippi River natal environments using otolith microchemistry. Oral Presentation American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
September 2024
This work helps managers understand natal environments for invasive Carps so that managers can work to control their population expansion in the Upper Mississippi River basin.
Lyons, J.E., B. Nuse, A. Tucker, K. Anstead, C. McGowan, C. Moore, C. Starks, J. Sweka, and D. Smith. 2024. Co-Production of Adaptive Management for Horseshoe Crabs and a Threatened Migratory Shorebird. Oral presentation at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
September 2024
This talk describes the process of developing and updating an adaptive management framework for horseshoe crabs, which are economically valued and also an ecologically important prey for migratory shorebirds.
Loda, J. and D. L. Otis. 2006. Relationships between amphibians, water quality and landscape context of wetlands in Iowa. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Loan-Wilsey, Anna K., R. L. McNeely, P. D. Brown, K. L. Kane and C. L. Pierce. A statewide stream fish community database for biological assessment (poster). Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR, August 2004
August 2004
Loan-Wilsey, Anna K., R. L. McNeely, P. D. Brown, K. L. Kane and C. L. Pierce. 2004. A statewide stream fish community database for biological assessment (invited poster). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2004.
February 2004
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. An evaluation of effects of grade control structures on fish movement and fish communities in Turkey Creek, Cass County, IA and macroinvertebrate communities in Walnut Creek, Montgomery County, IA (poster). Iowa-Wisconsin joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Dubuque, IA, January 2006.
January 2006
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. An evaluation of effects of grade control structures on fish movement and fish communities in Turkey Creek, Cass County, IA and macroinvertebrate communities in Walnut Creek, Montgomery County, IA (poster). American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK, September 2005.
September 2005
Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. January 2000. Assessment of consumption dynamics of the adult piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, 1995-97 (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
January 2000
Lang, E.M., S.J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Movement Ecology of Blanding's Turtles in Central Iowa. Oral Presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA.
February 2024
This presentation presents preliminary analyses of Blanding's turtle radiotelemetry data to estimate home range size and movement patterns. This is part of a larger project investigating habitat use and demographics of this endangered turtle in Iowa.
Lang, E.M., S.J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Blanding's turtle movement and home ranges in Iowa. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD.
October 2024
This work examines movements and home range size of an imperiled freshwater turtle. Understanding these movements and site use patterns can help inform site habitat management and inform estimates of connectivity among small wetlands.
Lang, E.M., S. J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Blanding's turtles on the move in Iowa: Seasonal movement and home ranges. Oral presentation at the Joint Meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Ann Arbor, MI.
June 2024
This work summarizes results from a movement study of Blanding's turtles, and state and federally listed species, at wetland complexes in central Iowa.
Kramer, N. W., Q. E. Phelps, C. L. Pierce, and M. E. Colvin. 2016. Using food web modeling to determine effects of increased exploitation on invasive carps in the middle Mississippi River (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, January, 2016.
January 2016
Potential effects on the Mississippi River food web of removing invasive Asian carp was evaluated by simulation modeling.
Koford, R.R., and H. Stallman. 2002. Habitat rankings in the Mississippi Headwaters/Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem based on PIF concern scores. Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, California
March 2002
Koford, R.R., and D.J. Horn. 2004. Landscape composition influences the relationship between relative abundance of grassland birds and field size. North American Prairie Conference, Madison, Wisconsin
August 2004
Koford, R.R. 2009. Importance of private and public grasslands for conserving songbirds. Joint meeting of Iowa Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA
January 2009
Koford, R.R. 2003. Avian responses to habitat restoration and alteration (by a wind farm) in Northern Iowa. NRCS/Iowa State University Research Coordination Meeting, Ames, Iowa
February 2003
Koford, R.R. 2002. Landscape features that affect grassland bird abundance. Mississippi Headwaters/Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem team meeting, Prairie City, Iowa
August 2002
Koford, R.R. 2002. Evaluation of restoration in the southern portion of the PPJV. PPJV Management Board meeting, Pierre, South Dakota
August 2002
Koford, R.R. 2000. Analyses of species' frequencies of occurrence must account for passive sampling. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
December 2000
Koford, R., and A. Robles. 2010. Landscape factors associated with habitat use by area-sensitive grassland birds in southern Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis
December 2010
Koford, R. R., and W.R. Clark. 2002. Iowa Eagle Lake Research, 1998-2002. Midwest Pheasant Study Group, Springbrook, Iowa
October 2002
Koford, R. 2008. Evaluating the success of habitat restoration for grassland birds. American Ornithologists Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Portland, Oregon
August 2008
Koford, R. 2005. Bird and bat responses to changing landscapes in northern Iowa. Iowa DNR Wildlife Bureau meeting, Springbrook, Iowa.
February 2005
Koford, R. 2007. Restoration of a tallgrass prairie landscape in Iowa: impacts from changes in agriculture and the Conservation Reserve Program. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Koch, J., M. Quist, C. Pierce, M. Steuck, K. Hansen, and G. Jones. 2008. Population parameters of shovelnose sturgeon populations in the upper Mississippi River (contributed paper). MICRA meeting, Nashville, TN, January 2008.
January 2008
Koch, J., M. Quist, C. Pierce, K. Hansen, and G. Jones. 2008. Effects of commercial harvest on shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Mississippi River (poster). American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, ON, August 2008.
August 2008
Koch, J., M. Quist, C. Pierce, K. Hansen, and G. Jones. 2007. Effects of commercial harvest on shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Mississippi River (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007.
September 2007
Koch, J. D., M. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. Population parameters of shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Mississippi River (poster). Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, IA, January 2007.
January 2007
Klaver, R.W., and P.E. Bartelt. 2012. Spatial analysis of Northern Goshawk territories in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Waldorf College. 5 November 2012.
November 2012
Spatial ecology of Northern Goshawks in black Hills with implications to ecology and conservation
Kinkead, K. E., D. L. Otis, and A. G. Abbott. 2003. Genetic variation among Ambystoma populations associated with restored wetlands. 88th ESA/ISEM Annual Meeting. Savannah, Georgia.
August 2003
Kinkead, K. E. and D. L. Otis. 2003. Effects of wetland restoration on amphibians in Carolina bays. 10th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Burlington, Vermont
September 2003
Kinkead, K. E. and D. L. Otis. 2003. Amphibian Response to Hydrology Restoration in Carolina Bays. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Manuas, Brazil.
June 2003
Katzenmeyer, Eric D., Michael E. Colvin, and Clay L. Pierce. 2008 Fish growth responses to changing conditions: common carp (Cyprinus carpio) decline and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion in Clear Lake, Iowa (poster). American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, ON, August 2008.
August 2008
Katzenmeyer, E. D., M. E. Colvin, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Fish growth responses to changing conditions in Clear Lake: effects of common carp and zebra mussels (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, January 2009.
January 2009
Katzenmeyer, E. D., M. E. Colvin, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Fish growth responses to changing conditions in Clear Lake: effects of common carp and zebra mussels (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN, August 2009.
August 2009
Kaloczi, J., Hupfeld, R. N., Krogman, R M., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G., and Moore, M. M. Assessing Age and Incremental Growth Rates in Cedar River Shovelnose Sturgeon through an 18-year Mark-Recapture Dataset. Oral Presentation, 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2025
This research helps us understand age and growth in the Cedar River population of Shovelnose Sturgeon. These vital rates are important for managing harvest for population sustainability.
Kaloczi, J., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G., Hupfeld, R. N., Krogman, R M., Brooks, G., and Moore, M. J., 2025. A Multi-Method Assessment of Age and Growth Rates in Cedar River Shovelnose Sturgeon. Oral Presentation at the Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting Boone, IA.
March 2025
This research funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources provides information to better manage a growing recreational sport fishery for Shovelnose Sturgeon in Iowa's interior rivers. Estimates of growth and age are important parameters in population simulations to establish suitable regulations for harvest.
Kaloczi, J., Moore, M. J., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G. and Hupfeld, R. N. 2024. Incremental Growth Rates in a Cedar River population of Shovelnose Sturgeon through a 17-year Mark-Recapture Dataset. Poster Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 2024. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
This work uses a unique 17 year mark recapture dataset to help solve the issues of estimating growth rates in this long-lived commercially harvested species to inform harvest regulations.
Kaloczi, J., M. J. Moore, M. J Hamel, G. Jones, R. N. Hupfeld, and R. Krogman. Incremental Growth Rates in a Cedar River population of Shovelnose Sturgeon through a 17-year Mark-Recapture Dataset. Poster Presentation, Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
March 2024
Estimates of age and growth for long-lived fishes that are harvested recreationally are difficult to obtain through traditional methods. We utilize a long-term dataset and mark-recapture interval growth models to estimate age and growth for improved management of Shovelnose Sturgeon in Mississippi River tributaries.
Jordan, N. A., D. L. Otis, R. A. Costa and S. A. Gauthreaux. Hatching failure and embryonic mortality in a red-cockaded woodpecker population in South Carolina: current conditions and traditional constraints. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union. New Orleans, LA. September, 2002.
September 2002
Johnson, D.H., S.K. Davis, and R.R. Koford. 2002. Conservation planning: what are we doing for nongame birds? TWS annual conference, Bismarck, North Dakota
September 2002
Johnson, D.H, S. K. Davis; R.R. Koford. 2010. Conservation planning in the prairies: does waterfowl management help grassland birds?
August 2010
Jain, A., and R. Koford. 2005. Bird and bat behavior and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
September 2005
Jain, A., R. Koford, A. Hancock, and G. Zenner. 2005. Bird and bat activity and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. EEB Spring Symposium, Ames, Iowa
March 2005
Jain, A., R. Koford, A. Hancock, and G. Zenner. 2003. Bird and bat mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm: preliminary results. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
December 2003
Jain, A. A., R. R. Koford, A. W. Hancock, G. Zenner. 2005. Bird and bat activity and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. Western Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Sacramento, California
January 2005
Jain, A. A., R. R. Koford, A. W. Hancock, G. Zenner. 2004. Bird and bat behavior and mortality at a northern Iowa windfarm. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana
December 2004
Jacques, C.N., T.C. Swearingen, E.D. Davis, R.W. Klaver, C.R. Anderson, J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and R.D. Bluett. 2018, Evaluating potential effects of camera density on capture and recapture rates of bobcats. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018.
January 2018
When photo-capture and recapture rates are a function of camera density, modifying camera trapping techniques by deploying moderate camera densities or repositioning cameras to more productive areas within survey grids may improve capture success in low density bobcat populations.
Jacques, C.N., S.A. Dubay, B.M. Walker, and R.W. Klaver. 2018. Sex biased effects on prevalence of parasites in southern flying squirrels. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018.
January 2018
Because SFS exhibit plasticity in sexual dimorphism, sex differences in parasite loads may be attributable to immunosuppressive qualities of testosterone. Ectoparasite loads also may negatively influence body condition, and juvenile small males that are more susceptible to higher parasite loads may be unable to allocate as much energy to growth as large animals.
Jacques, C.N., R.W. Klaver, J.S. Zweep, and S.A. Dubay. 2018. Nest tree use by southern flying squirrels in fragmented Midwestern landscapes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018.
January 2018
Additionally, patterns of diurnal nest tree use revealed near exclusive use of natural cavities located primarily in live trees, which may be attributed to a propensity of SFS to select cavities with small entrances and avoid cavities that have been enlarged by other species. Use of natural cavities for denning is encouraging, but also underscores the importance of unharvested hardwood forests in contributing essential habitat to SFS populations in fragmented forested landscapes.
Jacobs, B., R. Koford, F. Thompson, H. Woodward, M. Hubbard, J. Fitzgerald, and J. Herkert. 2002. Grassland bird conservation efforts in Missouri and Iowa: how will we measure success? Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, California
March 2002
J. Kaloczi, Moore, M. J., Hamel, M. J., Jones, G., Hupfeld, R. N., & Krogman, R. M. 2024. Assessing age and incremental growth rates in a Cedar River population of Shovelnose Sturgeon through a 18-year mark-recapture dataset. Oral Presentation American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
September 2024
This research helps understand age and growth in a tributary population of Shovelnose Sturgeon. This information can help managers regulate recreational and commercial fisheries to promote sustainable management of this species.
Horn, D. J., M.L. Phillips, R.R. Koford, W.R. Clark, M.A. Sovada, R.J. Greenwood 2000. Effects of landscape composition, field size, and edges on nest success of ducks. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
December 2000
Herkert, J., D. Reinking, D. Wiedenfeld, M. Winter, J. Zimmerman, W. Jensen, E. Finck, R. Koford, D. Wolfe, S. Sherrod, M. Jenkins, J. Faaborg, and S. Robinson. 2003. Effects of grassland fragmentation on the nesting success of breeding birds in the mid-continental United States. Cooper Ornithological Society, Flagstaff, Arizona.
April 2003
Heller, B. and D. L. Otis. 2009. Analysis and assessment of Giant Canada goose banding in the Mississippi Flyway. 16th Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Monterey, CA.
September 2009
Heitke, J., Gelwicks, G., Simmons, G., Siegwarth, G., and C. Pierce. January 2001. A preliminary look at fish Index of Biotic Integrity (FIBI) in Iowa streams. Iowa Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Ames, Iowa.
January 2001
Heitke, J. D., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks and G. E. Simmons. In-stream habitat and fish biotic integrity of Iowa's interior rivers (poster). Iowa/Illinois Joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Moline, IL, February 2002.
February 2002
Heitke, J. D., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks and G. E. Simmons. In-stream habitat analysis of Iowa's interior rivers. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA, December 2001.
December 2001
Heitke, J. D. C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks and G. A. Simmons. Fish assemblage, habitat and land cover relationships in Iowa streams: biotic and abiotic conditions in the context of intensive agricultural land use (invited symposium talk). American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI, August 2004.
August 2004
Harms, T.M., S.J. Dinsmore, K.E. Kinkead, R.W. Klaver. 2012. Effects of landscape-level habitat variables on site occupancy of grassland birds in Iowa. The Wildlife Society 2012 Annual Meeting. Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon. 13 – 18 October 2012.
October 2012
Harms, T.M., A. Buckhardt Thomas, and A.M. Tucker. 2022. Integrating multiple data sets to estimate a population trend for Trumpeter Swans in Iowa. Oral presentation, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.
February 2022
Trumpeter Swans are a species of conservation concern in Iowa. Since their reintroduction, the population has grown to exceed the previously-set recovery targets. Iowa is currently re-evaluating recovery goals and monitoring for this species, and this analysis will provide an estimate of population growth rate from 1994-2020 as well as age- and sex-specific demographic rates to inform those decisions.
Harms, J., M. Weber, and M. Moore. Effects of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on native fish condition in Upper Mississippi River basin. Poster Presentation. 2024 85th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2025
Understanding how invasive carp restructure freshwater food webs can be used by management biologists to predict the effects of Silver Carp on native fish communities in recently invaded areas, evaluate management success, and establish targets for population suppression to limit the effects of Silver Carp on freshwater fish communities.
Harms, J., M. Weber, and M. Moore. Effects of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on native fish condition in Upper Mississippi River basin. Oral Presentation. 2025 56th Iowa American Fisheries Society Conference, Boone, Iowa.
March 2025
This research helps managers understand how different densities of invasive carp affect the health and fitness of a variety of native fishes in the Upper Mississippi River basin which will be key to directing control efforts to provide resilience to our fisheries resources and aquatic ecosystems.
Hall, L.E., and R.R. Koford. 2005. Grassland bird nest survival in restored and remnant prairies in northwestern Iowa. Cooper Ornithological Society, Arcata, California.
June 2005
Hall, L.E., and R.R. Koford. 2005. Avian nest success and snake occurrence in restored and remnant prairie complexes in northwestern Iowa. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
September 2005
Hall, L. E. and R.R. Koford. 2004. Avian nest success and snake occurrence in restored and remnant prairie complexes in northwestern Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana
December 2004
Grovenburg, T. W., R. W. Klaver, C. N. Jacques, T. J. Brinkman, C. C. Swanson, C. S. DePerno, K. L. Monteith, J. D. Sievers, V. C. Bleich, J. J. Kie, and J. A. Jenks. 2012. Influence of landscape characteristics and ungulate demography on retention of expandable radiocollars. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Cedar Shore Resort and Convention Center. Oacoma, South Dakota. 27– 29 February 2012.
February 2012
Grovenburg, T. W., K. L. Monteith, R. W. Klaver, and J. A. Jenks. 2012. Predator evasion by white-tailed deer fawns: shifting selective pressures. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Cedar Shore Resort and Convention Center. Oacoma, South Dakota. 27– 29 February 2012.
February 2012
Grant, T., D. Otis, and R. Koford. 2012. Herpetofauna response to the 2011 Missouri River flood at mitigation sites in Iowa. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference and BiOp forum, Pierre, SD.
March 2012
Grant, T., D. Otis, and R. Koford. 2011. Monitoring of Herpetofauna in Wetland Restorations: The Missouri River Floodplain in Iowa, Missouria River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE, March, 2011.
March 2011
Grant, T., D. Otis, and R. Koford. 2010. Pilot study and plans for herpetofauna monitoring in Iowa. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE
March 2010
Golcher-Benavides, J., Szott, E.A., Turney, D.D., Witzel, Z.J. Lamer, J.T., Whitledge, G.W., Moore, M.J., and M.J. Weber. 2024. Recruitment dynamics of bigheaded carp in the Upper Mississippi River informed by otolith microchemistry. Oral Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD
January 2024
This work helps managers understand where invasive Bigheaded Carp are reproducing in the Mississippi River Basin and under what environmental conditions in order to direct management efforts to slow their upstream spread and reduce their populations.
Golcher-Benavides, J., Moore, M. J., Weber, M. J. (2023). Natal origin and recruitment dynamics of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in the Upper Mississippi River. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Poster Presentation.
March 2023
This work will help the Fish and Wildlife Service and state agency partners manage silver carp by understanding their recruitment dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River relative to a barrier (Lock and Dam #19). Through managing removal efforts and passage deterrence at the structure we may be able to slow the upstream spread of the species in the Mississippi River.
Golcher-Benavides, J., E. Szott, Z. Witzel, J. T. Lamer, G. W. Whitledge, M. J. Moore, & M. J. Weber. Otolith microchemistry to study recruitment of bigheaded carp in the Upper Mississippi River. Oral Presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.
August 2023
This research will help managers learn about the population dynamics of Silver Carp in the Mississippi River system by understanding sources of reproduction. This information may be used to slow expansion of the species further upstream in the basin through barrier control or removal efforts.
Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, Z. J. Witzel, J. T. Lamer, M. J. Weber, and M.J. Moore. Examining drivers of temporal variation in hybridization outcomes in bigheaded carp in the Upper Mississippi River. Poster Presentation. Iowa American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
March 2024
This work will assist biologists understand the spatial and temporal patterns in hybridization between two invasive carp species in the Mississippi River Basin. Each species has its own specific trophic ecology and diets due to differences in behavior and gill raker morphology. Replacement of one invasive species by another or genetic introgression of the two species through hybridization may have important implications for how these species are competing with native planktivores.
Golcher-Benavides, J., E. A. Szott, D. D. Turney, S.A. Valentine, Z. J. Witzel, J. T Lamer, G. W. Whitledge, M. J. Moore, and M.J. Weber. Recruitment dynamics of Silver Carp informed by early life environments in the Upper Mississippi River. Poster Presentation. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
March 2024
This work helps identify where recruitment of invasive carps is occurring as well as the interannual variability in recruitment magnitude to help managers target control efforts to limit reproduction.
Gapinski, L.A., A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2023. Breeding bird use of Wetlands Reserve Program properties in Iowa: Assessing restorations across 16 years. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society.
November 2023
We visited restored wetlands to assess the bird and plant communities as a follow-up to a 2007 study. This work serves to evaluate the use of these properties by species of concern and inform future management. This project is led by my graduate student in collaboration with Iowa DNR.
Gapinski, L.A., A.M. Tucker, and K. Kinkead. 2023. Breeding bird use of WRP properties in Iowa's Prairie Pothole Region over a 15-year time span. Poster presentation at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS.
February 2023
This poster presents preliminary analyses for a study examining occupancy of bird species of conservation of concern on restored wetlands enrolled in the Wetland Reserve Program. This work is in collaboration with the Iowa DNR, who manages these properties.
Gapinski, L., A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Tracking occupancy of avian SGCN at restored wetlands in Iowa across 16 years. Oral presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA.
February 2024
This work compares occupancy estimates for wetland-dependent SGCN between bird surveys conducted in 2007-2009 and 2022-2023 at restored wetlands in Iowa. The results highlight both regional trends in bird communities as well as local changes in community composition.
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. A population and angler use assessment of muskellunge in shoepack lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (poster). Midwest Fisheries Conference, Bettendorf, IA, December 2002.
December 2002
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. A population and angler use assessment of muskellunge in shoepack lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (contributed paper). Minnesota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Chaska, MN, March 2003.
March 2003
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. A population and angler use assessment of muskellunge in shoepack lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD, August 2002.
August 2002
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce and L. W. Kallemeyn. Simulating long-term threats to muskellunge in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI, August 2004.
August 2004
Ford, J.M., A.M. Tucker, A. Janke, and T. Harms. 2024. Grassland bird community benefits from northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) habitat management. Oral presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA.
February 2024
In this talk, we share preliminary results of field surveys to 1) estimate northern bobwhite occupancy on properties employing different management practices under the Working Lands for Wildlife initiative, and 2) evaluate whether other bird Species of Greatest Conservation Need respond to the same habitat characteristics as bobwhite.
Ford, J., A. Janke, and A.M. Tucker. 2023. Avian Grassland Community Benefits from Northern Bobwhite-focused Land Management. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society.
November 2023
We conducted bird and vegetation surveys on public and private sites that have implented management practices targeted at northern bobwhite in the past five years. This work serves to evaluate bobwhite response to management as well as the use of bobwhite as an umbrella species to conserve grassland birds.
Flinders, L., Kaloczi, J., Hupfeld, R., Flammang, M., Krogman, R., Moore, M. Assessing differences in reproductive potential in two Shovelnose Sturgeon populations. Poster presentation. 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2025
Shovelnose Sturgeon mass mortality events in the Des Moines river may alter the population size and age structure or fish condition. In this study we compare reproductive potential of Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Des Moines River and the Cedar Rivers to understand the implications for sustainable population management.
Flinders, L., Kaloczi, J., Hupfeld, R., Flammang, M., Krogman, R., Moore, M. Assessing differences in reproductive potential in two Shovelnose Sturgeon populations. Poster presentation at the Iowa AFS Conference.
March 2025
This work investigates spatial variation in Shovelnose Sturgeon reproductive capacity in Iowa rivers to inform population models for harvest and environmental management.
Fletcher, R.J., and R.R. Koford. 2002. The nature of multiple edge effects on bird distributions. North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
September 2002
Fletcher, R.J., Jr., and R.R. Koford. 2002. Changes in bird communities with habitat restoration in northern Iowa. Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, California.
March 2002
Fletcher, R.J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2002. Edge effects and bird distributions: when multiple edges collide. 17th Annual Symposium, International Association for Landscape Ecology - United States Regional Association. Lincoln, Nebraska
April 2002
Fletcher, R.J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2001. Changes in bird communities with grassland restoration in northern Iowa. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
December 2001
Fletcher, R.J. and R.R. Koford. 2000. Edge type affects abundance of grassland birds breeding in Iowa. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
December 2000
Fletcher, R., and R. Koford. 2001. Lessons learned from estimating parameters needed to determine seasonal fecundity in grassland birds. American Ornithologists' Union annual meeting.
August 2001
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Factors affecting species richness and bird abundance in restored grasslands and native prairies in northern Iowa. The Wildlife Society 7th Annual conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
September 2000
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Breeding birds in restored uplands and native prairies in northern Iowa. Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ames, Iowa.
January 2000
Evaluation of the statistical properties of grand Canyon humpbackchub population estimates from ASMR and alternative mark-recapture models. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium 2005.
October 2005
Evaluating Sampling Approaches for Monitoring Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Deer Populations. Huang, L., S.M. Nusser, W.R. Clark, D. L. Otis. Joint Statistical meetings. Seattle, WA
August 2006
Dodici, G., and R. Koford. 2000. Mallard nesting success in northern Iowa. Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ames, Iowa.
January 2000
Dodici, G., R.R. Koford, and G. Zenner. 2000. Evaluation of the productivity of mallards in northern Iowa. 2nd North American Duck Symposium & Workshop. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
October 2000
Dodici, G., R. R. Koford, and G. Zenner. 2001. Estimates of mallard productivity at the Eagle Lake Wetland Complex in northern Iowa. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
December 2001
Dodici, G. R. Koford, G. Zenner. 2001. Habitat selection by Mallards nesting in northern Iowa. American Ornithologists' Union annual meeting
August 2001
Dodici, G. R. Koford, G. Zenner. 2000. Nesting mallards in northcentral Iowa: does patch size matter? 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
December 2000
Dixon, P., D. L. Otis, J. Sauer. 2009. Modeling population trends by combining information from multiple time series. Joint Statistical Mettings. Denver, CO.
September 2009
Dixon, P., D. L. Otis, J. Sauer. 2009. Hierarchical Modeling of Data from Multiple Monitoring Programs to Develop a Decision Framework for Mourning Dove Harvest Management . 16th Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Monterey, CA.
September 2009
Dixon, P. , D. L. Otis, and J,. Sauer. 2008. Modeling populaiton rends by combining information form multiple time series. International Statistical Ecology Conference. St. Andrews, Scotland.
July 2008
Desig, R. A.M. Tucker, L.A. Gapinski, and G.R. Kramer. 2025. Assessing avian SGCN occupancy and abundance trends in the Prairie Pothole Region of Iowa. Oral presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2025 Winter Meeting, Ames, IA.
February 2025
We evaluate songbird communities on Wetland Reserve Program easements in the Prairie Pothole Region of Iowa over 16 years. We estimate changes in abundance from 2007-2023 and evaluate the relationship between local abundance and the proportion of sites occupied. Our analysis indicates that wetland easements may have functioned as population strongholds for many of Iowa's conservation-priority bird species over the last 16 years.
Davis, E.D., T.C. Swearingen, C.N. Jacques, R.W. Klaver, C.R. Anderson, J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and R.D. Bluett. 2018. Estimating density of bobcats in Midwestern landscapes using spatial capture-recapture models. Midwest Fish and Wildlife conference. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018.
January 2018
Midwestern landscapes may necessitate the use of relatively coarser survey grids in SCR models to account for frequent movements to and from the state space or whose core areas are positioned beyond camera survey unit boundaries.
Davis, E.D., T.C. Swearingen, C.N. Jacques, J.L. Fusaro, R.W. Klaver, C.R. Anderson, J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and R.D. Bluett. 2018. Influence of spatial alignment on photographic detection rates at remotely triggered camera stations. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 28 - 31 January 2018.
January 2018
We suggest that future use of paired camera stations for research, inventory, or monitoring of elusive species consider staggering the placement of cameras to minimize overexposure events of target species. Further, wildlife managers should consider evaluating seasonal effects (i.e., winter) on overexposure rates in paired camera station sampling designs.
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, S. Kempema, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Reproductive ecology of ferruginous hawks and golden eagles in north-central and western South Dakota. 2013. Presented to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Huron, SD.
July 2013
Annual progress presenation on grassland sensitive raptors
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, S. Kempema, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Reproductive ecology of ferruginous hawks and golden eagles in north-central and western South Dakota. 2013. Presented to North Dakota Department of Game and Fish, Jamestown, ND.
July 2013
Annual progress presentation on grassland sensitive raptors
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Breeding ecology of ferruginous hawks, Swainson’s hawks, and northern harriers in south-central North Dakota. 2013. Presented to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Huron, SD.
July 2013
Annual progress summary of grassland sensitive raptors
Datta, S., R. W. Klaver, K. C. Jensen, J. A. Jenks, C. C. Swanson, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2013. Breeding ecology of ferruginous hawks, Swainson’s hawks, and northern harriers in south-central North Dakota. 2013. Presented to North Dakota Department of Game and Fish, Jamestown, ND.
July 2013
Annual progress report on grassland sensitive raptors
D. C. Paulson, Vaske, M. A, Weber, M. J., & Moore, M. J., 2025. Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Habitat Selection on the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation; SRP Symposium Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2025
This work helps us understand Shovelnose Sturgeon summer habitat requirements to allow the US Army Corps to adjust management of flows to avoid mass mortality events that have been occurring annually in the Des Moines River.
D. C. Paulson, Moore, M. J., Vaske, M. A., & Weber, M. J. 2025. Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Habitat Selection on the Des Moines River, Iowa. Oral Presentation, Iowa Chapter AFS Meeting
March 2025
This work aims to help the US Army Corps of Engineers adjust flow management at Red Rock Dam to improve summer habitat suitability for Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Lower Des Moines River to avoid summer heat stress kills that have been observed recently.
D. C. Paulson, Moore, M. J., Vaske, M. A., & Weber, M. J. 2025. Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Activity Patterns on the Des Moines River, Iowa. Poster Presentation; Iowa Chapter AFS Meeting
March 2025
This work helps us understand how water quality and dam regulation may affect summer energetic expenditures of Shovelnose Sturgeon during a physiologically stressful time to prevent future Sturgeon kills in the lower Des Moines River.
Cordts, S., and R.R. Koford. 2000. Evaluation of the productivity of mallards in northern Iowa. 2nd North American Duck Symposium & Workshop. Saskatoon, Satkatchewan
October 2000
Cordts, S. D., and R. R. Koford. 2000. Estimates of total mallard productivity in northern Iowa. Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ames, Iowa
January 2000
Comparison of Mourning Dove Harvest Strategies Derived from Two Different Sets of Multiple Data Sources. 2010. Annual Wildlife Society Meeting.
October 2010
Colvin, M.E., S. Grummer, J. Wahl, T. W. Stewart, and C. L. Pierce. 2010. Impacts of invasive species and restoration on recreational fisheries: Zebra mussels and common carp in a shallow hypereutrophic lake (poster). American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010.
September 2010
Colvin, M.E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. Setting Harvest Targets for a Common Carp Stock Undergoing Pulsed Harvest (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, IA, December 2011.
December 2011
Colvin, M., Grummer, S., Wahl, J., Stewart, T., and Pierce, C. 2010. Real and potential common carp and zebra mussel impacts on water quality in the context of ongoing shallow lake restoration. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Colvin, M. E., C.L. Pierce, and T.W. Stewart. 2008. A proposed ecosystem simulation model to predict the effects of common carp and zebra mussels in shallow lake ecosystems (poster). Iowa Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, IA, February 2008.
February 2008
Colvin, M. E., C.L. Pierce, and T.W. Stewart. 2008. A proposed ecosystem simulation model to predict the effects of common carp and zebra mussels in shallow lake ecosystems (poster). 2nd USGS Modeling Conference, Orange Beach, AL, February 2008.
February 2008
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart and S. Grummer. 2012. Minimizing impacts of carp in a shallow lake: A simulation modeling approach for restoration and management (invited talk). American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 2012.
August 2012
Colvin, M. C., E. D. Katzenmeyer, T. W. Stewart , and C. L. Pierce. 2009. Zebra mussel biology and potential impacts in Clear Lake (poster). Clear Lake Protective Association annual meeting, Clear Lake, IA, August 2009.
August 2009
Colvin, M. C., E. D. Katzenmeyer, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Simulating food web interactions among nuisance common carp, invading zebra mussels, and the native biological community in a shallow eutrophic lake (poster). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, IL, December 2009.
December 2009
Colvin, M. C., E. D. Katzenmeyer, C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2009. Simulating food web interactions among nuisance common carp, invading zebra mussels, and the native biological community in a shallow eutrophic lake (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN, August 2009.
August 2009
Colvin, M. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2008. Carp Removal Strategies: a Simulation Model to Identify Effective Carp Removal Strategies for Clear Lake, IA (contributed paper). Iowa-Dakotas joint Chapter meeting, American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, SD, February 2008.
February 2008
Colvin, M. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2008. Carp Removal Strategies: a Simulation Model to Identify Effective Carp Removal Strategies for Clear Lake, IA (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, ON, August 2008.
August 2008
Colvin, M. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2007. Carp Removal Strategies: a Simulation Model to Identify Effective Carp Removal Strategies for Clear Lake, IA (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI, December 2007.
December 2007
Clayton, D., Moore, M. J., and Weber, M. J.. 2024. Habitat Associations and Distribution of Invasive Rusty Crayfish in a Shallow Glacial Lake. Poster Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 2024. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
This work evaluates the status of a recent Rusty Crayfish invasion and seeks to understand how Rusty Crayfish habitat associations in shallow ag dominated natural lakes that are at the leading edge of the invasion front.
Clayton, D., Moore, M. J., and Weber, M. J. Effects of Environmental Variables on Crayfish Occupancy in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes and Wetlands. Poster Presentation. 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2025
This research establishes relationships between habitat and occupancy and detection probability to inform crayfish conservation management and monitoring in lentic waterbodies within a highly altered portion of the agricultural Midwest region.
Clayton, D., M. J. Moore, M. J. Weber. Habitat associations and distribution of invasive Rusty Crayfish in a shallow natural lake. Poster Presentation. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
March 2024
Rusty Crayfish are an invasive species with large impacts on recipient ecosystems. This research provides information on habitat associations on their southern leading edge of their range expansion in Iowa. This information will help aquatic managers control populations and assess risk in shallow lakes within agriculturally dominated landscapes.
Clayton, D., M. J. Moore, M. J. Weber. 2025. Habitat Associations of Invasive Rusty Crayfish and Native Virile Crayfish in a Shallow, Eutrophic Natural Lake. Oral. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference. Boone, IA.
March 2025
This research helps understand habitat associations of native and invasive crayfish in an Iowa Lake and how those could be affected by lake habitat restoration actions to inform actions that could promote native species persistence.
Clayton, D, Weber, MJ, and Moore, MJ. Habitat associations and distribution of invasive Rusty Crayfish and native Virile Crayfish in a Shallow Eutrophic Natural Lake. Oral Presentation, 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2025
This research helps us understand coexistence between native and invasive crayfish species to guide habitat management in a shallow eutrophic lake.
Cherko, E. C., T. W. Stewart, C. L. Pierce, and D. D. Stokke. 2004. Potential of recycled fishing line as fish habitat: effectiveness of different formulations based on invertebrate colonization (poster). Iowa Academy of Science annual meeting, Cedar Falls, IA. April 2004.
April 2004
Cashatt, D., N. Mills, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2017 Factors affecting fish mercury concentrations across Iowa lakes (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017.
February 2017
Differences in mercury concentration and determining factors were presented.
Cashatt, D., N. Mills, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2017 A cooperative study of mercury contamination in Iowa fish and implications for angler consumption (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017.
March 2017
Mercury concentrations in game fish and implications for new consumption advisories will be presented.
Camacho, C., M. J. Weber and C.L. Pierce. 2014. Distribution and population dynamics of Asian carp in Iowa rivers (poster). Iowa Water Conference. Ames, IA. March 2014.
March 2014
This study will describe distribution and abundance of Asian carp in Iowa rivers.
Camacho, C., M. J. Weber and C.L. Pierce. 2014. Distribution and population dynamics of Asian carp in Iowa rivers (contributed paper). Iowa-Nebraska Joint Chapter American Fisheries Society. Council Bluffs, IA. February 2014.
February 2014
This study described distribution and populations dynamics of Asian carp in Iowa rivers.
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. First evidence of bighead, silver and grass carp reproduction in Southeastern Iowa tributaries. (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016.
March 2016
First reporting of reproduction of invasive Asian carp in southeastern Iowa rivers.
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce. 2015. Using GSI and Gonad Staging as an Indication of Silver Carp Spawning in the Des Moines and Mississippi Rivers (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Ames, IA, March 2015.
March 2015
GSI and gonad condition were used to indicate spawning times of invasive Silver carp.
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce. 2015. Seasonal Variation of Silver Carp Egg Development in the Upper Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN, February, 2015.
February 2015
Seasonal changes in developmental stage of Silver carp eggs were presented to indicate spawning times.
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce. 2015. Reproductive ecology of silver carp along the Upper Mississippi River invasion front (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society. Portland, OR, August 2015.
August 2015
Reproduction of invasive silver carp in the Mississippi River was described.
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, K. J. Roe, N. Ulloa, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. Using a Baysian hierarchical approach to identify fish eggs. (poster). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society. Moravia, IA, March 2016.
March 2016
New methods for identifying fish eggs to species were presented.
Bybel, A. P., N. T. Simpson, C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Genetic analysis of Topeka shiner utilization of oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Water Conference, Ames, IA, March 2018.
March 2018
Presented genetic analysis of Topeka shiner distributions.
Bybel, A. P., N. T. Simpson, C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Genetic analysis of Topeka shiner utilization of oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA. February 2018.
February 2018
Presented genetic analysis of Topeka shiner distribution.
Bybel, A. P., N. T. Simpson, C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2018. Genetic analysis of Topeka shiner utilization of oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018.
January 2018
Demonstrated genetic variati0n among populations of Topeka shiners.
Bybel, A. P., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Status and genetic analysis of Topeka shiners in three basins in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Ames, IA, March 2017.
March 2017
Distributional and genetic status of Topeka shiners in three drainage basins will be presented.
Bybel, A. P., C. L. Pierce, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2017. Habitat associations of Topeka shiners in two basins in Iowa and Minnesota (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE, February 2017.
February 2017
Occurrence and habitat associations of Topeka shiners was presented.
Bryan Nuse, Anna Tucker, John Sweka, Kristen Anstead, Clinton Moore, James Lyons, David Smith, and Conor McGowan, 2022, Updating the adaptive management plan for horseshoe crab harvest and red knot conservation in Delaware Bay. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022.
June 2022
We present the updates to the Adaptive management plan for Horseshoe Crab Harvest in the Delaware Bay.
Brown, J.F., R.W. Klaver, T. Gilmanov, and R. Evelsizer. 2012. Comparison of remote sensing and carbon flux phenology measurements across the northern mixed prairie of North America. Phenology 2012: Future Cilimate and the Living Earh. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 10 - 14 September 2012.
September 2012
Braaten, P., Pegg, M., Guy, C., and C. Pierce. August 2000. Population dynamics of benthic fishes in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone rivers (invited symposium talk). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Bouska, K. L., B. D. Healy, M. J. Moore, C. G. Dunn, J. J. Spurgeon, and C. P. Paukert. Diverse portfolios: investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes. USGS Ecosystem Mission Area Friday Findings Webinar, 15 September 2023. Virtual. IP-157389.
September 2023
This talk provides managers with several options for the restoration of large rivers. We show real-world examples so managers have a tangible example that may be applied to their systems.
Berl, R.E.W., P.K. Devers, G.S. Boomer, J. Ashander, A.M. Tucker, and M.C. Runge. 2023. Implications of social non-stationarity and changing hunter behaviors for waterfowl harvest. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Louisville, KY.
November 2023
Abstract for presentation to The Wildlife Society on work in collaboration with USFWS on using a predictive model of hunter behavioral dynamics to aid decision-making regarding waterfowl harvest management.
Berkman, L. K., A. T. Taylor, J. B. Koppelman, S. K. Brewer, J. M. Long, T. N. Volkers, E. Sterling, M. J. Moore, and L. S. Eggert. 2022. Divergence, admixture, and fitness in the Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Poster Presentation American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Spokane, Washington.
August 2022
This work investigates the implications of genetic introgression on fitness of Smallmouth Bass and Neosho Smallmouth Bass in Ozark streams.
Bergstedt, L., Pegg, M., Pierce, C., and R. White. August 2000. Fish community structure in relation to hydrological characteristics throughout the mainstem Missouri and lower Yellowstone rivers (invited symposium talk). American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2000
Berdeen, J. B., D. P. Scott, D. L. Otis, and R. L. Fendrick. Population parameters of urban and rural mourning doves in Ohio. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Bismark, ND. September, 2002.
September 2002
Bartelt, P.E. and R.W. Klaver. 2012. Occupancy of Restored Wetlands by Amphibians in Winnebago County. Status of Amphibians and Reptiles in Iowa. Mt. Mercy University, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 22 September 2012
September 2012
Bakevich, B., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2011. Distribution and abundance of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Moravia, IA, January 2011.
January 2011
Bakevich, B., Quist, M., Pierce, C. 2010. Distribution and abundance of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2011. Distribution and habitat associations of Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa (contributed paper). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa, December 2011.
December 2011
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2011. Distribution and habitat associations of Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa (contributed paper). American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA, September 2011.
September 2011
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce and M. C. Quist. 2012. Status, distribution, and habitat associations of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. Rivers and Streams Technical Committee Annual Meeting, North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Rock Island, IL, March 2012.
March 2012
Ashander, J.D., R.E.W. Berl, G.S. Boomer, T.L. Morelli, A. Terando, Tucker, A.M., Q. Zhao, M.A. Rubenstein, T.G. Martin, I. Chadès, R.S. Epanchin-Niell, J.R. Reimer, H. Kujala, J. Dooley, P.K. Devers, J.E. Lyons, and M.C. Runge. 2023. Future climate change and management of waterfowl harvest in North America. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Louisville, KY.
November 2023
The talk presents work on developing new harvest policies for waterfowl in N. America that account for climate change projections.
Alexander, A., E.M. Lang, J. Tamplin, K. Kinkead, and A.M. Tucker. 2024. Habitat suitability model for wood turtles in Iowa. Poster presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA.
February 2024
This is preliminary work to model habitat suitability for wood turtles in Iowa, to better understand the distribution of potential habitat in the state.