Iowa News and Information Activities

Meeting Item | Date |
2019 Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting of the Iowa CRU - Annual Meeting of the IA CRU Coordinating Committee and Collaborators | June 2019 |
2018 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the Iowa Cooperative Research Unit - Annual Meeting of the IA CRU Coordinating Committee and Collaborators | August 2018 |
2017 IA Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit - CCM - Annual Meeting of the IA CRU Coordinating Committee and Collaborators | June 2017 |
2016 Iowa Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting - The IACFWRU's Annual Meeting is an opportunity for the Unit's Coordinating Committee, Collaborators, Faculty and Graduate Students to learn about the proposed, ongoing and completed research through the Unit. Our Graduate Students have an opportunity to present the progress of their work and network with their future collaborators. | June 2016 |
2015 IA Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting - Annual meeting for the IA Coop Unit | June 2015 |
2012 Coordinating Committee Meeting - Annual Ciirdinating Committee Meeting for the Iowas Coopearative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit | July 2012 |
Other Documents |
---| - "Field Notes": Dept. of Natural Resource Ecology & Mgmt (NREM) Graduate Student Newsletter |