Iowa Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Provided technical expertise to support the Department of Natural Resources in developing a management plan for Lake Sturgeon in Iowa. Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | July 2024 |
Wildlife Working Group Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Koford | June 2008 |
USGS representative for a multistate project that will survey trout anglers in the Driftless region about awareness, attitudes, and behaviors related to aquatic invasive species. PI's on this project are Tim Campbell with the Wisconsin Sea Grant and Adam Driscoll with University of Wisconsin Lacrosse. Kim Bogenschutz the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Invasive Species Coordinator is also involved. Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | November 2023 |
Served on expert panel of waterfowl biologists to review and make recommendations to USFWS regarding allocation process for Migratory Bird Conservation Funds |
Otis | February 2004 |
Served on expert panel of quantitative ecologists and fisheries biologists to provide advice on population parameter estimation protocols for management of endangered fish in the Colorado River |
Otis | December 2003 |
Served on expert ad hoc team asked to provide guidance to IAFWA, USGS, FWS on protocols for Coordinated Bird Monitoring in North America |
Otis | April 2004 |
Served as chair of the crayfish committee and member of the fish committees. These groups collect information to conduct state-level status assessments as part of the Iowa Wildlife Action Plan update. Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | August 2024 |
Served as chair of the Mississippi-Yangtze River Interbasin Symposium for the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Spokane, Washington American Fisheries Society |
Moore | April 2023 |
Served as a co-chair of the Mississippi-Yangtze River Interbasin Symposium for the 2024Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Honolulu, Hawaii. American Fisheries Society |
Moore | April 2024 |
Responded to request for case study material for use in web-based bio-statistics course at University of Canberra, Australia. Provided raw data and multivariate analysis from published research. |
Pierce | October 2002 |
Responded to request for case study material for use in multivariate statistics workshop at ECOSUR in Chetumal, Mexico. Provided raw data and multivariate analysis from published research. |
Pierce | October 2003 |
Responded to a request from a Swedish university scientist for raw data from a cooperator-funded study. Provided a large set of raw data, developed documentation to explain the data, and provided a publication reprint. |
Pierce | February 2005 |
Reintroduction efforts of trumpeter swans (<i>Cygnus buccinator</i>) began in Iowa in 1993. Since that time, 1,237 captive-bred swans have been released and the initial goal of 50 breeding pairs has been exceeded, with 119 nesting pairs documented in 2020. We analyzed banding data, counts, and nest monitoring data collected by Iowa Department of Natural Resources staff and volunteers using an integrated population model (IPM). The IPM includes state space models to estimate the total number of breeding adults and fledglings as well as a multistate mark-recapture model to estimate age- and sex-specific survival probabilities from live and dead recovery data. We then used the IPM to project population dynamics into the future to 1) evaluate whether reintroductions are still needed to maintain a stable population and 2) estimate a minimum viable population size to inform new recovery goals. This model will provide a basis for assessing past reintroduction efforts and setting new management objectives for this species of conservation concern. Iowa DNR |
Tucker | November 2021 |
Provided technical expertise on Lake Sturgeon ecology for meetings of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee's Lake Sturgeon Management Committee. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee |
Moore | July 2024 |
Provided technical assistance to U.S. Forest Service partners in analyzing data for their Aquatic Management Indicator Species Analysis National Forest Service |
Moore | June 2022 |
Participate as an invited member of USGS/NWHC sponsored workshop on development of surveillance strategies for chronic wasting disease; Present 2 lectures and co-aothor subsequent workshop proceedings |
Otis | December 2002 |
Organized a session of the 2018 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference on the topic of conservation and nutrient reduction benefits of oxbows. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society |
Pierce | August 2017 |
Organized a session of the 2018 Iowa Water Conference on the topic of conservation and nutrient reduction benefits of oxbows. Iowa Water Center |
Pierce | August 2017 |
Member of this committee that is seeking to establish a course for using genetic and genomics for fisheries management in Iowa. Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | June 2023 |
Invited to serve as member of EPA, Region 7, Synoptic Human Stressor oversight committee. January 2006-present. Region 7 |
Pierce | January 2006 |
Invited by the coordinator of the Iowa Water Science Center to write an article featuring the topic of a session I co-organized for their annual meeting. Article was titled, "Oxbows for Conservation and Nutrient Reduction in Iowa Floodplains." Iowa Water Center |
Pierce | January 2018 |
Invited by the USFWS to be a member of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Carp Control Coalition Malheur National Wildlife Refuge |
Pierce | December 2009 |
Invited by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide expert review of their Biological Status Review of the federally endangered Topeka shiner, summer 2017. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Pierce | June 2017 |
Invited by department head to review portfolio of faculty member for promotion to full professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Department of Biology, University of Minnesota Duluth |
Pierce | November 2012 |
Invited by Syngenta Crop Protection LLC to review a population modeling project for the purpose of improving habitat restorations for the federally endangered Topeka shiner. Syngenta Crop Protection LLC |
Pierce | June 2019 |
Invited by Director of the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center to review a grant proposal titled, "Detailed analysis of common carp recruitment and assessing the potential for developing species-specific carp toxins to develop realistic solutions for hypoxia-prone lakes". Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center |
Pierce | April 2015 |
I consulted with DNR staff to help clarify objectives around developing a new monitoring program for waterfowl that addresses both state and federal goals. Iowa DNR |
Tucker | April 2024 |
I am providing council and assistance to Iowa DNR staff who are interested in developing a thoughtful and systematic approach to using conservation grazing as habitat management on public sites. Iowa DNR |
Tucker | October 2021 |
Henslow's sparrow workshop |
Koford | March 2007 |
Grassland Bird Workshop U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Koford | July 2010 |
Facilitated a study of the age structure and growth of invasive common carp in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Submitted and received an SSP grant to fund the study. Coordinated work of a USFWS colleague at the Refuge and a graduate student at Iowa State University. Edited final report. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge |
Pierce | April 2010 |
Distribution and Population Size of River Otters in Iowa Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Klaver | June 2012 |
Directed development of CarpBioDyn, a common carp population dynamics simulation model to allow managers to evaluate alternative control strategies for managing nuisance common carp populations. The model can be accessed at: Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Pierce, Colvin | April 2007 |
Directed development of CLESM, an ecosystem simulation model to allow managers to evaluate multiple scenarios and alternative management strategies for a shallow lake experiencing nuisance species and declining water quality and fishery. The model can be accessed at: Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Pierce, Colvin | April 2007 |
Co-author of National Mourning Dove Strategic Harvest Management Plan |
Otis | March 2003 |
Briefing for Pacific Flyway Technical Committee on status of mourning dove population modeling and associated national band |
Otis | March 2002 |
Briefing for IAFWA Webless Game Bird Committee on status of mourning dove population modeling and associated national band |
Otis | December 2001 |
Briefing for Flyway Technical Committees, IAFWA, USFWS on status of mourning dove population modeling,national banding program. 15 presentations beteen 4/03 to present. |
Otis | February 2003 |
Assisted Iowa Department of Natural Resources evaluate a shovelnose sturgeon fish kill in the Des Moines River in June 2023 Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | July 2023 |
Assisted Iowa DNR in conducting a literature review on the effects of hydropeaking on river fishes to inform their response to proposed changes to operations of Red Rock Dam on the Des Moines River. Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | June 2022 |
Asked by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to host a regional meeting to discuss and establish criteria for the species recovery plan for the endangered Topeka shiner. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Pierce | May 2018 |
Asked by the American Fisheries Society Fisheries Information & Technology Section to review the new version of their Fishery Analysis and Modeling Simulator (FAMS) software. I am known by the software developer and Section software librarian as a frequent FAMS user in both education and research, so my opinion on the new version was important in guiding development of the new version. American Fisheries Society |
Pierce | August 2014 |
Asked by the American Fisheries Society Executive Director to write letter of support for investment in upgrading their Fishery Analysis and Modeling Simulator (FAMS) software. I am known by the software developer as a frequent user in both education and research, so my advocacy was important in their decision. American Fisheries Society |
Pierce | May 2014 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Mentor, Academies Creating Teacher Scientists (ACTS), Iowa State University/U.S. Department of Energy partnership - I served as a sponsor and mentor for a middle school science teacher each summer. The purpose was to expose science teachers to a research environment. I would have continued in this role, but funding for the program was cut. | Pierce | February 2010 | August 2010 |
Memeber. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program Supervisory Committee | Klaver | May 2013 | September 2017 |
Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee | Otis | August 2008 | December 2008 |
Member, NREM-Entomology Executive Advisory Committee, Iowa State University | Pierce | October 2011 | Present |
Member, NREM-Entomology Chair Search Committee, Iowa State University | Pierce | September 2010 | May 2011 |
Member, NREM Graduate Student Orientation | Klaver | September 2012 | Present |
Member, NREM Graduate Major Committee, NREM, Iowa State University - I worked on plans to develop an NREM graduate major. | Pierce | August 2007 | April 2008 |
Member, NREM Fisheries Biologist Search Committee, Iowa State University | Pierce | August 2011 | May 2012 |
Member, NREM Chair Advisory Committee | Otis | January 2008 | Present |
Member, NREM Awards Committee - It is a very important committee in getting our faculty and graduate students nominated for both ISU and disciplinary-based awards. | Klaver | September 2012 | September 2018 |
Member, Iowa State University, Fulbright Graduate Fellowship Screening Committee member | Pierce | October 2008 | Present |
Member, Graduate Curriculum Committee, NREM Dept. | Koford | September 2008 | Present |
Member, Graduate Course Offerings Committee, NREM, Iowa State University - I help evaluate the adequacy of NREM graduate course offerings. | Pierce | August 2008 | Present |
Member, Errington Lecture Committee, NREM, Iowa State University - I help recruit speakers, make arrangements, and generate publicity for the annual Errington Memorial Lecture. | Pierce | January 2000 | Present |
Member, Department Chair Search Committee | Otis | January 2005 | June 2005 |
Member, Administrative Specialist Search Committee, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University - Assisted in reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and selecting the final candidate for a departmental Administrative Specialist position, whose job duties include supporting the Coop Unit. | Tucker | June 2021 | July 2021 |
Member, Interdepartmental Graduate Program Supervisory Committee, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Otis | August 2004 | December 2009 |
Chair, promotion and Tenure Committee | Otis | August 2007 | December 2007 |
Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee | Otis | August 2008 | December 2008 |
Chair, NREM Promotion and Tenure Committee for junior faculty member | Pierce | January 2008 | April 2008 |
Chair, Graduate Curriculum Committee | Otis | August 2005 | Present |
Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee | Otis | August 2005 | Present |
Chair, Faculty Search Committee | Otis | December 2005 | May 2006 |
Chair, Errington Lecture Committee, Dept of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University - Organize annual Errington Lecture, an invited lecture series supported by the University. Includes researching and inviting speakers and coordinating their visit. | Tucker | January 2024 | Present |
Chair, Errington Lecture Committee | Koford | October 2005 | August 2008 |
Advisor. NREM Graduate Student Seminar Committee - Faculty advisor to the committee | Klaver | October 2012 | Present |
Advisor, NREM Graduate Student Organization | Otis | August 2008 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
USFWS Webless Migratory Bird Research Program, Review Committee, Central Flyway | Otis | February 2009 | Present |
U.S. Geological Survey Representative, Mississippi Flyway Technical Committee | Otis | August 2002 | Present |
Panelist, RGE Review Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Tucker | August 2024 | October 2024 |
Mentor, Academies Creating Teacher Scientists (ACTS), U.S. Department of Energy/Iowa State University partnership | Pierce | February 2010 | March 2011 |
Member, Wildlife Working Group, Iowa DNR | Pierce | May 2009 | Present |
Member, USEPA, Region 7, Synoptic Human Stressor Indicator oversight committee | Pierce | January 2006 | December 2009 |
Member, Student Mentoring and Career Opportunities Committee, Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference | Pierce | October 2010 | December 2011 |
Member, Stream Nutrient Technical Advisory Committee, Iowa Department of Natural Resources | Pierce | February 2010 | Present |
Member, Story County ad hoc Hallett's Quarry Advisory Panel | Pierce | January 2000 | January 2002 |
Member, Steering Committee, Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference | Pierce | September 2010 | December 2011 |
Member, Research Subcommittee, Mississippi Flyway Technical Committee | Otis | February 2004 | Present |
Member, Program Committee, Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference | Pierce | October 2010 | December 2011 |
Member, Panelist for USGS - Biological Resources Division regional Research Grade Evaluation Panel, Madison, WI | Pierce | February 2000 | May 2000 |
Member, Panelist for USGS - Biological Resources Division national Research Grade Evaluation Panel, Minneapolis, MN | Pierce | September 2010 | December 2010 |
Member, Panelist for USGS - Biological Resources Division national Research Grade Evaluation Panel, Lake Placid, NY | Pierce | May 2006 | September 2006 |
Member, Panelist for USGS - Biological Resources Discipline national Research Grade Evaluation Panel, Chicago, IL | Pierce | November 2013 | November 2013 |
Member, Iowa Action Plan Implementation Committee | Klaver | August 2012 | Present |
Member, Dam Modificantion/Removal Advisory Committee, Iowa DNR | Pierce | December 2008 | December 2009 |
Member, DOI Climate Science Applications Coordination Team | Tucker | September 2023 | Present |
Member, Bird Sub-committee, Iowa State Wildlife Action Plan Committee, Iowa DNR | Tucker | September 2024 | Present |
Iowa Department of Natural Resources, organized technology transfer workshop for staff titled, “The Clear Lake Ecosystem Simulation Model (CLESM): Technology Transfer”, Ames, IA January 2012. | Pierce | January 2012 | January 2012 |
Chair, Iowa Wildlife Action Plan, Fish Subcommittee, Iowa DNR | Pierce | September 2008 | Present |
Chair, Environmental Issues Subcommittee, MS Flyway Technical Committee | Otis | February 2004 | Present |
Academic Panelist, "Beginning Your Professional Journey" workshop | Pierce | December 2011 | December 2011 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Talk given to Wind/Wildlife Forum, held in Des Moines, Iowas, and sponsored by the Iowa Dept. Natural Resources and The Nature Conservancy. | Koford | October 2005 |
Talk given on Costa Rica to local chapter of the Audubon Society | Koford | January 2002 |
Provided data sets, reports and published articles to Iowa Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Education Program for development of an interactive aquatic education (grades 4-8) package titled, "Corridors of Exploration: Iowa's Rivers". | Pierce | December 2003 |
Member of the academic panel in a 1-day workshop, "Beginning Your Professional Journey," at the 66th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, December 2005. | Koford | December 2005 |
Invited dinner speaker at the Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League. Title of talk was, "Carp, Zebra Mussels, and the Decline and Recovery of Clear Lake". | Pierce | September 2009 |
Invited by a group from the Environmental Defense Fund and Purdue University to join an online focus group to discuss our collaborative multipurpose oxbow restoration program, April 20, 2020. | Pierce | April 2020 |
Invited by The Nature Conservancy to speak about the conservation value of oxbow restoration to a breakfast meeting of influential business leaders at the Des Moines Botanical Center, September 4, 2019 | Pierce | September 2019 |
Invited by Polk County Conservation Board to lead the fish sampling portion of a Bioblitz of Fourmile Creek Greenbelt | Pierce | June 2019 |
Invited by Polk County Conservation Board to lead the fish sampling portion of a Bioblitz | Pierce | June 2018 |
Invited by Iowa Water Center to serve as a water professional interviewee for their high school student essay contest | Pierce | December 2018 |
Interviewed for local government channel (TV12) program on fishery in newly aquired public lake. | Pierce | December 2001 |
Interviewed for Mason City Globe Gazette newspaper about carp monitoring and removal as part of the Clear Lake Ecosystem Simulation Model project. | Pierce | November 2008 |
Interviewed for Iowa Outdoors magazine about carp monitoring and removal as part of the Clear Lake Ecosystem Simulation Model project. Provided follow-up documentation and photos. | Pierce | December 2008 |
Interviewed by reporter from Ames Tribune regarding effects of drought on local fish. Answers published in the Outdoors section in a question-and-answer format. | Pierce | January 2013 |
Interviewed by reporter from Ames Tribune for an article on effects of flooding on local fish. | Pierce | July 2013 |
Interviewed by program host and intern for radio program broadcast on Ames radio station KHOI on effects of floods on local streams and fish. | Pierce | June 2013 |
Interviewed by Iowa State University News Service for article on service-learning in courses at Iowa State. Described service-learning component of Fisheries Science graduate course. Published by ISU News Service and sent to regional and national news outlets. | Pierce | April 2010 |
Interviewed by Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Science News Service for article on restoring multipurpose oxbows for improving water quality and habitat for an endangered species. Published online and sent to regional and national news outlets. | Pierce | November 2019 |
Interviewed by Iowa Soybean Association writer for article on restoring multipurpose oxbows for improving water quality and habitat for an endangered species. Published online and sent to regional and national news outlets, May 2020. | Pierce | May 2020 |
Interviewed by Ames Tribune for article about practical problem-solving student projects in Fisheries Science class. Hosted class visit by journalist. Provided background material. | Pierce | April 2009 |
In-Fisherman Magazine highlighted a recently published study of carp movement and habitat selection in the Bits & Pieces science review section of the March 2010 issue. | Pierce | March 2010 |
Gave a talk to the Iowa Natural Resource Commission titled "The Iowa Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit: Natural Resource Science Contributions to Iowa and the Nation". | Pierce | February 2008 |
Developed and provided descriptive posters for public display at visitor centers in Voyageurs National Park. Posters showcase results of study funded by National Park Service to assess the long term viability of a unique strain of muskellunge found only in Voyageurs. | Pierce | April 2006 |
Conducted oxbow fish sampling demonstration for Boone River Watershed Project landowner field day | Pierce | April 2017 |
Conducted electrofishing demonstration for program to recruit high school students into the Iowa State University College of Agriculture | Pierce | April 2003 |
Conducted electrofishing demonstration for Marshalltown High School STEM Camp | Pierce | June 2017 |
Conducted electrofishing demonstration for Central College Vertebrate Biology class | Pierce | October 2010 |
Conducted electrofishing demonstration and stream quality assessment lecture for Iowa State University undergraduate learning community. | Pierce | October 2003 |
Conducted electrofishing demonstration and informal stream quality assessment lecture for Squaw Creek Watershed Coalition. | Pierce | October 2004 |