Hawaii Technical Assistance Activities

One of the primary missions of the Cooperative Research Units is to provide technical assistance to our cooperators. Unit Scientists use their expertise in natural resource management, experimental design, data analysis, and leadership to work with partners on a variety of issues and projects. A few of these are highlighted below.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Worked with NOAAs Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment to conduct biogeographic assessment of the Virgin Islands National Park NOAA, NOS, CCMA |
Friedlander | June 2010 |
Unit Leader Grabowski, technician Richard Masse, and I completed a 97-page technical report and internal presentation for DLNR-DAR staff that collated data and metadata from their island-based roving creel surveys into a cohesive Statewide Creel Survey Database. We described spatial and temporal patterns within the dataset and provided a literature review of the role of technology in improving noncommercial fishery monitoring. In so doing, we synthesized the most detailed information to-date about noncommercial shore-based fisheries of Hawai‘i, which may improve fishery management outcomes. Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources' Division of Aquatic Resources |
Raz, Masse, Grabowski | June 2022 |
Testimony written for U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy on specific examples of the role of educational programs in laws and regulatory practices. |
Birkeland | May 2002 |
Provides estimates of reef fish standing stock in the main Hawiian Islands and potential impacts associated with increasing numbers of endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals. NOAA, Pacific Islands Regional Office, Protected Species |
Friedlander | February 2012 |
Provided technical guidance to the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii in analysis of Maunalua Bay creel survey data The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii/Marine Program |
Friedlander | September 2010 |
Provided scientific input into development of strategic plan for Con. Inter. Hawaii Fish Trust Community-based fisheries ,management program Conservation International |
Friedlander | November 2012 |
Provided information about the ornamental fish fishery in Hawaii, the associated practices, and ecological implications of harvest. The Humane Society of Hawaii |
Friedlander | December 2011 |
Provided guidance on the development of marine spatial planning for the island of Niihau NOS- Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary |
Friedlander | November 2012 |
Provided evaluation and recommendations to NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program for implementation of national coral reef strategy. NOAA/NOS/NCCOS |
Friedlander | December 2012 |
Met with new acting head of state aquatics agency to provide background on current status of Hawaii's fisheries and stock assessment methods. Dept. Land and Natural Resources, Div. Aquatic Resources |
Friedlander | November 2012 |
Invited speaker and panel member to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy on the condition of coral reefs and what actions or policies should be developed to improve their management. |
Birkeland | May 2002 |
In July 2022, our Unit (Grabowski and Tuttle Raz) organized a Structural Decision Making and Adaptive Resource Management (SDM-ARM) workshop for our State cooperator, the Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), for which we invited the Oregon Unit Leader, Jim Peterson. Unit personnel assisted DAR staff in walking through information gathering and planning of ARM measures to be taken for a fish species of concern in west Hawai‘i Island (Pāku'iku'i or Achilles Tang, <i>Acanthurus achilles</i>). Since that time, we have participated in approximately monthly virtual meetings between Unit personnel and DAR staff to track progress toward SDM-ARM for Pāku'iku'i. We have also organized and convened approximately monthly virtual meetings of a subgroup to build the SDM-ARM model (multi-state occupancy model), which has recently begun to yield results that promise to inform DAR’s management of the fish. Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources |
Grabowski, Peterson, Raz, Masse, McSwain | July 2022 |
Help develop survey of kahului Harbor fisheries management area Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resource-Maui |
Friedlander | March 2011 |
Gave a talk on important or key factors on which to focus for Census of Marine Life (CoML) and then advised in group discussions, 16 and 17 August 2004. |
Birkeland | August 2004 |
Facilitating Structured Decision Making process for reef fish management with HI Unit fishery biologists Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Aquatic Resource Division |
Peterson, Grabowski | July 2022 |
Facilitated Structured Decision Making rapid prototyping workshop with DAR biologists Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Aquatic Resource Division |
Peterson, Grabowski | July 2022 |
Due to my expertise in coral-reef ecosystems, I was invited to be an advisor within DAR’s “Holomua: Marine Advisory Network,” which supports the State-mandated initiative to effectively manage the nearshore waters of Hawai'i by 2030. I engaged in a three-part expert questionnaire that provided input on ecological, economic, and social indicators of success for marine management actions. I will continue to provide guidance and advice on statewide, island-scale, and place-based fisheries regulations in Hawaii’s nearshore waters. https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/holomua/holomua-advisory-network/ Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources |
Raz | January 2023 |
Conduct underwater surveys of fishes, helped develop database, and assissted with data analysis for National Park of American Samoa National Park Service, Pacific Islands Coral Reef Research Program |
Friedlander | March 2010 |
Assisted Palau International Coral Reef Center with data collection of analysis of reef fish habitat affinity study Palau International Coral Reef Center |
Friedlander | October 2010 |
Advised the Ministry of Fisheries on the development of a research and monitoring program for the recreational fishery for bonefish. Ministry of Fisheries, Cook Islands Government |
Friedlander | October 2011 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Planning Committee, developing Fisheries Graduate Program, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - Active participant in a faculty advisory panel for the nascent Fisheries Graduate Program, which aims to admit our first cohort in fall 2026. We meet at least monthly to guide the development and strategic planning for the program, including coordination with external agency, organization, industry, and community partners. | Raz | September 2023 | Present |
Member, Returned Overhead Research Funds Committee, Department of Bilogy, University of Hawaii - Evaluate requests and distribute returned indirect reseach funds to the Biology Department for use by faculty and the department. | Friedlander | September 2011 | Present |
Member - Graduate Admissions Committee – U. Hawaii, Zoology - Reviewed, ranked, and made final decisions for admission to graduate program in Zoology for 2009-2010 academic year | Friedlander | September 2009 | February 2010 |
Executive Committee Member, Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program, University of Hawai'i at Hilo - Meet biweekly during the school year to plan, discuss, and improve the TCBES graduate program at UH Hilo. | Raz | September 2022 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
member, advisory panel, Hawaii Seascape Initiative | Friedlander | February 2009 | February 2011 |
U.S. Geological Survey Representative, Interagency Coral Reef Mitigation Task Force | Birkeland | February 2002 | August 2003 |
Research Alternate, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Reserve Advisory Council | Birkeland | March 2002 | December 2003 |
Participant-Allowable Catch Limits Workshop, Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council | Friedlander | February 2011 | February 2011 |
Panelist, Biosystems track, National Science Foundation | Friedlander | January 2011 | January 2011 |
Member, scientific team, Scripps Line Islands investigation of fish demographics | Friedlander | November 2010 | December 2010 |
Member, USGS Cooperative Research Units Safety Committee | Raz | June 2023 | Present |
Member, Tropical Americas Coral Reef Resilience working group, IUCN & Int. Coral Reef Initiative | Friedlander | April 2012 | Present |
Member, Research Priorities for the Pacific Remote Islands National Marine Monument Workshop, Marine Conservation Biology Institute | Friedlander | October 2009 | October 2009 |
Member, Outreach & Education Working Group, U.S. Coral Reef Task Force | Birkeland | January 2002 | December 2003 |
Member, Organizing Committee, Hawaii Aquatics Conference 2003 | Birkeland | August 2003 | November 2003 |
Member, Organizing Committee, Hawaii Aquatics Conference 2001 | Birkeland | November 2001 | November 2001 |
Member, NMFS Biological Review Team for bumphead parrotfish | Friedlander | June 2010 | June 2011 |
Member, Molokini Conservation Action Plan Team, Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources and The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii | Friedlander | September 2011 | Present |
Member, Coral Reef Mitigation Working Group | Birkeland | March 2003 | Present |
Member, CRU Awards Committee | Birkeland | October 2001 | October 2001 |
Member, Biogeographic Assessment of Virgin Islands National Park, NOAA CCMA | Friedlander | July 2009 | July 2009 |
Member, Advisory Panel, State of Hawaii on the Management of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | Birkeland | July 2001 | January 2000 |
Member - working group on global reef fish biodiversity - French Foundation on Biodiversity | Friedlander | April 2011 | Present |
Lead, Committee to develop reasearch guidelines for the Palmyra Research Station Consortium, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | Birkeland | August 2002 | Present |
Lead scientist-Farquhar Atoll, Seychelles expedition, The National Geographic Society | Friedlander | February 2009 | March 2009 |
Lead scientist-Easter Island expedition, The National Geographic Society | Friedlander | February 2011 | March 2011 |
Lead scientist-Cocos Island, Costa Rica expedition, The National Geographic Society | Friedlander | September 2010 | October 2010 |
Lead scientist, Kahoolawe Reserve Ecological Assessment, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii | Friedlander | June 2009 | June 2009 |
Lead scientist - southern Line Islands expedition, The National Geographic Society | Friedlander | May 2009 | June 2009 |
External Program Reviewer, NOAA-Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation for Honolulu Laboratory, Southwest Fisheries Science Center | Birkeland | January 2002 | Present |
Chief scientist, Pitcairn Islands expedition, The National Geographic Society | Friedlander | March 2012 | April 2012 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Testimony written for H.B. No. 2831, CORAL REEF PROTECTION ACT | Birkeland | February 2001 |
Talked with Malama Pupukea-Waimea MLCD group about results of our 8 years of data in the protected area | Friedlander | February 2011 |
Talk to Nature Conservancy group about Palmyra Atoll prior to their trip. | Friedlander | April 2011 |
Talk to Lanakai Community Board on fisheries assessment and monitoring | Friedlander | June 2012 |
Talk given to the West Hawaii Fisheries Council on how technological developments have removed all natural reserves of coral-reef fishes. | Birkeland | November 2002 |
Spoke to Windward Community College science class on how technological advances in fisheries techniques removed all natural reserves and so it is necessary to establish artificial reserves by legislation | Birkeland | October 2003 |
Spoke before the State Legislative Committee on H.B. No. 2831, the CORAL REEF PROTECTION ACT | Birkeland | February 2001 |
Public talk with Hanalei community about 20 years of marine research in Hanalei Bay, Kauai sponsored by the Hanalei National Heritage River. | Friedlander | June 2012 |
Public talk on "Dangers of Small Population Size" to fishermen and local Hawaiians as part of the program for the 2003 Aquatics Conference sponsored by the Hawaii chapter of the Audubon Society | Birkeland | November 2003 |
Public lecture sponsored by the Pupukea-Waimea community to present findings on 10 years of protection at the Pupukea marine protected area. | Friedlander | November 2011 |
Public lecture at Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve: "Fishes, fishing, and Hawaii's coral reefs" | Friedlander | June 2009 |
Provided scientific support (fish data collection and processing) for a fishing tournament on Kauai focused on removing invasive coral-reef fishes. | Raz, Grabowski, Masse, McSwain, Bartz, Larson, Otsu, Engel | August 2023 |
Provided scientific support (fish data collection and processing) for a fishing tournament in Hilo, Hawaii Island focused on removing invasive coral-reef fishes. | Raz, Grabowski, McSwain, Otsu | May 2024 |
Premier consultant for U.S. Postal Service Pacific Coral Reef panorama stamp set in the Nature in America series. | Birkeland | June 2002 |
Participated in weekend fish camp for children on the island of Lanai. Presented results of previous work on Lanai and Big Island. | Friedlander | November 2012 |
Participated in National Geographic documentary "Shark Island" | Friedlander | September 2009 |
Participated in National Geographic documentary "Lost sharks of Easter Island" | Friedlander | November 2010 |
Organized, coordinated and obtained funding for international group of speakers for a symposium at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting 2002 held in Boston. | Birkeland | February 2002 |
Organized an educational booth at a local, cultural festival to share our Unit's science with the public. | McSwain, Raz, Grabowski, Rodriguez, Demers, Bartz | September 2023 |
Maintained an information booth with a poster about invasive species for public education, attended by Senator Inouye and his staff. The name of the event was "Invasion of the Reef Snatchers" and the poster was entitled "Effects of the Introduced Grouper, Cephalopholis argus, Commonly Called Roi". (Dierking) | Birkeland | August 2004 |
Maganize interview on marine protected areas with Green: Hawaii's sustainable living magazine. | Friedlander | April 2009 |
Invited speaker and panel member to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy | Birkeland | May 2002 |
Invited by the Maunalua Bay Community Organization to discuss the results of our research on bonefish and fish population trends in the bay | Friedlander | April 2010 |
Invited by Lanikai Community Organization to talk about Marine Protected Areas and the health of the Kailua/Lanikai marine ecosystem | Friedlander | December 2011 |
Interviewed by the Honolulu Weekly on the aquarium fish fishery in Hawaii. | Friedlander | March 2011 |
Interview of Unit Leader about the biology and conservation status of Hawaiian freshwater fishes | Grabowski | February 2021 |
Guest speaker at the Laulima Nature Center in Hilo, HI for an event celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. | Raz | February 2024 |
Guest on KTUH 90.1 FM radio show to discuss my science and career as a marine biologist. | Raz | March 2023 |
Gave talk to fishermen and guides on best handing practices for catch-and-release fishing for bonefish | Friedlander | March 2012 |
Gave a talk and served as a resource person for a debating team from a local Hawaiian high school that is preparing for a national debating contest to take place in St. Louis, Missouri. The topic of the debating contest will be "The U.S. should put aside more coastal shallow waters into reserves." | Birkeland | October 2003 |
Dr. Grabowski is interviewed about ongoing research on invasive Peacock Grouper (roi) and efforts to control their populations. | Grabowski | July 2017 |
Creation and delivery of K-5 outreach activities for over 800 students at the Kea‘au Elementary Ocean Day in Oct. 2023 | Raz, McSwain | October 2023 |
Contributor/Advisor. NOAA website for scientific advisement on coral reef ecology and management to the public and to school teachers (ongoing)(www.coexploration.org/sse/coral). | Birkeland | August 2001 |
Birkeland, C., and A.M. Friedlander. 2001. The importance of refuges for reef fish replenishment in Hawaii'i. Pacific Fisheries Coalition and Hawaii Audubon society, Honolulu, HI. 19 p. | Birkeland | June 2001 |
Birkeland, C. Sept 01. Why some species are influential on coral reefs, and others are not. West Hawaii Explorations Academy. Kona, HI | Birkeland | September 2001 |
Birkeland, C. Sept 01. New technology makes marine reserves imperative. West Hawaii Fisheries Council. Kona, HI | Birkeland | September 2001 |
Birkeland, C. Sept 01. Economics of coral reefs. Reef Talk Session. Kona, Hawaii | Birkeland | September 2001 |
Birkeland, C. Marine reserves:does Hawaii need them or not? Pacific Aquaculture and Marine Resources Center, Marine Option Program, and University of Hawaii at Hilo. Hilo, Hawaii. | Birkeland | September 2001 |
Birkeland, C. Mar 01. Fall and rise of corals and rise and fall of fish on Tutuila's reefs. Public talk at Feleti Barstow Public Library in Pago Pago, American Samoa. | Birkeland | March 2001 |
Birkeland, C. Mar 01. A talk on reef fisheries management at two public hearings. March 23 and March 24 at the Office of Samoan Affairs and at the Rainmaker Hotel, Pago Pago, American Samoa. | Birkeland | March 2001 |
Back to the sea for the future. Calypso Log. June 2001:37 | Birkeland | June 2001 |
Article from University of Hawaii at Hilo detailing Unit Leader's development of distance classes during COVID-19 pandemic | Grabowski | December 2020 |
Appeared in video for Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument to honor Hawaiian fisherman | Friedlander | November 2012 |
"Data Sources Matter - A Case Study of the Dwarf Seahorse" -- Article highlighting research on species distribution models and Dwarf Seahorse. | Grabowski, Roesler | July 2018 |
"Citizen Science Helps to Inform Ornamental Fishery Decisions in Hawaii" -- Article highlighting research done at the Hawaii Cooperative Fishery Research Unit | Grabowski | April 2020 |