Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Washington
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Washington Staff Member

Dr. Glenn Richard VanBlaricom

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (206) 543 - 6475


  • Ph D University of California, San Diego 1978
  • BS University of Washington 1972
  • BS University of Washington 1972


Glenn has been the Assistant Unit Leader - Wildlife at the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit since 1993. He is an Associate Professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. . Community ecology and conservation biology of nearshore marine environments; Interactions of natural and anthropogenic disturbances with coastal marine communities; Population and community ecology and conservation biology of marine mammals. . Marine mammalogy, natural disturbance ecology.

Research Publications Publication Date
Zerbini, A. N., A. Andriolo, M. P. Heide-J�rgensen, J. L. Pizzorno, Y. G. Maia, G. R. VanBlaricom, D. P. DeMaster, P. C. Sim�es-Lopes, S. Moreira, and C. Bethlem. 2006. Satellite-monitored movements of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 313: 295-304 May 2006
Zerbini, A. N., A. Andriolo, M. P. Heide-Jorgensen, S. C. Moreira, J. L. Pizzorno, Y. G. Maia, G. R. VanBlaricom, and D. P. DeMaster. 2011. Migration and summer destinations of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the western South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management Special Issue 3: 113-118 December 2011
Zerbini, A. N., A. Andriolo, M. P. Heide-J?rgensen, J. L. Pizzorno, Y. G. Maia, G. R. VanBlaricom, D. P. DeMaster, P. C. Sim?es-Lopes, S. Moreira, and C. Bethlem. 2006. Satellite-monitored movements of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 313: 295-304 May 2006
Zerbini, A. N., A. Andriolo, J. da Rocha, P. C. Simoes-Lopes, S. Siciliano, J. L. Pizzorno, J. M. Waite, D. P. DeMaster, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2004. Winter distribution and abundance of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 6: 101-107. June 2004
Womble, J. M., M. F. Willson, M. F. Sigler, B. P. Kelly, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2005. Distribution of Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in relation to spring-spawning fish species in southeastern Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 294: 271-282. June 2005
Wade, P. R., V. N. Burkanov, M. E. Dahlheim, N. A. Friday, L. W. Fritz, T. R. Loughlin, S. A. Mizroch, M. M. Muto, D. W. Rice, L. G. Barrett-Lennard, N. A. Black, A. M. Burdin, J. Calambokidis, S. Cerchio, J. K. B. Ford, J. K. Jacobsen, C. O. Matkin, D. R. Matkin, A. V. Mehta, R. J. Small, J. M. Straley, S. M. McCluskey, G. R. VanBlaricom, and P. J. Clapham. 2007. Killer whales and marine mammal trends in the North Pacific ? a re-examination of evidence for sequential megafaunal collapse and the prey-switching hypothesis. Marine Mammal Science 23: 766-802. October 2007
VanBlaricom, G.R., T.F. Belting, and L.H. Triggs. 2015. Sea otters in captivity: Applications and implications of husbandry development, public display, scientific research and management, and rescue and rehabilitation for sea otter conservation. Pages 197-234 in S.E. Larson, J.L. Bodkin, and G.R. VanBlaricom (editors). Sea otter conservation. Academic Press, Waltham, Massachusetts USA. 447 pages. | Abstract January 2015
VanBlaricom, G.R., L.R. Gerber, and R.L. Brownell, Jr. 2013. Extinctions of marine mammals. Pages 64-93 in volume 5 of S.A. Levin (editor). Encyclopedia of biodiversity (second edition) Elsevier, Amsterdam. February 2013
VanBlaricom, G.R., J.L. Ruediger, C.S. Friedman, D.D. Woodard, and R.P. Hedrick. 1993. Discovery of withering syndrome among black abalone populations at San Nicolas Island, California. Journal of Shellfish Research 12: 185-188. January 1993
VanBlaricom, G.R., J.L. Eccles, J.D. Olden, and P.S. McDonald. 2015. Ecological effects of the harvest phase of geoduck clam (Panopea generosa Gould, 1850) aquaculture on infaunal communities in southern Puget Sound, Washington USA. Journal of Shellfish Research 34: 171-187. March 2015
VanBlaricom, G.R., B.M. Blaud, and C.S. Friedman. 2012. Disease-induced fluctuations in endangered black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii Leach, 1814) populations over a 32-year time span at San Nicolas Island, California, USA, with implications for reproductive potential. Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 355. April 2012
VanBlaricom, G.R., A.W.E. Galloway, K.C. McPeek, J.L. Price, J.R. Cordell, M.N. Dethier, D.A. Armstrong, and P.S. McDonald. 2012. Effects of predator exclusion structures as agents of ecological disturbance to infaunal communities in geoduck clam aquaculture plots in southern Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 355. April 2012
VanBlaricom, G.R. Bowhead whale. In The World Book Encyclopedia. 2010 edition. World Book, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA. January 2010
VanBlaricom, G.R. 2015. Synopsis of the history of sea otter conservation in the United States. Pages 395-434 in S.E. Larson, J.L. Bodkin, and G.R. VanBlaricom (editors). Sea otter conservation. Academic Press, Waltham, Massachusetts USA. 447 pages. | Abstract January 2015
VanBlaricom, G. R., L. R. Gerber, and R. L. Brownell, Jr. 2001. Extinctions of marine mammals. Pages 37-69 in S. A. Levin (editor). Encyclopedia of biodiversity, volume 4. Academic Press, San Diego, California January 2001
VanBlaricom, G. R., J. A. Ames, M. D. Harris, and R. A. Hardy. 2001. Sea otter. Pages 536-540 in W. S. Leet, C. M. Dewees, R. Klingbeil, and E. J. Larson (editors). California's marine living resources: A status report. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California. December 2001
VanBlaricom, G. R. 2001. Book Review: "Biology of Marine Mammals", edited by J. E. Reynolds III and S. E. Rommel. Marine Mammal Science 17: 202-205 January 2001
VanBlaricom, G. R. 1996. Saving the sea otter population in California: Contemporary problems and future pitfalls. Endangered Species Update 13 (12): 85-91. December 1996
VanBlaricom, G. R. 1995. Book review: "Killer Whales", by J. K. B. Ford, G. M. Ellis, and K. C. Balcomb. Northwest Science 69: 79-80. January 1995
VanBlaricom, G. R. 1993. Dynamics and distribution of black abalone populations at San Nicolas Island. Pages 323-334 in F. G. Hochberg (editor). Third California Islands Symposium: Recent Advances in research on the California Islands. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California. September 1993
Shima, M., A. B. Hollowed, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2002. Changes over time in the spatial distribution of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska, 1984-1996. Fishery Bulletin 100:307-323. April 2002
Shima, M., A. B. Hollowed, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2000. Response of pinniped populations to directed harvest, climate variability, and commercial fishery activity: A comparative analysis. Reviews in Fisheries Science 8: 89-124. March 2000
Ryan, C., B. McHugh, B. Boyle, E. McGovern, M. Bérubé, P. Lopez-Suárez, C.T. Elfes, D.T. Boyd, G.M. Ylitalo, G.R. VanBlaricom, P.J. Clapham, J. Robbins, P.J. Palsbøll, I. O’Conner, and S.D. Berrow. 2013. Levels of persistent organic pollutants in eastern North Atlantic humpback whales. Endangered Species Research 22: 213-223. December 2013
Price, J.L., G.R. VanBlaricom, and P.S. McDonald. 2012. Effects of harvest activity on infaunal communities in geoduck clam aquaculture plots in southern Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 334. April 2012
Orr, A.J., S.D. Newsome, J.L. Laake, G.R. VanBlaricom, and R.D. DeLong. 2012. Ontogenetic dietary information of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) assessed using stable isotope analysis. Marine Mammal Science 28: 714-732. October 2012
Orr, A.J., G. R. VanBlaricom, R. L. DeLong, V. H. Cruz-Escalona, and S. D. Newsome. 2011. Intraspecific comparison of diet of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) assessed using fecal and stable isotope analyses. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 109-122. February 2011
Neuman, M.J., B. Tissot, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2010. Overall status and threats assessment of black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii Leach, 1814) populations in California, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research 29: 577-586 November 2010
Mongillo, T.M., E.E. Holmes, D.P. Noren, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.E. Punt, S.M. O’Neill, G.M. Ylitalo, M.B. Hanson, and P.S. Ross. 2012. Predicted polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) accumulation in southern resident killer whales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 453: 263-277. May 2012
Melin, S. R., R. L. DeLong, J. A. Thomason, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2000. Attendance patterns of California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) females and pups during the non breeding season at San Miguel Island. Marine Mammal Science 16: 169-185. January 2000
McPeek, Kathleen C., P. Sean McDonald, and Glenn R. VanBlaricom. 2015. Aquaculture disturbance Impacts the diet but not ecological linkages of a ubiquitous predatory fish. Estuaries and Coasts 38: 1520-1534. doi: 10.1007/s12237-014-9909-z. September 2015
McPeek, K., G.R. VanBlaricom, P.S. McDonald, and D.A. Beauchamp. 2012. Effects of geoduck aquaculture on the growth and stable isotope signatures of Pacific staghorn sculpins. Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 322. April 2012
McDonald, P.S., T.E. Essington, J.P. Davis, A.W.E. Galloway, B.C. Stevick, G.C. Jensen, G.R. VanBlaricom, and D.A. Armstrong. 2015. Distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of a large bivalve (Panopea generosa) in a eutrophic, fjord estuary. Journal of Shellfish Research 34: 137-145. | Abstract March 2015
McDonald, P.S., P.F. Stevick, A.W.E. Galloway, K. McPeek, D.A. Armstrong, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2012. Nekton, nets, and tubes: Macrofauna response to intertidal geoduck aquaculture operations in Puget Sound, Washington USA. Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 320. April 2012
McDonald, P.S., A.W.E. Galloway, K.C. McPeek, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2015. Effects of geoduck (Panopea generosa) aquaculture on resident and transient macrofauna communities of Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research 34: 189-202. | Abstract March 2015
Lander, M.E., T.R. Loughlin, M.G. Logsdon, G.R. VanBlaricom, and B.S. Fadely. 2010. Foraging effort of juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) with respect to heterogeneity of sea surface temperature. Endangered Species Research 10: 145-158. March 2010
Lander, M.E., M.L. Logsdon, T.R. Loughlin, and G.R. VanBlaricom, Spatial patterns and scaling behaviors of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) distributions and their environment. Journal of Theoretical Biology 274: 74-83. April 2011
Lander, M. E., T. R. Loughlin, M. L. Logsdon, G. R. VanBlaricom, B. S. Fadely, and L. W. Fritz. 2009. Regional differences in the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of oceanographic habitat used by Steller sea lions. Ecological Applications 19: 1645-1659. December 2009
Laidre, K. L., R. J. Jameson, S. J. Jeffries, R. C. Hobbs, C. E. Bowlby, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2002. Estimates of carrying capacity for sea otters in Washington State. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 1172-1181. December 2002
Laidre K. L., M. P. Heide-Jorgensen, M. L. Lodgson, R. C. Hobbs, R. Dietz, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2004. Fractal analysis of narwhal space use patterns. Zoology 107: 3-11. March 2004
Huber, H. R., S. J. Jeffries, R. F. Brown, R. L. DeLong, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2001. Correcting aerial survey counts of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi) in Washington and Oregon. Marine Mammal Science 17: 276-293 April 2001
Houghton, J., M.M. Holt, D.A. Giles, M.B. Hanson, C.K. Emmons, J.T. Hogan, T.A. Branch, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2015. The relationship between vessel traffic and noise levels received by killer whales (Orcinus orca). PLoS ONE 10 (12): e0140119. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140119 (20 pages). December 2015
Hoberecht, L. K., D. J. Vos, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2006. A remote biopsy system used to sample Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) blubber. Marine Mammal Science 22: 683-689. July 2006
Hauser, D. D. W., M. G. Logsdon, E. E. Holmes, G. R. VanBlaricom, and R. W. Osborne. 2007. Summer distribution patterns of Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca): evidence of core areas and spatial segregation of social groups. Marine Ecology Progress Series 351: 301-310. December 2007
Hauser, D. D. W., G. R. VanBlaricom, E. E. Holmes, and R. W. Osborne. 2006. Capitalizing on platforms of opportunity: Can whalewatch data be used reliably for cetacean distribution studies? Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 8: 273-281 December 2006
Gerber, L. R., and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2001. Implications of three viability models for the conservation status of the western population of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus)Biological Conservation 102: 261-269. December 2001
Gerber, L. R., W. Wooster, D. P. DeMaster, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 1999. Marine mammals: New objectives in fishery management. Reviews in Fisheries Science 7: 23-38. March 1999
Gerber, L. R., K. E. Buenau, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2004. Density dependence and risk of extinction in a small population of sea otters. Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 2741-2757. December 2004
Friedman, C.S., N. Wight, L.M. Crosson, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2012. Resistance to bacterial disease in abalones: Role of host and bacterial hyperparasite. Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 285-286. April 2012
Friedman, C.S., N. Wight, L. Crosson, G.R. VanBlaricom, and K.D. Lafferty. 2014. Reduced disease in black abalone following mass mortality: Phage therapy and natural selection. Frontiers in Microbiology 5:78. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00078. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website March 2014
Foster, M. S., and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2001. Spatial variation in kelp forest communities along the Big Sur Coast of central California, USA. Cryptogamie Algologie 22: 173-186. July 2001
Ferrero, R. C., R. C. Hobbs, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2002. Indications of habitat use patterns among small cetaceans in the Central North Pacific Ocean based on fisheries observer data. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 4: 311-321. December 2002
Fanshawe, S., G. R. VanBlaricom, and A. A. Shelly. 2003. Restored top carnivores as detriments to the performance of marine protected areas intended for fishery sustainability: A case study with red abalones and sea otters. Conservation Biology 17: 273-283. February 2003
Estes, J. A., G. B. Rathbun, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 1993. Paradigms for managing carnivores: The case of the sea otter. Pages 307-320 in N. Dunstone and M. L. Gorman (editors). Mammals as predators. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, number 65. Clarendon Press, Oxford. June 1993
Elfes, C.T., G.R. VanBlaricom, D. Boyd, J. Calambokidis, P.J. Clapham, R.W. Pearce, J. Robbins, J.C. Salinas, J.M. Straley, P.R. Wade, and M.M. Krahn. 2010 Geographic variation of persistant organic pollutant levels in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding areas of the North Pacific and North Atlantic. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29: 824-834. April 2010
Dean, T. A., J. L. Bodkin, B. E. Ballachey, A. K. Fukuyama, S. C. Jewett, D. H. Monson, C. E. O'Clair, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2002. Food limitation and the recovery of sea otters following the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Marine Ecology Progress Series 241: 255-270. October 2002
Crosson, L.M., S. Roberts, G.R. VanBlaricom, and C.S. Friedman. 2012. A transcriptomic approach in search of disease resistance in endangered black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii). Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 272. April 2012
Crosson, L.M., N. Wight, G.R. VanBlaricom, I. Kiryu, J.D. Moore, and C.S. Friedman. 2014. Withering syndrome: Distribution, impacts, current diagnostic methods and new findings. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 108: 261-270. doi: 10.3354/dao02713. | Abstract April 2014
Chambers, M., H. Hurn, C. S. Friedman, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2005. Drift card simulation of larval dispersal from San Nicolas Island, California, during black abalone spawning season. Pages 421-434 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm (editors). Proceedings of the Sixth California Islands Symposium, Ventura, California, 1-3 December 2005. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, California, USA. August 2005
Chambers, M. D., G. R. VanBlaricom, L. Hauser, F. Utter, and C. S. Friedman. 2006. Genetic structure of black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii) populations in the California islands and central California coast: Impacts of larval dispersal and decimation from Withering Syndrome. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 331: 173-185. April 2006
Carter, S. K., and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2002. Effects of experimental harvest on red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, in northern Washington. Fishery Bulletin 100: 662-673. October 2002
Carter, S. K., G. R. VanBlaricom, and B. L. Allen. 2007. Testing the generality of the trophic cascade paradigm for sea otters: a case study with kelp forests in northern Washington, USA. Hydrobiologia 579: 233-249. February 2007
Bradford, A.L., D.W. Weller, A.E. Punt, Y.V. Ivaschenko, A.M. Burdin, G.R. VanBlaricom, and R.L. Brownell, Jr. 2012. Leaner leviathans: Body condition variation in a critically endangered whale population. Journal of Mammalogy 93: 251-266. February 2012
Bradford, A. L., P. R. Wade, D. W. Weller, A. M. Burdin, Y. V. Ivaschenko, G. A. Tsidulko, G. R. VanBlaricom, and R. L. Brownell Jr. 2006. Survival estimates of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) incorporating individual heterogeneity and temporary emigration. Marine Ecology Progress Series 315: 293-307. June 2006
Boyd, C., R. Castillo, G. L. Hunt Jr, A. Punt, G. R. VanBlaricom, H. Weimerskirch, and S. Bertrand. 2015. Predictive modelling of habitat use by marine predators with respect to the abundance and depth distribution of pelagic prey. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1575-1588. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656-12409. November 2015
Bodkin, J. L., B. E. Ballachey, T. A. Dean, A. K. Fukuyama, S. C. Jewett, L. L. McDonald, D. H. Monson, C. E. O'Clair, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2002. Sea otter population status and the process of recovery from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Marine Ecology Progress Series 24: 237-253. October 2002
Blaud, B.M., G.R. VanBlaricom, and M.J. Neuman. 2012. Significant wave height, tidal level, and distance between neighboring individuals of opposite sex affect probability for fertilization in spawning black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii Leach, 1814). Abstract. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 262-263. April 2012
Agness, A.M., K.N. Marshall, J.F. Piatt, J.C. Ha, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2013. Energy expense of vessel disturbance to individual Kittlitz’s murrelets. Marine Ornithology 41: 13-21. June 2013
Agness, A. M., J. F. Piatt, J. C. Ha, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2008. Effects of vessel activity on the nearshore ecology of the Kittlitz's Murrelet in Glacier Bay, Alaska. The Auk 125: 346-353 April 2008
Presentations Presentation Date
Wang, S., M. Neuman, S. Busch, J. Butler, A. DeVogelaere, C. Friedman, K. Gruenthal, R. Gustafson, D. Kushner, C. Mobley, D. Richards, S. Rumsey, K. Stierhoff, B. Taylor, G. VanBlaricom, and S. Wright. 2015. Decision-Making under the Endangered Species Act: Lessons learned from status reviews for black abalone and pinto abalone. Ninth International Abalone Symposium, 5-10 October 2015, Yeosu, South Korea. October 2015
Wang, S., M. Neuman, S. Busch, C. Friedman, K. Gruenthal, R. Gustafson, D. Kushner, K. Stierhoff, G.R. VanBlaricom, and S. Wright. 2015. Decision-making in the face of uncertainty: an evaluation of pinto abalone under the Endangered Species Act. 107th Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, California USA. 22-26 March 2015. March 2015
Wang, S, MJ Neuman, T Ben-Horin, CS Friedman, K Gruenthal, S Lonhart, J Moore, P Raimondi, D Richards, A Shanks, J Steinbeck, I Taniguchi, J Ugoretz, G. VanBlaricom, and S Whitaker. 2016. It’s black or white: A different roadmap to restoring the endangered black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii. Joint Conference: 49th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists and 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Malacological Society. 12-16 June 2016. Enseneda, Baja California, Mexico. Spoken presentation by S. Wang. June 2016
VanBlaricom, G.R., and M.D. Chambers. Behavioral mitigation of small population effects in a population of abalones depleted by exotic disease. Annual Meeting, California Cooperative Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Pacific Grove, California, USA. November 2003
VanBlaricom, G.R., S.L. Ashworth, A.A. Booth, and M.J. Neuman. Size-specific patterns of individual movement in endangered black abalones. 63rd Annual Shellfish Conference. Pacific Coast Section, National Shellfisheries Association, and Pacific Coast Shellfish Grower’s Association. Portland, Oregon, USA. September 2009
VanBlaricom, G.R., S.K. Carter, M.D. Chambers, and S.C. Lubetkin. The dilemma of charismatic paradigms and conservation policy for marine mammals. Lessons from sea otters in the North Pacific Rim. Tenth South American Meeting of Marine Mammal Specialists. Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistes en Mamiferos Acuaticas. Valdivia, Chile. October 2002
VanBlaricom, G.R., P.S. McDonald, J.L. Price, A.W.E. Galloway, J.R. Cordell, M.N. Dethier, J.D. Toft, T.E. Essington, and D.A. Armstrong. Challenges to the evaluation of ecological effects of bivalve aquaculture: social and economic constraints, and contradictory incentives from ecological and statistical theory. Aquaculture 2010 -Triennial Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association, World Aquaculture Society, and Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society. San Diego, California, USA. March 2010
VanBlaricom, G.R., M.J. Neuman, and D.A. Witting. 2015. Indications of recovery trends in three species of abalone in California, with apparent linkages to ocean-scale temperature anomalies. 107th Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, California USA. 22-26 March 2015. March 2015
VanBlaricom, G.R., C.S. Friedman, M.J. Neuman, and J.L. Price. Glimmers of hope in a grim seascape: evidence for positive numerical trends in an insular population of the endangered black abalone in California. Aquaculture 2010 -Triennial Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association, World Aquaculture Society, and Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society. San Diego, California, USA. March 2010
VanBlaricom, G.R., J.L. Price, K.C. McPeek, A.W.E. Galloway, J.R. Cordell, M.N. Dethier, D.A. Armstrong, and P. S. McDonald. 2012. Ecological consequences of geoduck aquaculture operations in southern Puget Sound: Conclusions emerging from a five-year study. South Sound Science Symposium, Washington Department of Ecology, Shelton, Washington, USA. October 2012
VanBlaricom, G.R. Synopsis of present threats and concerns for conservation of sea otters. Sea Otter Conservation Workshop III. Seattle Aquarium, Seattle, Washington, USA. March 2003
VanBlaricom, G.R. Ecological consequences of the expanding Washington sea otter population. Sea Otter Conservation Workshop II, Seattle Aquarium. Seattle, Washington, USA March 2001
VanBlaricom, G.R. Diet of black abalones (Haliotis cracherodii [Leach, 1814]) at San Nicolas Island, California: Selective detritivores or shameless omnivores? Sixth California Islands Symposium. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Ventura, California, USA December 2003
VanBlaricom, G.R. Conceptual approaches to the differentiation of natural and anthropogenic disturbances in benthic ecosystems, with consideration of impacts of geoduck aquaculture operations. Northwest Workshop on Bivalve Aquaculture and the Environment. Seattle, Washington, USA. September 2007
VanBlaricom, G.R. Another resource collision? Projecting interactions of sea otters with geoduck clam populations and fisheries in Washington and British Columbia. Sea Otter Conservation Workshop VI. Seattle Aquarium, Seattle, Washington, USA. March 2009
VanBlaricom, G.R. 2016. The conservation of western North Pacific gray whales. Monthly meeting, Undergraduate Marine Biology Club, University of Washington. 10 May 2016. Seattle, Washington USA. May 2016
VanBlaricom, G.R. 2016. The conservation of western North Pacific gray whales. Monthly meeting, Undergraduate Marine Biology Club (The "SeaDawgs"), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington USA. Invited spoken presentation by VanBlaricom. May 2016
VanBlaricom, G.R. 2016. Realities in conservation of the critically endangered western North Pacific population of gray whales. 20th Annual Meeting, Northwest Student Chapter, Society for Marine Mammalogy. Seattle, Washington USA. Invited spoken plenary presentation by VanBlaricom. May 2016
VanBlaricom, G.R. 2016. Overlapping catastrophes in the intertidal ecosystems of San Nicolas Island. Annual Meeting, Marine Rocky Intertidal Network. San Diego, California USA. Oral presentation by VanBlaricom February 2016
VanBlaricom, G.R. 2016. Dynamics of intertidal abalone populations at San Nicolas Island: Evidence for ocean forcing of abalone recruitment patterns, and a circumstantial case for apparent linkages of ocean forcing to growth of the Island’s sea otter population. California Cooperative Oceanic Fishery Investigations, Annual Conference, 5-7 December 2016. La Jolla, California USA. Spoken presentation by VanBlaricom. December 2016
VanBlaricom, G. R. Recent patterns of abundance, recruitment, and dispersion in black abalone populations at San Nicolas Island. Black Abalone Workshop. National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, California, USA. July 2006
Ruediger, J.R., and G.R. VanBlaricom. Effects of withering syndrome on black abalone populations at San Nicolas Island, California. Third International Abalone Symposium. California Sea Grant College Program. Pacific Grove, California. October 1997
Ruediger, J.R., and G.R. VanBlaricom. Effects of withering syndrome on black abalone populations at San Nicolas Island, California. Third International Abalone Symposium. California Sea Grant College Program. Pacific Grove, California. October 1997
Ruediger, J.L., and G.R. VanBlaricom. Discovery of abalone withering syndrome at San Nicolas Island, California. Annual Meeting, Western Society of Naturalists. Otter Crest, Oregon, USA. January 1993
Ruediger, J.L., and G.R. VanBlaricom. Abalone withering syndrome at San Nicolas Island, California. Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the Status of Resources. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California, USA. March 1994
Ruediger, J.L., and G.R. VanBlaricom. Abalone withering syndrome at San Nicolas Island, California. Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association. Portland, Oregon, USA. April 1993
McDonald, P.S., K.K. Holsman, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2015. Clams in space and time: Comparing analytical methods for determining the effects of aquaculture disturbance. 107th Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, California USA. 22-26 March 2015. March 2015
McDonald, P.S., B. Ferris, J. Reum, C.J. Harvey, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2015. A modeling approach to understand the effects of geoduck aquaculture on the Puget Sound food web. 107th Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, California USA. 22-26 March 2015. March 2015
Friedman, C.S., L.M. Crosson, A.M. Fuller, G.R. VanBlaricom, M. Neuman, D. Witting, E. Hofmann, and E. Powell. 2017. Modeling transmission of a bacterial pathogen among farmed and wild abalones in the face of climate change and declining wild populations. 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, 26 February - 3 March 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii USA. February 2017
Essington, T.E., A.W.E. Galloway, P.S. McDonald, D.A. Armstrong, J. Davis, G. Jensen, and G.R. VanBlaricom. Estimating filtration capacity of subtidal geoducks in Hood Canal, Washington. Aquaculture 2010 - Triennial Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association, World Aquaculture Society, and Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society. San Diego, California, USA. March 2010
Chambers, M.D., C.S. Friedman, L. Hauser, and G.R. VanBlaricom. The effects of larval dispersal on genetic structure of black abalones (Haliotis cracherodii). 17th Annual Meeting, Society for Conservation Biology. Duluth, Minnesota, USA June 2003
Chambers, M.D., C.S. Friedman, L. Hauser, and G.R. VanBlaricom. The effects of larval dispersal on genetic structure of black abalones (Haliotis cracherodii). 17th Annual Meeting, Society for Conservation Biology. Duluth, Minnesota, USA June 2003
Chambers, M.D., C.S. Friedman, L. Hauser and G.R. VanBlaricom. Populaton structure and recovery dynamics of black abalones (Haliotis cracherodii) at San Nicolas Island, California. Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association. Newport, Oregon, USA September 2002
Chambers, M.D., C. Friedman, L. Hauser, and G.R. VanBlaricom. The effects of larval dispersal on genetic structure of black abalones (Haliotis cracherodii). Annual Meeting, California Cooperative Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Pacific Grove, California, USA. November 2003
Chambers, M., C. Friedman, L. Hauser, F. Utter, and G. VanBlaricom. Larval dispersal and retention at San Nicolas Island simulated by a drift card study. Sixth California Islands Symposium. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Ventura, California, USA. December 2003
Technical Publications Publication Date
VanBlaricom, G.R., and G. Tsidulko. 2009. Trip reports, site visits to the Piltun region of Sakhalin Island, and to the A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia, autumn 2009. Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel, Global Marine Programme, International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Gland, Switzerland. 14 December 2009. December 2009
VanBlaricom, G.R., J.L. Butler, A.P. DeVogelaere, R.G. Gustafson, C.T. Mobley, M.J. Neuman, D.V. Richards, S.M. Rumsey, and B.L. Taylor. 2008. Status review report for black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii Leach, 1814). Public review draft. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region. Long Beach, California, USA. 137 pages. January 2008
VanBlaricom, G.R. 2010. Final Report. Incidental Harassment Authorization, take by harassment small numbers of marine mammals incidental to research surveys performed for the purpose of assessing trends over time in black abalone populations at permanent study sites on San Nicolas Island, California. Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. March 2010
Siniff, D.R., J.M. Burns, P.F. Olesiuk, and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2006. The American Institute of Biological Sciences peer review of the Alaska SeaLife Center Steller Sea Lion Research Program. American Institute of Biological Sciences, Reston, Virginia. 45 pages. January 2006
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, G.P. Donovan, D.P. Nowacek, T.J. Ragen, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, and A. Yablokov. 2006. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its First Meeting. 9-11 November 2006, Prangins, Switzerland. The World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland. 42 pages. December 2006
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, G.P. Donovan, D.P. Nowacek, T.J. Ragen, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, and A.V. Yablokov. 2007. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its Third Meeting. 10-13 November 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland. The World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland. 65 pages. December 2007
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, G.P. Donovan, D.P. Nowacek, T.J. Ragen, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, and A. Yablokov. 2007. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its Second Meeting. 15-18 April 2007, St. Petersburg, Russia. The World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland. 51 pages. May 2007
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, G.P. Donovan, D.P. Nowacek, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, D.W. Weller, and A.V. Yablokov. 2012. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its eleventh meeting. 12-14 February 2012, Geneva, Switzerland. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 66 pages. May 2012
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, G. Donovan, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, D.W. Weller, and A.V. Yablokov. 2009. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its sixth meeting. 21-24 April 2009, Geneva, Switzerland. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland, Switzerland. 46 pages. May 2009
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, G. Donovan, D.P. Nowacek, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, D.W. Weller, and A.V. Yablokov. 2008. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its Fourth Meeting. Lausanne, Switzerland, 22-25 April 2008. The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland. 58 pages. June 2008
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, D.P. Nowacek, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, D.W. Weller, and A.V. Yablokov. 2010. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its eighth meeting. 16-18 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland, Switzerland. 42 pages. June 2010
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, D. Nowacek, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, and D.W. Weller. 2010. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its seventh meeting. 12-14 December 2009, Geneva, Switzerland. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland, Switzerland. 42 pages. January 2010
Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., A. Burdin, J.G. Cooke, J.D. Darling, G.P. Donovan, F.M.D. Gulland, S.E. Moore, D.P. Nowacek, T.J. Ragen, R.G. Steiner, G.R. VanBlaricom, A. Vedenev, and A.Y. Yablokov. 2005. Impacts of Sakhalin II Phase 2 on western North Pacific gray whales and related biodiversity. Report of the Independent Scientific Review Panel. The World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland. 129 pages. February 2005
Reeves, R.R., A.E. Bowles, R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B.R. Mate, D.P. Nowacek, T.J. Ragen, V. Spiridonov, G.R. VanBlaricom, A. Vedenev, and D.W. Weller. 2006. Report of the Interim Independent Scientists Group (IISG) on mitigation measures to protect western gray whales during Sakhalin II construction operations in 2006. The World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland. 24 pages. April 2006
Dicks, B., G.R. VanBlaricom, D.W. Weller, G. Tsidulko, and R.R. Reeves. 2012. Report of the Environmental Monitoring Task Force, Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel, at its first meeting. 7-9 December 2011, Geneva, Switzerland. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 22 pages. April 2012
2009. Reeves, R.R., R.L. Brownell, Jr., J.G. Cooke, B. Dicks, G. Donovan, D.P. Nowacek, G. Tsidulko, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.I. Vedenev, D.W. Weller, and A.V. Yablokov. 2009. Report of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel at its fifth meeting. 3-6 December 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland, Switzerland. 51 pages. January 2009
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Society for Marine Mammalogy - Member, Board of Governors VanBlaricom November 2004 June 2008
Society for Marine Mammalogy - Member VanBlaricom November 1984 Present
Society for Marine Mammalogy - Faculty Co-advisor, Pacific Northwest Student Chapter VanBlaricom April 2002 Present
Society for Marine Mammalogy - Chair, Education Committee VanBlaricom November 2004 June 2008
Society for Conservation Biology - President, Marine Section VanBlaricom January 2006 December 2006
Society for Conservation Biology - Member, Conference Committee VanBlaricom June 2006 December 2008
Society for Conservation Biology - Member, Board of Directors, Marine Section VanBlaricom January 2004 December 2006
Society for Conservation Biology - Member VanBlaricom October 2003 Present
Other - Member VanBlaricom June 2004 Present
Other - Member VanBlaricom January 2005 Present
National Shellfisheries Association - Member VanBlaricom March 2010 Present
American Fisheries Society - Member VanBlaricom January 2011 Present
American Association for the Advancement of Science - Member VanBlaricom October 2003 Present
American Academy of Underwater Sciences - Member VanBlaricom November 2002 Present