Florida Staff Member
Dr. Abby N Powell

Unit Leader
Phone: (352) 846 - 0543
Email: abby_powell@usgs.gov
Faculty Email: abbypowell@ufl.edu
Faculty Website
- Ph D University of Minnesota 1992
- MS San Diego State University 1986
- BS Cornell University 1980
Dr. Powell joined the unit program in 2000, when she became an Assistant Unit Leader at the Alaska Unit. Prior to that she served as a Research Wildlife Biologist for several USGS Science Centers after receiving her graduate degree from University of Minnesota. In 2015, Dr. Powell became the Unit Leader of the Florida Unit. Her research focuses on avian ecology, particularly species of conservation concern, and spans from the North Slope of Alaska to the shores of Florida. Dr. Powell's interests include breeding and migration ecology. Her work on migration includes tracking birds with devices ranging from light-level geolocators to satellite transmitters to determine routes of migration routes, timing of migration, variation in age classes and individuals, and locations of stopover/staging and wintering areas. Although her early work on piping plovers led to a long career working with shorebirds, she has worked on many other groups including waterfowl, songbirds, and long-legged waders. Dr. Powell has taught classes and workshops on Scientific Writing and Publishing, as well as special topics courses on Migration Ecology and Avian Ecology.
Areas of Expertise
Marine/Coastal Ecology, Movement Ecology, Population Dynamics, Species Management, T&E Species Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Coastal/Marine Birds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Songbirds, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Waterfowl
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Wilson, H.M., P.L. Flint, and A.N. Powell. 2007. Coupling contaminants with demography: effects of lead and selenium in Pacific common eiders. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(7):1410-1417. | June 2007 |
Wilson, H.M., P.L. Flint, T.L. Moran, and A.N. Powell. 2007. Survival of breeding Pacific common eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(2): 403-410. | February 2007 |
Wilson, H. M., P. L. Flint, A. N. Powell, J. B. Grand, and C. L. Moran. 2012. Population ecology of breeding Pacific Common Eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Wildlife Monographs,182:1-29; DOI: 10.1002/wmon.8 | October 2012 |
Will, A., H. McFarland, C. Latty, and A. Powell. 2024. Geolocators, stable isotopes, and citizen science identify migratory timing, route, and spring molt of Smith’s Longspurs. Avian Conservation and Ecology 19(1):13. [online] URL: https://www.ace-eco.org/vol19/iss1/art13 | Abstract | April 2024 |
Wild, T. C., S. J. Kendall, N. Guldager, and A. N. Powell. 2015. Breeding habitat associations and predicted distribution of a tundra obligate, Smith's Longspur, in the face of changing climate. Condor 117: 3-17. DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-14-77.1 | December 2014 |
Weiser,E. L. and A. N. Powell. 2011. Evaluating gull diets: a comparison of conventional methods and stable isotope analysis. Journal of Field Ornithology 82(3):297-310. | August 2011 |
Weiser, E. L. and A. N. Powell. 2011. Reduction of garbage in the diet of nonbreeding glaucous gulls corresponding to a change in waste management, Arctic 64(2): 220-226. | June 2011 |
Weiser, E. L. and A. N. Powell. 2010. Does garbage in diet improve reproductive output in Glaucous Gulls? Condor 112(3):530-538. | September 2010 |
Vitale, N., J. Brush, and A. Powell. 2021. Factors limiting reproductive success of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in Florida’s Southern Big Bend. Waterbirds 44(4): 449-462. | December 2021 |
Vitale, N., Brush, J. and A. Powell. 2021. Loss of coastal islands along Florida’s Big Bend Region: Implications for breeding American Oystercatchers. Estuaries and Coasts 44:1173–1182. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00811-3 | September 2020 |
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. 2021. The southeastern U.S. as a complex of use sites for nonbreeding rufa Red Knots: fifteen years of band-encounter data. Wader Study 128(3): 265-273. doi:10.18194/ws.00256 | Abstract | December 2021 |
Taylor, A. R., R. B. Lanctot, A. N. Powell, S. J. Kendall, and D. A. Nigro. 2011. Residence time and movements of postbreeding shorebirds on the northern coast of Alaska. Condor 113:779-794. | Publisher Website | November 2011 |
Taylor, A. R., R. B. Lanctot, A. N. Powell, F. Huettmann, D. Nigro, and S. J. Kendall. 2010. Distribution and community characteristics of staging shorebirds on the northern coast of Alaska. Arctic 63(4): 451-467. | December 2010 |
Steen, V. A. and A. N. Powell. 2012. Potential effects of climate change on the distribution of waterbirds in the Prairie Pothole Region, U.S.A. Waterbirds 35(2):217-229. | September 2012 |
Steen, V. A. and A. N. Powell. 2012. Wetland selection by breeding and foraging Black Terns in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States. Condor 114:155-165. | February 2012 |
Sonsthagen, S., C. Haughey, M. Sexson, D. Solovyena, M. Petersen, and A. Powell. 2020. Temporal variation in genetic structure within the endangered spectacled eider. Conservation Genetics 21:175-179. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-019-01234-9 | November 2019 |
Sexson, M.G., M. R. Petersen, G. A. Breed, and A. N. Powell. 2016. Shifts in the distribution of molting Spectacled Eiders (Somateria fischeri) indicate ecosystem change in the Arctic. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 118:463-476. | Download | Publisher Website | June 2016 |
Scott, C.A., J.A.K. Mazet, and A.N. Powell. 2010. Health evaluation of western arctic king eiders (Somateria spectabilis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46(4): 1290-1294. | October 2010 |
Schambler, J. L., P.L. Flint, and A. N. Powell. 2010. Patterns of use and distribution of king eiders and black scoters during the annual cycle in northeastern Bristol Bay, Alaska. Marine Biology 157:2169-2176, DOI 10.1007/s00227-010-1481-x | September 2010 |
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, and A. N. Powell. 2019. Energy intake rate influences survival rates of Black Oystercatcher Haematopus bachmani broods. Marine Ornithology 47:277-283. | October 2019 |
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, H. A. Coletti, and A. N. Powell. 2018. Are prey remains accurate indicators of chick diet? A comparison of diet quantification techniques for Black Oystercatchers. Wader Study 125(1):20–32, DOI 10.18194/ws.00105. | May 2018 |
Powell, Abby N. and Robert S. Suydam. 2012. King Eider (Somateria spectabilis), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/491 doi:10.2173/bna.491 | Publisher Website | September 2012 |
Powell, A.N., R. Bentzen, and R. Suydam. 2018. Migration trends for king and common eiders and yellow-billed loons past Point Barrow in a rapidly changing environment. Final OCS Study BOEM 2018-059. | December 2018 |
Powell, A. N., and C. L. Collier. 2000. Habitat use and reproductive success of western snowy plovers at new nesting areas created for California least terns. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:24-33. | June 2000 |
Powell, A. N., C. L. Fritz, B. L. Peterson, and J. M. Terp. 2002. Status of breeding and wintering snowy plovers in San Diego County, California, 1994-1999. Journal of Field Ornithology 73(2):156-165. | August 2002 |
Powell, A. N. 2006. Are southern California's fragmented salt marshes capable of sustaining endemic bird populations? In Vertebrates of the Tidal Marshes, Studies in Avian Biology 32: 198-204. | September 2006 |
Powell, A. N. 2005. Up, down, or stable: populations of beach and estuarine birds in southern California. Pages 17-28 in Kus, Barbara E., and Beyers, Jan L., technical coordinators. 2005. Planning for Biodiversity: Bringing Research and Management Together: Proceedings of a symposium for the South Coast Ecoregion. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-195. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture; 274 p. | May 2006 |
Powell, A. N. 2002. Book Review. Prairie Birds: Fragile Splendor in the Great Plains, by Paul A. Johnsgard. Condor 104:224-225. | February 2002 |
Powell, A. N. 2001. Habitat characteristics and nest success of snowy plovers nesting in association with California least tern colonies. Condor 103:785-792. | June 2001 |
Powell A.N., R.T.Churchwell , K. H. Dunton, J.G. Baguley, A.D. Kamikawa, C. Kellogg, B. Crump, and P. Bucolo. 2016. Sediment Characteristics and Infauna of Deltaic Mudflats Along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage. OCS Study BOEM 2015-045. 77 pp. | June 2016 |
Poli, C., E. P. Robertson, J. Martin, A. N. Powell, and R. J. Fletcher Jr. 2022. An invasive prey provides long-lasting silver spoon effects for an endangered predator. Proc. R. Soc. B 289: 20220820. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.0820 |
May 2022 |
Phillips, L.M., A.N. Powell, E.J. Taylor, and E.A. Rexstad. 2007. Use of the Beaufort Sea by king eiders breeding on the North Slope of Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(6):1892-1898. | July 2007 |
Phillips, L.M. and A.N. Powell. 2009. Brood rearing ecology of King Eiders on the North Slope of Alaska. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(2):430-434. | June 2009 |
Phillips, L. M., and A. N. Powell. 2006. Evidence of wing molt and breeding site fidelity in King Eiders. Waterbirds 29(2):148-153. | July 2006 |
Phillips, L. M., A. N. Powell, and E. A. Rexstad. 2006. Large-scale movements and habitat characteristics of King Eiders throughout the nonbreeding period. Condor 108: 887-900. | October 2006 |
Overduijn, K. S., C. M. Handel, and A. N. Powell. 2020. Does habitat partitioning by sympatric plovers affect nest survival? The Auk 137:1-16. DOI: 10.1093/auk/ukaa018 | May 2020 |
Oppel, S., R. Federer, D. O'Brien, A. Powell, and T. Hollmen. 2010. Effects of lipid extraction on stable isotope ratios in avian egg yolk – is arithmetic correction an alternative? Auk 157:72-78. | January 2010 |
Oppel, S., D.L. Dickson, and A.N. Powell. 2009. International importance of the eastern Chukchi Sea as a staging area for migrating king eiders. Polar Biology 32:775-783. | February 2009 |
Oppel, S., A.N. Powell, and D.L. Dickson. 2009. Using an algorithmic model to reveal individually variable movement decisions in a wintering sea duck. Journal of Animal Ecology 78:524-531. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01513.x | January 2009 |
Oppel, S., A.N. Powell, and D.L. Dickson. 2008. Timing and distance of king eider migration and winter movements. Condor 110:296-305. | July 2008 |
Oppel, S., A. Powell, and D. O'Brien. 2008. Using eggshell membranes as a non-invasive tool to investigate the source of nutrients in avian eggs. Journal of Ornithology. DOI 10. 1007/s10336-008-0325-7. | August 2008 |
Oppel, S., A. N. Powell, and D. O'Brien. 2010. King eiders use an income strategy for egg production: a case study for incorporating individual dietary variation into nutrient allocation research. Oecologia 164:1-12, DOI 10.1007/s00442-010-1619-z | April 2010 |
Oppel, S., A. N. Powell, and M. G. Butler. 2011. King Eider foraging effort during the pre-breeding period in Alaska. Condor 113:52-60. | January 2011 |
Oppel, S. and A.N. Powell. 2010. Carbon isotope turnover in blood as a measure of arrival time in migratory birds using isotopically distinct environments. Journal of Ornithology 151:123-131, DOI 10.1007/s10336-009-0434-y. | July 2009 |
Oppel, S. and A.N. Powell. 2009. Does winter region affect nest survival of king eiders in northern Alaska? Polar Biology 32:1203-1209. DOI 10.1007/s00300-009-0618-1. | August 2009 |
Oppel, S. and A.N. Powell. 2008. Assigning king eiders to wintering regions in the Bering Sea using stable isotopes of feathers and claws. Marine Ecology Progress Series 373:149-156. doi: 10.3354/meps07744. | December 2008 |
Oppel, S. and A. N. Powell. 2010. Age-specific survival estimates for king eiders derived from satellite telemetry. Condor 112(2):323-330. | June 2010 |
Nolan, M., R. Churchwell, J. Adams, J. McClelland, K. D. Tape, S. Kendall, A. Powell, K. Dunton, D. Payer, and P. Martin. Predicting the impact of glacier loss on fish, birds, floodplains, and estuaries in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, p. 49-55. In C. N. Medley, C. N., G. Patterson, and M. J. Parker [eds.], Observing, Studying, and Managing for Change - Proceedings of the Fourth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watershed. US Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5169, Reston, VA. | October 2011 |
Morse, J. A., A. N. Powell, and M. D. Tetreau. 2006. Productivity of black oystercatchers: effects of recreational disturbance in a National Park. Condor 108:623-633. | August 2006 |
McGuire, R., R. Suydam, L. Quakenbush, and A. Powell. 2019. Population trends of king and common eiders from spring migration counts at Point Barrow, Alaska between 1994 and 2016 Polar Biology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-019-02581-6 | September 2019 |
McFarland, H. R., S. Kendall, and A. N. Powell. Nest-site selection and nest success of an arctic-breeding passerine, Smith's Longspurs, in a changing climate. The Condor: Ecological Applications 119:85-97. DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-16-87.1 | February 2017 |
Maslovsky, K.S., P. N. Maleko, V. V. Pronkevich, J. C. Slaght and A. N. Powell. 2023. First nests of endangered Nordmann's Greenshank found in over 40 years in the Russian Far East. Bird Conservation International 33: e43, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1017/S095927092200051X | January 2023 |
Lovvorn, J.R., Rocha, A.R., Jewett, S.C., Dasher, D., Oppel, S., Powell, A.N., 2015. Limits to benthic feeding by eiders in a vital Arctic migration corridor due to localized prey and changing sea ice, Progress in Oceanography 136:162-174. | Download | July 2015 |
Latty. C.J., T.E. Hollmén, M.R. Petersen, A.N. Powell, and R.D. Andrews. 2010. Abdominally implanted transmitters with percutaneous antennas affect the dive performance of common eiders. Condor 122(2):314-322. | June 2010 |
Latty, C. J., T. E. Hollmén, M. R. Petersen, A. N. Powell, and R. D. Andrews. 2016. Biochemical and clinical responses of Common Eiders to implanted satellite transmitters. The Condor: Ecological Applications 118:489-501. | Download | June 2016 |
Knoche, M.J., A.N. Powell, L.T. Quakenbush, M.J. Wooller, and L.M. Phillips. 2007. Further evidence for site fidelity to wing molt locations by King Eiders: Integrating stable isotope analyses and satellite telemetry. Waterbirds 30(1):52-57. | April 2007 |
Jensen, M.B., S. K. Willson and A.N. Powell. 2022. How effective is the Birdsbesafet cat collar at reducing bird mortality by domestic cats? Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13(1)182–191; e1944-687X. https://doi.org/10.3996/JFWM- 21-055 | June 2022 |
Hothem, R. L., and A. N. Powell. 2000. Contaminants in eggs of western snowy plovers and California least terns: Is there a Link to Population Decline? Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65 (1):42-50. | February 2000 |
Harwood, C. H., R. E. Gill, Jr. and A. N. Powell. 2016. Nesting ecology of Whimbrels in boreal Alaska. Wader Study. 123(2):99-113, DOI 10.18194/ws.00037. | August 2016 |
Gates, H. R., S. Yezerinac, A. N. Powell, P. S. Tomkovich, O. P. Valchuk and R. B. Lanctot. 2013. Differentiation of subspecies and sexes of Beringian Dunlin using morphometric measures. Journal of Field Ornithology 84:389-402. | December 2013 |
Gates, H. R., R. Lanctot, and A. N. Powell. 2013. High renesting rates in arctic-breeding Dunlin (Calidris alpina): a clutch-removal experiment. Auk 130:372:380 | Download | May 2013 |
Craig, H.R., S. Kendall, T. Wild, and A. N. Powell. 2015. Dispersal and survival of a polygynandrous passerine. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 132:916-925, DOI: 10.1642/AUK-15-41.1 | Download | October 2015 |
Churchwell, R. T., S. Kendall, S. C. Brown, A. L. Blanchard, T. E. Hollmen, and A. N. Powell. 2018. The first hop: use of Beaufort Sea Deltas by hatch-year Semipalmated Sandpipers. Estuaries and Coasts 41:280–292, DOI 10.1007/s12237-017-0272-8. | June 2017 |
Churchwell, R. T., S. J. Kendall, A. L. Blanchard, K. H. Dunton, and A. N. Powell. 2015. Natural disturbance shapes benthic intertidal macroinvertebrate communities of high latitude river deltas. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007/s12237-015-0028-2 | September 2015 |
Churchwell, R. T., S. Kendall, S. C. Brown, and A. N. Powell. 2018. Will increased storm surge frequency impact food availability for Semipalmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla at the beginning of fall migration? Wader Study 125:195-204. DOI: 10.18194/ws.00121 | December 2018 |
Cardas, A., E. L Hewett Ragheb, K. E. Miller, and A. N. Powell. 2023. Evidence of a load-lightening helper effect in Florida Scrub-Jays: Implications for translocation. Avian Conservation and Ecology 18(2):17. https://doi.org/10.5751/ACE-02552-180217 | Abstract | December 2023 |
Bentzen, R.L., A.N. Powell, T.D. Williams, and A.S. Kitaysky. 2009. Characterizing the nutritional strategy of incubating king eiders Somateria spectabilis in northern Alaska. Journal of Avian Biology 39:683-690. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2008.0442.x. | April 2009 |
Bentzen, R., A. Powell, and R. Suydam. 2009. Strategies for nest site selection by king eiders. Journal of Wildlife Management 73(6):932-938. DOI: 10.2193/2008-411. | September 2009 |
Bentzen, R. and A. N. Powell. 2012. Population dynamics of king eiders breeding in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 76(5):1011-1020, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.335 | Publisher Website | February 2012 |
Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, and R. S. Suydam. 2008. Factors influencing nesting success of king eiders on northern Alaska's coastal plain. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1781-1789. | December 2008 |
Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, T. D. Williams, and A. S. Kitaysky. 2008. Characterizing the nutritional strategy of incubating king eiders Somateria spectabilis in northern Alaska. Journal of Avian Biology 39:683-690. | December 2008 |
Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, L. M. Phillips, and R. S. Suydam. 2010. Incubation behavior of king eiders on the coastal plain of northern Alaska. Polar Biology 33(8): 1075-1082, DOI: 10.1007/s00300-010-0787-y. | October 2009 |
Bentzen, R. L. and A. N. Powell. 2015. Dispersal, movements and site fidelity of post-fledging King Eiders Somateria spectabilis and their attendant females. Ibis 157:133-146. doi: 10.1111/ibi.12217. | Download | November 2014 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Zhang, Ke, C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2023. Infection rates of avian malaria in white ibis and tricolored herons in the southeastern US. Annual Conference of the Waterbirds Society, Fort Lauderdale, FL | October 2023 |
Zhang, Ke, C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2022. Non-breeding utilization ranges of white ibis and tricolored herons in the Gulf of Mexico region. Waterbirds Conference, Corpus ChristI, TX. | November 2022 |
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2025. Nomadic vs. Central Place Foraging: divergent movement strategies in White Ibis and Tricolored Heron across wetland habitats. Waterbirds Society Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2023. Haemosporidian parasites in wading birds captured from breeding colonies in coastal Alabama. Florida TWS Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. | March 2023 |
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2021. Habitat use of wading birds during the non-breeding season in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting (Virtual). | November 2021 |
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, Z. S. White, K. Wilson, S. M. Wisely, and A. N. Powell. Haemosporidian parasites wading birds captured from breeding colonies in coastal Alabama. Annual Meeting, American Ornithological Society, London, Ontario. | August 2023 |
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, Z. S. White, K. Wilson, S. M. Wisely, and A. N. Powell. 2023. Haemosporidian parasites on wading birds captured from breeding colonies in coastal Alabama. Wildlife Disease Association Annual Meeting, Athens, GA. | August 2023 |
Vitale, N., J. Brush, and A. Powell. 2019. Factors limiting reproductive success of American Oystercatchers in Florida's Big Bend region. American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK. | June 2019 |
Vitale, N., A. Powell, and J. Brush. 2017. Habitat change, predators, and disturbance: factors influencing productivity of American Oystercatchers nesting in Florida's Big Bend. Florida Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Gainesville, FL. | November 2017 |
Tuma, M. E., P. Kelly, R. Pruner, and A. Powell. 2018. Why should we care about nonbreeding shorebirds in Florida? Poster presented Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Crystal River, FL | April 2018 |
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. Movement and Distribution of Red Knots (Calidris canutus) in the Southeastern U.S. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group, Panama City, Panama | October 2019 |
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. Survival and habitat selection of piping plovers (Charadrius melodies) in the Florida Panhandle. Florida Chapter of TWS Annual Meeting. | April 2019 |
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. 2019. Movement and distribution of red knots (Calidris canutus) in the southeastern U.S. American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK. | June 2019 |
Robinson, B., L. Phillips, and A. Powell. 2017. Accelerated energy intake increases survival rates of Black Oystercatcher broods. Annual Meeting, Pacific Seabird Group, Tacoma, WA. | February 2017 |
Robinson, B., A. Powell, L. Phillips, and H. Coletti. 2014. Are prey remains accurate indicators of chick diet? Implications for long-term monitoring of Black Oystercatchers. 16th Annual Alaska Bird Conference, Juneau, AK. | December 2014 |
Robinson, B., A. Powell, L. Phillips, H. Coletti. 2015. Are prey remains accurate indicators of chick diet? Implications for long-term monitoring of Black Oystercatchers. 6th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Wallops Island, VA. | September 2015 |
Robinson, B., A. N. Powell, and L. M. Phillips. 2014. Chick provisioning and nutritional quality of Black Oystercatcher prey. The Wildlife Society Alaska Chapter, Anchorage, AK. | April 2014 |
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, and A. N. Powell. 2016. Accelerated energy intake increases survival rates of Black Oystercatcher broods. NPS Centennial Science and Stewardship Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska. | October 2016 |
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, and A. N. Powell. 2016. Accelerated energy intake increases survival rates of Black Oystercatcher broods. Alaska Chapter, TWS, Anchorage, Alaska. | March 2016 |
Pruner, R., M. Tuma, and A. N. Powell. 2025. Weathering the storm: survival of Gulf Coast plovers amid hurricanes and harmful algal blooms. Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Powell, Abby N. and Kevin Kalasz. 2024. Another piece of the puzzle: Identifying sites important to young Red Knot. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Sackville, NB, Canada. | August 2024 |
Powell, A. N., R. Bentzen, and S. Oppel. 2013. Survival, site use, and fidelity of king eiders: a large, multiple year study. 29 January, North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, TN. | January 2013 |
Powell, A. N. 2017. The challenges of restoring populations of artic-breeding eiders. Special session, Planning Restoration and Recovery of Sea Ducks Injured in Coastal Oil Spills. 6th International Sea Duck Conference, 7 February, Tiburon, CA. | February 2017 |
Overduijn, K., C. M. Handel, and A. N. Powell. 2014. Nest site selection by American and Pacific Golden-Plovers. 16th Alaska Bird Conference, Juneau, AK. | December 2014 |
Overduijn, K. S., C. M. Handel, and A. N. Powell. 2019. Sympatric plovers partition nesting habitat with minimal effect on nest survival. 18th Alaska Bird Conference, Fairbanks, AK. | March 2019 |
Overduijn, K. S., C. M. Handel, and A. N. Powell. 2013. Brood movement and habitat use by American and Pacific Golden-Plovers. Alaska Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Fairbanks, AK. | April 2013 |
Overduijn, K, S., C. M. Handel, and A. N. Powell. 2013. The effects of habitat change on shorebirds in the Arctic. 5th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Conference, Santa Marta, Colombia. | September 2013 |
McFarland, H., A. Will, and A. Powell. 2019. Geolocators and stable isotopes reveal the migratory route and overwintering locations of an arctic-breeding passerine. American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, Alaska. | June 2019 |
Maleko, P. N., V. V. Pronkevich, K.S. Maslovsky, and A. N. Powell. 2021. Common Redshank (<i>Tringa totanus)</i> nest presence in relation to landscape features and the possible impacts of heavy-duty all-terrain vehicles in the Russian Far East. American Ornithological Society 2021 Virtual Meeting. | August 2021 |
Maleko P. N., V. V. Pronkevich, K. S. Maslovsky, J. C. Slaght, A. N. Powell. 2021. The importance of Schaste Bay, Khabarovsk Krai, Russian Far East to Nordmann's Greenshank (<i>Tringa guttifer</i>). International Wader Study Group Conference (virtual), 10 October 2021. | October 2021 |
M. L. Boldenow, R. B. Lanctot, A. N. Powell, R. Porter, S. Freeman, S. Brown, R. McGuire, J. Cunningham, W. English, K. Grond, E. Kwon, D. B. Lank, C. Latty, V. Lovarti, D. Payer, S. Saalfeld, B. K. Sandercock, and A. S. Kitaysky. Impacts of austral summer stress exposure on the migration behavior and reproductive performance of a calidrid shorebird. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Sackville, NB. | August 2024 |
Jensen, M.B., S. K. Willson, and A. N. Powell. 2020. How effective is the Birdsbesafe cat collar at reducing bird kills by domestic cats? North American Ornithological Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | August 2020 |
Harwood, C.M. and A. N. Powell. 2013. Breeding distribution of Whimbrels in Alaska. 5th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Conference, Santa Marta, Colombia. | September 2013 |
Harwood, C. M. and A. N. Powell. 2014. Nesting Whimbrels: The Rush to Flush. 16th Alaska Bird Conference, Juneau, AK. | December 2014 |
Harwood, C. M. and A. N. Powell. 2013. Breeding ecology of Whimbrels in Interior Alaska. Alaska Chapter of The Wildlife Society Conference, Fairbanks, AK. | April 2013 |
Gulick, Christopher K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2025. Sexually-selected traits drive dispersal in a purportedly nomadic wading bird. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Gulick, C.K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2022. Movements of two differently adapted wading bird species during the nonbreeding season. Poster; American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | July 2022 |
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. First annual survival estimates for white ibises and tricolored herons breeding in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbirds Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. | October 2023 |
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. Breeding season selection of anthropogenic resources varies across pre-breeding movement modes in the white ibis. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, London, Ontario. | August 2023 |
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. Breeding season selection of anthropogenic resources varies across age and pre-breeding movement modes in the American white ibis. Florida TWS, Jacksonville, FL. | March 2023 |
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2023. What can spatial networks tell us about wading birds in the coastal Gulf of Mexico? Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. | October 2023 |
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2022. Breeding season selection of anthropogenic resources varies across age and pre-breeding movement modes in the American white ibis. Waterbirds Conference, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2021. Post-breeding season movements of wading birds are linked to use of anthropogenic resources. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting (Virtual) | November 2021 |
Griffith, B., J. Roach and A. N. Powell. 2016. Identifying Climate Change and Cross-seasonal Research Priorities for Waterfowl. in Symposium: Climate Change and Migratory Birds: Connecting Management Challenges to Research Programs. The Wildlife Society, Annual Meeting, Raleigh NC | October 2016 |
Craig, H., S. Kendall, and A. Powell. 2014. Reproductive success of Smith's Longspurs in Alaska's Brooks Range. 16th Alaska Bird Conference, Juneau, AK. | December 2014 |
Churchwell, R.T., A. N. Powell, S. Kendall, and S. Brown. 2014. Forage quality for pre-migratory semipalmated sandpipers using three river deltas on the Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. | January 2014 |
Churchwell, R., A. Powell, S. Kendall, and S. Brown. 2014. Assessing eastern Beaufort Sea deltas as fall stopover sites for semipalmated sandpipers. | September 2014 |
Churchwell, R., A. Powell, S. Kendall and S. Brown. 2014. Shorebird use of River Delta Habitat on the Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast, Alaska. TWS Alaska Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. | April 2014 |
Churchwell, R. T., A. N. Powell. S. Kendall, and S. Brown. 2013. SHOREBIRD USE OF FORAGING HABITAT DURING THE POST-BREEDING SEASON ON THE COAST OF THE BEAUFORT SEA, ALASKA, USA. 5th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting Santa Marta, Colombia. | September 2013 |
Churchwell, R. ., A. Powell, S. Kendall, and S. Brown. The Delta Diner: Assessing eastern Beaufort Sea deltas as fall stopover sites for Semipalmated Sandpipers. 16th Alaska Bird Conference, Juneau, AK. | December 2014 |
Cardas, Alexis, Abby Powell, and Karl Miller. (2021) Impacts of translocation on the cooperatively breeding Florida scrub-jay in Ocala National Forest, Friday Findings Webinar, USGS Ecosystems Mission Area. | March 2021 |
Boldenow, M. L., R. B. Lanctot, A. S. Kitaysky, and A. N. Powell. 2015. Are winter conditions driving population trends in semipalmated sandpipers? Evidence from a feather corticosterone biomarker. 6th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Wallops Island, VA. | September 2015 |
Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, and R. Suydam. 2017. Migration trends for king and common eiders past Point Barrow, Alaska. 9 February, 6th International Seaduck Conference, San Francisco, CA. | February 2017 |
Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, and R. S. Suydam. 2017. Migration trends for king and common eiders past Point Barrow, Alaska. 27 January, Coastal Marine Institute Annual Studies Review, Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. | January 2017 |
Bentzen, R. L. and A. N. Powell. 2014. Dispersal, movements, and site fidelity of post-fledging king eiders and their attending females. 5th International Seaduck Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland | September 2014 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Powell, A. N., R. Suydam, and R. L. McGuire. 2005. Breeding biology of king eiders on the coastal plain of northern Alaska. Final Report MMS #2005-060. Coastal Marine Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. | December 2005 |
Powell, A. N., L. M. Phillips, E. A. Rexstad, and E. J. Taylor. 2005. Importance of the Beaufort Sea to King Eiders (Somateria spectabilis). Final Report, Coastal Marine Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. OCS Study MMS 2005-057. | August 2005 |
Powell, A. N., A. R. Taylor, and R. B. Lanctot. 2008. Pre-migratory ecology and physiology of shorebirds staging on Alaska’s North Slope. Final Report, Coastal Marine Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Task Order 0404TO35269. | December 2008 |
Powell, A. N., A. R. Taylor, and R. B. Lanctot. 2010. Pre-migratory ecology and physiology of shorebirds staging on Alaska's North Slope. Final Report OCS Study MMS 2009-034, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. 126 pp. | September 2010 |
Powell, A. N. and S. A. Backensto. 2008. Productivity and locations of Common Ravens (Corvus corax) nesting on Alaska's North Slope. Final Report, U. S. Geological Survey, Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Fairbanks, AK. 32 pp. | December 2008 |
Powell, A. N. and J. S. Lichtenberg. 2000. Inventory of breeding birds at Pea Ridge National Military Park, Arkansas, 1999. National Park Service Regional Office, Omaha, NE. | September 2000 |
Powell, A. N. 2000. Grassland bird inventory of seven prairie parks. Final Report to the Great Plains Prairie Cluster Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Program, National Park Service, Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, Republic, MO. | August 2000 |
Powell A. N., R. T. Churchwell, K. H. Dunton, J. G. Baguley, A. D. Kamikawa, C. T. E. Kellogg, B. C. Crump, and P. Bucolo. 2016. Sediment Characteristics and Infauna of Deltaic Mudflats Along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage. OCS Study BOEM 2015-045. 77 pp. | June 2016 |
Morse, J. A. and A. N. Powell. 2003. Nesting habitat and breeding distribution of Marbled Godwits on the Alaska Peninsula: A preliminary assessment using GIS land cover data. Final Report. USGS Alaska Biological Science Center, Anchorage, AK. 21 pp. | April 2004 |
Lichtenberg, J. S., and A. N. Powell. 2000. Avian inventory of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas 1998-1999. U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. 38 p. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/2000/tapr/tapr.htm | March 2000 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Powell, A.N., 2024, Locations of Smith's Longspurs tagged with light-level geolocators in northern Alaska, 2013 and 2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9NHNCPL. | November 2019 |
Data Release | Powell AN, Oppel S, McGuire R. 2024. Data from: Study "King Eider Alaska (UAF / USGS)". Movebank Data Repository.https://doi.org/10.5441/001/1.339 | 2023 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Waterbird Society - Member | Powell | January 2001 | Present |
The Wildlife Society - Member | Powell | January 1985 | Present |
Society for Conservation Biology - Member | Powell | January 1990 | June 2005 |
Sigma Xi - Member | Powell | January 1987 | Present |
Other - Member | Powell | September 2016 | Present |
Other - Member | Powell | August 2005 | Present |
Other - Honorary Member | Powell | August 2016 | Present |
Other - Elected Fellow | Powell | August 2016 | Present |
Other - Elected Counciler | Powell | July 2017 | August 2020 |
Other - Chair, Joint Meetings Task Force (AOU and COS) | Powell | January 2013 | August 2015 |
Cooper Ornithological Society - Secretary | Powell | August 2008 | August 2016 |
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member, Membership Committee | Powell | May 2004 | August 2005 |
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member, Board of Directors Nominating Committee | Powell | January 2003 | October 2003 |
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member | Powell | January 1994 | August 2016 |
Cooper Ornithological Society - Honorary Member | Powell | August 2014 | August 2016 |
Cooper Ornithological Society - Board Member | Powell | April 2000 | May 2004 |
American Ornithologists' Union - Member, Public Relations Committee | Powell | June 2019 | Present |
American Ornithologists' Union - Member, Bylaws Committee | Powell | February 2018 | Present |
American Ornithologists' Union - Member | Powell | January 1985 | August 2016 |
American Ornithologists' Union - Elected Member | Powell | January 1999 | June 2012 |
American Ornithologists' Union - Elected Fellow | Powell | June 2012 | August 2016 |
Alaska Bird Observatory - Secretary, Board of Directors | Powell | January 2001 | March 2010 |
Alaska Bird Observatory - Chair, Science Advisory Committee | Powell | December 2007 | December 2012 |