Mississippi Staff Member
Leandro Miranda

Unit Leader
Phone: (662) 325 - 3217
Email: smiranda@usgs.gov
Faculty Email: lem10@msstate.edu
Faculty Website
- Ph D Mississippi State University 1986
- MS Auburn University 1981
- BS Morehead State University 1977
Steve Miranda - Unit Leader, Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Steve is Unit Leader and Professor at Mississippi State. He is a fish ecologist with 40 years of experience and has been with the Coop Units since 1986. Prior to 1986 he was a research intern with Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife and research biologist with Texas Parks and Wildlife. His long-standing research interests include lentic aquatic ecosystems, natural resource conservation and management, fish population and community dynamics, and aquatic habitat management. He teaches Fisheries Science and Management of Impounded River Basins and has directed over 60 MS and PhD students. Steve's most current research has been published in journals such as Aquatic Sciences, Climatic Research, Fish and Fisheries, Freshwater Biology, Journal of Environmental Management, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, and Water Resources Research. In 2017 he published a book entitled Reservoir Fish Habitat Management. He has held several editorial appointments, including Co-editor of the North American Journal of Fisheries Management and currently Chief Editor of Frontiers in Freshwater Sciences.
Areas of Expertise
Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries Management, Habitat Management, Invasive Species, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology
Taxon Groups Studied
Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish
Research Publications | Publication Date |
da Silva, P.S., L.E. Miranda, S. Makrakis, L. de Assumpçãoa, J.H. Pinheiro Dias, and M. Cavicchioli Makrakis. 2019. Tributaries as biodiversity preserves in the severely impounded Upper Paraná River: an ichthyoplankton perspective from the severely impounded Upper Parana River. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:258-269. | February 2019 |
Whelan, G.E., D.M. Day, J. Casselman, L. Gephart, C.J. Hall, J. Lichatowich, M. Matylewich, L.E. Miranda, L. Roulson, P.D. Shirey, N. Mercado-Silva, J. Waldman, and D. Winters. 2020. Tracking fisheries through time: The American Fisheries Society as an historical lens. Fisheries 45:392-426. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10457 | Abstract | May 2020 |
VanderBloemen, S. L.E. Miranda, G.G. Sass, M. Colvin, and N. Faucheux. 2023. Influence of invasive bigheaded carps on Gizzard Shad in the Tennessee River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. https://doi.org/10.1002/tafs.10442 | Abstract | August 2023 |
Thomas, R. M., Miranda, L. E., and J. P. Kirk. 2006. Feasibility of an implantable capsule for limiting lifespan of grass carp. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44:80-89. | November 2006 |
Shamaskin, A.V., M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda. 2023. Evaluating regional length limits in freshwater fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2022-0179 | Abstract | April 2023 |
Schumann, D.A., M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D.T. Jones-Farrand. 2020. Occurrence and co-occurrence patterns of gar in river-floodplain habitats: methods to leverage species interactions to benefit distributional models. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:622-637. https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/nafm.10402 | June 2020 |
Schramm, H.L., Jr., and L.E. Miranda. 2012. Responding to peer review and editor’s comments. Pages 135-142 in C.A. Jennings, T.A. Lauer, and B. Vondracek, editors. Scientific Communication for Natural Resource Professionals. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | August 2012 |
Schorr, M. S., and L. E. Miranda. 2000. Fish movements between the Mississippi River and an oxbow lake, Arkansas-Mississippi. Mississippi Water Resources Conference 30:86-94. | June 2000 |
Raines, C.D., and L.E. Miranda. 2016. Role of riparian shade on the fish assemblage of a reservoir littoral. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99:753-760 . | Abstract | August 2016 |
Raborn, S. W., T. Will, and L. E. Miranda. 2001. An assessment of larval density and assemblage structure within midchannel and backwater habitats in a Mississippi stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16:395-401. | October 2001 |
Raborn, S. W., L. E. Miranda, and M. T. Driscoll. 2007. Prey supply and predator demand in a reservoir of the Southeastern United States. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126:12-23. | March 2007 |
Raborn, S. W., L. E. Miranda, and M. T. Driscoll. 2004. Diet overlap and consumption patterns suggest seasonal flux in the likelihood for exploitative competition among piscivorous fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13:285-293. | November 2004 |
Raborn, S. W., L. E. Miranda, and M. T. Driscoll. 2003. Modelling predation as a source of mortality for piscivorous fishes in a southeastern reservoir. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:560-575. | April 2003 |
Raborn, S. W., L. E. Miranda, and M. T. Driscoll. 2002. Effects of simulated removal of striped bass from a southeastern reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:406-417. | June 2002 |
Piana. P.A., Cardoso, B.F., Dias, J., Gomes, L.C., Agostinho, A.A., and Miranda, L.E. 2017.Using long-term data to predict fish abundance: the case of Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837) (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) in the intensely regulated upper Paraná River. Neotropical Ichthyology 15(3) http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252017000300203&lng=en&nrm=iso | Abstract | September 2017 |
Omer, A.R., L.E. Miranda, M.T. Moore, J. Krutz, J.M. Prince Czarnecki, R. Krӧger, B.H. Baker, J. Hogue, and P.J. Allen. 2018. Reduction of suspended solid and nutrient loss from agricultural lands by tailwater recovery systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(3):284-297. | May 2018 |
Olive, J. A., L. E. Miranda, and W. D. Hubbard. 2005. Centrarchid Assemblages in Mississippi State-Operated Fishing Lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:7-16. | March 2005 |
Norris, D.M., M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and M.A. Lashley. 2021. Supplemental habitat is reservoir dependent: Identifying optimal planting decision using Bayesian Decision Networks. Journal of Environmental Management. doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114139 | Abstract | December 2021 |
Norris, D.M., Hatcher, H.R., Colvin, M.E., Coppola, G., Lashley, M.A., and Miranda, L.E. 2020. Assessing establishment and growth of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:394-3405. doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10419 | Abstract | April 2020 |
Mower, E.B., and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Evaluating changes to reservoir rule curves using historical water level data. International Journal of River Basin Management 11:323-328. | September 2013 |
Mower, E., and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Frameworks for amending reservoir water management. Lake and Reservoir Management 29:194–201. | September 2013 |
Miyazono, S., J.N. Aycock, L.E. Miranda, and T.E Tietjen. 2010. Assemblage patterns of fish functional groups relative to habitat connectivity and conditions in floodplain lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fishes 19:578-585 | August 2010 |
Miranda, L.E.., A.R. Omer, K.J. Killgore. 2017. Balancing lake ecological condition and agriculture irrigation needs in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Agriculture, Ecosys-tems, and Environment 246:354-360. | June 2017 |
Miranda, L.E., and S.W. Raborn.2013. Interactions between striped bass and other gamefish in reservoirs. American Fisheries Society Symposium 80:501-520. . | April 2013 |
Miranda, L.E., and R.M. Krogman. 2015. Functional age as an indicator of reservoir senescence. Fisheries 40:170-176. | April 2015 |
Miranda, L.E., and R.M. Krogman. 2014. Environmental stresses afflicting tailwater stream reaches across the United States. River Research and Applications 30:1184-1194. | March 2014 |
Miranda, L.E., and R.H. Kidwell. 2010. Unintended effects of electrofishing on nongame fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1315-1321. | August 2010 |
Miranda, L.E., and P.W. Bettoli. 2019. Largemouth bass natural history. Pages 1-27 in J.H. Tidwell, S.D. Coyle, and L.A. Bright, eds. Largemouth bass aquaculture. 5M Publishing, Sheffield, UK. | May 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., and N.M. Faucheux. 2022. Climate change alters aging patterns of reservoir fish habitats. Climatic Change 174(9). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-022-03432-w | Abstract | September 2022 |
Miranda, L.E., and M.E. Colvin. 2017. Sampling for age and growth estimation. Pages 107-126 in M.C. Quist and D.A. Isermann, editors. Age and growth of fishes: principles and techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | November 2017 |
Miranda, L.E., and K.O. Meals. 2013. Water levels shape fishing participation in flood-control reservoirs. Lake and Reservoir Management 29:82-86. | March 2013 |
Miranda, L.E., and K.M. Hunt. 2011. An index of habitat impairment for reservoirs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 172:225-234. | December 2010 |
Miranda, L.E., and K.J. Killgore. 2020. Longitudinal distribution of uncommon fishes in a species-rich basin. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3262 | January 2020 |
Miranda, L.E., and K.J. Killgore. 2019. Abundance-occupancy patterns in a riverine fish assemblage. Freshwater Biology 64:2221-2233. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/fwb.13408 | November 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., and K.J. Killgore. 2013. Entrainment of shovelnose sturgeon by towboat navigation in the Upper Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29:316-322. | February 2013 |
Miranda, L.E., and K.J. Killgore. 2011. Catfish spatial distribution in the free-flowing Mississippi River. American Fisheries Society Symposium 77:521-534. | September 2011 |
Miranda, L.E., and D.J. Dembkowski. 2016. Evidence for serial discontinuity in the fish community of a heavily impounded river. River Research and Applications 32:1187-1195. | March 2016 |
Miranda, L.E., S.L. Wigen, and J.D. Dagel. 2014. Importance of floodplains to reservoir fish assemblages. River Research and Applications 30:338-346. | February 2013 |
Miranda, L.E., Raines, C.D. 2019. Reservoir diel water quality patterns relative to riparian shade. Lake and Reservoir Management 35:148–155. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10402381.2019.1570573 | Abstract | April 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., R.V. Granzotti, and D.J. Dembkowski. 2019. Gradients in fish feeding guilds along a reservoir cascade. Aquatic Sciences 81:15. | January 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., N.M. Faucheux, and K.M. Lakin. 2021. Fishing gear performance nearshore is substantiated by spatial analyses. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31:977–987. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-021-09683-7 | Abstract | September 2021 |
Miranda, L.E., M.E. Colvin, A.C. Shamaskin, L.A. Bull, T. Holman, and R. Jones. 2017. Length-limits fail to restructure a largemouth bass population: a 28-year case history. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:624-632. | March 2017 |
Miranda, L.E., M.C. Rhodes, Y. Allen, and K.J. Killgore. 2021. An inventory and typology of permanent floodplain lakes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: A first step to conservation planning. Aquatic Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s00027-020-00775-3 | Abstract | January 2021 |
Miranda, L.E., M. Spickard, T. Dunn, K.M. Webb, J.N. Aycock, and K.M. Hunt. 2010. Fish habitat degradation in U.S. reservoirs. Fisheries 35:175-184. | May 2010 |
Miranda, L.E., L.A. Bull, M.E. Colvin, W.D. Hubbard, and L.L. Pugh. 2018. Segmentation of Mississippi lakes. Lake and Reservoir Management. https://doi.org./10.1080/10402381.2018.1481469 | August 2018 |
Miranda, L.E., Keretz, K.R., Gilliland, C.R. 2017. Gradients in catostomid assemblages along a reservoir cascade. River Research and Applications 33:983-990. | April 2017 |
Miranda, L.E., K.M. Lakin, and N.M. Faucheux. 2021. Habitat associations of black bass in a reservoir system. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150:538-547. https://doi.org/10.1002/tafs.10302 | Abstract | April 2021 |
Miranda, L.E., K.J. Killgore, and W.T. Slack. 2019. Spatial organization of fish diversity in a species-rich basin. River Research and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.3392 | January 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., K.J. Killgore, and J.J. Hoover. 2013. Fish assemblages in borrow-pit lakes resemble those in oxbow lakes of the Lower Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:596-605. | March 2013 |
Miranda, L.E., K.I. Bonvechio, J. Koch, R. Moncayo-Estrada. 2024. Chapter 3: Warmwater fish in large standing waters. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes, second edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. https://doi.org/10.47886/9781934874295 | September 2024 |
Miranda, L.E., J.N. Aycock, and K.J. Killgore. 2012. A direct-gradient multi-variate index of biotic integrity. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1637-1648. | November 2012 |
Miranda, L.E., J.M. Bies, and D.A. Hann. 2015. Land use shapes fish assemblages in reservoirs of the Tennessee River. Marine and Freshwater Research http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/MF14188 | January 2015 |
Miranda, L.E., J.D. Dagel, L.J. Kaczka, E.B. Mower, and S.L. Wigen. 2015. Floodplains within reservoirs promote earlier spawning of white crappies Pomoxis annularis. Environmental Biology of Fishesm 98:469-476. | May 2014 |
Miranda, L.E., J.B. Reynolds, J.C. Dean, C.R. Dolan, and J.D. Buckwalter. 2024. Chapter 19: Standardizing electrofishing power. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes, second edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. https://doi.org/10.47886/9781934874295 | September 2024 |
Miranda, L.E., J.A. Martínez-Lanfranco, and K.J. Killgore. 2019. Wetlands and development influence fish diversity in a species-rich small river. Environmental Biology of Fishes 102:873-886. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10641-019-00876-5 | April 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., J. Tompkins, C.G. Dunn, J. Morris, and M.C. Combs. 2023. Patterns of zero and nonzero counts indicate spatiotemporal distributions, aggregation, and dispersion of invasive carp. Management of Biological Invasions 14(2): 363-377. https://doi.org/10.3391/mbi.2023.14.2.12 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | February 2023 |
Miranda, L.E., H.G. Funk, M. Palmieri, J.D. Stafford, and M.E. Nichols. 2024. Length in assessing status of freshwater fish populations: a review. North American Journal of Fisheries Management .DOI: 10.1002/nafm.11041 | Abstract | September 2024 |
Miranda, L.E., G. Coppola, and J. Boxrucker. 2020. Reservoir fish habitats: a perspective on coping with climate change. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 28:478-498. https://doi.org/10.1080/23308249.2020.1767035 | Abstract | May 2020 |
Miranda, L.E., G. Coppola, H.R. Hatcher, M.B. Jargowsky, Z.S. Moran, and M.C. Rhodes. 2020. A bird’s-eye view of reservoirs in the Mississippi Basin tips a need for large-scale coordination. Fish and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12509 | Abstract | September 2020 |
Miranda, L.E., D.M. Norris, V.R. Starnes, N.M. Faucheux, and T. Holman. 2019. Stock-recruitment dynamics of a freshwater clupeid. Fisheries Research 221:105378. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165783619302334?via%3Dihub | September 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., D.J. Shoemaker, and R.M. Krogman. 2024. Impairment ratings of US reservoirs based on expert opinion. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2024.1488955 | Abstract | October 2024 |
Miranda, L.E., C.S. Andrews, and R. Kroger. 2014. Connectedness of land use, nutrients, primary production, and fish assemblages in oxbow lakes. Aquatic Sciences 76:41-50. | January 2014 |
Miranda, L.E. and K.J. Killgore. 2014. Fish depth distributions in the Lower Mississippi River. River Research and Applications 30:347-349. | March 2013 |
Miranda, L.E. and Dembkowski, D.J. (2024). Fish size structures in lakes of the Lower Mississippi River floodplain. Freshwater Biology, 69(10), pp.1390–1398. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.14313. | Abstract |
August 2024 |
Miranda, L.E. 2024. Fish size structure analysis via ordination: a visualization aid. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:1092-1110. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.11041 | Abstract | November 2024 |
Miranda, L.E. 2023. Fish life-history traits predict abundance-occupancy patterns in artificial lakes. Frontiers in Freshwater Science. DOI: 10.3389/ffwsc.2023.1270939 | Abstract |
September 2023 |
Miranda, L.E. 2023. Facing our freshwater crisis via fluid and agile communication: A Grand Challenge. Frontiers in Freshwater Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/ffwsc.2023.1068115 | Abstract | May 2023 |
Miranda, L.E. 2023. Aging, climate, and invasions threaten reservoirs in the Mississippi Basin. Fisheries 48:499-514. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10990 | Abstract | December 2023 |
Miranda, L.E. 2023. Abundance-occupancy patterns of black bass in an impounded river. Fisheries 48:29-37. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10839 | Abstract | January 2023 |
Miranda, L.E. 2017. Reservoir fish habitat management. Lightning Press, Totowa, New Jersey. | January 2017 |
Miranda, L.E. 2016. Fish in paleochannels of the Lower Mississippi River alluvial valley. Fisheries 41:578-588 . | September 2016 |
Miranda, L.E. 2014. Monitoring fish distributions along electrofishing segments. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186:8899–8905. | September 2014 |
Miranda, L.E. 2014. Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes. LakeLine 2014(Winter)28-31. | February 2015 |
Miranda, L.E. 2011. Depth as an organizer of fish assemblages in floodplain lakes. Aquatic Sciences 73:211-221. | February 2011 |
Miranda, L. E., and S. R. Raborn. 2000. From zonation to connectivity: fluvial ecology paradigms of the 20th century. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 47:5-19. | May 2000 |
Miranda, L. E., and P. W. Bettoli. 2007. Mortality. Pages 229-278 in:C. Guy and M. Brown, editors. Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries statistics. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. | Abstract | Download | September 2007 |
Miranda, L. E., and M. S. Allen. 2000. Use of length limits to reduce variation in crappie fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:752-758. | December 2000 |
Miranda, L. E., and M. Kratochv�l. 2008. Boat electrofishing catch relative to electrode arrangement. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1358-1362. | August 2008 |
Miranda, L. E., and K. B. Hodges. 2000. Role of aquatic vegetation density on hypoxia and sunfish abundance in bays of a eutrophic reservoir. Hydrobiologia 427:51-57. | January 2000 |
Miranda, L. E., and J. Boxrucker.2009. Warmwater fish in large standing waters. Pages 29-42 in S.A. Bonar, W.A. Hubert, and D.W. Willis, editors. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | August 2009 |
Miranda, L. E., and H. L. Schramm, Jr. 2000. Selecting gear for monitoring fish assemblages. Pages 3-10 in I. G. Cowx, editor. Management and ecology of river fisheries. Fishing News Books, Oxford. | June 2000 |
Miranda, L. E., and G. M. Lucas. 2004. Determinism in fish assemblages of floodplain lakes of the vastly disturbed Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:357-369. | February 2004 |
Miranda, L. E., and E. D. Dibble. 2002. An ecological foundation for black bass management. Pages 433-453 in D. P. Philipp and M. S. Ridgway, editors. Black bass: ecology, conservation, and management. Biology and Management. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 31, Bethesda, Maryland. | January 2003 |
Miranda, L. E., and D. R. Lowery. 2007. Juvenile densities relative to water regime in mainstem reservoirs of the Tennessee River. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 12:87-96. | March 2007 |
Miranda, L. E., and C. R. Dolan. 2004. Electrofishing power requirements in relation to duty cycle. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:55-62 | March 2004 |
Miranda, L. E., and C. R. Dolan. 2003. Test of a power transfer model for standardized electrofishing. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:1179-1185. | September 2003 |
Miranda, L. E., and B. S. Dorr. 2000. Size selectivity of crappie angling. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:706-710. | December 2000 |
Miranda, L. E., and A. B. Spencer. 2005. Understanding the output of a Smith-Root GPP electrofisher. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:848-852. | October 2004 |
Miranda, L. E., R. E. Brock, and B. S. Dorr. 2002. Uncertainty of exploitation estimates made from tag returns. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1358-1563 . | November 2002 |
Miranda, L. E., M. M. Driscoll, and M. S. Allen. 2000. Transient physicochemical microhabitats allow fish survival in inhospitable aquatic plant stands. Freshwater Biology 44:617-628. | September 2000 |
Miranda, L. E., M. Habrat, and S. Miyazono. 2008. Longitudinal gradients along a reservoir cascade. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1851–1865. | November 2008 |
Miranda, L. E., J. A. Hargreaves, and S. W. Raborn. 2001. Predicting and managing risk of unsuitable dissolved oxygen in a eutrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 457:177-185. | October 2001 |
Miranda, L. E., A. A. Agostinho, and L. C. Gomes. 2000. Appraisal of the selective properties of gill nets and the implications for yield and value of the fisheries at Itaipu Reservoir, Brazil-Paraguay. Fisheries Research 45:105-116. | April 2000 |
Miranda, L. E. 2009. Standardizing electrofishing power for boat electrofishing. Pages 223-230 in S.A. Bonar, W.A. Hubert, and D.W. Willis, editors. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | August 2009 |
Miranda, L. E. 2009. Extending the scale of reservoir management. American Fisheries Society Symposium 62:75-102. | January 2009 |
Miranda, L. E. 2007. Approximate sample sizes required to index length distributions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:409-415 | May 2007 |
Miranda, L. E. 2005. Refining boat electrofishing equipment to improve consistency and reduce harm to fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:609-618. | April 2005 |
Miranda, L. E. 2005. Fish assemblages in oxbow lakes relative to connectivity with the Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:1480-1489. | September 2005 |
Miranda, L. E. 2005. Catch rates relative to party size with implications for monitoring angler success. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:1005-1010. | June 2005 |
Miranda, L. E. 2003. Collaborative management of river basins. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 3:7-15. | May 2003 |
Miranda, L. E. 2002. Establishing size-based mortality caps. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:433-440. | June 2002 |
Miranda, L. E. 2001. Crappie fisheries: managing with regulations. Lakeline 21(3):26-28. | September 2001 |
Miranda, L. E. 2001. A review of guidance and criteria for managing reservoirs and associated riverine environments to benefit fish and fisheries. Pages 93-141 in G. Marmulla, editor. Dams, Fish and Fisheries: Opportunities, Challenges and Conflict Resolution. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 419, Rome, Italy. | December 2001 |
Miranda, L. E. 1999. Recreational catfish harvest in reservoirs in the USA. Fisheries Management and Ecology 6:499-514. | November 1999 |
Meals, K.O., A.W Dunn, and L.E. Miranda.2012. Trolling intensifies exploitation of crappies in Mississippi Reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:325-332. | May 2012 |
Makrakis, S., L.E. Miranda, L.C. Gomes, M.C. Makrakis, and H.M.F. Junior. 2011. Ascent of Neotropical migratory fish in the Itaipu Reservoir fish pass. River Research and Applications 27:511-519. | January 2011 |
Makrakis, M.C., P.S. Silva, S. Makrakis, A.F. Lima, L. Assumpção, S. Paula, L.E. Miranda, and J.H.P. Dias. 2012. Spawning and nursery habitats of Neotropical fish species in the tributaries of a regulated river. Pages 153-166 in K. Pourali and V. N. Raad, editors. Larvae: Morphology, Biology and Life Cycle. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY. | December 2012 |
Makrakis, M.C., L.E. Miranda, S. Makrakis, H.M. Fontes-Junior, W.G. Morlis, J.H.P. Dias, and J.O. Garcia. 2012. Diversity in migratory patterns among Neotropical fishes in a highly regulated river basin. Journal of Fish Biology 81:866-81. | November 2012 |
Makrakis, M. C., L. E., Miranda, S. Makrakis, D. Rodriguez-Fernandez, J. O. Garcia, J. O., and J. H. Pinheiro-Dias. 2007. Movement patterns of armado, Pterodoras granulosus, in the Paran� River Basin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16:410-416. | May 2007 |
Makrakis, M. C., L. E. Miranda, S. Makrakis, H. Martins-Fontes, Jr, and W. Gil-Morlis. 2007. Migratory movements and exploitation of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, in the Paran� River Basin. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23:700-704. | October 2007 |
Krogman, R.M., and L.E. Miranda. 2016. Rating U.S. reservoirs relative to fish habitat condition. Lake and Reservoir Management 32:51-60 . | February 2016 |
Krogman, R.M., and L.E. Miranda. 2015. A classification system for large reservoirs of the conterminous U. S. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. | February 2015 |
Killgore, K.J., L.E. Miranda, C.E. Murphy, D.M. Wolff, J.J. Hoover, T.M. Keevin, S.T. Maynord, and M.A. Cornish. 2011. Fish entrainment rates through towboat propellers in the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:570-581. | May 2011 |
Killgore, K.J., J.J. Hoover, W.T. Slack, J.P. Kirk, B.R. Lewis, S.G. George, and L.E. Miranda. 2024. Population characteristics of silver carp from the source of their North American introduction in the Lower Mississippi River. Aquatic Invasions 19:329-343. https://doi.org/10.3391/ai.2024.19.3.133295 | Abstract | October 2024 |
Killgore, K.J., J.J. Hoover, L.E. Miranda, and W.T. Slack. 2024. Fish conservation in streams of the agrarian Mississippi Alluvial Valley: conceptual model, management actions, and field verification. Frontiers in Freshwater Science. doi.org/10.3389/ffwsc.2024.1365691 | Abstract | February 2024 |
Kashiwagi, M. T., and L. E. Miranda. 2009. Influence of small impoundments on habitat and fish communities in headwater streams. Southeastern Naturalist 8:23-36. | March 2009 |
Kaczka, L.J., and L.E. Miranda. 2014. Size of age-0 crappies (Pomoxis spp.) relative to reservoir habitats and water levels. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29:525-534. | May 2014 |
Kaczka L.J., and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Gradients of microhabitat and crappie distributions in reservoir coves. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28:561-572. | June 2013 |
Hutt, C.P. K.M. Hunt, S.F. Baker, S. Grado, and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Economic values and regional economic impacts of recreational fisheries in Mississippi reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:44-55. | January 2013 |
Hatcher, H.R., L.E. Miranda, M.E. Colvin, G. Coppola, and M.A. Lashley. 2019. Fish assemblages in a reservoir mudflat with low structural complexity. Hydrobiologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-019-04019-w | July 2019 |
Granzotti, R.V., L.E. Miranda, A.A. Agostinho, and L.C. Gomes. 2018. Downstream impacts of dams: shifts on invertivorous fish assemblages. Aquatic Sciences 80:28 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00027-018-0579-y | April 2018 |
Gomes, L. C., and L. E. Miranda. 2001. Riverine characteristics dictate composition of fish assemblages and limit fisheries in reservoirs of the Upper Parana River Basin. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 17:67-76. | March 2001 |
Gomes, L. C., and L. E. Miranda. 2001. Hydrological and climatic factors limit phytoplankton biomass in the Upper Parana River Basin, Brazil. Hydrobiologia 457:205-214. | October 2001 |
Gomes, L. C., L. E. Miranda, and A. A. Agostinho. 2002. Fishery yield in relation to phytoplankton biomass in reservoirs of the Upper Paran� River, Brazil. Fisheries Research 55:335-340. | December 2003 |
Gomes L.C., C.K. Bulla, A.A. Agostinho, L. Vanconcelos, and L.E. Miranda. 2012. Fish assemblage dynamics in littoral areas of a Neotropical floodplain relative to the homogenizing effect of a flood pulse. Hydrobiologia 685:97-107. | December 2011 |
Goetz, D., R. Kröger, and L. E. Miranda. 2014. Effects of smallmouth buffalo, Ictiobus bubalus, biomass on water transparency, nutrients, and productivity in shallow experimental ponds. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 92:503-508. | February 2014 |
Goetz, D., Miranda, L.E., Kröger, R., Andrews, C. 2015. The role of lake depth in regulating water quality and fish communities in oxbow lakes of the Yazoo River Basin. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98:951-959. | February 2015 |
Faust, D.R., R. Kröger, L.E. Miranda, and S.A. Rush. 2016. Nitrate removal from agricultural drainage ditch sediments with amendments of organic carbon: Potential for an innovative best management practice. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227:378. | September 2016 |
Faucheux, N.M., L.E. Miranda, J.M. Taylor, and J.L. Farris. 2023. Impact of dams on stream fish diversity: a different result. Diversity 15(6), 728. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15060728 | Abstract | Publisher Website | June 2023 |
Faucheux, N.M., A.R. Sample, C.A. Aldridge, D.M. Norris, C. Owens, V.R. Starnes, S. VanderBloemen, and L.E. Miranda. 2022. Reservoir attributes display cascading spatial patterns along river basins. Water Resources Research. 10.1029/2021WR029910 | Abstract | January 2022 |
Eggleton, M. A., L. E. Miranda, and J. P. Kirk. 2004. The potential for predation by fishes to impact zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha): insight from bioenergetics models. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13:85-95. | April 2004 |
Driscoll, M. M., and L. E. Miranda. 1999. Diet ecology of yellow bass, Morone mississipiensis in an oxbow of the Mississippi River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 14:477-486. | November 1999 |
Dolan, C. R., and L. E. Miranda. 2004. Injury and mortality of warmwater fishes immobilized by electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:118-127 . | February 2004 |
Dolan, C. R., and L. E. Miranda. 2003. Immobilization thresholds of electrofishing relative to fish size. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:969-976. | December 2003 |
Dolan, C. R., L. E. Miranda, and T. Henry. 2002. Electrofishing for crappies: electrical settings influence immobilization efficiency, injury, and mortality. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1442-1451. | December 2002 |
Dembkowski, D.J., and L.E. Miranda. 2014. Environmental variables measured at multiple spatial scales exert uneven influence on fish assemblages of floodplain lakes. Hydrobiologia 721:129-144. | August 2013 |
Dembkowski, D.J., and L.E. Miranda. 2012. Hierarchy in factors affecting fish biodiversity in floodplain lakes of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Environmental Biology of Fishes 93:357-368. | January 2012 |
Dembkowski, D.J., and L.E. Miranda. 2011. Comparison of fish assemblages in two disjoined segments of an oxbow lake in relation to connectivity. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1060-1069. | September 2011 |
Dagel, J.D., and L.E. Miranda. 2012. Backwaters in the upper reaches of reservoirs produce high densities of age-0 crappies. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:626-634. | April 2012 |
Da Silva, P.S., M.C. Makrakis, L.E. Miranda, S. Makrakis, L. Assumpcao, S. Paula, J.H.P. Dias, and H. Marques. Importance of reservoir tributaries to spawning of migratory fish in the Upper Parana River. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2755 | April 2014 |
Cruz, B.B., L.E. Miranda, M. Cetra. 2013. Links among riparian landcover, instream environment, and fish assemblage structure in headwater streams of southeastern Brazil. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22:607-616. | May 2013 |
Coppola, G., L.E. Miranda, M.E. Colvin, H.R. Hatcher, and M.A. Lashley. 2019. Submergence responses of cool-season annual plants and potential for fish habitat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:1269-1276. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10359 | December 2019 |
Coppola, G., L.E. Miranda, M. Colvin, H. Hatcher, M Lashley. 2021. Selection of habitat-enhancing plants depends on predator-prey interactions. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:294-307. https://doi.org/10.3996/JFWM-20-083 | Abstract | December 2021 |
Celestino, L.F., Sanz-Ronda, F.J., Miranda, L.E., M.C. Makrakis, J.H. Pinheiro Dias, and S. Makrakis. 2020. Bidirectional connectivity via fish ladders in a large Neotropical river: response to a comment. River Research and Applications 36:1377-1381. https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.3687 | Abstract | August 2020 |
Celestino, L.F., F.J. Sanz-Ronda, L.E. Miranda, M. Cavicchioli Makrakis, J.H. Pinheiro Dias, and S. Makrakis. 2019. Maintaining bidirectional connectivity via fish ladders in a large Neotropical river: implications for conservation of migratory fish. River Research and Applications 35:236-246. https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.3404 | January 2019 |
Bulla, C.K., L.C. Gomes, L.E. Miranda, and A.A. Agostinho. 2011. The ichthyofauna of drifting macrophyte mats in the Ivinhema River, upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 9:403-409. | July 2011 |
Bettoli, P. W., and L. E. Miranda. 2001. Cautionary note about estimating mean length at age with subsampled data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:425-428. | Download | July 2001 |
Besson, J.C., J. Neary, J.D. Stafford, C.G. Dunn, L.E. Miranda. 2023. Fish functional gradients along a reservoir cascade. Freshwater Biology 68:1079-1091. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.14087 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | April 2023 |
Besson, J., Miranda, L., Colvin, M., Dunn, C. and Riecke, D. (2024). Spatial distribution patterns of invasive silver carp can inform removal efforts in an oxbow lake of the Mississippi River. Management of Biological Invasions, 15(4), pp.505–518. doi:https://doi.org/10.3391/mbi.2024.15.4.03. | Abstract |
December 2024 |
Andrews, C.S., L.E. Miranda, D.B. Goetz, and R. Kroger. 2014. Spatial patterns of lacustrine fish assemblages in a catchment of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Aquatic Conservation 24:634-644. | June 2014 |
Andrews, C.A., L.E. Miranda, and R. Kroger. 2015. Fish and water quality and fish dynamics in the forested wetlands adjacent to an oxbow lake. Southeastern Naturalist 14:623-634 . | October 2015 |
Allen, M. S., and L. E. Miranda. 2001. Quasi-cycles in crappie populations are forced by interactions among population characteristics and environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:594-601. | May 2001 |
Alfermann, T.J., and L. E. Miranda. 2013. Centrarchid assemblages in floodplain lakes of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:323-332. | January 2013 |
Aldridge, C.A., L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2021. Themes of contemporary inland fisheries goals. Fisheries 46:34-39.. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10507 | Abstract | January 2021 |
Aldridge CA, Norris DM, Hatcher HR, Coppola G, Colvin ME, Miranda LE. 2022. Retention and dimensional changes of evergreen brush piles within a flood control reservoir. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13(1):223– 235; e1944-687X. https://doi.org/10.3996/JFWM-21-033 | Abstract | June 2022 |
Ahmad, H., L.E. Miranda, C.G. Dunn, M.R. Boudreau, and M.E. Colvin. 2024. Connectivity patterns between floodplain lakes and neighboring streams in the historical floodplain of the Lower Mississippi River. Ecological Indicators 169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112808 | Abstract | November 2024 |
Ahmad, H., L.E. Miranda, C.G. Dunn, M.R. Boudreau, M.E. Colvin, P. Dash. 2025. The confluence of time and space: quantifying dynamics of hydrologic floodplain connectivity using remote sensing and GIS. River Research and Applications doi/10.1002/rra.4426 | Abstract | February 2025 |
Agostinho, A. A., L. Rodrigues, L. C. Gomes, L. Rodrigues, S. M. Thomas, and L. E. Miranda, editors. 2004. Structure and functioning of the Parana River and its floodplain. Maringa State University Press, Parana, Brazil. | October 2004 |
Agostinho, A. A., L. E. Miranda, L. M. Bini, L. C. Gomes, S. M. Thomaz, and H. I. Susuki. 1999. Patterns of colonization in neotropical reservoirs, and prognoses on aging. Pages 227-265 in J. G. Tundisi and M. Stra�kraba, editors. Theoretical Reservoir Ecology and its Applications. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. | December 1999 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
VanderBloemen, S., and L.E. Miranda. The effect of bigheaded carps on a native fish assemblage. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. (virtual meeting). | August 2020 |
VanderBloemen, S., L.E. Miranda, M.E. Colvin, and G.G. Sass. 2020. Asian carp population dynamics and movement ecology within the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
VanderBloemen, S. and L.E. Miranda. 2021. Effects of bigheaded carps on the clupeid abundances of the Tennessee River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, online. | February 2021 |
The Ohio River in the Delta. Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Jackson. | October 2015 |
Stewart, T.R., T.L. Cox, M.E. Colvin, C.G. Dunn, M.W. Rogers, and L.E. Miranda. 2022. Simulation tools for estimating statistical power to monitor invasive carps. 152<sup>nd</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Stewart, T.R., M.E. Colvin, C.G. Dunn, M.W. Rogers, and L.E. Miranda. 2022. Teamwork makes the dream work: an app to standardize inter-agency invasive carps surveillance. 152<sup>nd</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Starnes, V., M.E. Colvin, J.B. Davis, and L. E. Miranda. 2020. A prototype decision support tool for evaluating water level management to achieve competing objectives in a multiple use reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Stafford, J.D., C.G. Dunn, M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D.K. Riecke. 2022. Seasonal movements of Silver Carp (<i>Hypophthalmichthys molitrix</i>) in a hydrologically regulated oxbow network. Annual meeting of the Mississippi chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Hattiesburg, Mississippi. | February 2022 |
Stafford, J.D., C.G Dunn, M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D. Riecke. 2024. Influence of barrier operations on passage rates of Silver Carp throughout a floodplain network. USGS Invasive Carps Community of Practice, virtual. | August 2024 |
Stafford, J.D., C.G Dunn, M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D. Riecke. 2024. Efficacy of modified barrier operations on Silver Carp movements into an impounded waterbody. Reservoir Technical Committee meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Stafford, J.D., C.G Dunn, M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D. Riecke. 2024. A tale of two dams: evaluating efficacy of modified barrier operations on Silver Carp movements. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Chattanooga, Tennessee. | January 2024 |
Stafford, J.D., C.G Dunn, M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D. Riecke. 2023. Passage of Silver Carp <i>Hypophthalmichthys molitrix</i> through water-control structures in a floodplain network. Annual meeting of the Mississippi chapter of American Fisheries Society. Natchez, Mississippi. | February 2023 |
Stafford, J.D., C.G Dunn, M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D. Riecke. 2023. Influence of barrier operations on passage rates of Silver Carp throughout a floodplain network. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Shoemaker, D.S., L.E. Miranda, C.G. Dunn. 2023. Vulnerability of reservoir fish habitats to climate change. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Natchez, Mississippi. | February 2023 |
Shoemaker, D.J., and L.E. Miranda. 2022. Vulnerability of reservoir fish habitats to climate change. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, WA. | August 2022 |
Shoemaker, D.J., L.E. Miranda, C.G. Dunn, R.P. Boyles, and K.M. Hunt. 2023. Challenges evaluating reservoir fish habitats in a changing climate. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Shamaskin, A.C., M.E. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2017. Evaluating multisystem scale length limits. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Shamaskin, A.C., M.E. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2017. Evaluating multisystem scale length limits. 8th World Recreational Fishing Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. | July 2017 |
Shamaskin, A., M.E. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2016. Long-term population changes in relation to harvest regulations at Ross Barnett Reservoir, Mississippi. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Eagle Lake. | March 2016 |
Shamaskin, A., M. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2017. Multisystem scale length limits: making it easy. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
Shamaskin, A., M. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2017. Multisystem scale length limits: making it easy. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Biloxi. | February 2017 |
Shamaskin, A., M. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2016. Sensitivity of a multisystem length limit model. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City. | August 2016 |
Schumann, D.A., M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and D.T. Farrand. 2019. Occupancy of four gar species in river-floodplain habitats: is there evidence for competitive exclusion and habitat mediated coexistence? Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Galveston, TX. | January 2019 |
Raines, C.D., and Miranda, L.E. 2015. Influences of riparian shade on reservoir water quality, macroinvertebrates, and fish. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Eagle Lake, MS. | March 2015 |
Pugh, L.L., L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2017. Thirty years of standardized sampling in Mississippi lakes and reservoirs. Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Louisville, Kentucky. | October 2017 |
Pruitt, A. K.J. Killgore, W.T. Slack, L.E. Miranda, and C.A. Pruitt. 2017. Watershed assessment: a multi-scale approach using ecological modeling. Georgia Water Resources Conference, Athens, Georgia. | April 2017 |
Palmieri, M., L.E. Miranda, C. Dunn, L. Burger, and D. Riecke. 2023. Invasive bigheaded carp distribution patterns in lakes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Palmieri, M., L.E. Miranda, C. Dunn, L. Burger, D. Riecke. 2023. Invasive bigheaded carp distribution patterns in lakes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Natchez, Mississippi. | February 2023 |
Palmieri, M. L.E. Miranda. C.G. Dunn, L. Burger, and D. Riecke. 2024. Bigheaded carp distribution patterns in oxbow lakes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Palmieri, M. L.E. Miranda. C.G. Dunn, L. Burger, and D. Riecke. 2024. Bigheaded carp distribution patterns in oxbow lakes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Tupelo, Mississippi. | February 2024 |
Norris, D.M., M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and M.A. Lashley. 2020. To plant or not to plant? A decision support tool to minimize risk associated with uncertainty in reservoir habitat management. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Norris, D.M., G. Coppola, H. Hatcher, M.A. Lashley, M.E. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2019. Establishing ground cover in reservoir mudflats to foster fish assemblages. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Galveston, Texas. | January 2019 |
Mower, E., and L.E. Miranda. 2013. A risk-based method for estimating reservoir rule curves using historic water level data. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Miranda, L.E., N.M. Faucheux, and J. Boxrucker. 2021. Perspectives on facing reservoir aging and climate change. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore. | November 2021 |
Miranda, L.E., M. Colvin, and A. Shamaskin. 2016. A multivariate approach to assessing harvest regulations. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City. | August 2016 |
Miranda, L.E., L.A. Bull, M.E. Colvin, W.D. Hubbard, and L.L. Pugh. 2019. Segmentation of Mississippi's natural and artificial lakes. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Jackson. | February 2019 |
Miranda, L.E., L.A. Bull, M.E. Colvin, W.D. Hubbard, and L.L. Pugh. 2018. Segmentation of Mississippi lakes. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Oxford. | February 2018 |
Miranda, L.E., D.M. Norris, V.R. Starnes, N.M. Faucheux, and T. Holman. 2020. Stock-recruitment dynamics of a freshwater clupeid. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Gulfport. | February 2020 |
Miranda, L.E. 2023. Aging, climate, and invasions in reservoirs of the Mississippi Basin. Plenary, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Overland Park, Kansas. | February 2023 |
Miranda, L.E. 2017. How much is enough? – balancing fish and agriculture water needs in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Biloxi. | February 2017 |
Miranda, L.E. 2016. Best Management Practices for reservoir fish habitats. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City. (invited) | August 2016 |
Miranda, L.E. 2015. The Ohio River in the Delta. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Eagle Lake, MS. | March 2015 |
Miranda, L.E. 2015. Best management practices for enhancing fish habitat in reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR. | August 2015 |
Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, L.E. Miranda, M.M. Marron, M.J. Steuck, and K.A. Hansen. 2018. Commercial fisheries of the upper Mississippi River: A Model of Sustainability. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey. | August 2018 |
Kaczka, L., and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Microhabitat and crappie gradients in reservoir coves. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Hatcher, H.R., G. Coppola1, L.E. Miranda, M.E. Colvin, and M.A. Lashley. 2017. Fish assemblages associated with cover in the mudflats of a reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
Hatcher, H.R., G. Coppola1, L.E. Miranda, M.E. Colvin, and M.A. Lashley. 2017. Fish assemblages associated with cover in the mudflats of a reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Biloxi. | February 2017 |
Hatcher, H.R., G. Coppola, M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and M. Lashley. 2018. Supplemental cover as recruitment habitat in reservoir mudflats. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Oxford. | February 2018 |
Hatcher, H.R., G. Coppola, M. Lashley, M.E. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2018. Assessing growth and establishment of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Oxford. | February 2018 |
Hatcher, H.R., Coppola, G., Miranda, L.E., Colvin, M.E., and Lashley, M.A. 2017. Cover in the mudflats of a reservoir structures fish assemblages. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Goetz, D., R. Kroger, and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Effects of a native rough fish on water quality. Mississippi Water Resources Conference, Jackson. | April 2013 |
Goetz, D., L.E. Miranda, and R. Kroger. 2013. The role of lake depth in regulating water quality and fish communities in floodplain lakes of the Yazoo River Basin, MS. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Funk, H., L.E. Miranda, J.W. Neal, and J. Brown. 2024. Fisheries management in Mississippi state-operated fishing lakes: a review and look to the future. Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Funk, H., L.E. Miranda, J.W. Neal, and J. Brown. 2024. Fisheries management in Mississippi state-operated fishing lakes: a review and look to the future. Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Tupelo, Mississippi.. | February 2024 |
Faucheux, N.M., and L.E. Miranda. 2023. Long-term links between channel morphology and fish assemblages in modified Yazoo Basin streams. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Natchez, Mississippi. | February 2023 |
Faucheux, N.M., L.E. Miranda, J.M. Taylor, and J.L. Farris. 2020. Defying expectations: tributary fish assemblages are similar above and below impoundments. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Faucheux, N.M. and L.E. Miranda. 2022. Frozen in channel evolution time: long-term effects of grade control structures on channel morphology and fish beta diversity in Mississippi streams. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council. | November 2022 |
Faucheux, N.M, and L.E. Miranda. 2021. Countering the legacy of erosion in North Mississippi streams. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | November 2021 |
Coppola, G., H.R. Hatcher, M.A. Lashley, L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2017. Performance of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa. | August 2017 |
Coppola, G., H.R. Hatcher, M.A. Lashley, L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2017. Performance of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats, Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
Coppola, G., H.R. Hatcher, M.A. Lashley, L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2017. Performance of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats, Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Biloxi. | February 2017 |
Coppola, G., H.R. Hatcher, M. Lashley, L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2018. Persistence of flooded agricultural plants as potential fish habitat. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Oxford. | February 2018 |
Coppola, G. H.R. Hatcher, M.E. Colvin, M.A. Lashley, and L.E. Miranda. 2018. Persistence of agricultural plants as potential fish habitat. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey. | August 2018 |
Colvin, M.E., and Miranda, L.E. 2015. Summary and synthesis of standardized electrofishing efforts from 1986 to present. Annual Meeting of Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Eagle Lake, MS. | March 2015 |
Buckwalter, J., L.E. Miranda, J. Reynolds, J. Dean, and C. Dolan. 2024. Standardizing electrofishing power. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September 15-19, Honolulu, Hawaii. | September 2024 |
Boxrucker, J., R. Krogman, and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Prioritizing reservoir habitat restoration efforts using the Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership’s assessment data. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Boxrucker, J., R. Krogman, and L.E. Miranda. 2013. A classification system for large U.S. reservoirs and its application to the Southeast. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | January 2013 |
Besson, J.B., M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, and C.G. Dunn. 2022. Movers and stayers: a look into the movements of Silver Carp in an oxbow lake system. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Hattiesburg, MS. | February 2022 |
Besson, J.B, M.E. Colvin, L.E., Miranda, and C.G. Dunn. 2021. A framework for evaluating Silver Carp movement in a floodplain system. Annual meeting of Mississippi chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual conference. | March 2021 |
Besson, J., M.E. Colvin, L.E. Miranda, C.G. Dunn. 2021. Evaluating movements of Silver Carp in an oxbow lake to inform barrier placement and operation. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | November 2021 |
Andrews, C., R. Kroger, and L.E. Miranda. 2013. Spring microhabitat oxygen dynamics of Blue Lake, a Yazoo River oxbow in Berclair, MS. Mississippi Water Resources Conference, Jackson. | April 2013 |
Andrews, C., L.E. Miranda, and R. Kroger. 2013. Fish assemblages in connected and isolated floodplain lakes of Bear Creek watershed, Mississippi. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Aldridge, C.A., M.E. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2019. Early look: Performance of machine learning to classify age from age-length data. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter American Fisheries Society, Jackson, Mississippi. | February 2019 |
Aldridge, C.A., L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2020. Standardized Management Plans: A Glance into the Future. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. (virtual meeting) | September 2020 |
Aldridge, C.A., L.E. Miranda, and M.E. Colvin. 2020. Same profession different jobs — fisheries goals across the U.S. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Aldridge, C.A, M.E. Colvin, and L.E. Miranda. 2020. For management plans, consult a computer? Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Ahmad, H., L.E. Miranda, and C.G. Dunn. 2023. Connectivity of oxbow lakes in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Natchez, Mississippi. | February 2023 |
Ahmad, H., L.E. Miranda, C. Dunn, and M. Colvin. 2023. Hydrological connectivity patterns in oxbow lakes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Ahmad, H., L. E. Miranda, C.G. Dunn, M. Boudreau, M. Colvin, and P. Dash. 2024. Hydrologic connectivity in oxbow lakes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Tupelo, Mississippi. | February 2024 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Schramm, H.L., Jr., J.M. Hart, and L.E. Miranda. 2002. Spawning of Gulf coast strain walleye in Luxapallila Creek, Mississippi. Final Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Mobile, Alabama. | January 2002 |
Miranda, L.E., and R.M. Krogman. 2013. Fish habitat impairment in U.S. reservoirs. Lakeline 33(1):19-24. | March 2013 |
Miranda, L.E., T. Alferman, and D. Dembkowsky. 2010. Biotic integrity of alluvial lakes in the Yazoo River Basin. Progress Report submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Engineer Research and Development Center, Waterways Experiment Station. Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Mississippi State, Mississippi. | June 2010 |
Miranda, L.E., P. Guggarigoudar, and V. Mittali. 2004. Development of monitoring protocols. Freshwater Fisheries Report Number 393, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | December 2004 |
Miranda, L.E., M. Kashiwagi, J. Wilkens, A. Kelly, R. Campbell, A. Spencer, L. D?Abramo and H. Schramm. 2004. Restoration of the Gulf Coast walleye: development of hatchery production and stocking methods. Freshwater Fisheries Report Number 391, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | December 2004 |
Miranda, L.E., M. Kashiwagi, J. Wilkens, A. Kelly, R. Campbell, A. Spencer, L. D'Abramo and H. Schramm. 2004. Restoration of the Gulf Coast walleye: development of hatchery production and stocking methods. Freshwater Fisheries Report Number 391, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | December 2004 |
Miranda, L.E., J.N. Aycock, S. Miyazono, and T.E. Tietjen. 2008. Biotic integrity of alluvial lakes in the Yazoo River Basin. Completion Report submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Engineer Research and Development Center, Waterways Experiment Station. Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Mississippi State, Mississippi. | October 2008 |
Miranda, L.E., J.N. Aycock, S. Miyazono, C.J. Steffen, and T.E. Tietjen. 2007. Biotic integrity of alluvial lakes in the Yazoo River Basin. Completion Report submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Engineer Research and Development Center, Waterways Experiment Station. Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Mississippi State, Mississippi. | June 2007 |
Miranda, L.E., J.D. Dagel, and S.L. Wigen. 2010. Promoting crappie recruitment in Northwest Mississippi reservoirs. Progress Report submitted to Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | July 2010 |
Miranda, L.E., J. Wilkens, M. Kashiwagi, A. Spencer, L. D'Abramo, and H. Schramm. 2006. Assessment of Gulf Coast walleye: development of hatchery production and stocking methods. Freshwater Fisheries Report Number 247, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | January 2006 |
Miranda, L.E., C.R. Dolan, and L. Petrie-Hanson. 2002. Effects of electrofishing configuration on catch efficiency and injury rates of warmwater fishes. Fisheries Management Section, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | June 2002 |
Miranda, L.E. 2006. Monitoring protocols for inland fisheries. Freshwater Fisheries Report Number 399, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | December 2006 |
Miranda, L.E. 2005. Densities of juvenile fish relative to water regime, and analysis of the electrofishing monitoring program. Completion Report submitted to Tennessee Valley Authority. Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Mississippi State, Mississippi. | May 2005 |
Miranda, L.E. 2002. Development of monitoring protocols. Freshwater Fisheries Report Number 361, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | August 2002 |
Miranda, L.E. 2000. A review of guidance and criteria for managing reservoirs and associated riverine environments to benefit fish and fisheries. World Commission on Dams Thematic Reviews, World Commission on Dams Secretariat, Cape Town, South Africa. | November 2000 |
Hunt, K., S. Grado, and L.E. Miranda. 2008. A social and economic analysis of the recreational fisheries in Mississippi flood control reservoirs. Freshwater Fisheries Report No. 250, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | September 2008 |
Hunt, K., L.E. Miranda, and S. Grado. 2007. A social and economic analysis of the recreational fisheries in Mississippi flood control reservoirs. Freshwater Fisheries Report No. 250, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Jackson. | March 2007 |
Eggleton, M.A., L.E. Miranda, and J.P. Kirk. 2003. Potential for predation by fishes to impact zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha): insight from bioenergetics models. Aquatic Nuisance Species Research Program, ERDC/EL TR-03-22, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, D.C. | February 2004 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Software Release | Miranda, L.E., and Colvin, M. 2025. Code for estimating various Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks inland fisheries metrics and developing management plans. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. | January 2025 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
North American Lake Management Society - member | Miranda | January 2012 | Present |
National Fish Habitat Action Plan - Reservoir Partnership - Member and Lead Reviewer. I have served for the last two years as part of a group that sought to establish a reservoir partnership under the auspices of the NFHAP. In this position I served as lead scientific adviser and generated and reviewed material necessary to prepare an application. The reservoir group was accepted into the partnership in Nov 2009. I continue involvement in the group although my current task is not well defined. | Miranda | June 2007 | May 2012 |
Midsouth Aquatic Plant Society - Member | Miranda | January 1990 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Reservoir Committee, Southern Division | Miranda | August 1987 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Nominating committee | Miranda | September 2020 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Fisheries Management Section | Miranda | January 1994 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member | Miranda | February 1983 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Fellows selection committee member | Miranda | May 2022 | Present |