Massachusetts Staff Member
Dr. Stephen DeStefano

Unit Leader
Phone: (413) 545 - 4889
- Other Oregon State University 1994
- Ph D University of Idaho 1989
- MS University of Wisconson 1982
- BS University of Massachusetts 1978
I have been associated with the Cooperative Research Unit program in some way since 1974, including Units in Massachusetts (1974-78, field assistant on projects as an undergraduate), Wisconsin (1978-84, MS and post-MS), Idaho (1984-89, PhD), Oregon (1990-94, post-Doc), Arizona (1994-99, Assistant Leader), and Massachusetts (1999-present, leader).. I have a broad base of research experience on population ecology and habitat relationships of terrestrial and semi-aquatic wildlife, including birds (waterfowl and other waterbirds such as rails and loons, gallinaceous birds, raptors, corvids) and mammals (beavers, carnivores, ungulates), ranging from threatened and endangered species to abundant and overabundant species. I have focused on issues related to urban/suburban wildlife, forest wildlife, and human-wildlife interactions. Conservation of large landscapes as informed by the spatial requirements of large animals such as moose, bears, and bobcats is a major goal of my current research program.. For the past 10+ years I have been teaching Research Concepts to all incoming MS students (and a few PhD candidates) in the Department of Environmental Conservation. We discuss the history and philosophy of science, setting up research questions and hypotheses, and basic research concepts and study design. Throughout the semester the students work on a draft proposal for their graduate research.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zeller, K.A., Wattles, D.W., Conlee, L., DeStefano, S.2019. American black bears (Ursus americanus) alter movements in response to anthropogenic features with time of day and season. Movement Ecology. | July 2019 |
Zeller, K. A., D. W. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Incorporating road crossing data into vehicle collision risk models for moose (Alces americanus) in Massachusetts, USA. Environmental Management. | June 2018 |
Webster, C. M., and S. DeStefano. 2004. Using public surveys to determine the distribution of greater roadrunners in urban and suburban Tucson, Arizona. Pages 69-77 in W. W. Shaw, L. K. Harris, and L. VanDruff, eds. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Urban wildlife Conservation, Tucson, AZ. | September 2004 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. Space use and movements of moose in Massachusetts: implications for conservation of large mammals in a fragmented environment. Alces 49:65–81. | October 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. Moose habitat in Massachusetts: assessing use at the southern edge of the range. Alces 49:133–147. | October 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Status and management of moose in the northeastern United States. Alces 47:53-68. | Abstract | July 2011 |
Wattles, D. W., K. A. Zeller, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Response of moose to a high-density road network. Journal of Wildlife Management. | April 2018 |
Wattles, D. W., K. A. Zeller, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Range expansion in unfavorable environments through behavioral responses to microclimatic conditions: moose (Alces americanus) as the model. Mammalian Biology. | July 2018 |
Tucker, M. et al. 2018. Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359:466-469. DOI: 10.1126/science.aam9712 | Download | January 2018 |
Strules, J., and S. DeStefano. 2016. Seasonal foraging responses of beavers to sodium-enhanced foods: an experimental assessment with field feeding trials. Journal of Mammalogy 97:89–101. | January 2016 |
Stein A. B., T. K. Fuller, S. DeStefano, and L. L. Marker. 2011. Leopard population and home range estimates in north-central Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 49:383-387. | August 2011 |
Steidl, R. J., S. DeStefano, and W. J. Matter. 2000. On increasing the quality, reliability, and rigor of wildlife science. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:518-521. | January 2000 |
Schlossberg, S., D. I. King, S. DeStefano, and M. J. Hartley. 2018. Effects of early-successional shrubland management on breeding wood thrush populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 82. | August 2018 |
Rogers, A. S., S. DeStefano, and M. Ingraldi. 2005. Quantifying raptor diets: a comparative study between remote cameras and observation from blinds. Journal of Raptor Research 39:303-309. | August 2005 |
Rogers, A. S., S. DeStefano, and M. F. Ingraldi. 2006. Diet, prey delivery rates, and prey biomass of northern goshawks in east-central Arizona. Studies in Avian Biology 31:219-227. | September 2006 |
Nishida, C., C.W. Boal, S. DeStefano, and R. G. Hobbs. 2013. Nesting habitat and productivity of Swainson's hawks in Southeastern Arizona. Journal of Raptor Research 47:377-384. | December 2013 |
Mueller, T., K. A. Olson, G. Dressler, P. Leimgruber, T. K. Fuller, C. Nicolson, A. J. Novaro, M. J. Bolgeri, D. Wattles, S. DeStefano, J. M. Calabrese, and W. Fagan. 2011. How landscape dynamics link individual- to population-level movement patterns: a multispecies comparison of ungulate relocation data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20:683–694. | January 2011 |
Moloney, D., K. Wormington, and S. DeStefano. 2002. Stag retention and use by arboreal marsupials in eucalypt forests of southeast Queensland, Australia: implications for management. Pages 347-355 in W. F. Laudenslayer, Jr. et al., editors. Proceedings of the symposium on the ecology and management of dead wood in western forests. U. S. Forest Service, Albany, CA. | December 2002 |
McPherson, G. M., and S. DeStefano. 2002. Applied ecology and natural resource management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. | December 2002 |
McGrath, M. T., S. DeStefano, R. A. Riggs, L. L. Irwin, and G. J. Roloff. 2003. Spatially explicit influences on northern goshawk nesting habitat in the interior Pacific Northwest. Wildlife Monographs 154. | October 2003 |
McDonald, J. E., S. DeStefano, C. Gaughan, M. Meyer, W. A. Woytek, S. Christensen, and T. K. Fuller. 2011. Survival and harvest-related mortality of white-tailed deer in Massachusetts. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:209–219. | July 2011 |
McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Effects of spatial disturbance on common loon nest site selection and territory success. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:289-296. | April 2011 |
McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Common loon nest defense against an American mink. Northeastern Naturalist 18:247-249. | April 2011 |
McCarthy, K. P., S. DeStefano, and T. Laskowski. 2010. Bald eagle predation on a common loon egg. Journal of Raptor Research 44:249-251. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2010 |
Lerman, S. B., K. H. Nislow, D. J. Nowak, S. DeStefano, D. I. King, and D. T. Jones-Farrand. 2014. Using urban forest assessment tools to model bird habitat potential. Landscape and Urban Planning 122:29–40. | April 2014 |
LeFlore, E.G., T.K. Fuller, J.T. Finn, S. DeStefano, and J.F. Organ. 2019. Wild canid distribution and co-existence during Fall in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist 26:325-342. | June 2019 |
Kuvlesky, W. P., Jr., S. A. Gall, S. J. Dobrott, S. Tolley, F. S. Guthery, S. DeStefano, N. King, K. R. Nolte, N. J. Silvy, J. C. Lewis, G. Gee, G. Camou-Lourdes, and R. Engel-Wilson. 2000. The status of masked bobwhite recovery in the United States and Mexico. Pages 42-57 in L. A. Brennan, W. E. Palmer, L. W. Burger, Jr., and T. L. Pruden, eds. Quail IV: Proceedings of the Fourth National Quail Symposium 4, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL. | January 2000 |
Koenen, K., S. DeStefano, C. Henner, and T. Beroldi. 2005. From the field: capturing beavers in box traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:1153-1159. | August 2005 |
Koenen, K. G., S. DeStefano, and P. R. Krausman. 2002. Using distance sampling to estimate seasonal densities of desert mule deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:53-63. | January 2002 |
Jordan, C. N., T. Kaur, K. Koenen, S. DeStefano, A. M. Zajac, and D. S. Lindsay. 2005. Prevalence of agglutinating antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis neurona in beavers (Castor canadensis) from Massachusetts. Journal of Parasitology 91:210-211. | August 2005 |
Hobbs, R. J., S. DeStefano, and W. L. Halvorson. 2006. Breeding biology of red-tailed hawks in an altered desert grassland. Journal of Raptor Research 40:38-45. | September 2006 |
Hinojosa-Huerta, O., S. DeStefano, and W. W. Shaw. 2001. Abundance and distribution of the Yuma clapper rail (Rallus longirostris yumanensis) in the Colorado River delta, Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 49:171-182. | September 2001 |
Hinojosa-Huerta, O., S. DeStefano, Y. Carrillo-Guerrero, W. W. Shaw, and C. Valdes-Casillas. 2004. Waterbird communities and associated wetlands of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Studies in Avian Biology 27:52-60. | March 2004 |
Harper, R.W., E.S. Huff, D.V. Bloniarz, S. DeStefano, and C.R. Nicolson. 2018. Exploring the characteristics of successful volunteer-led urban forest tree committees in Massachusetts. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 34: 311-317. | August 2018 |
Harper, R. W., D. V. Bloniarz, S. DeStefano, and C. R. Nicolson. 2017. Urban forest management in New England: towards a contemporary understanding of tree wardens in Massachusetts communities. Arboricultural Journal 39:162-178. | October 2017 |
Guthery, F. S., N. M. King, K. R. Nolte, W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr., S. DeStefano, S. A. Gall, and N. J. Silvy. 2001. Multivariate perspectives on patch use by masked bobwhites. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:118-124. | July 2000 |
Guthery, F. S., N. M. King, K. R. Nolte, W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr., S. DeStefano, S. A. Gall, and N. J. Silvy. 2000. Comparative habitat ecology of Texas and masked bobwhites. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:407-420. | January 2000 |
Gaughan, C. R., and S. DeStefano. 2005. Quantifying edge and assessing effects of suburban development on white-tailed deer movement patterns. Urban Ecosystems 8:189-200. | August 2005 |
Fuller, T. K., and S. DeStefano. 2003. Relative importance of early-successional forests and shrubland habitats to mammals in the northeastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management 185:75-79. | October 2003 |
Franson, J. C., S. P. Hansen, T. E. Creekmore, C. J. Brand, D. C. Evers, A. E. Duerr, and S. DeStefano. 2003. Lead fishing weights and other fishing tackle in selected waterbirds. Waterbirds 26:345-352. | October 2003 |
Franson, J. C., S. P. Hansen, A. E. Duerr, and S. DeStefano. 2001. Size and mass of grit in gizzards of sandhill cranes, tundra swans, and mute swans. Waterbirds 24:242-244. | June 2001 |
Fayer, R., M. Santin, J. M. Trout, S. DeStefano, K. Koenen, and T. Kaur. 2006. Prevalence of Microsporidia, Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia spp. in beavers (Castor canadensis) in Massachusetts. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37:492-497. | September 2006 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, D. R. Foster, and A. Barker-Plotkin. 2016. Functional response of ungulate browsers in disturbed eastern hemlock forests. Forest Ecology and Management 362:177-183. | April 2016 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, D. R. Foster, G. Motzkin, and J. M. Rapp. 2016. Ungulate browsers promote herbaceous layer diversity in logged temperate forests. Ecology and Evolution 6:4591–4602. | July 2016 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, D. R. Foster, J. M. Rapp, and J. Compton. 2016. Multiple browsers structure tree recruitment in logged temperature forests. PLoS One | November 2016 |
Faison, E. K., D. R. Foster, and S. DeStefano. 2016. Long-term deer exclusion has complex effects on a suburban forest understory. Rhodora 118:382-402. | July 2016 |
Duerr, A. D., and S. DeStefano. 1999. Use of a metal detector for determining abundance of lead fishing sinkers in waterbird habitat. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:952-958. | November 1999 |
Desimone, S. M., and S. DeStefano. 2005. Temporal patterns of northern goshawk nest area occupancy and habitat: a retrospective analysis. J. Raptor Research 39(3):299-312. | September 2005 |
DeStefano, S., and R. M. DeGraaf. 2003. Exploring the ecology of suburban wildlife. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1:95-101. | February 2003 |
DeStefano, S., and R. J. Steidl. 2001. The professional biologist and advocacy: what role do we play? Human Dimensions in Wildlife 6:11-19. | June 2001 |
DeStefano, S., and R. G. Haight, editors. 2002. Forest wildlife-habitat relationships: population and community responses to forest management. Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, MD. 276pp. | May 2002 |
DeStefano, S., and R. D. Deblinger. 2005. Wildlife as valuable natural resources versus intolerable pests: a suburban wildlife management model. Urban Ecosystems 8:177-188. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S., and E. A. Johnson. 2005. Species that benefit from sprawl. Pages 206-235 in E. A. Johnson and M. W. Klemens, eds. Nature in fragments, the legacy of urban sprawl. Columbia University Press, New York, NY. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S., and C. M. Webster. 2012. Distribution and habitat of greater roadrunners in urban and suburban Arizona. Studies in Avian Biology 45:155– 166. | Abstract | July 2012 |
DeStefano, S., and C. Boal. 2018. Perspectives and future directions. Pages 273-286 in C. Boal and C. Dykstra, Eds. Urban raptors: ecology and conservation of birds of prey in an urbanizing world. Island Press, Washington, D.C. | June 2018 |
DeStefano, S., S. L. Schmidt, and J. deVos. 2000. Predator activity at wildlife water developments in southern Arizona. Journal of Range Management 53:257-260. | January 2000 |
DeStefano, S., R. D. Deblinger, and C. Miller. 2005. Suburban wildlife: lessons, challenges, and opportunities. Urban Ecosystems 8:131-136. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S., M. T. McGrath, S. M. Desimone, and S. K. Daw. 2006. Ecology and habitat of breeding northern goshawks in the inland Pacific Northwest: a summary of research in the 1990s. Studies in Avian Biology 31:76-85. | September 2006 |
DeStefano, S., K. K. G. Koenen, and J. Pereira. 2013. Common loon incubates rocks as surrogates for eggs. Northeastern Naturalist 20:143-147. | January 2013 |
DeStefano, S. 2013. Status and potential impacts of exotic grasses and grass-like vegetation on New England wildlife. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:486–496. | August 2013 |
DeStefano, S. 2009. Wildlife corridors and developed landscapes. Pages 85-102 in A. X. Esparza and G. R. McPherson, eds. The Planner's Guide to Natural Resource Conservation: The Science of Land Conversion Beyond the Metropolitan Fringe. Springer Book Publishers, New York, NY. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2009 |
DeStefano, S. 2005. A review of the status and distribution of northern goshawks in New England. Journal of Raptor Research 39:342-350. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S. 2002. Regional and national issues for forest wildlife research and management. Forest Science 48:181-189. | May 2002 |
Daw, S. K., and S. DeStefano. 2001. Forest characteristics of northern goshawk nest stands and post-fledging areas in Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:59-65. | September 2001 |
Clark, D. E., S. DeStefano, K. G. MacKenzie, K. K. G. Koenen, and J. W. Whitney. 2016. Roost site selection by ring-billed and herring gulls. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:708–719. | April 2016 |
Clark, D. E., K. K. G. Koenen, K. G. MacKenzie, J. W. Pereira, and S. DeStefano. 2013. Stainless-steel wires exclude ring-billed gulls from a waste water treatment plant. Journal of the American Water Works Association 105:75-76. | September 2013 |
Clark, D. E., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2016. Fidelity and persistence of ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) and herring gulls (Larus argentatus) to wintering sites in Massachusetts. Waterbirds 39:220-234. | April 2016 |
Clark, D. E., K. G. Koenen, J. Pereira, K. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2014. Evaluation of a net launcher for capturing urban gulls. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:605–610. | September 2014 |
Clark, D. E., J. W. Whitney, K. G. MacKenzie, K. K. G. Koenen, and S. DeStefano. 2015. Assessing gull abundance and food availability in urban parking lots. Human-Wildlife Interactions 9:180–190. | December 2015 |
Chandler, R. B., D. I. King, and S. DeStefano. 2009. Scrub-shrub bird habitat associations at multiple spatial scales in beaver meadows in Massachusetts. Auk 126:187-197. | Abstract | January 2009 |
Bocsi, T.J., P.S. Warren, R.W. Harper and S. DeStefano. 2018. Wildlife Habitat Management on College and University Campuses. Cities and the Environment (CATE) 11:1-14. | May 2018 |
Bies, L., M. Hutchins, J. Organ, and S. DeStefano. 2012. Chapter 7. The role of professional societies in connecting science and management: The Wildlife Society as an example. Pages 85-98 in J. P. Sands, S. J. DeMaso, M. J. Schnupp, and L. A. Brennan, editors. Wildlife science: connecting research with management. CRC Press: Taylor Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. | April 2012 |
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2005. Technical review of the status of northern goshawks in the western United States. Journal of Raptor Research 39:192-209. | September 2005 |
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2004. The status of Northern Goshawks in the western United States. The Wildlife Society, Technical Review 04-1, Bethesda MD, 24 p. | September 2004 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Zeller, K.A., D.W. Wattles, L. Conlee, and S. DeStefano. 2019. Movement and density of black bears in Massachusetts. East Quabbin Land Trust Monthly Meeting. September 22, 2019. | September 2019 |
Zeller, K.A., D.W. Wattles, L. Conlee, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Modeling moose and black bear movement in Massachusetts. The Nature Conservancy workshop for the Berkshire Wildlife Linkages Partnership. Westfield State University. October 22, 2018. | October 2018 |
Zeller, K., D. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2019. Forecasting seasonal connectivity in a developing landscape. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada. | September 2019 |
Zeller, K., D. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Black bear movements and habitat use. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
Zeller, K. A., D. W. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Modeling road crossings for moose (Alces americanus) and black bear (Ursus americanus) in Massachusetts, USA. 8th Northeastern Transportation & Wildlife Conference, Amherst, MA. | September 2018 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. The thermal environment and thermoregulatory behavior of moose in Massachusetts. North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. GPS data, GIS layers, and mixed effects models to assess habitat use by forest wildlife. Massachusetts Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Unit Meeting, Hadley, MA, 27 Apr. (Invited) | April 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2014. Thermal stress and population declines in moose: is the range shifting north? Graduate Program in Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 7 Apr. (INVITED) | April 2014 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2014. Movements, habitat use, thermoregulatory behavior, and road interactions of moose in Massachusetts. Hitchcock Environmental Center, Amherst, MA, 26 Feb. (INVITED) | February 2014 |
Tiernan, R., T. K. Fuller, D. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2016. Use of camera traps to assess relative abundance, activity, and distribution of mega-mammals (and other wildlife) in the forests of Massachusetts. USGS MCFWRU Annual Review, Westboro, Mass. | May 2016 |
Stainbrook, D. S., S. DeStefano, and D. Wattles. 2013. Status Report on Moose in Massachusetts. North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
Small, D., and S. DeStefano. 2015. Bats of New England. Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, Petersham, MA. 18 Oct. | October 2015 |
Organ, J. F., and S. DeStefano. 2013. The evolution of human dimensions in wildlife management. 3rd Symposium on Conservation Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 10 Oct. (Invited) | October 2013 |
McCarthy, S., and S. DeStefano. 2017. The human dimensions of suburban deer management in eastern Massachusetts. Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board, Pepperall, MA. | September 2017 |
LeFlore, E., T. K. Fuller, J. T. Finn, S. DeStefano, J. Organ, and Charles M. Schweik. 2014. Coyotes in the Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, 15 Apr. (POSTER) | April 2014 |
Lama, T., J. Organ, S. DeStefano, and W. Johnson. 2018. Conservation genomics of Canada lynx. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
King, D. I., S. Schlossberg, S. DeStefano, P. S. Warren, and M. Hartley. 2013. Wood thrush nesting success and postfledging survival in suburban and forested landscapes. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, 14 Apr. | April 2013 |
King, D. I., S. Schlossberg, S. DeStefano, P. S. Warren, and M. Hartley. 2013. Wood thrush nesting success and postfledging survival in suburban and forested landscapes. 69th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saratoga, N.Y. 8 Apr. | April 2013 |
Johnson, L., S. DeStefano, S. Melvin, and D. Wattles. 2016. Movements and resource use of striped skunks inhabiting piping plover nesting beaches on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. USGS MCFWRU Annual Review, Westboro, Mass. | May 2016 |
Huguenin, M., and S. DeStefano. 2015. Trends in human-wildlife interactions as related to land use in Massachusetts. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newport, RI, 21 Apr. | April 2015 |
Higbie, J., S. DeStefano, T. Green, and J. McDonald. 2014. Home ranges of eastern box turtles at a large scale solar facility. 21st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 25-30 Oct. | October 2014 |
Harper, R., and S. DeStefano. 2018. Working with volunteers. Tree City USA. Look Park, Northampton, MA. | May 2018 |
Fallon Olmsted, C., T. Betras, S. DeStefano, S. C. Pasquini, E. Faison, and W. P. Carson. 2019. Evidence for moose as ecosystem engineers via non-trophic indirect effects. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, Kentucky, 11-16 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Falconi, N., J. Organ, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Value of data sharing for conservation of the spectacled bear in Peru. Ecological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. | August 2018 |
Falconi, N., J. Organ, and S. DeStefano. 2017. Value of data sharing for conservation: A study case of a large scale project of Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in Peru. 25th International Conference on Bear Research & Management, Quito, Ecuador. | November 2017 |
Faison, E., and S. DeStefano. 2016. Ungulates, tree recruitment, and herbaceous layers: results from the DCR and Harvard Forest deer and moose exclosures. USGS MCFWRU Annual Review, Westboro, Mass. | May 2016 |
Faison, E., S. DeStefano, D. Foster, and J. Compton. 2013. Recolonization of moose at their southern range limit alters temperate forest development. 47th North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
Faison, E. K., and S. DeStefano. 2015. Large wildlife dynamics and herbivory. Harvard Forest LTER V Review, Petersham, MA, 4 June. | June 2015 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, A. Barker Plotkin, and D. R. Foster. 2014. Functional response of ungulates in hemlock forests disturbed by logging and simulated insect attack. Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA, 11 Mar. | March 2014 |
DeStefano, S., and T. K. Fuller. 2018. State of the art: self-evaluation of wildlife and fisheries research and management. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S., and J. F. Organ. 2013. Moose population dynamics: interactions of landscape, climate, and disease. 3rd Symposium on Conservation Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 10 Oct. (Invited) | October 2013 |
DeStefano, S., and E. Faison. 2015. Ungulate interactions with forested landscapes. 26th Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium, Petersham, MA, 17 Mar. | March 2015 |
DeStefano, S., and D. Wattles. 2015. Update on the status of moose in southern New England. Northfield Environmental Center, Northfield, MA. 18 Nov. | November 2015 |
DeStefano, S., and D. Wattles. 2014. Moose-vehicle collisions in Massachusetts: the need for speed ... reduction. Northeastern Transportation and Wildlife Conference 6, Burlington, Vermont, 21-24 Sep. 2014. | September 2014 |
DeStefano, S., D. Wattles, E. Faison, D. Stainbrook, T. O’Shea, K. Koenen, J. Pereira, H. Kilpatrick, and A. LaBonte. 2013. Moose in Southern New England: a stable population in the face of widespread declines? North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
DeStefano, S. 2018. Then and now … Massachusetts in 1948 versus today. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S. 2018. The Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: 70 years of graduate research. 70th Anniversary of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S. 2018. The Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit – 1948-2018: 70 years of cooperative conservation in the Commonwealth. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S. 2015. Moose in Massachusetts: What does it mean for our woods? 3rd Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Forest Alliance, Southbridge, MA, 25 Apr. | April 2015 |
DeStefano, S. 2013. Meet your new neighbors — black bears (Ursus americanus). The Forest Lyceum, Norfolk, CT, 1 June. (Invited) | June 2013 |
Conlee, L., D. Wattles, M. Duda, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Massachusetts residents' attitudes toward black bears and black bear management. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
Compton, J., S. DeStefano, E. Faison, and D. Foster. 2015. An experimental design to manipulate three levels of large herbivore browsing. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newport, RI, 21 Apr. | April 2015 |
Clark, D., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2014. Fidelity and persistence of ring-billed and herring gulls to wintering sites. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, Apr. | April 2015 |
Clark, D., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2013. Roosting, site fidelity, and the use of anthropogenic food by urban gulls in Massachusetts: implications for public water supply reservoirs. Graduate Research Symposium, Life Sciences Graduate Research Council, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 12 Nov. | November 2013 |
Clark, D., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2014. Fidelity and persistence of ring-billed and herring gulls to wintering sites. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, 15 Apr. | April 2014 |
Clark, D. E., K. Koenen, K. MacKenzie, J. Pereira, and S. DeStefano. 2013. The use of wastewater treatment plants by gulls: problems and solutions. Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting, Fort Devens, MA, 21 Mar. | March 2013 |
Cahill, C., S. DeStefano, J. Organ, and G. Batcheller. 2018. Transitioning to alternative ammunition on National Wildlife Refuges. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Webster, C. M., and S. DeStefano. 2001. Distribution and habitat of greater roadrunners in the metropolitan area of Tucson, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Dept., Final Report, Project U97004. 41pp. | September 2001 |
Wattles, D., K. Berger, S. DeStefano, W. Woytek, and J. McDonald. 2006. Moose movements and habitat use: progress report on the GPS moose study in Massachusetts. USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Amherst, MA and Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA. 15pp. | June 2006 |
Rusch, D. H., S. DeStefano, M. C. Reynolds, and D. J. Lauten. 2000. Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). The Birds of North America, No. 515. 28pp. | January 2000 |
Nishida, C., S. DeStefano, and C. Boal. 2001. Status of Swainson's hawks in southeastern Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Dept., Final Report, Project I98013. 38pp. | September 2001 |
Lowe, S., and S. DeStefano. 2006. Analysis of survival and cause-specific mortality for white-tailed deer in southeastern Massachusetts. USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Amherst, MA and Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA. 15pp. | June 2006 |
Hobbs, R. J., W. L. Halvorson, and S. DeStefano. 2003. Habitat relationships and productivity of birds of prey in the Altar Valley, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Heritage Grant No. I20004, Phoenix, AZ. | September 2003 |
DeStefano, S., and D. Wattles. 2009. Tracking the Commonwealth's moose. Massachusetts Wildlife 59:12-25. | October 2009 |
DeStefano, S., E. Faison, J. Compton, and D. Wattles. 2010. Forest exclosures: an experimental approach to understanding browsing by moose and deer. Massachusetts Wildlife 60:14-23. | April 2010 |
DeStefano, S., D. Wattles, and R. Packard. 2006. Coyotes in the northeastern U. S.: interactions with white-tailed deer and humans along an urban-rural gradient. USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Amherst, MA and Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA. 82pp | June 2006 |
DeStefano, S. 2003. Birds in the human landscape. Review of J. M. Marzluff, R. Bowman, and R. Donnelly, eds. Avian ecology and conservation in an urbanizing world. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Conservation Biology 17:1467-1468. | October 2003 |
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2004. The status of northern goshawks in the western United States. Wildlife Society Technical Review 04-1. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, MD. | December 2003 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
The Wildlife Society - Member | DeStefano | October 1978 | Present |
The Wildlife Society - Board Member, Urban Wildlife Working Group | DeStefano | September 2005 | December 2008 |
Society of American Foresters - Member | DeStefano | January 2002 | December 2008 |
Society for Conservation Biology - Member | DeStefano | January 1990 | December 2008 |
Raptor Research Foundation - Member, Northern Goshawk Review Committee | DeStefano | January 2003 | January 2004 |
Raptor Research Foundation - Member | DeStefano | January 2001 | December 2005 |