Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Hawaii
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Hawaii Staff Member

Dr. Lillian Tuttle Raz

Dr. Tuttle Raz is pictured overlooking Hanauma Bay on Oahu, Hawaii.

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (808) 932 - 7591
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website


  • Ph D Oregon State University 2016
  • BS Centre College 2008


Dr. Tuttle Raz is currently the Assistant Unit Leader of the Hawai‘i Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. Prior to joining the Hawai‘i Unit, Dr. Tuttle Raz was an Essential Fish Habitat Biologist at NOAA Fisheries’ Pacific Islands Regional Office in Honolulu. She received her PhD from Oregon State University and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Dr. Tuttle Raz’s research quantifies the effects of local stressors -- coastal pollution, invasive species, and overfishing -- on coral-reef ecosystems. This work crosses spatial and ecological scales to address different components of fish life history: from microscopic interactions between larval fish and their planktonic prey, to tracking fish population demographics on coral patch reefs, to regional and global thresholds for water quality that support fish habitat. She uses observational and manipulative experiments in the field and lab, combined with evidence synthesis (systematic review and meta-analysis), to investigate the behavioral and physiological mechanisms by which species interact with each other and their rapidly changing environments. She plans to develop graduate coursework in these areas of expertise as well as in biostatistics and marine resource management.

Areas of Expertise

Anthropogenic Impacts, Behavioral Ecology, Contaminants, Disease/Parasites, Fisheries Management, Invasive Species, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Resilience, Statistics and Modelling

Taxon Groups Studied

Invertebrates/Insects, Marine Fishes

Research Publications Publication Date
Yoshizawa, M, A Settle, M Hermosura, LJ Tuttle, *N Cetraros, CN Passow, and SE McGaugh. 2018. The evolution of a series of behavioral traits is associated with autism-risk genes in cavefish. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 89. | Publisher Website June 2018
Worsham, M, VFL Fernandes, A Settle, C Balaan, K Lactaoen, LJ Tuttle, M Iwashita, and M Yoshizawa. 2019. Behavioral tracking and neuromast imaging of Mexican cavefish. Journal of Visualized Experiments 146: e59099. | Publisher Website April 2019
Wenger, A.S., E. Gómez Juárez, J. Thomas, T. Amaya, C. Corbin, J. Edmond, K. Falinski, J. Hill, A. Jenkins, S.D. Jupiter, C.D. Kuempel, J.B. Lamb, E.M. Nalley, S. Omwenga, T. Oza, E.N. Perez, L.J. Tuttle Raz, S. Sarkozy-Banoczy, A. Wakwella. 2023. A guide for integrated conservation and sanitation programs and approaches. Wildlife Conservation Society. Pp. 1-143. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2023
Tuttle, LJ. 2017. Direct and indirect effects of an invasive predator on coral-reef mutualists. Marine Ecology Progress Series 569: 163–172. | Publisher Website December 2017
Tuttle, LJ, and MJ Donahue. 2022. Effects of sediment exposure on corals: a systematic review of experimental studies. Environmental Evidence. 11(4). February 2022
Tuttle, LJ, RW Lamb, and AL Stringer. 2021. Differential learning by native versus invasive predators to avoid distasteful cleaning mutualists. Functional Ecology. 35(7): 1481-1490. April 2021
Tuttle, LJ, RW Lamb, and AL Stringer. 2015. Invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) learn to avoid a “spicy” prey fish. Proceedings of the 68th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference. December 2015
Tuttle, LJ, PC Sikkel, K Cure, and MA Hixon. 2017. Parasite-mediated enemy release and low biotic resistance may facilitate invasion of Atlantic coral reefs by Pacific red lionfish (Pterois volitans). Biological Invasions 19(2): 563–575. | Publisher Website December 2017
Tuttle, LJ, HE Robinson, D Takagi, JR Strickler, PH Lenz, and DK Hartline. 2019. Going with the flow: Hydrodynamic cues trigger directed escapes from a stalking predator. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16: 20180776. | Publisher Website February 2019
Tuttle, LJ, C Johnson, S Kolinski, D Minton, and MJ Donahue. 2020. How does sediment exposure affect corals? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence. 9: 17.
August 2020
Tuttle Raz, L. J., T. B. Grabowski, and R. Masse. 2024. Analysis and Review of Fishery-Dependent Data for Hawaiian Nearshore Noncommercial Fisheries. Report to State of Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources. 97 p. January 2024
Sikkel, PC, LJ Tuttle, K Cure, AM Coile, and MA Hixon. 2014. Low susceptibility of invasive red lionfish to a generalist ectoparasite in both its introduced and native ranges. PLoS One 9(5): e95854. | Publisher Website
December 2014
Sikkel, PC, CA Cook, LP Renoux, C Bennet, LJ Tuttle, and NJ Smit. 2018. The distribution and host-association of a haemoparasite of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from the eastern Caribbean based on a combination of morphology and 18S rDNA sequences. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 7(2): 213–220. | Publisher Website August 2018
Ramos-Ascherl, Z, EH Williams Jr., L Bunkley-Williams, LJ Tuttle, PC Sikkel, and MA Hixon. 2015. Parasitism in Pterois volitans from coastal waters of Puerto Rico, the Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas. Journal of Parasitology 101: 50–56. | Publisher Website December 2015
Nalley, EM, LJ Tuttle, AL Barkman, EE Conklin, DM Wulstein, RH Richmond, and MJ Donahue. 2021. Water quality thresholds for coastal contaminant impacts on corals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 794, 148632. November 2021
Nalley, EM, LJ Tuttle, AL Barkman, EE Conklin, DM Wulstein, M Schmidbauer, and MJ Donahue. 2023. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the direct effects of nutrients on corals. Science of the Total Environment. 856(1): 159093. | Abstract | Publisher Website January 2023
Ingeman, KE, MA Albins, CE Benkwitt, SJ Green, TK Kindinger, LJ Tuttle, and MA Hixon. 2017. Resolving differences in observed impacts of invasive lionfish and clarifying advice to managers. PeerJ Preprints 5: e3455v1 | Publisher Website December 2017
Hixon, MA, MA Albins, CE Benkwitt, KE Ingeman, TL Kindinger, TJ Pusack, LJ Tuttle, and CL Wilcox. 2014. Invasive Lionfish: Threats and Solutions. Proceedings of the 67th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference. 1–2. December 2014
Hadfield, KA, LJ Tuttle, and NJ Smit. 2017. Elthusa winstoni sp. n. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae), a new fish parasitic isopod from Hawaii. ZooKeys 661: 125–135. | Publisher Website March 2017
Green, SJ, E Dilley, CE Benkwitt, ACD Davis, KE Ingeman, TK Kindinger, LJ Tuttle, and MA Hixon. 2019. Trait-mediated foraging drives patterns of selective predation by native and invasive coral reef fishes. Ecosphere. 10(6): e02752. June 2019
Grabowski TB, R Masse, D McSwain, A Larson, LJ Tuttle Raz, E Schemmel, DE Bartz, N Rodriguez. 2024. Age, growth, and reproductive biology of Achilles tang (Acanthurus achilles) around Hawai'i Island, USA. Environmental Biology of Fishes. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2024
Fashingbauer, MC, LJ Tuttle, HE Robinson, JR Strickler, DK Hartline, and PH Lenz. 2019. Predatory posture and performance in a precocious larval fish targeting evasive copepods. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222: jeb191411. | Publisher Website May 2019
Chiu, Samuel

Hoopai-Sylva, Hanalei

Larson, Annie

Monahan, Sean

Otsu, Maya

Presentations Presentation Date
Tuttle, LJ. 2017. <i>Ocean-locked: How a girl from the heartland became a marine biologist in the heart of the Pacific. </i>Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia. 2-6 Oct. 2017. October 2017
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2016. <i>Interactions among invasive Indo-Pacific red lionfish (</i>Pterois volitans<i>), fish parasites, and cleaning mutualisms native to Atlantic coral reefs. </i>13<sup>th</sup> International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu,<i> </i>Hawai‘i. 19-24 June 2016. June 2016
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2016. <i>How invasive Indo-Pacific red lionfish (</i>Pterois volitans<i>) interact with native fish parasites and cleaning mutualisms on Atlantic coral reefs. </i>A.L. Tester Memorial Symposium, Honolulu,<i> </i>Hawai‘i. April 2016. April 2016
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2016. <i>Direct and indirect effects of invasive lionfish on coral-reef cleaning mutualists. </i>Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, California. 10-13 Nov. 2016. November 2016
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2015. <i>Invasive lionfish learn to avoid a “spicy” prey fish. </i>A.L. Tester Memorial Symposium, Honolulu,<i> </i>Hawai‘i. April 2015. April 2015
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2015. <i>I</i><i>nvasive lionfish learn to avoid a “spicy” prey fish. </i>Behaviour, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. 9-14 Aug. 2015 August 2015
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2015. <i>I</i><i>nvasive lionfish (</i>Pterois volitans<i>) learn to avoid a “spicy” prey fish. </i>68<sup>th</sup> Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference, Panama City, Panama. 9-13 Nov. 2015. November 2015
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2014. <i>Gobies as the spice of life: An invasive predator learns to avoid toxic prey. </i>Western Society of Naturalists, Tacoma, Washington. Nov. 2014. November 2014
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2014. <i>Comparative parasite communities of invasive red lionfish (</i>Pterois volitans<i>) and native fishes on Atlantic coral reefs. </i>Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease, Fort Collins, Colorado. June 2014. June 2014
Tuttle, LJ, and MA Hixon. 2012. <i>Do invasive red lionfish (</i>Pterois volitans<i>) alter cleaning mutualisms on Bahamian coral reefs? </i>Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, California. Nov. 2012. November 2012
Tuttle, LJ, and K Jacobson. 2008. <i>Ocean distribution and diet of juvenile steelhead salmon (</i>Oncorhynchus mykiss mykiss<i>) as indicated by macroparasite communities. </i>Centre College R.I.C.E. (Research, Internships, and Creative Endeavors) Symposium, Danville, Kentucky. 25 May 2008. May 2008
Tuttle, LJ, and K Jacobson. 2006. <i>Ocean distribution and diet of juvenile steelhead salmon (</i>Oncorhynchus mykiss mykiss<i>) as indicated by macroparasite communities. </i>NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Research Symposium, Newport, Oregon. Aug. 2006. August 2006
Tuttle, LJ, P Sikkel, and MA Hixon. 2013. <i>Comparative parasite communities of invasive red lionfish (</i>Pterois volitans<i>) and native fishes on Atlantic coral reefs. </i>Western Society of Naturalists, Oxnard, California. Nov. 2013. November 2013
Tuttle, LJ, P Sikkel, K Cure, A Dove, and MA Hixon. 2011. <i>Parasites of red lionfish (</i>Pterois volitans<i>) and other carnivorous fishes on invaded Atlantic and native Pacific coral reefs. </i>2<sup>nd</sup> International Marine Conservation Congress, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 14-18 May 2011. May 2011
Tuttle, LJ, P Sikkel, K Cure, A Dove, and MA Hixon. 2011. <i>Interactions among parasites and native red lionfish, and other carnivorous fishes on Atlantic and native Pacific coral reefs. </i>8<sup>th</sup> International William R. and Lenore Mote Symposium, Sarasota, Florida. 8-10 November 2011. November 2011
Tuttle, LJ, HE Robinson, D Takagi, JR Strickler, PH Lenz and DK Hartline. 2018. <i>Predator-prey interactions between evasive copepods and larval fish</i>.<i> </i>Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, California. 3-7 Jan. 2018. January 2018
Tuttle, LJ, HE Robinson, D Takagi, JR Strickler, PH Lenz and DK Hartline. 2018. <i>Escape of Copepods from an Approaching Predator. </i>Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon. 11-16 Feb. 2018. February 2018
Tuttle, LJ, HE Robinson, D Takagi, JR Strickler, PH Lenz and DK Hartline. 2018. <i>Escape of Copepods from Approaching Larval Fish: Theory and Observation. </i>Larval Fish Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 24-28 June 2018. June 2018
Tuttle, LJ, EM Nalley, AL Barkman, EE Conklin, M Schmidbauer, DM Wulstein, and MJ Donahue. 2021. <i>Water quality targets for fish habitat: Evidence synthesis as a tool for ecosystem-based management</i>. 151<sup>st</sup> American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. 6-10 Nov. 2021. November 2021
Tuttle, LJ, EM Nalley, AL Barkman, EE Conklin, M Schmidbauer, DM Wulstein, and MJ Donahue. 2021. <i>Evidence synthesis to establish water quality targets on coral reefs</i>. Hawai‘i Conservation Conference, Honolulu, Hawai'i. 27-29 July 2021. July 2021
Tuttle, LJ, A Settle, C Passow, MC Hermosura,<sup> </sup>N Cetraro, SE McGaugh, and M Yoshizawa. 2017. <i>Blind cavefish show similarity with human psychiatric disease in gene architecture, behavioral phenotypes, and drug responses. </i>Astyanax International Meeting for Cavefish, Querétaro, Mexico. 12-14 Mar. 2017. March 2017
Tuttle, LJ and MJ Donahue. 2020. <i>Management thresholds for coral-reef stressors: evidence synthesis for informed action</i>. Hawai‘i Conservation Conference, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. 1-3 Sept. 2020. September 2020
Tuttle Raz, L.J. 2024. Evidence synthesis to establish water quality targets on coral reefs. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, Invited virtual seminar. 6 Mar. 2024. March 2024
Tuttle Raz, L. J., R. Masse, and T. B. Grabowski. Can Technology Be Harnessed To Better Quantify Spearfishing? 154th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Tuttle Raz, L. J., M. J. Donahue, and K. Falinski. 2023. Sediment Thresholds to Improve Coral Restoration Outcomes at Olowalu Reef. 3rd Hawai'i Coral Restoration Symposium, Honolulu HI, January 2024. January 2024
Tuttle Raz, L. J., D. Bartz, T. B. Grabowski, A. Larson, R. Masse, and D. McSwain. 2023. Exploring the life history and ecology of a threatened surgeonfish in Hawai‘i. Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Auckland, NZ, 20-24 November 2023. November 2023
Sikkel, P, A McCammon, LJ Tuttle, and D Nemeth. 2008. <i>Host Distribution of the Parasitic Monogenean (</i>N. melleni<i>)</i><i> on Caribbean Reef Fishes. </i>11<sup>th</sup> International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 7-11 July 2008. July 2008
Otsu, M. and L. J. Tuttle Raz. Species Distribution Modeling of Non-native Snappers (<i>Lutjanus</i> spp.) across the Hawaiian Archipelago. 48th Annual Tester Memorial Symposium, Honolulu HI, 10-12 April 2024. April 2024
Otsu, M. and L. J. Tuttle Raz. Species Distribution Modeling of Non-native Snappers (<i>Lutjanus</i> spp.) across the Hawaiian Archipelago. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
McSwain, D., L. J. Tuttle Raz, C. Moreland-Ochoa, M. J. Donahue, J. Schem, and K. Falinski. Water quality targets to inform coral restoration and land management at Olowalu Reef in southwest Maui. Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu HI, 30 July - 1 August 2024. July 2024
McSwain D., L. J. Tuttle Raz, R. Masse and T. B. Grabowski. Age and growth of three mesophotic, ornamental fishes of Hawai‘i. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Masse R., L. J. Tuttle Raz, and T. B. Grabowski. Comparative life history and reproductive biology of five nearshore surgeonfish species around Hawai'i Island. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Masse R, LJ Tuttle Raz, & TB Grabowski. Comparative life history and reproductive biology of five nearshore surgeonfish species around Hawai'i Island. 14th Annual Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Symposium. 11-12 April 2024. Hilo, Hawai'i. April 2024
Larson, A. and L. J. Tuttle Raz. Pāku‘iku‘i Puzzle: Untangling Environmental and Biological Drivers of Juvenile Distribution of an Imperiled Reef Fish. Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu HI, 30 July - 1 August 2024. July 2024
Larson, A. M. and L. J. Tuttle Raz. Exploring the early life history and habitat connectivity of pāku‘iku‘i (<i>Acanthurus achilles</i>) around Hawaiʻi Island. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Larson AL & LJ Tuttle Raz. Pāku‘iku‘i Puzzle: Untangling Environmental and Biological Drivers of Juvenile Distribution of an Imperiled Reef Fish. 14th Annual Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Symposium. 11-12 April 2024. Hilo, Hawai'i. April 2024
Hixon, MA, and LJ Tuttle. 2017. <i>Indo-Pacific Predatory Fish Out-of-Context: Lionfish Invasion of Atlantic Coral Reefs</i><i>. </i>Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia. 2-6 Oct. 2017. October 2017
Green, SJ, E Dilley, CE Benkwitt, ACD Davis, KI Ingeman, TL Kindinger, LJ Tuttle, MA Hixon. 2016. <i>The effect of interspecific foraging and anti-predator behaviours on prey selection: Tests with coral reef fishes</i><i>. </i>Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, California. 10-13 Nov. 2016. November 2016
Dilley, E, SJ Green, CE Benkwitt, ACD Davis, KI Ingeman, TL Kindinger, LJ Tuttle, MA Hixon. 2016. <i>Effects of predator hunting mode and prey anti-predator responses on prey selection by invasive Pacific red lionfish and native Atlantic coral-reef piscivores</i><i>. </i>Gordon Research Conference, Predator-Prey Interactions, Ventura, California. 24-29 Jan. 2016. January 2016
Butz S, LJ Tuttle Raz, & TB Grabowski. Analyzing the Relationship Between Pāku‘iku‘i Age and Sagittal Otolith Weight. 14th Annual Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Symposium. 11-12 April 2024. Hilo, Hawai'i. April 2024
Technical Publications Publication Date
Wenger, AS, EA Gómez Juárez, J Thomas, T Amaya, C Corbin, J Edmond, K Falinski, J Hill, A Jenkins, SD Jupiter, CD Kuempel, JB Lamb, EM Nalley, S Omwenga, T Oza, EN Perez, LJ Tuttle Raz, and A Wakwella. A guide for integrated conservation and sanitation programs and approaches. Wildlife Conservation Society. Pp. 1-119. October 2023
Tuttle, LJ and MJ Donahue. Thresholds for sediment stress on corals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. NOAA Technical Report, September 28, 2020. 75 p. September 2020
Nalley, EM, LJ Tuttle, EE Conklin, AL Barkman, DM Wulstein, MC Schmidbauer, and MJ Donahue. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the direct effects of nutrients on corals. NOAA Technical Report, September 2022. 72 p. September 2022
Nalley, EM, LJ Tuttle, AL Barkman, EE Conklin, DM Wulstein, and MJ Donahue. Pollutant Thresholds for the Development of Management Guidelines for Corals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. NOAA Technical Report, September 2021. 72 p. September 2021
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
International Society for Reef Studies - Member Raz January 2016 Present
American Fisheries Society - Member, Pacific Islands Chapter Raz September 2023 Present