Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Washington
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Washington Staff Member

Dr. Mark Scheuerell

Photo of Mark Scheuerell

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (206) 543 - 5997
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website



  • Ph D University of Washington 2002
  • MS Cornell University 1995
  • BS University of Wisconsin 1991


Dr. Scheuerell received his M.S. from Cornell University and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Prior to joining the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in 2019, he was a research biologist with the National Marine Fisheries Service for 16 years. He is an applied ecologist who works largely in aquatic environments, particularly along the west coast of North America. Much of his research is focused on the development and application of statistical methods for analyzing temporal and spatial data, with the goal of supporting conservation and management of exploited species. Recent foci include integrated population models for Pacific salmon, status assessments for threatened and endangered salmonids, and examining food web dynamics in freshwater and coastal ecosystems. He is also a strong proponent of open and reproducible science. Dr. Scheuerell teaches graduate courses in Analysis of Ecological and Environmental Data, Applied Time Series Analysis, and Best Practices in Environmental Data Science. Dr. Scheuerell grew up on the banks of the Mississippi River in central Minnesota, which had a profound influence on his career trajectory.

Areas of Expertise

Aquatic Ecology, Climate Change, Ecological Services, Fisheries Management, Marine/Coastal Ecology, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Management, Species Status Assessments, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Anadromous Fishes, Freshwater Fishes, Invertebrates/Insects, Marine Fishes, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Salmonids, Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Research Publications Publication Date
Webster AJ, Douglas TA, Regier P, Scheuerell MD, Harms TK. Multi-scale temporal patterns in stream biogeochemistry indicate linked permafrost and ecological dynamics of boreal catchments. Ecosystems 25: 1189–1206 | Abstract October 2021
Ward EJ, Marshall KN, Scheuerell MD. Regularizing priors for Bayesian VAR applications to large ecological datasets. PeerJ | Abstract December 2022
Veggerby K, Scheuerell MD, Sanderson B, Kiffney P. Stable isotopes reveal intertidal fish and crabs use bivalve farms as foraging habitat in Puget Sound, Washington. | Abstract January 2024
Veggerby K, Scheuerell MD, Sanderson B, Kiffney P, Ferriss B. Shellfish aquaculture farms as foraging habitat for nearshore fishes and crabs. March 2024
Sorel MH, AR Murdoch, RW Zabel, CM Kamphaus, ER Buhle, MD Scheuerell, and SJ Converse. 2023. Effects of population density and environmental conditions on life-history prevalence in a migratory fish. Ecology and Evolution 13:e11087. | Abstract May 2023
Quinn TP, Scheuerell MD, Losee JP, Hanada D. 2022. Multi-decadal trends in body size of Puget Sound Chinook salmon: Analysis of data from the Tengu Derby, a culturally unique fishery. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 14:e10205 | Abstract | Download May 2022
Min, M. A., Cope, J. M., Lowry, D., Selleck, J., Tonnes, D., Andrews, K., Pacunski, R., Hennings, A., & Scheuerell, M. In prep. Data-limited fishery assessment methods shed light on the exploitation history and population dynamics of ESA-listed Yelloweye Rockfish in Puget Sound, Washington. September 2023
McGowan DW, Branch TB, Haught S, Scheuerell MD. 2021. Multi-decadal shifts in the distribution and timing of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) spawning in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 78:1611-1627 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website April 2021
Jankowski, K. J., Houser, J. N., Scheuerell, M. D., & Smits, A. P. (2021). Warmer winters increase the biomass of phytoplankton in a large floodplain river. Journal of Geophysical Research:
Biogeosciences, 126, e2020JG006135 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website
September 2021
Jaeger WK, Scheuerell MD (2023) Return(s) on investment: Restoration spending in the Columbia River Basin and increased abundance of salmon and steelhead. PLoS ONE 18(7): e0289246. | Abstract July 2023
DeFilippo LB, Buehrens TW, Scheuerell M, Kendall NW, Schindler DE. 2021. Improving short-term recruitment forecasts for natural origin coho salmon using a spatiotemporal integrated population model. Fisheries Research 242: 106014 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website October 2021
Arnold, L., M. D. Scheuerell, and T. Busch Isaksen. 2022. Mortality associated with extreme heat in Washington State: The historical and projected public health burden. Atmosphere 13: 1392. https:// | Download
August 2022
Project Completion Date
Effects of sampling designs for remotely operated vehicles on fish abundance estimates December 2025
Investigating the influence of Artificial Light at Night on juvenile sockeye salmon behavior and predation risk in an urban lake December 2026
A comprehensive movement model for returning Steelhead in the Columbia River Basin March 2025
Examining spatiotemporal patterns of marine debris in Puget Sound, Washington June 2025
An evaluation of the effectiveness of restoration spending in the Columbia River Basin August 2023
Maximizing returns on investing in barrier culvert removal in Washington State January 2024
Evaluating the carrying capacity of pink salmon in Sitka National Historical Park December 2025
Improved monitoring of toxics in nearshore environments in Puget Sound, Washington May 2023
Evaluating the relative effects of top-down and bottom-up factors on declines in Lake Sammamish kokanee salmon September 2024
Five-year status review of yelloweye and bocaccio rockfish in Puget Sound September 2021
Advancing sustainable shellfish aquaculture through machine learning and automated data collection on fish communities December 2023
Habitat function of shellfish aquaculture ecosystems: developing new technology to understand species use of nearshore habitats June 2023
A simulation and case-study comparison of existing and spatio-temporal methods to apportion coastwide catch limits for subregional management September 2022
Integrating data sources to characterize demographic responses of Columbia River salmon and steelhead to threats and management actions May 2023
Casey, Amirah

Code, Tessa

Doran, Nicole

Hennings, Andrea

Min, Markus

Presentations Presentation Date
Veggerby KB, Scheuerell MD, Sanderson BL, Kiffney PM. 2024. Stable isotopes reveal intertidal fish and crabs use bivalve farms as foraging habitat in Puget Sound, Washington. Eelgrass and Aquaculture: State of the Science. Lacey, Washington, USA. January 17. January 2024
Sorel MH, RW Zabel, AR Murdoch, JC Jorgensen, CM Kamphaus, MD Scheuerell, ER Buhle, and SJ Converse. 2024. Population level considerations of spring Chinook life history diversity. Upper Columbia Science Conference, Wenatchee, Washington, USA. 24-25 January. January 2024
Scheuerell, M.D. Development and application of integrated population models for Pacific salmon. ASLO-SFS 2020 Joint Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin. NOT DELIVERED DUE TO PANDEMIC-ASSOCIATED MEETING CANCELLATION June 2020
Scheuerell, M.D. 2022. Estimating Trends in the Abundance of Threatened Bull Trout across the Pacific Northwest. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, August 21-25, 2022. August 2022
Scheuerell MD. 2024. Large-scale status assessments of at-risk species and efforts to recovery them. Upper Columbia Science Conference, Wenatchee, Washington, USA. January 25. January 2024
Mistry, K.R., C.A. O'Leary, M.D. Scheuerell, 2022. "Imaginary Fish in Space: Predicting Population Distribution With Underlying Clustering and Movement". American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, August 21-25, 2022 August 2022
Mistry, K.R., C.A. O'Leary, M.D. Scheuerell, 2022. "Comparison of existing and spatio-temporal methods to apportion catch limits for subregional management of groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska". International Statistical Ecology Conference, June 27 - July 1 2022 June 2022
Mistry, K.R., C.A. O'Leary, M.D. Scheuerell, 2022. "Comparison of existing and spatio-temporal methods to apportion catch limits for subregional management of groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska". Alaska Marine Science Symposium, virtual, January 25 - 27, 2022 January 2022
Min, M.A., Scheuerell, M.D., and Buchanan, R.A. Multidirectional, multistate models for resolving adult steelhead migration pathways past dams. Fish Passage. June 13-16, 2022. June 2022
Min, M.A., Scheuerell, M.D., and Buchanan, R.A. Multidirectional, multistate models for resolving adult steelhead migration pathways past dams. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. August 21-25, 2022. August 2022
Min, M. A., Cope, J., Lowry, D., Selleck, J., Tonnes, D., Andrews, K., Pacunski, R., Hennings, A., & Scheuerell, M. D. (2022). Data-limited fisheries methods shed light on the exploitation history and population dynamics of ESA-listed rockfishes in Puget Sound, Washington. <i>Salish Sea Conference</i>. April 26-28, 2022 April 2022
Farrell D.M., B. Ferriss, A. Trivedi, S. Pathak, S. Muppalla, R. Dodhia, J. Wang, K. Veggerby, D. Morris, B. Sanderson, and M. Scheuerell. 2022. Using a computer vision model to locate fish in underwater video: a case study in shellfish aquaculture. 4th ICES PICES Early Career Scientist Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 9–12 May 2022. May 2022
Elmstrom E, Holtgrieve GW, Scheuerell MD. 2022. Detecting shared trends and controls of river nitrogen source and delivery using nitrate isotopic composition and multivariate state space models. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, MI. May 14-20, 2022. May 2022
Doran, N.C., Scheuerell, M.D. 2022. Investigating the impacts of multiple stressors on an urban aquatic ecosystem. National Diversity in STEM Conference. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27-29 October 2022. October 2022
Doran, N.C., Scheuerell, M.D. 2022. Investigating the impacts of multiple stressors in an urban aquatic ecosystem. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, 21-25 August 2022. August 2022
C.E. Wangen, J. West, S. O'Neill, M. Langness, L. Harding, M.D. Scheuerell. 2022. Spatio-Temporal Patterns in the Concentration of Toxics Within Puget Sound Mussels. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, 21-25 August 2022. August 2022
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Ecological Society of America - Member Scheuerell 1992 Present
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography - Member Scheuerell 1993 Present
American Fisheries Society - Member Scheuerell 1993 Present