Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Iowa
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Iowa Staff Member

Anna Maureen Tucker

I’m broadly interested in understanding wildlife population dynamics to support conservation and management. My research combines population ecology, quantitative methods, and applied science to assist managers with decision making in the face of uncertainty. I use a variety of quantitative methods for both understanding past and current drivers of population change and predicting future status, including hierarchical Bayesian models and population viability analysis. Most of my research has focused on migratory birds, but I work across taxa and habitat types.

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (515) 294 - 2353
Faculty Email:


Dr. Tucker joined the Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as Assistant Unit Leader in 2021. Prior to joining the Iowa Unit, Dr. Tucker received a M.S. degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, a Ph.D. from Auburn University, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the USGS Eastern Ecological Research Center (formerly Patuxent Wildlife Research Center). Her research themes include wildlife population ecology and demographics, population viability analysis, and wildlife-habitat associations, with an emphasis on the use of quantitative methods and hierarchical modeling to analyze demographic data. Most of her research has focused on migratory shorebirds, songbirds, and waterfowl, but she has also worked with other species of conservation concern including pollinators and herpetofauna. Her work also involves using structured decision making to assist state and federal managers with decision making in the face of uncertainty. Dr. Tucker teaches a graduate-level class on Decision-support Modeling and has led workshops on Bayesian population analysis methods.

Areas of Expertise

Adaptive Management, Decision Support/Analysis, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Species Management, Species Status Assessments, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Songbirds, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Waterfowl

Research Publications Publication Date
Tucker, A.M., McGowan, C.P., Nuse, B.L., Lyons, J.E., Moore, C.T., Smith, D.R., Sweka, J.A., Anstead, K.A., DeRose‐Wilson, A. and Clark, N.A. (2023). Estimating recruitment rate and population dynamics at a migratory stopover site using an integrated population model. Ecosphere, 14(2). doi: | Abstract December 2022
Tucker, A.M. and M.C. Runge. 2021. Optimal strategies for managing wildlife harvest under system change. Journal of Wildlife Management, 85(5): 847-854. April 2021
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Mulero E, Angeli N, Zegarra JP. 2020. A demographic projection model to support conservation decision making for an endangered snake with limited monitoring data. Animal Conservation 24 (2): 291-301. October 2020
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Lyons JE, Derose-Wilson A, Clark NA. 2021. Species-specific demographic and behavioral responses to food availability during migratory stopover. Population Ecology. July 2021
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Catalano M, Derose-Wilson A, Robinson R, Zimmerman J. 2019. Foraging ecology mediates response to ecological mismatch during migratory stopover. Ecosphere 10 (10): e02898. November 2019
Runge, M.C., P.K. Devers, G.S. Boomer, J.E. Lyons, A.M. Tucker, Q. Zhao, and J.A. Diamond. 2023. Managing waterfowl harvest under climate change. Report to the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. September 2023
Lawson AJ, Folt B, Tucker AM, Erickson FT, McGowan CP. 2021. Decision context is a necessary component of population viability analysis appraisal. Conservation Biology 35, 1683–1685, doi: 10.1111/cobi.13818 | Publisher Website August 2021
Dunham, K.D., A.M. Tucker, D.N. Koons, A. Abebe, F.S. Dobson, and J.B. Grand. 2021. Demographic responses to climate change in a threatened Arctic species. Ecology and Evolution 11(15): 10627-10643. July 2021
B Folt, J Goessling, AM Tucker, C Guyer, S Hermann, E Shelton-Nix, CP McGowan. 2021. Contrasting patterns of demography and population viability among gopher tortoise populations in Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 85(4): 617–630. June 2021
Anna M. Tucker, Conor P. McGowan, Robert A. Robinson, Jacquie A. Clark, James E. Lyons, Audrey DeRose-Wilson, Richard du Feu, Graham E. Austin, Philip W. Atkinson, and Nigel A. Clark, in review, Effects of individual misidentification on estimates of survival in long-term capture-recapture studies, for submission to Condor. March 2019
Barnas, Gabby

Burrack, Owen

Ford, Johanna (Jo)

Kurtt, Alex

Lang, Lizzy

Lang, Lizzy

Shepherd, Kelsey

Yappert, Aaron

Presentations Presentation Date
Yappert, A.A., S.A. Hoepfner, A.M. Tucker, R.B. Lanctot, S.T. Saalfeld, and S.J. Dinsmore. 2024. High-frequency GPS Devices Offer Unprecedented Access to Shorebird Ecology and Movement Information. Oral presentation at the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, New Brunswick, CA. August 2024
Yappert, A.A., A.M. Tucker, R. Lanctot, and S. Dinsmore. Shorebirds and Roads: How Human-altered Landscapes Influence Shorebird Movements in Alaska. USGS Friday Findings Webinar, March 28, 2025. March 2025
Wilson, R., A. Janke, A.M. Tucker, and T. Bogenschutz. 2023. Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Northern Bobwhite Occupancy in an Agricultural Landscape. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2023
Tucker, A.M., T. Harms, and A. Buckhardt-Thomas. Assessing reintroduction efforts and evaluating recovery goals of trumpeter swans in Iowa using an integrated population model. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 2022 November 2022
Tucker, A.M., M.C. Runge, J. Ashander, R.E.W. Berl, J.R. Reimer, G.S. Boomer, I. Chadès, P.K. Devers, R.S. Epanchin-Niell, H. Kujala, J.E. Lyons, T.G. Martin, T.L. Morelli, M.A. Rubenstein, A. Terando, and Q. Zhao. 2023. Wildlife management under global change: Time-dependent policies for non-stationary systems. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Louisville KY. November 2023
Tucker, A.M. and M.C. Runge. 2021. Optimal strategies for managing wildlife harvest under system change. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2021
Tucker AM, Mcgowan CP, Lyons JE, Derose Wilson A, Clark N. 2020, Annual variation in use of a spring stopover site by three migratory shorebirds. North American Ornithological Congress, Virtual Meeting, August 2020 August 2020
Tucker AM, McGowan CP. 2016. Assessing the influence of migratory connectivity and stopover site disturbance on population dynamics using a full annual cycle simulation model. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington DC, August 2016 August 2016
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, et al. Encounter type and frequency determine the effects of individual misidentification on survival estimation. The Wildlife Society Conference, Reno NV, October 2019. October 2019
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, et al. 2019, Estimating population growth rate and latent recruitment at a migratory stopover site using integrated population models. The Wildlife Society Conference, Reno NV, October 2019. October 2019
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Mulero E, Angeli NF, Zegarra JP, 2020, A demographic projection model to support conservation decision making for an endangered snake with limited monitoring data. The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Tucker AM, Derose-Wilson A, Catalano M, McGowan CP, 2018, Comparing annual variation in stopover mass gain between two long-distance migrants, American Ornithological Society Annual conference, Tucson AZ, USA April 2018
Tucker A, Mcgowan C, Robinson R, Clark J, Lyons J, Derose-Wilson A, Du Feu R, Austin G, Atkinson P, Clark N, 2018, Bias in survival estimates due to individual misidentification in long-term mark-resight studies. The Wildlife Society Annual meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2018 October 2018
Shepherd, K., A.M. Tucker, and A. Toth. 2023. Evaluating occupancy and habitat associations of rusty patched and American bumble bees. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Louisville KY. November 2023
Shepherd, K., A.M. Tucker, E. Ibarra-Garibay, and A. Toth. 2024. Evaluating occupancy and habitat associations of rusty patched (<i>Bombus affinis</i>) and American (<i>Bombus pensylvanicus</i>) bumble bees in Iowa. Oral presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA. February 2024
McDonald, L., A.M. Tucker, and E.M. Lang. 2025. Evaluating Spatial Error in Radio-Tracking of Blanding Turtles in Terrestrial Habitats in Iowa. Poster presentation at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Pittsburgh, PA. April 2025
Lyons, J.E., B. Nuse, A. Tucker, K. Anstead, C. McGowan, C. Moore, C. Starks, J. Sweka, and D. Smith. 2024. Co-Production of Adaptive Management for Horseshoe Crabs and a Threatened Migratory Shorebird. Oral presentation at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai'i. September 2024
Lang, E.M., S.J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Movement Ecology of Blanding's Turtles in Central Iowa. Oral Presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA. February 2024
Lang, E.M., S.J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Blanding's turtle movement and home ranges in Iowa. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD. October 2024
Lang, E.M., S. J. Dinsmore, A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Blanding's turtles on the move in Iowa: Seasonal movement and home ranges. Oral presentation at the Joint Meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Ann Arbor, MI. June 2024
Harms, T.M., A. Buckhardt Thomas, and A.M. Tucker. 2022. Integrating multiple data sets to estimate a population trend for Trumpeter Swans in Iowa. Oral presentation, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. February 2022
Gapinski, L.A., A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2023. Breeding bird use of Wetlands Reserve Program properties in Iowa: Assessing restorations across 16 years. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2023
Gapinski, L.A., A.M. Tucker, and K. Kinkead. 2023. Breeding bird use of WRP properties in Iowa's Prairie Pothole Region over a 15-year time span. Poster presentation at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS. February 2023
Gapinski, L., A.M. Tucker, and K.E. Kinkead. 2024. Tracking occupancy of avian SGCN at restored wetlands in Iowa across 16 years. Oral presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Ames, IA. February 2024
Ford, J.M., A.M. Tucker, A. Janke, and T. Harms. 2024. Grassland bird community benefits from northern bobwhite (<i>Colinus virginianus) </i>habitat management. Oral presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA. February 2024
Ford, J., A. Janke, and A.M. Tucker. 2023. Avian Grassland Community Benefits from Northern Bobwhite-focused Land Management. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. November 2023
Folt B, Goessling JM, Tucker AM, Guyer C, Hermann SM, Shelton-Nix E, McGowan CP, 2020, Contrasting Patterns Of Demography And Population Viability Among Gopher Tortoise Populations At The Species' Northern Range Edge, The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Desig, R. A.M. Tucker, L.A. Gapinski, and G.R. Kramer. 2025. Assessing avian SGCN occupancy and abundance trends in the Prairie Pothole Region of Iowa. Oral presentation at the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2025 Winter Meeting, Ames, IA. February 2025
Bryan Nuse, Anna Tucker, John Sweka, Kristen Anstead, Clinton Moore, James Lyons, David Smith, and Conor McGowan, 2022, Updating the adaptive management plan for horseshoe crab harvest and red knot conservation in Delaware Bay. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022. June 2022
Berl, R.E.W., P.K. Devers, G.S. Boomer, J. Ashander, A.M. Tucker, and M.C. Runge. 2023. Implications of social non-stationarity and changing hunter behaviors for waterfowl harvest. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Louisville, KY. November 2023
Ashander, J.D., R.E.W. Berl, G.S. Boomer, T.L. Morelli, A. Terando, Tucker, A.M., Q. Zhao, M.A. Rubenstein, T.G. Martin, I. Chadès, R.S. Epanchin-Niell, J.R. Reimer, H. Kujala, J. Dooley, P.K. Devers, J.E. Lyons, and M.C. Runge. 2023. Future climate change and management of waterfowl harvest in North America. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Louisville, KY. November 2023
Alexander, A., E.M. Lang, J. Tamplin, K. Kinkead, and A.M. Tucker. 2024. Habitat suitability model for wood turtles in Iowa. Poster presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ames, IA. February 2024
Type Citation Publication Date
Software Release Tucker, A.M. and M.C. Runge. Optimal harvest of a theoretical population under system change. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release. Reson, VA. October 2022