Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Arkansas
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Jackson RT, Marshall PM, Burkhart C, Schneck J, Kelly G, Roberts CP. Risk of invasive waterfowl interaction with poultry production: understanding potential for avian pathogen transmission via species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution.


Recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have devastated poultry production across the United States, with more than 77 million birds culled in 2022-2023 alone. Wild waterfowl, including various invasive species, host numerous pathogens, including HPAI, and have been implicated as catalysts of disease outbreaks amongst native fauna and domestic birds. In a state like Arkansas, USA, where poultry production is a major economic activity (>$4 billion USD in 2022), understanding the risk of invasive waterfowl interactions with domestic poultry is critical. Here, we assessed risk of invasive waterfowl-poultry interaction in Arkansas by comparing density of poultry production sites (chicken houses) to areas of high habitat suitability for two invasive waterfowl species, (Egyptian goose [Alopochen aegyptiaca] and mute swan [Cygnus olor]), known to host significant pathogens, including HPAI. The percentage of urban land cover was the most important habitat characteristic for both invasive waterfowl species. At the 95% confidence interval, chicken house densities in areas highly suitable for both species (Egyptian goose = 0.91 ± 0.11 chicken houses/km2; mute swan = 0.61 ± 0.03 chicken houses/km2) were 3-5 times higher than chicken house densities across the state (0.17 ± 0.01 chicken houses/km2). We show that northwestern and western Arkansas, both areas of high importance for poultry production, are also at high risk of invasive waterfowl presence. Our results suggest that targeted monitoring efforts for waterfowl-poultry contact in these areas could help mitigate the risk of avian pathogen exposure in Arkansas and similar regions with high poultry production.