Wolff, P., J. Sperry, P. Hart, H. Klinck, J. Mortensen, and B. DeGregorio. 2023. Evaluating an Automated, Real-time Acoustic Monitoring System for Detecting Vocalizations of DoD Mission-Sensitive Species. SERDP-ESTCP Annual Symposium.
November 2023
This project evaluates near-real time acoustic monitoring technology to immediately inform Dept of Defense partners when threatened and endangered species are present on the property to inform training activities.
Wilson, K., C. Roberts, and B.A. DeGregorio. Effects of relative hog abundance on the occupancy and community composition of breeding birds. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference.
November 2023
Feral hogs are an economic and ecologically destructive invasive species. Because they alter the vegetation community via their foraging behavior and through consumption of acorns to suppress oak regeneration, they almost certainly affect the bird community although this is has not yet been assessed.
Wilson K, DeGregorio BA, Roberts CP, Chiavacci S. 2024. Effects of relative hog abundance on the occupancy and community composition of birds. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Mount Magazine State Park, Arkansas.
March 2024
Quantifying feral hog impacts on native biodiversity is critical for calibrating management priorities. Here, we discuss feral hog impacts on ground nesting birds in bottomland hardwoods.
Vertebrates in Trade that Pose High Invasion Risk to the United States. Brett DeGregorio, Wesley Daniel, Helen Sofaer, Catherine Jarnevich, Richard Erickson, Peder Engelstad, Jonathan Freedman, and Deah Lieurance. Michigan Chapter of the Wildlife Society.
April 2024
Invasive species are ecologically and economically costly. If potentially invasive species are identified before they can be established, great harm can be averted. Here, we have reviewed over 19,000 wildlife species in the legal trade to evaluate which are potential invaders.
Shaw, M., B.A. DeGregorio, and C.R. Roberts. Plains Spotted Skunk Distribution and Habitat Associations in the Great Plains. Oral Presentation.
November 2023
The plains spotted skunk is declining and is a candidate for federal protection. Little is known about its distribution or habitat associations outside of several mountainous areas.
Nielson, G., B.A. DeGregorio, G. Roloff, and J. Taylor. Beaver Behavioral Response to Flow Control Devices in Southern Michigan. Michigan Wildlife Society Annual Meeting.
March 2024
Beavers are ecosystem engineers that can greatly benefit biodiversity but can also create conflict with humans. Interest has shifted to non-lethal management to facilitate coexistence with beavers. Here, we evaluate the ability of Flow Control Devices to mitigate flooding while keeping beavers resident.
McAnally, G., Pritt, J., Booth, M.T. Employing Recreational Side-Scan Sonar to Evaluate the Relationship between Aquatic Vegetation and Sportfish Catch Rates across Ohio Reservoirs. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. Invited Talk. 2025.
January 2025
Understanding the effects of habitat on sportfish population characteristics in reservoirs is important for management, however, comprehensive habitat data is rarely available. We used side-scan sonar to generate high-resolution habitat data to determine the effects of habitat on sportfish populations.
McAnally, G., Fletcher, T., Pritt, J., Matter, S., Booth, M.T. Employing Recreational Side-Scan Sonar to Evaluate the Relationship between Habitat and Sportfish Catch Rates across Ohio Reservoirs. Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Asheville, NC. 2025.
February 2025
Understanding the effects of habitat on sportfish population characteristics in reservoirs is important for management, however, comprehensive habitat data is rarely available. We used side-scan sonar to generate high-resolution habitat data to determine the effects of habitat on sportfish populations.
L.E. McTigue and B.A. DeGregorio. Does daily activity overlap of three mesocarnivores vary based on human development? Animal Behavioral Society Annual Conference.
July 2023
Examination of behavioral patterns of 3 co-occurring mesopredators that often live near people. Understanding these patterns can allow us to better understand how these species can persist in human-dominated landscapes, the fitness consequences of their adaptations, and potentially human-wildlife conflict.
Gray, Steven M., E. Raifsnider Sr., E. M. Clark, G. J. Roloff. Ruffed grouse occupancy and resource use in the eastern Upper Peninsula, MI, USA. The Wildlife Society's 31st Annual Conference, October 19th - 23rd.
October 2024
Ruffed grouse are culturally important and a highly sought after game species in Michigan. However, climate predictions suggest precipitous decline of aspen (preferred habitat) throughout ruffed grouse range regionally and within Michigan. We examined ruffed grouse and brood occupancy and resource use in the eastern Upper Peninsula in Michigan with particular interest in elucidating forest elements (other than aspen) that can me managed to benefit ruffed grouse.
Donahue, E.R., A.J. Worm, B.A. DeGregorio, L.A. Neuman-Lee, and T.J. Boves. Investigating the prevalence and effects of agricultural toxins in Loggerhead Shrikes in Arkansas, USA. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference.
August 2023
The loggerhead shrike is declining rapidly across its range and we do not know the causes. Here, we investigate the potential role of agricultural chemicals in reducing the fitness of the enigmatic species.
Donahue, E.R., A.J. Worm, B.A. DeGregorio, L.A. Neuman-Lee, and T.J. Boves. 2024. Investigating the prevalence and effects of neonicotinoid pesticides in a songbird, the Loggerhead Shrike in Arkansas. Oral Presentation. Association of Southeastern Biologists.
March 2024
Agricultural toxins are known to cause a variety of effects, either detrimental or adaptive, in off-target species. Here, we investigate the potential sublethal effects of widespread neonicotinoids on the ecology and behavior of a declining songbird, the Loggerhead Shrike.
DeGregorio, B.A. and A. Deshwal. Current distribution of nine-banded armadillos in the United States. Michigan Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Gaylord, MI.
March 2025
Armadillos are an ecosystem engineer with a rapidly expanding geographic range in the United States. Understanding where they occur and are likely to occur is an important first step in pro-actively managing the species.
DeGregorio, B.A. 2024. Snapshot USA in Michigan- a long-term coordinated camera trapping effort. Corey Marsh Ecological Research Center Annual Symposium.
October 2024
These data represent the foundation for a long-term mammal community monitoring effort spread across Michigan. These publicly-available data will help inform changes in relative abundance of mammals over time as well as monitor changes in distribution due to climate change.
DeGregorio, B.A. 2024. Armadillos are coming: Why we should care. Michigan Department of Natural Resources Annual Meeting.
March 2024
Armadillos are rapidly expanding their geographic range in the United States. Due to their habitat altering burrowing behavior, they are sure to have both positive and negative effects on native wildlife.
Comparative analyses of the gut microbiome in agricultural and non-agricultural Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus). Emily R. Donahue, Brian K. Trevelline, Alexander J. Worm, Alix E. Matthews, Brett A. DeGregorio, Than J. Boves, and Lorin A. Neuman-Lee. American Ornithological Society
October 2024
Pesticides can have profound effects of food webs due to their indiscriminate killing of invertebrates. However, less attention has been focused on the indirect effects of non-target vertebrates living in agricultural settings. Here, we explore how pesticides may be altering the gut microbiome of the Loggerhead Shrike.
Cochran, A., B.A. DeGregorio, M. Kleitch, C. Tansy. 2025. Habitat use of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Determined using the AHDriFT Method in Grayling, Michigan. Michigan Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference.
March 2025
The Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake is a federally threatened species that is particularly difficult to survey for because of their cryptic and secretive nature. Here, we evaluate the use of a novel method to improve survey effectiveness and improve our understanding of habitat use by the snake.
Berry LL, DeGregorio BA, Uden DR, Roberts CP. 2024. Grassland bird occupancy responses to two new spatial early warning signals of state transitions: testing spatial variance and spatial covariance. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Mount Magazine State Park, Arkansas.
March 2024
Grassland birds are the fastest-declining bird guild in North America. Here, we show results from an analysis testing the ability of a novel landscape metric--spatial covariance--for identifying grassland core habitat to target conservation.
B.A. DeGregorio, G. Nielson, C. Wilton, A Cochran, E. Wilson, and A. Bump. Why do wild turkeys become resident in some cities but not others? Michigan Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Gaylord, MI.
March 2025
Wild Turkeys are a culturally and ecologically important species. In recent decades, Wild Turkey have become established in some urban areas, often leading to conflicts with humans. Here, we investigate why turkeys become established in some cities but not others.