Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Wisconsin Wildlife
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Wisconsin Wildlife Technical Assistance Activities

Three neotropical birds: Magnolia warbler, Wilson's warbler, Canada warbler that were caught in a mist net for banding.

Unit scientists provide technical assistance to various state, federal, and international agencies and are members of various University committees.

Description and Agency Provider(s) Date
Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns of CWD transmission. WDNR Health and Science Team, Madison, Wisconsin, March 2005.
Samuel, Wasserberg March 2005
Samuel, M. D. 2005. Chronic Wasting Disease in white-tailed deer in Wisconsin. Seminar sponsored by the Adelaide Zoological Society, Adelaide, Australia, July 2005.
Samuel July 2005
Samuel, M. D. 2005. Avian malaria in native Hawaiian forest birds. Seminar sponsored by the Adelaide Zoological Society, Adelaide, Australia, July 2005.
Samuel July 2005
Risk of CWD Transmission Associated with Supplemental Feeding and Baiting of Free-ranging White-tailed Deer. Wisconsin DNR CWD Research Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, March 2004.
Samuel March 2004
Provided technical support and guidance for building the National Wildlife Disease Database, specifically with regard to creating the database schema and data pipelines and where to direct critical resources for this project.
National Wildlife Health Center
Che-Castaldo February 2024
Provided technical and conceptual guidance to graduate student for acquiring and analyzing Great Lakes weather data from NOAA to understand how wave dynamics influence mammalian geneflow and occupancy dynamics on Lake Superior's Apostle Islands.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Che-Castaldo August 2024
Provided statistical and technical support and guidance to graduate student for analyzing and validating Landsat imagery used to detect trends in Antarctic vegetative green up at the continental scale.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Che-Castaldo May 2024
Provided statistical and guidance for analyzing occupancy dynamics across a 40 year dataset of Wisconsin amphibian surveys using Bayesian multi-species multi-season occupancy models.
University of Wisconsin
Che-Castaldo September 2024
Provided statistical and guidance for analyzing <i>Vulpes vulpes</i> (red fox) density across the Madison metropolitan area using Bayesian spatial mark-resight models.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Che-Castaldo August 2024
Provided guidance on fitting multi-species occupancy models in a Bayesian framework to North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Che-Castaldo December 2024
Provided guidance on Bayesian and machine learning approaches for classifying plant fossils as self-supporters or lianas.
Willian Jewel College
Che-Castaldo October 2024
Provided analytical and technical support for the <i>Perityle inyoensis</i> Species Status Assesment (SSA) by sharing R code for compiling and processing NAIP aerial imagery data from EarthExplorer.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Che-Castaldo November 2023
Presentation of Deer removal and spatial patterns of CWD in south-central Wisconsin report. Wisconsin DNR CWD Research Meeting, Madison, WI.
Samuel March 2004
Member of hiring committee for Population Dynamics and Modelling Research Scientist position
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Turner April 2022
Interspecies transmission of chornic wasting disease: Identification and testing of potentially affected species. Wisconsin DNR CWD Research Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, March 2004.
Samuel March 2004
Demographic patterns of CWD prevalence in a high-density white-tailed deer population report. Wisconsin DNR CWD Research Meeting, Madison, WI, March 2004.
Samuel March 2004
Blanchong, J. A., D. Heisey, M. D. Samuel and K. T. Scribner. Genetic variation in complement system genes and resistance to chronic wasting disease in free-ranging white-tailed deer. CWD Health and Science Planning Team, July 2005.
Samuel July 2005
Blanchong, J. A. and M. D. Samuel. Spatial changes in chronic wasting disease prevalence patterns between 2002-2003. CWD Health and Science Planning Team, December 2004.
Samuel December 2005
Avian malaria dynamics along an elevational gradiente in Hawaii: A model simulation. Meeting in infectious diseases at Emory University, May 2004.
Samuel May 2004
Ahumada, J. A., M. D. Samuel, Duffy, D. C. and A. P. Dobson. 2005. Modeling the biocomplexity of avian disease in Hawaii. Poster. NSF Biocomplexity Awardee Meeting, Washington, D.C., June 2005.
Samuel June 2005
Role - Description Provider         Start Date        End Date       
Representative, Department of Wildlife Ecology to the University of Wisconsin Conservation Health Consortium Samuel July 2006 June 2009
Member, Wildlife Disease Working Group, The Wildlife Society Samuel July 2007 June 2009
Alternate Member, Academic Senate Samuel September 2003 August 2005
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
U.S. Geological Survey Representative, Technical Committee, Arctic Goose Joint Venture Samuel April 2004 Present
Member, Wisconsin DNR Technical Guidance Team for the Chronic Wasting Disease Public Advisory group Samuel July 2006 June 2009
Member, Wisconsin DNR CWD Health and Science Advisory Team, CWD Research Collaboration and Review Committee, and CWD Research Committee Samuel July 2005 September 2009
Member, WIsconsin Bird Conservation Initiative Ribic January 2005 Present
Member, USDA-NC1024 Multi-state Research Committee on Domestic Surveillance, Diagnosis, and Therapy of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Samuel July 2006 June 2009
Member, U.S. Geological Survey Technical Committee Representative, Arctic Goose Joint Venture Program Samuel October 2007 October 2008
Member, Secretive Marshbird Monitoring Working Group, Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative Ribic January 2005 December 2009
Member, Scientific Program Committee, North American Arctic Goose Conference. Samuel April 2004 Present
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee for PrioNet Canada Samuel October 2005 October 2009
Member, International Scientific Panel to review the status of Chronic Wasting Disease in Canada and make recommendations for future Federal and Provencal programs. Samuel June 2004 Present
Member, Committee to develop the USGS 5-year strategic plan on wildlife diseases. Samuel June 2004 Present
Outreach Activity Provider(s)        Date       
Woodworth, B., C. T. Atkinson, M. D. Samuel, D. LaPointe, and J. A. Ahumada. 2005. Biocomplexity of introduced avian disease in Hawaii: threats to biodiversity of native forest ecosystems. USGS-Factshet. Samuel September 2005
Wisconsin Public Television, tree-row removal project featured on "Here and Now" with Frederica Freyberg, July 2008. Ribic July 2008
Wisconsin Endangered Birds, University of the Air, Wisconsin Public Radio featuring Kevin Ellison, 15 July 2007. Ribic July 2007
TV show on Feeding and Baiting with Dave Carlson, Northland Adventures Program, October, 2006 Samuel October 2006
TV Show on Feeding and Baiting with Dave Carlson, Northland Adventures program, October, 2006. Samuel October 2006
Samuel, M.D. 2007. Chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin: Lessons learned. Invited presentation at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 5 September 2007. Samuel September 2007
Samuel, M.D. 2007. CWD Research. Wisconsin Coverts Project Workshop, 25 August, 2007. Samuel August 2007
Samuel, M. D. 2005. Presentation on CWD spatial patterns to CAIDS groups. Spring Green, Wisconsin, September 2005. Samuel September 2005
Samuel, M. D. 2004. White-tailed deer-state of the science of CWD research. Apatial and Temporal Epidemiology tools for Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management: A Technical Workshop. Park City, Utah, September 2004. Samuel September 2004
Released in the July 1, 2003 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources News and Outdoor Report. Researches find CWD more prevalent in older bucks. Pages 29-30. Samuel July 2003
Organizer for a symposium on Disease in Wildlife Populations: Challenges for science and management for The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, September 2005. Samuel September 2005
News Artilce, UW-Madison?s Antarctic Projects, Wisconsin State Journal, Section A7, 17 July 2007. Ribic July 2007
News Article, Wildlife Specialists Hope Shorter Gun Season Will Help Curb CWD Spread, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, October, 2006. Samuel October 2006
News Article, We're Losing Birds, Wisconsin State Journal, Section A1, 14 June 2007. Ribic June 2007
News Article, Nest-wrecking cows caught on tape, Birder's World, Octoer 2006. Ribic October 2006
News Article, Nest-wrecking cows caught on tape, Birder's World, October 2006. Ribic October 2006
News Article, Large-scale effort needed to save grassland birds, The Capital Times Outdoor section, 23 January 2008. Ribic January 2008
News Article, Can biofuels rescue America's prairies?, New Scientist, 18 August 2007 Ribic August 2007
Grassland bird research featured on WDNR television production "Into the Outdoors" (children's show). Ribic February 2001
Grassland bird research featured in Science. Ribic August 2001
Grassland bird research featured in Mount Horeb Mail. Ribic July 2001
Grassland bird research featured in Environmental News Service. Ribic August 2001
Article, Wasting in the Wild: Understanding the perplexing challenges of managing Chronic Wasting Disease. The Wildlife Professional, Summer 2007. Samuel June 2007
Article, Breaking the Chain of Disease Transmission, USGS GeoHealth Newsletter, December, 2006. Samuel December 2006
Article on Feeding and Baiting in the Wisconsin DNR ? Landowner newsletter, October, 2006. Samuel October 2006
Antarctic research featured in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee, WI. Ribic January 2001
"life on the Ice: Perspectives on Adelie Penguin Biology", Friends of the Arboretum Luncheon Lecture Series, 22 February 2005, Madison, WI. Ribic February 2005