Kansas Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Workshop participant on sampling design for fish and wildlife in Colorado Plateau National Parks |
Paukert, Whittier | April 2004 |
USGS RGE Panel, December 2010
Mather | December 2010 |
USGS Cooperative Research Unit Corner; Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin. Featured Story, September 2020. Incorporating “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” into Natural Resource Research, Management, and Conservation https://wildlifemanagement.institute/outdoor-news-bulletin/september-2020/incorporating-big-hairy-audacious-goals-natural-resource Wildlife Management Institute |
Mather, Childs | July 2020 |
Technical Assistance Expert Advice for KDWPT on Oxytetracycline Marking for Largemouth Bass
Mather, Bettoli | March 2011 |
Summarized (with Units scientists from NE and SD) the 5 year review of the endangered Topeka shiner. |
Paukert | May 2007 |
Served on panel to review and provide input for the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians - Inland Fish and Wildlife Department, climate change vulnerability assessment project on the upland game bird panel. Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians |
Haukos | May 2017 |
Served on NSF Macrosystems Review Pannel National Science Foundation |
Haukos | January 2016 |
Reviewed draft report for BLM SGP Rapid Environmental Assessment Vol II (Species and Assemblages) BLM |
Haukos | January 2018 |
RGEP Panel - Reviewed accomplishments of six fellow scientists and wrote evaluations for their strengths and weaknesses USGS |
Mather | July 2024 |
Provided updates on research by the Kansas Unit to the state agency at their annual Fish and Wildlife Division meeting Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks |
Paukert | March 2009 |
Provided technical assistance to unit cooperators (2020). Consulted with state cooperators numerous times (48+). Consulted with university cooperators numerous times (62+). Consulted with federal and NGO cooperators numerous times (45+). WMI |
Mather | October 2019 |
Provided technical assistance to Unit cooperators (2022). Consulted with state cooperators numerous times (30+). Consulted with university cooperators numerous times (45+). Consulted with federal and NGO cooperators numerous times (40+) Wildlife Management Institute |
Mather | October 2020 |
Provided technical assistance for difficult fisheries management problems. I have used my experience to develop innovative insights that address Unit cooperator needs (e.g., gear selection, harvest evaluations, strategic planning, science-based goals, methodology to guide data analysis/collection/fusion, success metrics) Wildlife Management Institute |
Mather | January 2018 |
Provided statistical and sampling advice and assistance to determine the future directions of the Kansas Stream Survey Team Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks |
Paukert | January 2009 |
Provided pintail satellite locations to Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Germany Max Planck Institute for Ornithology |
Haukos | May 2017 |
Provided data on amphibian diets to Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil. Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, |
Haukos | June 2017 |
Provided an external P/T assessment for University of Wyoming University of Wyoming |
Haukos | January 2018 |
Proposal Reviewer - Sea Grant, 2014-2016
SeaGrant |
Mather | September 2015 |
Presenter, Bioblitz to recruit undergraduates into scientific careers, Kansas State University, September, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Kansas State University |
Mather | September 2021 |
Presentation on the effects of plague on black-tailed prairie dogs |
Cully | July 2003 |
Participation in Kansas black-tailed prairie dog conservation working group |
Cully | June 2002 |
Participated in the USGS Fisheries Leadership Team (core internal USGS Fisheries Leadership Team that provides vision for the future of our USGS fisheries program) USGS |
Mather | September 2021 |
Participated in Neosho madtom five year species status review US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Paukert | April 2009 |
Part of informal committee to develop proposal to attract a USGS Regional Climate Change Hub to Kansas State Kansas State University |
Paukert | August 2009 |
Contributed to “Data nuggets,” a nationwide initiative to incorporate current research data into middle school curricula (http://datanuggets.org). Data on striped bass movement will be included into a widely used lesson plan for New England schools (Collaborator Liz Duff, Massachusetts Audubon), 2015, 2016
Audobon Society |
Mather | August 2015 |
Organized Workshops and Symposia<br>(A) 2022, Workshop, “Prairie fishes and streams collaborative” 2022, Oct 3-4, 2022<br>Organized to address general fisheries research and management challenges in prairie streams (i.e., Kansas Unit cooperators). <b> </b><br>(B) 2022, Symposium: “Questions we should be asking to advance aquatic research and conservation.” Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (JASM), May 2022.<br>Organized to address general fisheries research and management challenges.<br>(C) 2021, Symposium entitled “Creating and implementing an ecosystem-wide integrated research agenda and conservation plan for prairie streams: a shared vision, next generation synthesis, and future action plan.” 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, November 6-10, 2021, Baltimore, MD.<br>(D) Organized to address issues of interest to Unit non-game fisheries colleagues.<br>2021, Symposium entitled “Scale V.2021: status, options, and knowledge gaps for choosing and matching scales in aquatic field data.” 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, November 6-10, 2021, Baltimore, MD.<br>(E) Organized to address general fisheries research and management challenges relevant to all Unit fisheries cooperators.<br>(F) 2019, Symposium. “Using Assessments to Evaluate Harvest Regulations: Advancing Science-based Fisheries Management”, 79<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Meeting, January 2019, Cleveland, OH.<br>Organized to address a key sportfish management activity that represents a current challenge to fish management Unit cooperators (KS was a presenter).<br>(G) 2016, Symposium entitled “Blue catfish: lessons from a large riverine opportunistic catfish.” 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO, August 2016.<br>Organized to address research on a key sportfish relevant to fish management Unit cooperators.<br>(H) 2016, Symposium presentation “Research and conservation in the 'scapes: needs, progress, challenges and opportunities.” 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO, August 2016.<br>Organized to address issues of interest to Unit non-game fisheries colleagues.<b><u> </u></b> WMI |
Mather | January 2019 |
Organized Multiple "Communities of Expert Practice (COEP)" that address grand challenges related to applied problem-solving that will benefit Unit cooperators, 2021-2025. (1) “Scale 2021: choosing and matching scales for aquatic field data: status, options, and knowledge gaps.” (2) “Questions we should be asking for aquatic conservation”. KSU |
Mather | January 2019 |
Member, Search Committee, Research Coordinator Position, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism, 2012 Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, Tourism |
Mather | April 2012 |
Member, Science Committee, National Fish Habitat Initiative, 2005-present Fish Habitat Initiative |
Paukert | April 2005 |
Longevity Technical Assistance Award, Kansas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, 2020 Kansas American Fisheries Society |
Mather | January 2020 |
Judge, Kansas State University Graduate School Research Forum, 2018, 2022, 2024 Kansas State University |
Mather | May 2018 |
Invited Speaker, Faculty Data Blitz, Graduate Student Recruitment, 2018-2020 Kansas State University |
Mather | February 2018 |
Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism, 2012
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, Tourism |
Mather | February 2012 |
Invited Peer Reviewer - USFWS Species Status Assessment for the American Burying Beetle USFWS |
Haukos | May 2017 |
Invited Participant, The Nature Conservancy - US Army Corp of Engineers Ecological Flows Work Group, August-January, 2020-2022 Nature Conservancy |
Mather | August 2020 |
Invited Participant - National Science Foundation proposal review panel (Population and community ecology), Arlington, VA, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
National Science Foundation |
Mather | April 2017 |
Invited Participant - National Science Foundation proposal review panel (Population and community ecology), Arlington, VA, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016
National Science Foundation |
Mather | November 2010 |
I regularly provide peer review (12+ articles) for scientific journals. KSU |
Mather | October 2021 |
Helped Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks sample Topeka shiners. |
Paukert, Whittier, Pitts | July 2007 |
Expert Reviewer, NOAA River Herring Climate Change Workshop Report (As part of the ESA listing Petition), September, 2012. NOAA |
Mather | September 2012 |
Expert Advice Provided, Town of Scituate, Massachusetts, Water Release Timing to Facilitate River Herring Outmigration, September 2012 Town Of Scituate, MA |
Mather | September 2012 |
Conducted lab and data analysis, and developed report on zooplankton sampling in Kansas reservoirs Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks |
January 2009 | |
Co-Organizer. Fragstats workshop, Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Manhattan, KS. Approximately 25 researchers signed up for a 2-day workshop to learn about these landscape ecological tools, 2015
Kansas State University |
Mather | January 2015 |
Co-Organizer,Workshop on best practices in species distribution modeling (SDMs). Participants originated from Kansas State University, January 2016
Kansas State University |
Mather | January 2016 |
Analyzed tag return data and evaluated potential reintroduction of endangered species in southwest Grand Canyon National Park |
Paukert | May 2009 |
Analyzed channel catfish stocking data for Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. |
Paukert | April 2007 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Seminar Committee - Division of Biology Seminar Committee | Mather | January 2014 | December 2015 |
Search Committee, Vertebrate Ecologist, KSU Biology | Mather | January 2012 | April 2012 |
Most Promising Undergraduate Student Committee, Kanas State University, May 2017-2020 - Most Promising Undergraduate Student Committee, Kanas State University, May 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 | Mather | May 2017 | June 2020 |
Member (Full Professor), Division of Biology - Division of Biology Annual Review - Exceeds Expectations on Annual Evaluations | Mather | January 2018 | December 2023 |
KSU Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society - Faculty advisor to the Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society | Haukos | August 2011 | Present |
KSU IACUC Committee - Serve on the Animal Care and Use Committee, review and approval protocols related to animal research | Haukos | September 2013 | Present |
Graduate Committee, Fish and Wildlife, University of Missouri | Paukert | June 2010 | June 2018 |
Chair, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Section, Division of Biology, kansas State University - represent EEB faculty for the Division of Biology | Paukert | August 2009 | May 2010 |
Bioblitz to Recruit Undergraduates into Science Careers - Invited to provide a presentation on environmental science careers to recruit undergraduates | Mather | September 2020 | September 2020 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel, Jackson, WY, May 2017 | Mather | May 2017 | May 2017 |
The Nature Conservancy - US Army Corp of Engineers Ecological Flows Work Group | Mather | August 2020 | December 2020 |
Science Committee, LPC Interstate Working Group, WAFWA | Haukos | August 2013 | Present |
Science Advisor, Kansas LPC Implementation Team, KDWP | Haukos | January 2019 | Present |
National Science Foundation Review Panel | Mather | March 2013 | November 2017 |
National Science Foundation Invited Panelist | Mather | February 2024 | March 2024 |
National Fish Habitat Initiative, Science Committee | Paukert | June 2005 | Present |
NRES (Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Secondary Major), Governing Board – Natural Sciences Representative 2020-2022. | Haukos | August 2020 | December 2022 |
Member, USFWS Working Group, Population Viability of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs | Cully | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Science Team, Sharp-tailed Grouse and Greater Prairie-chicken Interstate Working Group | Haukos | April 2017 | Present |
Member, Kansas State Conservation Team for Black-tailed Prairie Dogs | Cully | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Kansas Prairie Dog Conservation Team | Cully | March 2000 | Present |
Member, Council of Scientist, North American Grouse Partnership | Haukos | January 2016 | February 2024 |
KSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, KSU | Haukos | June 2012 | Present |
Invited Tenure Reviewer, University of Wyoming | Mather | July 2017 | October 2017 |
Interviewed as a Biological and Conservation Expert for 2020 River Stressors Documentary Podcast | Mather | September 2020 | October 2020 |
Governing Board Member, Natural Science Representative, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Secondary Major, Kansas State University | Haukos | August 2020 | August 2023 |
Faculty Host, David Crook, Oz to Oz Seminar Speaker | Mather | August 2018 | October 2018 |
Faculty Advisor, KSU Chapter of The Wildlife Society | Haukos | September 2011 | Present |
Board Member, Kansas Alliance of Wetlands and Streams | Haukos | June 2019 | September 2022 |
Appointed Chair, Dissertation Defense, Bryce Marston, Geography, 2017 | Mather | January 2017 | December 2017 |
Participant, Kansas Association of Wetlands and Streams Conservation Series, August 2020 | Mather | July 2020 | August 2020 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Wrote popular article for the Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine called 'Cats in the Kaw' about current research on flathead catfish management in the Kansas River. | Paukert | August 2007 |
Public Outreach Publication. Bergtold, J., and M. Mather. 2022. Working with Kansas Farmers and Non-Farmers to Benefit Habitat, Wildlife, Land, Aquatic Biodiversity. Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin (USGS Cooperative Research Unit Corner). August 2022 Edition |Volume 76, Issue 8 https://wildlifemanagement.institute/outdoor-news-bulletin/august-2022/working-kansas-farmers-and-non-farmers-benefit-habitat-wildlife | Mather | August 2022 |
Mentored REU Student, Judith Patterson Through Kansas State University-Konza Biological Reserve, July-August 2011 | Mather | July 2011 |
Mentored REU student, Casie Lee, June-August 2013 | Mather | July 2013 |
Mather, M. E. 2020. Incorporating “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” into Natural Resource Research, Management, and Conservation. Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor Stories. September, Feature article. https://wildlifemanagement.institute/outdoor-news-bulletin/september-2020/incorporating-big-hairy-audacious-goals-natural-resource. September-October, 2020 | Mather | October 2020 |
Invited Speaker - Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Program Field Trip. Kansas Division of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism. May 2017 | Mather | May 2017 |
Interviewed for and Contributed to as an Expert, In-fisherman article on using science for angling success for Blue Catfish, December, 2020 | Mather, Gerber, Smith | December 2020 |
Guest Lecture/Field Trip, Junction City High School Students, Fall 2012. Provided overview of crayfish movement research using pit tagging | Mather | October 2012 |
Environmental Education Field Demonstration, Tagging Crayfish in Kings Creek, Konza LTER, July 21 2011 | Mather | July 2011 |
Driver, Shuttle and Bison Loop Vans, Konza Visitors Day, September 2012 | Mather | September 2012 |
Developed a newsletter on the fisheries activities of the Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit | Paukert | May 2006 |