South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member
Dr. Joshua Stafford

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (605) 688 - 5759
Faculty Email:
- Ph D Mississippi State University 2004
- MS South Dakota State University 2000
- BS Oregon State University 1997
- Other Portland Community College 1994
I received a B.S. in Wildlife Science from Oregon State University (1997), and M.S. in Wildlife Science from South Dakota State University (2000), and a Ph.D. in Forest Resources (Wildlife) from Mississippi State University (2004). I served as the Director of the Illinois Natural History Survey's Forbes Biological Station from 2004-2011, where I was Director of the Bellrose Waterfowl Reserach Center. I have been with the South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit since 2011, during which I have built important research partnerships with agencies and orgnizations including: South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, North Dakota Game and Fish, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ducks Unlimited, Inc., and the Detla Waterfowl Foundation. Most of my research has focused on ecology and management of Breeding and Migrating Waterfowl and other Waterbirds, with an emphasis on agro-ecosystems. I have advised or co-advised 20 graduate students and published 58 peer-reviewed journal articles as of June 2022. At South Dakota State University I teach Wildlife Research Design, a graduate course, at SDSU in Spring of odd years. In even years my graduate course varies, from reading special topics courses to behavioral ecology. Ecology and Management of Waterfowl and Wetlands, Foraging Ecology, Habitat and Food Selection, and Biometrics.
Areas of Expertise
Habitat Management, Movement Ecology, Wetland Ecology, Wildlife Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Gamebirds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Songbirds, Waterfowl
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Yetter, A.P., H.M. Hagy, M.M. Horath, J. Lancaster, C.S. Hine, R.V. Smith, and J.D. Stafford. 2018. Mallard survival, movements, and habitat use during autumn in. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:182–191. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21346 | January 2018 |
Yetter, A. P., J. D. Stafford, C. S. Hine, M. W. Bowyer, M. M. Horath, and S. P. Havera. 2009. Nesting biology of mallards in west-central Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 39(1). 37 pp. | Download | July 2009 |
White, K.M., A.M. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2025. Fine-scale farming features drive resource selection of a small carnivore of conservation concern. Canadian Journal of Zoology 103:1–12. DOI: | Abstract | February 2025 |
White, K. M., J. D. Stafford, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2023 The first documented interaction between a long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) and a plains spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) carcass. Ecology and Evolution 13(1):e9758. | Abstract | Download | January 2023 |
White, K. M., A. M. Cheeseman, J. D. Stafford, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2024. Pasture and diurnal temperature are key predictors of regional Plains Spotted Skunk (Spilogale interrupta) distribution. Journal of Mammalogy 105(6): 1278–1288. | Abstract | June 2024 |
Werner, S.J., M. Gottlob, C.D. Deiter, and J.D. Stafford. 2019. Application strategy for an anthraquinone-based repellent and the protection of soybeans from Canada goose depredation. Human-Wildlife Interactions 13:308–316. DOI: | October 2019 |
Straub, J.N., R.J. Gates, R.D. Schultheis, T. Yerkes, J.M. Coluccy, and J.D. Stafford. 2012. Wetland food resources for Spring-Migrating Ducks in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region. Journal of Wildlife Management. 76:768-777. | Download | April 2012 |
Stafford, J. D., R. M. Kaminski, and K. J. Reinecke. 2010. Avian foods, foraging, and habitat conservation in world rice fields. Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1): 133–150. | Download | December 2010 |
Stafford, J. D., M. W. Eichholz, and A. C. Phillips. 2012. Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) on submerged aquatic vegetation in Illinois River valley backwaters. Wetlands 32:851–857. | October 2012 |
Stafford, J. D., M. M. Horath, A. P. Yetter, R. V. Smith, and C. S. Hine. 2010. Change in characteristics and factors associated with waterfowl use of Illinois River valley wetlands. Wetlands 30:565–576. | Download | April 2010 |
Stafford, J. D., M. M. Horath, A. P. Yetter, C. S. Hine, and S. P. Havera. 2007. Wetland use by mallards during spring and fall in the Illinois and Central Mississippi River Valleys. Waterbirds 30:394–402. | Download | April 2007 |
Stafford, J. D., A. T. Pearse, C. S. Hine, M. M. Horath, and A. P. Yetter. 2010. Factors associated with hunter success for ducks on state-owned lands in Illinois. Wildlife Biology 16:113–122. | Download | January 2010 |
Stafford, J. D., A. P. Yetter, C. S. Hine, R. V. Smith, and M. M. Horath. 2011. Seed abundance for waterfowl in wetlands managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2:1–11. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | June 2011 |
Stafford, J. D., A. K. Janke, M. J. Anteau, A. T. Pearse, A. D. Fox, J. Elmberg, J. N. Straub, M. W. Eichholz, and C. Arzel. 2014. Spring migration of waterfowl in the northern hemisphere: a conservation perspective. Wildfowl Special Issue 4:70-85 | October 2014 |
Stafford, J. D., A. K. Janke, E. B. Webb, and S. R. Chipps. 2016. Invertebrates in Managed Waterfowl Marshes. Pages 565-600 in D. Batzer and D. Boix, editors. Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands: An international perspective on their ecology. Springer. | April 2016 |
Stafford, J. D. and A. T. Pearse. 2007. Survival of radio-marked ducklings in eastern South Dakota. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:585–591. | Download | July 2007 |
Smith, R. V, J. D. Stafford, , A. P. Yetter, M. M. Horath, C. S. Hine, and J. P. Hoover. 2012. Foraging ecology of fall-migrating shorebirds in the Illinois River valley. PLoS ONE 7(9): e45121. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045121 | July 2012 |
Sidie-Slettedahl, A. M., K. C. Jensen, R. R. Johnson, T. W. Arnold, J. E. Austin, and J. D. Stafford. 2015. Evaluation of autonomous recording units for detecting three species of secretive marsh birds. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:626-634 | July 2015 |
Schumann, D.A., K.N.B. Graeb, J. Pfrimmer, J.D. Stafford, and S.R. Chipps. 2021. The local responses of aquatic ecosystems to adjacent grassland conversion: can streams of dreams exist in a degraded riverscape? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:2481-2495. | October 2021 |
Sass, G.G., A.L. Rypel, and J.D. Stafford. 2017. Fisheries Habitat Management: Lessons learned from Wildlife Ecology and a Proposal for Change. Fisheries 42: 197–209. DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2017.1276344 | April 2017 |
Ruebush, B. C., G. G. Sass, J. H. Chick, and J. D. Stafford. 2012. In-Situ tests of sound-bubble-strobe light barrier technologies to prevent range expansions of Asian carp. Aquatic Invasions 7:37–48. | Download | January 2012 |
Pfrimmer, J., Gigliotti, L., Stafford, J., Schumann, D., & Bertrand, K. (2017). Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Basin of South Dakota. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22(4):382-389. | Abstract | July 2017 |
Pearse, A.T., M.L. Szymanski, C.A. Anchor, M.J. Anteau, R.M. Murano, D.A. Brandt, and J.D. Stafford. 2023. Factors influencing autumn-winter movements of midcontinent Mallards and consequences for harvest and habitat management. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10605. | October 2023 |
Pearse, A. T. and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Error propagation in energetic carrying capacity models. Journal of Conservation Planning 10:17-24. | Download | January 2014 |
O’Neal, B. J., Stafford, J. D., Larkin, R. P., and E. S. Michel. 2018. The effect of weather on the timing of migratory departure in autumn-migrating ducks. Movement Ecology 6:23. DOI: 10.1186/s40462-018-0141-5 | December 2018 |
O’Neal, B. J., J. D. Stafford, and R. P. Larkin. 2014. Migrating ducks in inland North America ignore major rivers as leading lines? Ibis. DOI 10.1111/ibi.12193. | April 2014 |
O’Neal, B. J., J. D. Stafford, and R. P. Larkin. 2012. Stopover duration of fall-migrating dabbling ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:285–293. | Download | January 2012 |
O’Neal, B. J., J. D. Stafford, and R. P. Larkin. 2010. Waterfowl on weather radar: applying ground-truth to classify and quantify bird movements. Journal of Field Ornithology 81:71–82. | Download | January 2010 |
O’Neal, B. J., J. D. Stafford, and R. P. Larkin. 2010. Waterfowl on weather radar: applying ground-truth to classify and quantify bird movements. Journal of Field Ornithology 81:71–82. | Download | January 2010 |
O’Neal, B. J., E. J. Heske, and J. D. Stafford. 2008. Monitoring and modeling waterbird response to wetlands restored through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:654–664. | Download | July 2008 |
Mammenga, P. D., J. D. Stafford, and M. Grovijahn. 2014. Waterfowl Nesting Structures. Pages 277-308 in K. C. Jensen, K. F. Higgins and S. J. Vaa, editors. A History of Waterfowl Management, Research, and Hunting in South Dakota. | July 2014 |
Levengood, J. M., R. V. Smith, D. A. Gay, M. A. Davis, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Mercury in migrating shorebirds in the Illinois River valley. Waterbirds 37:225-229. | March 2014 |
Kesler, D., R. Laws, A. Cox, A. Gouni, and J.D. Stafford. 2012. Survival, territory resources, and populations persistence in the critically endangered Tuamotu Kingfisher. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1001-1010. | April 2012 |
Janke, A.K., T.R. Shirley, M. Figura, and J.D. Stafford. 2024. Can cover crops help grassland breeding birds? Insights from Iowa. NRCS CEAP Conservation Insight. | April 2024 |
Janke, A.K., M.J. Anteau, and J.D. Stafford. 2019. Extreme climatic variability during migration invokes physiological and dietary plasticity among spring migrating ducks. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97:340–351. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2018-0075 | January 2019 |
Janke, A.K., M.J. Anteau, and J.D. Stafford. 2019. Prairie wetlands confer consistent migrant refueling conditions across a gradient of agricultural land use intensities. Biological Conservation 229:99–112. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.11.021 | April 2019 |
Janke, A.K., M.J. Anteau, and J.D. Stafford. 2017. Long-term spatial heterogeneity in mallard distribution in their core North American breeding range. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:116–124. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.747. | April 2017 |
Janke, A. K., M. J. Anteau, N. Markl, and J. D. Stafford. 2015. Is income breeding an appropriate construct for North American ducks? Journal of Ornithology. DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1200-y | June 2015 |
Irons, K. S., G. G. Sass, M. A. McClelland, and J. D. Stafford. 2007. Reduced condition factor of two native fish species coincident with invasion of non-native Asian carps in the Illinois River, USA: Is this evidence for competition and reduced fitness? Journal of Fish Biology (Supplement D) 71:258–273. | Download | January 2007 |
Hine, C.S., H.M. Hagy, M.M. Horath, A.P. Yetter, R.V. Smith, and J.D. Stafford. 2016. Response of aquatic vegetation communities and other wetland cover types to floodplain restoration at Emiquon Preserve. Hydrobiologia. DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2893-5 | August 2016 |
Hennig, J., T. Benson, J. Stafford, A. Yetter, H. Hagy, and K. Stodola. In Press. A grid-based stratified-sampling method to estimate spring-migrating duck abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Submitted 22 June 2016, Accepted 30 May 2017 | December 2017 |
Havera, S.P., K.E. Roat, A.M.V. Fournier, H.M. Hagy, and J.D. Stafford. 2024. Forbes Biological Station: The Past and the Promise - Celebrating 130 Years. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication No. 32. 52 pp. | June 2024 |
Hagy, H.M., C.S. Hine, M.M. Horath, A.P. Yetter, R.V. Smith, and J.D. Stafford. 2016. Waterbird response indicates floodplain wetland restoration. Hydrobiologia | October 2016 |
Hagy, H.M, J.D. Stafford, R.V. Smith, A.P. Yetter, C.S. Hine, M.M. Horath, and C. Whelan. 2017. Opportunity costs influence food selection and giving-up density of dabbling ducks. Journal of Avian Biology 48:804–814. DOI: 10.1111/jav.01275. | July 2017 |
Hagy, H. M., A. P. Yetter, K. W. Stodola, M. M. Horath, C. S. Hine, M. P. Ward, T. J. Benson, R. V. Smith, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Stopover duration of mallards during autumn in the Illinois River valley. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:747–752. | April 2014 |
Gray, M. J., H. M. Hagy, J. A. Nyman, and J. D. Stafford. 2013. Management of wetlands for wildlife. Pages 121-180 in J. T. Anderson and C. A. Davis, editors. Wetland Techniques: Volume 3: Applications and Management. Springer Science. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6907-6_4 | October 2013 |
Graff, B.J., J. A. Jenks, J. D. Stafford, K. C. Jensen, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2016. Assessing spring direct mortality of avifauna from wind energy facilities in the Dakotas. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.1051 | February 2016 |
Gallman, C.W., T.W. Arnold, E.S. Michel, and J.D. Stafford. 2023. Evaluation of fall-seeded cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. e1484. | September 2023 |
Fino, S.R., Gigliotti, L.M., Pearse, A.T. and Stafford, J.D. (2023). Landowner and biologist perceptions of game bird predators and management. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 47(3). doi: | February 2023 |
Fino, S., J.D. Stafford, A.T. Pearse, and J.A. Jenks. 2019. Incidental captures of Plains Spotted Skunks (Spilogale putorius interrupta) in central South Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist 51:33-36. | October 2019 |
Dassow, J., M. W. Eichholz, J. D. Stafford, and P. J. Weatherhead. 2012. Increased nest defence of upland-nesting ducks in response to experimentally reduced risk of nest predation. Journal of Avian Biology 43:61-67 | January 2012 |
Dassow, J., M. W. Eichholz, J. D. Stafford, and P. J. Weatherhead. 2012. Experimental evidence that nesting ducks use mammalian urine to assess predator abundance. Auk 129:638–644. | November 2012 |
Cressey, R., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. 2016. Three responses of wetland conditions to climatic extremes in the Prairie Pothole Region. Wetlands. DOI 10.1007/s13157-016-0818-8 | September 2016 |
Behney, A.C., R. O’Shaughnessy, M.W. Eichholz, and J.D. Stafford. 2019. Worth the reward? An experimental assessment of risk-taking behavior along a life history gradient. Journal of Avian Biology e02068. DOI: 0.1111/jav.02068 | March 2019 |
Behney, A.C., R. O’Shaughnessy, M.W. Eichholz, and J.D. Stafford. 2018. Indirect risk effects reduce feeding efficiency of ducks during spring. Ecology and Evolution 8:961–972. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3714 | January 2018 |
Behney, A. C., R. O’Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Influence of item distribution pattern and abundance on efficiency of benthic core sampling. Wetlands. DOI 10.1007/s13157-014-0570-x | Abstract | September 2014 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Yetter, A. P., M. M. Horath, R. V. Smith, J. D. Stafford, H. M. Hagy, and T. J. Benson. Ecology of Fall-Migrating Mallards in the Illinois River Valley. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013. | January 2013 |
White, K.M., J. Stafford, A. Cheeseman, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2022. Predicted distribution of plains spotted skunk in eastern South Dakota. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA | November 2022 |
White, K.M., A.E. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Plains spotted skunks occur independently of a predator and competitor. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
White, K.M., A. Cheeseman, J. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Habitat associations and distribution modeling of the plains spotted skunk (<i>Spilogale interrupta</i>) in South Dakota. Joint meeting of the South Dakota Chapter and Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Rapid City, SD. | March 2024 |
White, K.M., A. Cheeseman, J. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Plains spotted skunk home range and third-order resource selection in eastern South Dakota. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
White, K.M, A.E. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Plains spotted skunks occur independently of a predator and competitor. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Boulder, CO. June 2024. | June 2024 |
Stafford, J.D., A.K. Janke, and M.J. Anteau. A Physiological Assessment of Wetland Habitats for Spring-migrating Ducks in the Southern Prairie Pothole Region. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks Research Review Meeting. Pierre, SD. 18 May 2016. | May 2016 |
Stafford, J.D., A.K. Janke, and B.J. O’Neal. Two views of waterfowl migration. Banquet Presentation, Detroit Lakes Bird Festival, Detroit Lakes, MN. 20 May 2016. | May 2016 |
Stafford, J.D., A.K. Janke, and B.J. O’Neal. Recent research on migrating waterfowl in the Midcontinent. Invited departmental seminar to faculty and staff, Department of Biology, North Dakota State University, Grand Forks, ND. April 8 2016. | April 2016 |
Stafford, J.D. Current waterfowl research at South Dakota State University. Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Technical Section Meeting. 13 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Stafford, J., A. Janke, A. Pearse, M. Anteau, M. Eichholz, A. Fox, J. Straub, J. Elmberg, and C. Arzel. Waterfowl Habitat Use and Selection – Spring Migration and Pre-breeding. Plenary Presentation. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 28 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Stafford, J. D. Closing remarks to the 6th North American Duck Symposium: The Future of Waterfowl Ecology and Management. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Smith, R.V., J. D. Stafford, A. P. Yetter, C. J. Whelan, C. S. Hine, M. M. Horath, and H. M. Hagy. Foraging Threshold of Spring-migrating Dabbling Ducks in Central Illinois. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Sass, G.G., A.L. Rypel, and J.D. Stafford. Inland fisheries habitat management: lessons learned from Wildlife Ecology and a proposal for change. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. 7 February 2017. | February 2017 |
Rohrer, T.E., F. Rohwer, AND J.D. Stafford. 2021. Effects of predator management and parasitism on over-water nesting diving duck production in southern Manitoba. Pine Island Canvasback Summit, Pine Island, Louisiana. 20 January 2021. | January 2021 |
Prfimmer, J., L. Gigliotti, J. Stafford, D. Schumann, K, Bertrand. 2015. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed of South Dakota. Presented at: The Wildlife Society South Dakota Chapter Annual Meeting, Oacoma, SD. | February 2015 |
Pfrimmer, J.D., L. Gigiliotti, J.D. Stafford, D. Schumann, and K. Bertrand. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Conference, Oacoma, SD. 24 February 2015 | February 2015 |
Pfrimmer, J.D., L. Gigiliotti, J.D. Stafford, D. Schumann, and K. Bertrand. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed. Human Dimensions Seminar, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. 22 April 2015. | April 2015 |
Pfrimmer, J.D., L. Gigiliotti, J.D. Stafford, D. Schumann, and K. Bertrand. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed. Human Dimensions Seminar, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. 22 April 2015 | April 2015 |
Pfrimmer, J.D., D. Schumann, J.D. Stafford, and K. Bertrand. Learning from Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program research in South Dakota: Where do we go from here? Izaak Walton League of America Mike Williams Lecture Series, Watertown, SD. 3 March 2015 | March 2015 |
Pfrimmer, J. D. and J. D. Stafford. Avian use of Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program lands in the James River Watershed – Project Update. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks Fall Wildlife Staff Meeting, Madison, South Dakota. 19 September 2013. | September 2013 |
O’Shaughnessy, R, A. Behney, M. Eichholz, and J. Stafford. Testing the Ideal Free Distribution of Spring Migratory Waterfowl Along the Wabash River, Illinois. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 28 January 2013. | January 2013 |
O’Neal, Benjamin J, J.D. Stafford, R.P. Larkin, and A.K. Janke. Effects of weather on the timing of migratory departure in fall-migrating ducks. 41st Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Reykjavik, Iceland. 9 August 2017. | August 2017 |
Millman, K., M. Batalla, S.R. Chipps, and J.D. Stafford. An assessment of avian and vegetation communities on agricultural conservation easement wetlands in eastern South Dakota. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, MO. 20 January 2025. | January 2025 |
Millman, K., J.D. Stafford, M. Batalla, and S.R. Chipps. Vegetation and Avifauna Interactions in eastern South Dakota wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). The Wildlife Society SD and CMPS Combined Annual Meeting Rapid City, SD. 22 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Millman, K., J.D. Stafford, M. Batalla, and S.R. Chipps. Avian use and habitat structure of wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) in eastern South Dakota. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. 12 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Millman, K., J.D. Stafford, M. Batalla, and S.R. Chipps. 2024. Vegetation and Avifauna Interactions in eastern South Dakota wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. | January 2024 |
Martorelli, N. and J.D. Stafford. Evaluation of Gamebird Production in Roundup© Ready Alfalfa used for Seedbed Preparation during Perennial Grassland Conversion on State Game Production Areas in Eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. 1 March 2017. | March 2017 |
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Waterfowl Use and Thermal Characteristics of Alfalfa and Perennial Grasses in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Oacoma, South Dakota. 2 March 2016. | March 2016 |
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Gamebird Use and Thermal Characteristics of Alfalfa and Perennial Grasses in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Region 2 Annual Meeting, Project Update, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 11 July 2016. | July 2016 |
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Waterfowl Use and Thermal Characteristics of Alfalfa and Perennial Grasses in Eastern South Dakota. Seventh North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland. 5 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Waterfowl Production in Roundup© Ready Alfalfa Utilized for Perennial Grassland Conversion on Game Production Areas in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Region 2 Annual Meeting, Project Update, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 22 July 2015 | July 2015 |
Kucia, S.R., O.P. McKenna, and J.D. Stafford. 2024. Targeted Wetland Restoration to Maximize Breeding Waterfowl Habitat in Eastern South Dakota. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. | January 2024 |
Kucia, S.R., O.P. McKenna, and J.D. Stafford. 2024. Targeted Wetland Restoration to Maximize Breeding Waterfowl Habitat in Eastern South Dakota. 9th North American Duck Symposium, Portland, OR. | February 2024 |
Kucia, S.R., O. McKenna, and J.D. Stafford. 2023. Development of a restorable wetlands database for South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Janke, A.K., M. Anteau, and J.D. Stafford. On bait buckets and Boreal ducks: Associations between migrant duck physiology and a wetland-ecosystem engineer. 41st Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Reykjavik, Iceland. 9 August 2017. | August 2017 |
Janke, A. K., M. J. Anteau, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Nutrient dynamics of pre-breeding blue-winged teal in eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. | February 2014 |
Janke, A. K., M. J. Anteau, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Nutrient accumulation during early-onset of rapid follicle growth in an income-breeding duck. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. | January 2014 |
Janke, A. K., M. J. Anteau, and J. D. Stafford. 2013. Nutrient accumulation during early-onset of rapid follicle growth in an income-breeding duck. South Dakota Ornithological Union Annual Meeting, Pierre, South Dakota | September 2013 |
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, and M. J. Anteau. 2016. Novel contributions of wetlands in agricultural landscapes to duck migration in the Southern Prairie Pothole Region. North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland. 4 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, and M. J. Anteau. South Dakota spring migration research update. Scaup Action Team Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland. 3 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, and M. J. Anteau. Novel contributions of wetlands in South Dakota’s intensively farmed landscapes for spring-migrating ducks. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. 2 March 2016. | March 2016 |
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, M. J. Anteau, and R. Murano. Evaluating Wetland-ecosystem health in the Prairie Pothole Region using real-time nutrient dynamics of waterfowl – Project Update. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks Fall Wildlife Staff Meeting, Madison, South Dakota. 19 September 2013. | September 2013 |
Janke, A. K., B. Werner, J. D. Stafford, and W. C. Johnson. Influence of simulated wetland dynamics on breeding waterfowl abundance in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Janke, A. K., B. Werner, J. D. Stafford, and W. C. Johnson. Influence of simulated wetland dynamics on breeding waterfowl abundance in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 28 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Hine, C.S., R. V. Smith, A. P. Yetter, M. M. Horath, J. D. Stafford, and H. M. Hagy. Waterbird Response to a Restored Illinois River Floodplain Wetland. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Hennig, J.D., T.J. Benson, J.D. Stafford, A.P. Yetter. Estimating Non-breeding Waterfowl Abundance in the Lower Wabash River Region Using a Grid-based Aerial-Sampling Approach, Oral Presentation, The Wildlife Society’s 20th Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI Oct. 2013. | October 2013 |
Hennig, J. D., T. J. Benson, K. W. Stodola, A. P. Yetter, and J. D. Stafford. Implementing a new aerial survey method to estimate abundance of spring-migrating waterfowl. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Hennig, J. D., T. J. Benson, K. W. Stodola, A. P. Yetter, and J. D. Stafford. A new survey approach for estimating abundance and distribution of non-breeding waterfowl. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Hawk, L. C., M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Application of Light-level Geolocation to Waterfowl Management. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 29 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Hagy, H. M., J. D. Stafford, and R. M. Kaminski. Experimentally estimating foraging thresholds for dabbling ducks during migration and winter. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012. | December 2012 |
H. M. Hagy, J. D. Stafford, M. L. Schummer, A. T. Pearse, and R. M. Kaminski. Practical Application of and Potential Bias Associated with Foraging Thresholds in Estimates of Carrying Capacity for Waterfowl. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 29 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Gallman, C.W., and J.D. Stafford. Evaluating fall-seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl in Eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota, February 26, 2020. | February 2020 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford. 2019. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. 2019 South Dakota Soil Health Coalition Annual Meeting, Brookings, SD. | April 2019 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford. 2019. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. 2019 South Dakota Ducks Unlimited State Convention, Pierre, SD. | March 2019 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford, and E.S. Michel. Evaluating fall-seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 27 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford, K.M. Carrlson. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 26 February 2018. | February 2018 |
Gallman, C.W. and J.D. Stafford. Breeding waterfowl use and nest survival of fall-seeded cover crops in eastern South Dakota. 2018 South Dakota Ducks Unlimited State Convention, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 27 January 2018. | January 2018 |
Fino, S.R., J.D. Stafford, A.T. Pearse, and J.A. Jenks. 2017. Predator community and duck nest success in eastern South Dakota. CRU Annual Meeting. Brookings, SD, 24 October 2017. | October 2017 |
Fino, S.R., J.D. Stafford, A.T. Pearse, J.A. Jenks, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2019. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 26-30 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Fino, S.R., A.T. Pearse, and J.D. Stafford. Relating predator communities and duck nest survival in Eastern SD. Annual Meeting of the Central Flyway Technical Section, Padre Island, TX. 11 September 2022. | September 2022 |
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, and R. C. Lonsinger. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 26 February 2018. | February 2018 |
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, and R. C. Lonsinger. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 30 January 2018. | January 2018 |
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, AND R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. Ducks Unlimited, Canada IWWR Research Roundup Webinar Series. 8 April 2021. | April 2021 |
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, AND R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. Brookings Wildlife Federation. 4 June 2021. | June 2021 |
Figura, M.K., J.D. Stafford, D. Roeder, and K.K. Bakker. 2023. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, SD. | February 2023 |
Figura, M., K. Bakker, K.C. Jensen, and J.D. Stafford. 2021. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 24 February 2021. | February 2021 |
Figura, M., K. Bakker, K.C. Jensen, AND J.D. Stafford. 2021. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. 2 February 2021. | February 2021 |
Figura, M. K., Stafford, J. D., and Bakker, K. K. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt Region. SDSU Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation Club. South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. October 2021. | October 2021 |
Figura, M. E., Stafford J. D., Bakker, K. K., & Jensen, K. C. Evaluating Avian Use of Cover Crops in the Western Corn Belt Region. Poster Presentation. The Wildlife Society SD Chapter. Champlain, South Dakota. 26-27 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Figura, M. E., Stafford J. D., Bakker, K. K., & Jensen, K. C. Evaluating Avian Use of Cover Crops in the Western Corn Belt Region. Oral Presentation. Brookings Birding Club. Brookings, SD, 11 December 2019. | December 2019 |
Ensrud, M.N., D.P. Walsh, E.F. Cassirer, C.P. Lehman, J.D. Stafford, AND J.A. Jenks. 2023. Further evidence that the removal of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae carrier bighorn sheep increases lamb survival. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, SD. | February 2023 |
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Annual Meeting of South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. 23 February 2015 | February 2015 |
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Annual Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, Providence, Rhode Island. 2 June 2015 | June 2015 |
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. Changes in species abundance in wetland zones in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Annual Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, Corpus Christi, Texas. 3 June 2016. | June 2016 |
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. 2014. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri | January 2014 |
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. 2014. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon | May 2014 |
Cressey, R., J. Austin, and J. D. Stafford. Changes in Prairie Pothole Region wetland plant communities and wetland conditions after 50 years. Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Duluth, MN. 5 June 2013. | June 2013 |
Cressey, R. L., J. E. Austin, and J. D. Stafford. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. North Dakota Chapter The Wildlife Conference, Mandan, North Dakota. 11 February 2015 | February 2015 |
Behney, A. C., R. O’Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Patterns of duck foraging behavior during Spring Migration in Illinois. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Behney, A. C., R. O’Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. An assessment of factors influencing bias, precision, and detection probability of food abundance estimates from core sampling. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. Oral Presentation. | January 2014 |
Behney, A. C., R. O’Shaughnessy M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Ecological Factors Influencing Foraging Behavior of Ducks during Spring Migration. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Behney, A. C., R. O'Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Ecological factors influencing foraging behavior of ducks during spring migration in the Wabash River floodplain, USA. 3rd Pan-European Duck Symposium, Jindřichův Hradec, Czechia. | April 2012 |
Batalla, M., S.R. Chipps, K.M. Millman and J. Stafford. 2024. Influence of wetland condition on aquatic invertebrates, amphibians, and fishes in semi-permanent wetlands. 154<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. | September 2024 |
Batalla, M., S.R. Chipps, K. Millman, and J. Stafford. 2024. Fishes, macroinvertebrates, amphibians, and water quality attributes in eastern South Dakota wetlands: An evaluation of wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. | January 2024 |
Anchor, C.E., M.L. Szymanski, R.J. Murano, A.T. Pearse, and J.D. Stafford. Migration Patterns and Landscape Use by Hatch-Year Mallards during Autumn and Winter. Oral Presentation. Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee Meeting, North Platte, NE, 5 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Anchor, C.E., M.L. Szymanski, R.J. Murano, A.T. Pearse, and J.D. Stafford. Evaluating Post-fledging Movements of Hatch Year Mallards in the Dakotas. Poster. North American Duck Symposium 8, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 27 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Anchor, C.E., A.T. Pearse, R.J. Murano, M.L. Szymanski, and J.D. Stafford. Habitat Use by Hatch-Year Mallards in North and South Dakota. Oral Presentation. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, SD, 28 February 2020 | February 2020 |
Anchor, C.E., A.T. Pearse, M.L. Szymanski, R.J. Murano, and J.D. Stafford. Habitat Use by Post-fledging Mallards in the Southern Prairie Pothole Region. Oral Presentation. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Mandan, ND, 13 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Yetter, A. P., M. M. Horath, C. S. Hine, R. V. Smith, and J. D. Stafford. 2011. Illinois Waterfowl Surveys and Investigations. INHS Technical Report 2011 (41). November. 74 pp. | November 2011 |
Stafford, J.D., J.B. Long, A.P. Yetter, T.J. Benson, and M.W. Eichholz. 2011. Ecology of non-breeding waterfowl in the Wabash River region. INHS Technical Report 2011 (20). 26 pp. | July 2011 |
Smith, R. V., J. D. Stafford, A. P. Yetter, C. J. Wehlan, C. S. Hine, and M. M. Horath. 2011. Foraging thresholds of spring migrating dabbling ducks in Illinois. INHS Technical Report 2011 (37). November. 55 pp. | November 2011 |
Hine, C. S., R. V. Smith, A. P. Yetter, M. M. Horath, J. D. Stafford, and H. M. Hagy. 2012. Waterbird and wetland monitoring at The Emiquon Preserve. 2011 Annual Report. The Nature Conservancy. INHS Technical Report 2012 (15). May. 42 pp. | May 2012 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
The Wildlife Society - South Dakota Chapter, Life Member | Stafford | June 2022 | Present |
The Wildlife Society - President, South Dakota Chapter | Stafford | February 2017 | February 2018 |
The Wildlife Society - President Elect | Stafford | March 2016 | February 2017 |
The Wildlife Society - Past-President | Stafford | March 2018 | February 2019 |
The Wildlife Society - Member | Stafford | February 1998 | Present |
Society of Wetland Scientists - Member, Wildlife Section | Stafford | June 2023 | Present |
Society of Wetland Scientists - Chair-Elect, Wildlife Section | Stafford | July 2013 | June 2014 |