South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member
Dr. Erin Kathleen Buchholtz
Assistant Unit Leader
Faculty Email:
- Ph D Texas A&M University 2019
- BA Princeton University 2011
Dr. Buchholtz joined the South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in 2022, where she is the Assistant Unit Leader of Wildlife and Assistant Professor in the Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department at Clemson University. Prior to this position, she earned degrees in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University (BA) and Texas A&M University (PhD) before working as an ecologist with the USGS at the Fort Collins Science Center. Her research is at the nexus of wildlife movement ecology, landscape ecology, and socio-ecological systems. Her work in the sagebrush biome focuses on understanding connectivity for species that have different movement modalities and functional needs. She also applies principles of spatial ecology and animal movement methods to understanding human-wildlife interactions, resource access, and habitat selection, including past work with elephants in northern Botswana and upcoming work on wildlife movement in the southeastern US. She applies quantitative and spatial methods such as circuit theory and resource selection modeling to support conservation and management actions. Dr. Buchholtz looks forward to teaching graduate courses in the fields of landscape ecology and wildlife movement modeling.
Areas of Expertise
Anthropogenic Impacts, Ecological Flows, Fire Ecology, GIS/Spatial Analysis, Habitat Management, Human Dimensions, Invasive Species, Landscape Ecology, Movement Ecology, Remote Sensing, Statistics and Modelling, Wildlife Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Ungulates
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Sofaer, HR, CS Jarnevich, EK Buchholtz, BS Cade, JT Abatzoglou, CL Aldridge, PJ Comer, D Manier, LE Parker, and JA Heinrichs. 2022. Potential cheatgrass abundance within lightly invaded areas of the Great Basin. Landscape Ecology 37, 2607–2618. | Abstract | Publisher Website | October 2022 |
Rogan, J.E., M.R. Parker, Z.B. Hancock, A.D. Earl, E.K. Buchholtz, K. Chyn, J. Martina, & L.A. Fitzgerald (2023). Genetic and demographic consequences of range contraction patterns during biological annihilation. Scientific Reports 13, 1691. | Abstract | January 2023 |
Kapsar, K.E., Hovis, C.L., Bicudo da Silva, R.F., Buchholtz, E.K., Carlson, A.K., Dou, Y., Du, Y., Furumo, P.R., Li, Y., Torres, A. and Yang, D., 2019. Telecoupling research: The first five years. Sustainability, 11(4), p.1033. | Abstract | February 2019 |
He, H., Buchholtz, E., Chen, F., Vogel, S. and Yu, C.A.A., 2022. An agent-based model of elephant crop consumption walks using combinatorial optimization. Ecological Modelling, 464, p.109852. | Abstract | Publisher Website | February 2022 |
Ghoddousi, A., Buchholtz, E.K., Dietsch, A.M., Williamson, M.A., Sharma, S., Balkenhol, N., Kuemmerle, T. and Dutta, T., 2021. Anthropogenic resistance: accounting for human behavior in wildlife connectivity planning. One Earth, 4(1), pp.39-48. | Abstract | Publisher Website | January 2021 |
Fitzgerald, L.A., Walkup, D., Chyn, K., Buchholtz, E., Angeli, N. and Parker, M., 2017. The Future for Reptiles: Advances and Challenges in the Anthropocene. Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene. | Abstract | December 2017 |
Buchholtz, E.K., Stronza, A., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G. and Fitzgerald, L.A., 2020. Using landscape connectivity to predict human-wildlife conflict. Biological Conservation, 248, p.108677. | Abstract | August 2020 |
Buchholtz, E.K., Spragg, S., Songhurst, A., Stronza, A., McCulloch, G. and Fitzgerald, L.A., 2021. Anthropogenic impact on wildlife resource use: Spatial and temporal shifts in elephants’ access to water. African Journal of Ecology, 59(3), pp.614-623. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2021 |
Buchholtz, E.K., Redmore, L., Fitzgerald, L.A., Stronza, A., Songhurst, A. and McCulloch, G., 2019. Temporal partitioning and overlapping use of a shared natural resource by people and elephants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, p.117. | Abstract | April 2019 |
Buchholtz, E.K., M. McDaniels, G. McCulloch, A. Songhurst, and A. Stronza (2023). A mixed-methods assessment of human-elephant conflict in the Western Okavango Panhandle, Botswana. People and Nature. | Abstract | February 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Kreitler, D. Shinneman, M. Crist, & J. Heinrichs (2023). Assessing large landscape patterns of potential fire connectivity using circuit methods. Landscape Ecology. | Abstract | April 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Heinrichs, & M. Crist (2023). Landscape and connectivity metrics as a spatial tool to support invasive annual grass management decisions. Biological Invasions. | Abstract | Publisher Website | January 2023 |
Buchholtz, E., Fitzgerald, L., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G. and Stronza, A., 2020. Experts and elephants: local ecological knowledge predicts landscape use for a species involved in human-wildlife conflict. Ecology and Society, 25(4). | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2020 |
Buchholtz, E., Fitzgerald, L., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G. and Stronza, A., 2019. Overlapping landscape utilization by elephants and people in the Western Okavango Panhandle: implications for conflict and conservation. Landscape Ecology, 34(6), pp.1411-1423. | Abstract | June 2019 |
Buchholtz, E. K., O’Donnell, M. S., Heinrichs, J. A., & Aldridge, C. L. (2023). Temporal Patterns of Structural Sagebrush Connectivity from 1985 to 2020. Land, 12(6), 1176. | Abstract | June 2023 |
Buchholtz E. People in a biodiverse region experienced varying types and timing of conflict with multiple wildlife species. Tropical Conservation Science. 2024;17. doi:10.1177/19400829241233479 | April 2024 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Tobias, T.N. and E.K. Buchholtz. 2025. Integrating Critical Ecologies and Black Ecological Knowledge with Physical Ecology to Understand Land-Use Legacies. 2025 Annual Meeting of the North American Regional Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Raleigh NC, 13 - 17 April 2025. | April 2025 |
Tobias, T.N. and E.K. Buchholtz. 2023. Using herpetofauna to understand land-use impacts on ecological communities in SC historic rice fields. Clemson University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduate Research Symposium, Georgetown, SC, 16 - 17 October 2023. | October 2023 |
Suthar, A.R., M.A. McAlister, J. Dozier, J.A. Elmore, E.K. Buchholtz, T.H. Folk, A.R. Pierce, and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Factors Affecting Waterbird Use of Antebellum Rice Fields of Coastal South Carolina: A Case Study from Yawkey Wildlife Center. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference (SEAFWA), Augusta, GA, 12 - 16 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Suthar, A.R., M.A. McAlister, B.A. Bauer, T.H. Folk, J. Dozier, J.A. Elmore, E.K. Buchholtz and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Eyes in the Sky: Evaluating Drones as a Tool for Aerial Waterbird Surveys in Antebellum Rice Fields in Coastal South Carolina. The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, 19 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Suthar, A.R., M.A. McAlister, B.A. Bauer, T.H. Folk, J. Dozier, J.A. Elmore, E.K. Buchholtz and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Eyes in the Sky: Evaluating Drones as a Tool for Aerial Waterbird Surveys in Antebellum Rice Fields in Coastal South Carolina. <i>ACE Basin Symposium</i>, Walterboro, South Carolina, 1 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Smith, S., M.D. Jones, B.M. Marshall, S. Waengsothorn, G.A. Gale, C.T. Strine, and E.K. Buchholtz. 2023. Movements, space use, and habitat preferences of native Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) in a heterogenous agricultural landscape in Northeast Thailand. Clemson University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduate Research Symposium, Georgetown, SC, 16 - 17 October 2023. | October 2023 |
Shyvers, J.E., B.C. Tarbox, C.J. Duchardt, A.P. Monroe, D.R. Edmunds, B.S. Robb, N.J. Van Lanen, E.K. Buchholtz, M.S. O'Donnell, N.D. Van Schmidt, J.A. Heinrichs, C.L. Aldridge. Optimizing conservation and restoration of imperiled sagebrush ecosystems to benefit multiple species. Oral Presentation. The Wildlife Society’s 29th Annual Conference, Spokane, WA, November 6-10, 2022. | November 2022 |
Shyvers, J.E., B.C. Tarbox, C.J. Duchardt, A.P. Monroe, D.R. Edmunds, B.S. Robb, N.J. Van Lanen, E.K. Buchholtz, M.S. O'Donnell, N.D. Van Schmidt, J.A. Heinrichs, C.L. Aldridge. Optimizing conservation and restoration of imperiled sagebrush ecosystems to benefit multiple species. Lightning Talk. WAFWA - 33rd Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop, Hybrid format, Logan, UT, 15 - 18 August, 2022. | August 2022 |
Shyvers, J.E., B.C. Tarbox, C.J. Duchardt, A.P. Monroe, D.R. Edmunds, B.S. Robb, N.J. Van Lanen, E.K. Buchholtz, J.A. Heinrichs, C.L. Aldridge. Optimizing conservation and restoration of imperiled sagebrush ecosystems to benefit multiple avian species. Oral Presentation. American Ornithological Society and BirdsCaribbean Ornithological Conference, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022. | July 2022 |
Roche, M., J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, D. Shinneman, C. Aldridge, B. Brussee, P. Coates, C. Roth, J. Heinrichs. 2022. A spatial synthesis of fuel breaks in the sagebrush biome in relation to wildfire, invasive annual grasses, and Greater Sage-Grouse. Western Agencies 33rd Sage & Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse workshop. 15 - 18 August 2022. Logan, Utah. | August 2022 |
Roche, M., J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, D. Shinneman, C. Aldridge, B. Brussee, P. Coates, C. Roth, J. Heinrichs. 2022. A Spatial Data Synthesis of Fuel Breaks in the Sagebrush Biome in Relation to Wildfire, Invasive Annual Grasses, and Sagebrush Obligate Wildlife. Oral presentation, North American Congress for Conservation Biology. 17 - 21 July 2022. Reno, NV. | July 2022 |
Nicasio-Arzeta, S., E. Buchholtz, M. Pons, T. Wellicome, and J. Heinrichs. 2024. Spatiotemporal variation in sagebrush connectivity and opportunities to conserve transborder populations of Greater sage-grouse. Poster presentation, <i>The North American Congress for Conservation Biology</i>, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 25 – 27 June 2024. | June 2024 |
Nettles, J., D. Jachowski, and E. Buchholtz. 2024. Black bears as an apex predator: Investigating the ecological role of the world’s most abundant large carnivore. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD. 19 - 23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Kreitler, J., E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, J. Heinrichs, & D. Shinneman. A return on investment approach for evaluating fuel break priorities. International Association for Landscape Ecology - North America Annual Meeting, 11 - 14 April 2022. | April 2022 |
Jamison, A., E. Buchholtz, & G. Yarrow (2023). Estimating wild pig densities in the Piedmont region of South Carolina using a baited camera array. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5 - 10 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Heinrichs, J, E Buchholtz, H Sofaer, C Jarnevich, M Roche, C Aldridge, & M Crist. 2022. Assessing the cover, connectivity, and future proliferation of invasive fine fuels. Oral presentation, North American Congress for Conservation Biology. 17 - 21 July 2022. Reno, NV. | July 2022 |
Fink, M., Casey, S., Cribb, T., Bacot, M., Powell, D., Sealy, H., Jamison, A., Yarrow, G., Buchholtz, E. (2024). Wild Hogs on the Clemson Experimental Forest. Poster presentation at Clemson University 19th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Forum, Clemson, SC. 3-5 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Cribb, T., Yarrow, G., Buchholtz, E. (2023). Tracking Wild Hogs on Clemson's Experimental Forest. Poster presentation at the 7th Annual Summer Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research Showcase, Clemson, SC. 22 August 2023. | August 2023 |
Cribb, T., J. Allen, M. Belanger, T. Brazell, L. Dawkins, J. Farrell, M. Fink, K. Lentz, D. Powell, G. Sapp, N. Sparano, A. Jamison, E. Buchholtz, & G. Yarrow (2023). Hog wild in the forest: Home ranges and habitat use of wild hogs in Clemson, South Carolina. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5 - 10 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Cribb, T., Buchholtz, E., Yarrow, G., Jamison, A. 2024. Wild Hogs on the Clemson Experimental Forest: Radio/GPS tracking invasive wild hogs in Clemson, SC. Poster presentation at the 7th Annual Clemson University Student Research Forum, Clemson, SC. 3-5 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Cribb, T., Buchholtz, E., Yarrow, G., Jamison, A. 2024. Wild Hogs on the Clemson Experimental Forest: Radio/GPS tracking invasive wild hogs in Clemson, SC. Poster presentation at the 2024 ACC Meeting of the Minds Student Conference, Notre Dame, IN. 5-7 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Understanding past and present connectivity patterns for habitat and wildlife in the sagebrush biome. Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA. 6 - 10 November 2022. | November 2022 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Patterns of structural connectivity in the sagebrush biome (1985-2018). Western Agencies 33rd Sage & Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop, Ogden, UT (virtual). 15 - 18 August 2022. | August 2022 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Patterns of structural connectivity in the sagebrush biome (1985-2018). North America Congress for Conservation Biology, Reno, NV. 17 - 21 July 2022. | July 2022 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, M. O'Donnell & C.A. Aldridge. A functional guild approach to multispecies connectivity modeling in the sagebrush biome. International Association for Landscape Ecology - North America Annual Meeting, (virtual) 11 - 14 April 2022. | April 2022 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, A.L. Whipple, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Capturing variation in functional connectivity for data-deficient wildlife species in Wyoming. Annual Conference, International Association for Landscape Ecology - North America, Riverside, CA. 19 - 23 March 2023. | March 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Kreitler, D. Shinneman, M. Crist, & J. Heinrichs. Assessing large landscape patterns of potential fire connectivity using circuit methods. Presentation (virtual) Annual Meeting, Society for Rangeland Management, Boise, ID, 15-18 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Heinrichs, M. O'Donnell, A. Whipple and C. Aldridge. Multispecies connectivity: Insights across connectivity models and functional guilds in the Wyoming sagebrush ecosystem. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 19 - 23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Heinrichs, M. Crist, & C. Aldridge. Quantifying connectivity of invasive annual grasses in the Great Basin, USA. Oral presentation, International Association for Landscape Ecology - North America annual conference, virtual. 12 - 15 April 2021. | April 2021 |
Buchholtz, E.K. Tigers, elephants, and everything in between: My path to a career in science. Invited, virtual presentation U.S. Geological Survey - Friday's Findings: Celebrating International Women's Day and the paths taken to a career in science. 8 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Buchholtz, E. K., M. McDaniels, G. McCulloch, A. Songhurst, A. Stronza, and L. Fitzgerald (2023). Connectivity and conflict: What people, records, and GPS can tell us about elephant landscape use in northwestern Botswana. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5 - 10 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Abramowitz, C. M., Buchholtz, E. K., and Loeb, S. C. 2024. Bat use of fields in Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. Tennessee Bat Working Group, Murpheesboro, TN. 22 November, 2024. | November 2024 |
Abramowitz, C. M., Buchholtz, E. K., and Loeb, S. C. 2024. Bat use of fields in Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. 52nd Annual Meeting, North American Society for Bat Research, Guadalajara, Mexico, 23-26 October 2024. | October 2024 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.</b>, Redmore, L., S. Vogel, A. Stronza, A. Songhurst, G. McCulloch, & L. Fitzgerald (2018). Sharing the savanna: Spatio-temporal patterns of hardwood resource utilization by humans and elephants in northern Botswana. Oral presentation. <i>US-International Association of Landscape Ecology</i>, Chicago, IL. | April 2018 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.</b>, A. Stronza, L. Fitzgerald, A. Songhurst, & G. McCulloch (2017). Elephant utilization of a land-use mosaic, Kavango-Zambezi region: Implications for conflict and conservation. Oral presentation. <i>US-International Association of Landscape Ecology</i>, Baltimore, MD. | April 2017 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.</b>, A. Stronza, A. Songhurst, G. McCulloch, & L. Fitzgerald (2019). Does landscape connectivity influence human-elephant conflict? Oral presentation. <i>International Congress for Conservation Biology</i>, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. | July 2019 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.</b>, A. Stronza, A. Songhurst, G. McCulloch, & L. Fitzgerald (2019). Connectivity considerations for the African elephant. Oral presentation. <i>US-International Association of Landscape Ecology</i>, Fort Collins, CO. | April 2019 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.</b>, A. Stronza, A. Songhurst, G. McCulloch, & L. Fitzgerald (2019). Connectivity considerations for the African elephant. Oral presentation. <i>Ecological Integration Symposium</i>, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. | April 2019 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.</b>, A. Stronza, A. Songhurst, G. McCulloch, & L. Fitzgerald (2019). Connectivity comparisons and considerations for landscape movements of the African elephant. Oral presentation. <i>Texas A&M University Student Research Week</i>, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. | March 2019 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.</b>*, L. Redmore*, S. Vogel, A. Stronza, A. Songhurst, G. McCulloch, & L. Fitzgerald (2018). Sharing the savanna: Spatio-temporal patterns of hardwood resource utilization by humans and elephants in northern Botswana. *Joint oral presentation. <i>Human Dimensions -</i> <i>Pathways Africa Conference</i>, Windhoek, Namibia. | January 2018 |
<b>Buchholtz, E.K.,</b> L. Redmore, L., S. Vogel, A. Stronza, A. Songhurst, G. McCulloch, & L. Fitzgerald (2018). Spatio-temporal patterns reveal dynamic risk-reward interactions between humans and elephants around hardwood resources. Oral presentation. <i>Ecological Society of America</i>, New Orleans, LA. | August 2018 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Shyvers J.E., B.C. Tarbox, E.K. Buchholtz, A.P. Monroe, C.J. Duchardt, N J. Van Lanen, B.S. Robb, D.R. Edmunds, M.S. O’Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Raster layers of optimal conservation and restoration sites, ecological status, and connectivity to prioritize multi-species, sagebrush ecosystem management across Wyoming, USA. USGS ScienceBase data release. | April 2023 |
Data Release | Buchholtz, E.K., M.S. O'Donnell, J.A. Heinrichs, and C.L Aldridge. 2023. Sagebrush structural connectivity yearly and temporal trends based on RCMAP sagebrush products, biome-wide from 1985 to 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release | October 2022 |
Data Release | Buchholtz, E.K. and Kreitler, J.R., 2023, Circuit-based potential fire connectivity and relative flow patterns in the Great Basin, United States, 270 meters: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | April 2023 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN WCPA Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group - group member | Buchholtz | June 2024 | Present |
International Association for Landscape Ecology - Councilor-at-Large | Buchholtz | March 2023 | Present |
International Association for Landscape Ecology - Chair, Foreign Scholar Travel Award Committee | Buchholtz | July 2023 | Present |