Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources


Assessing the proliferation, connectivity, and consequences of invasive fine fuels

March 2020 - May 2024


Participating Agencies

Invasive annual grasses are a growing threat to ecosystems in the western United States. They outcompete native species, influence wildlife habitat, and provide flammable fuels that intensify the wildfire regime. Landscape disturbances and management activities may lead to further spread of invasive annual grasses, and so it is important to characterize the proliferation, connectivity, and consequences of invasive grasses. Moreover, these grasses could impact habitats for species of interest such as the sage grouse. The project is a collaboration of researchers including the USGS FORT Science Center, USGS SC CFWRU, USGS PIERC, the Bureau of Land Management, and Colorado State University, the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center and State and Federal natural resource managers in the Pacific Northwest. This project can help develop strategies for managing annual invasive grasses, identifying characteristics and areas to target for appropriate management actions given the patterns and consequences of invasion.

Research Publications Publication Date
Sofaer, HR, CS Jarnevich, EK Buchholtz, BS Cade, JT Abatzoglou, CL Aldridge, PJ Comer, D Manier, LE Parker, and JA Heinrichs. 2022. Potential cheatgrass abundance within lightly invaded areas of the Great Basin. Landscape Ecology 37, 2607–2618. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2022
Roche, M.D., D.J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M.R. Crist, D.J. Shinneman, C.L. Aldridge, B.E. Brussee, P.S. Coates, C.L. Weise, J.A. Heinrichs. 2024. Ecological trade-offs associated with fuel breaks in the sagebrush ecosystem. Fire Ecology. 107. | Abstract December 2024
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Kreitler, D. Shinneman, M. Crist, & J. Heinrichs (2023). Assessing large landscape patterns of potential fire connectivity using circuit methods. Landscape Ecology. | Abstract April 2023
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Heinrichs, & M. Crist (2023). Landscape and connectivity metrics as a spatial tool to support invasive annual grass management decisions. Biological Invasions. | Abstract | Publisher Website January 2023
Presentations Presentation Date
Roche, M., J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, D. Shinneman, C. Aldridge, B. Brussee, P. Coates, C. Roth, J. Heinrichs. 2022. A spatial synthesis of fuel breaks in the sagebrush biome in relation to wildfire, invasive annual grasses, and Greater Sage-Grouse. Western Agencies 33rd Sage & Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse workshop. 15 - 18 August 2022. Logan, Utah. August 2022
Roche, M., J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, D. Shinneman, C. Aldridge, B. Brussee, P. Coates, C. Roth, J. Heinrichs. 2022. A Spatial Data Synthesis of Fuel Breaks in the Sagebrush Biome in Relation to Wildfire, Invasive Annual Grasses, and Sagebrush Obligate Wildlife. Oral presentation, North American Congress for Conservation Biology. 17 - 21 July 2022. Reno, NV. July 2022
Kreitler, J., E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, J. Heinrichs, & D. Shinneman. A return on investment approach for evaluating fuel break priorities. International Association for Landscape Ecology - North America Annual Meeting, 11 - 14 April 2022. April 2022
Heinrichs, J, E Buchholtz, H Sofaer, C Jarnevich, M Roche, C Aldridge, & M Crist. 2022. Assessing the cover, connectivity, and future proliferation of invasive fine fuels. Oral presentation, North American Congress for Conservation Biology. 17 - 21 July 2022. Reno, NV. July 2022
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Kreitler, D. Shinneman, M. Crist, & J. Heinrichs. Assessing large landscape patterns of potential fire connectivity using circuit methods. Presentation (virtual) Annual Meeting, Society for Rangeland Management, Boise, ID, 15-18 February 2023. February 2023
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Heinrichs, M. Crist, & C. Aldridge. Quantifying connectivity of invasive annual grasses in the Great Basin, USA. Oral presentation, International Association for Landscape Ecology - North America annual conference, virtual. 12 - 15 April 2021. April 2021
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release Weise, C.L., Coates, P.S., Ricca, M.A., Crist, M.R., Welty, J.L., Pilliod, D.S., Shinneman, D.J., Aldridge, C.L., Heinrichs, J.A., and Chenaille, M.P., 2024, Fuel break treatments in the sagebrush biome of the western United States, 1953 - 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, September 2024
Data Release Buchholtz, E.K. and Kreitler, J.R., 2023, Circuit-based potential fire connectivity and relative flow patterns in the Great Basin, United States, 270 meters: U.S. Geological Survey data release, April 2023
Data Release Buchholtz, E.K. & J. Heinrichs. 2022. Landscape and connectivity metrics based on invasive annual grass cover from 2016-2018 summarized at 15 kilometer grid cells in the Great Basin, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release. ScienceBase. October 2022