North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member
Dr. Nathan J Hostetter

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (919) 515 - 2689
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- Ph D North Carolina State University 2016
- MS Oregon State University 2010
Dr. Hostetter joined the North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in 2021, where he is an Assistant Unit Leader and Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Ecology at North Carolina State University. As a quantitative population ecologist, Nathan investigates factors driving spatial and temporal variation in demography, distribution, and abundance of wild populations. His research unites principles in population ecology, movement ecology, and landscape ecology through integrated modeling approaches that link field data to population processes in terrestrial and aquatic landscapes, and across taxonomic lines (birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish). His research broadly focuses on three themes: (1) developing scientifically sound integrated sampling and analytical methods for abundance and demographic rate estimation, (2) applying modeling and decision science tools to support management and conservation actions, and (3) understanding population-level responses to climate change, land use management, and conservation efforts. Nathan’s work has been critical to improving monitoring and management of species of conservation concern, invasive species, game and nongame species, and has resulted in more powerful tools for understanding fish and wildlife populations and the landscapes that support them.
Areas of Expertise
Invasive Species, Movement Ecology, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Distribution Modeling, Species Management, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Anadromous Fishes, Carnivores, Furbearers, Marine Mammals, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Reptiles, Salmonids, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Ungulates
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Yackel Adams AA, NJ Hostetter, WA Link, and SJ Converse. 2024. Identifying Pareto-efficient eradication strategies for invasive populations. Conservation Letters: e13051. | September 2024 |
Viviane Zulian, Pacifici, K., Bacheler, N.M., Buckel, J.A., Patterson, W.F., Reich, B.J., Shertzer, K.W. and Hostetter, N.J. (2024). Applying mark-resight, count, and telemetry data to estimate effective sampling area and fish density with stationary underwater cameras. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi: | Abstract |
August 2024 |
Tharp, RM, NJ Hostetter, AB Paxton, JC Taylor, JA Buckel. 2024. Artificial structure selection by economically important reef fishes at North Carolina artificial reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1373494. | April 2024 |
Rivera, D., JP Zegarra, CE Figuerola-Hernández, JL Herrera-Giraldo, N Arocho-Hernández, NJ Hostetter, J Collazo, RC Bell. 2023. Contemporary record and photographs of the rarely seen and poorly known Mona Blind Snake, Antillotyphlops monensis (Serpentes: Typhlopidae), with comments on ecology and conservation. Herpetology Notes 16:915-918. | Abstract | November 2023 |
Rivera, D., JP Zegarra, AR Puente-Rolon, N Arocho-Hernández, NJ Hostetter, JA Collazo, RC Bell. 2024. Multiple Records of the Introduced Parthenogenetic Smooth-scaled Tegulet (Gymnophthalmus underwoodi Grant 1958) in Puerto Rico. Reptiles & Amphibians 31:e21466–e21466. | Abstract | March 2024 |
Rivera, D, JB Henderson, AW Lam, NJ Hostetter, JA Collazo, RC Bell. 2024. High-quality, chromosome-level reference genomes of the viviparous Caribbean skinks Spondylurus nitidus and S. culebrae. Genome Biology and Evolution evae079. | April 2024 |
Regehr EV, NJ Hostetter, RR Wilson, KD Rode, M St. Martin, and SJ Converse. 2018. Integrated population modeling provides the first empirical estimates of vital rates and abundance for polar bears in the Chukchi Sea. Scientific Reports 8:16780. | November 2018 |
Regehr EV, MC Runge, A Von Duyke, RR Wilson, L Polasek, KD Rode, NJ Hostetter, and SJ Converse. 2021. Demographic risk assessment for a harvested species threatened by climate change: polar bears in the Chukchi Sea. Ecological Applications: e02461. | September 2021 |
Payton Q, AF Evans, NJ Hostetter, DD Roby, BM Cramer, and K Collis. 2020. Measuring the additive effects of predation on prey survival across multiple spatial scales. Ecological Applications. 30:e02193. | June 2020 |
Morin, D. J., J. H. Vashon, M. O’Neal, N. J. Hostetter, and E. A. Flaherty. 2025. No evidence hunting bait increases American black bear population growth in Maine, USA. The Journal of Wildlife Management 89:e22681. | January 2025 |
McClintock BT, B Abrahms, RB Chandler, PB Conn, SJ Converse, RL Emmet, B Gardner, NJ Hostetter, and DS Johnson. 2022. An integrated path for spatial capture-recapture and animal movement modeling. Ecology 103:e3473. | October 2022 |
Lloyd NA, NJ Hostetter, CL Jackson, SJ Converse, and A Moehrenschlager. 2019. Response: future directions to escalate benefits of the stepping-stone approach for conservation translocations. Animal Conservation 22:122-123. | April 2019 |
Lloyd NA, NJ Hostetter, CL Jackson, SJ Converse, and A Moehrenschlager. 2019. Optimizing release strategies: a stepping-stone approach to reintroduction. Animal Conservation 22:105-115. | April 2019 |
Link WA, SJ Converse, AA Yackel Adams, and NJ Hostetter. 2018. Analysis of population change and movement using robust design removal data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 23:463–477. | September 2018 |
Kazyak DC, AM Flowers, NJ Hostetter, JA Madsen, M Breece, A Higgs, LM Brown, JA Royle, DA. Fox. 2020. Integrating side-scan sonar and acoustic telemetry to estimate the annual spawning run size of Atlantic sturgeon in the Hudson River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:1038–1048. | January 2020 |
Hostetter, NJ, AF Evans, Q Payton, DD Roby, DE Lyons, and K Collis. 2023. A Review of Factors Affecting the Susceptibility of Juvenile Salmonids to Avian Predation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 43:244–256. | February 2023 |
Hostetter, N.J., B. Gardner, A.F. Evans, B.M. Cramer, Q. Payton, K. Collis, and D.D. Roby. Wanted dead or alive: A state-space mark-recapture-recovery model incorporating multiple recovery types and state uncertainty. | July 2018 |
Hostetter, N.J., A.F. Evans, D.D. Roby, and K. Collis. 2012. Susceptibility of juvenile steelhead to avian predation: the influence of individual fish characteristics and river conditions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1586-1599. | September 2012 |
Hostetter, N.J., A.F. Evans, D.D. Roby, K. Collis, M. Hawbecker, B.P. Sandford, D.E. Thompson, and F.J. Loge. 2011. Relationship of external fish condition to pathogen prevalence and out-migration survival in juvenile steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140: 1158-1171. | October 2011 |
Hostetter, N.J., A.F. Evans, B.M. Cramer, K. Collis, D.E. Lyons, D.D. Roby. 2015. Quantifying avian predation on fish populations: Integrating predator-specific deposition probabilities in tag-recovery studies. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:410-422. | Abstract | June 2015 |
Hostetter NJ, Q Payton, DD Roby, K Collis, and AF Evans. 2022. Predation probabilities and functional responses: How piscivorous waterbirds respond to pulses in fish abundance. Ecosphere 13:e4220. | September 2022 |
Hostetter NJ, NJ Lunn, ES Richardson, EV Regehr, and SJ Converse. 2021. Age-structured Jolly-Seber model expands inference and improves parameter estimation from capture-recapture data. PLOS ONE 16:e0252748. | June 2021 |
Hostetter NJ, EV Regehr, RR Wilson, JA Royle, and SJ Converse. 2022. Modeling spatiotemporal abundance and movement dynamics using an integrated spatial capture-recapture movement model. Ecology:e3772. | May 2022 |
Hostetter NJ, D Ryan, D Grosshuesch, T Catton, S Malick-Wahls, TA Smith, and B Gardner. 2020. Quantifying spatiotemporal occupancy dynamics and multi-year core-use areas at a species range boundary. Diversity and Distributions. 26:795–805. | Abstract | March 2020 |
Hostetter NJ and JA Royle. 2020. Movement-assisted localization from acoustic telemetry data. Movement Ecology. 8:15–26. | January 2020 |
Gardner B, BT McClintock, SJ Converse, and NJ Hostetter. 2022. Integrated animal movement and spatial capture-recapture models: simulation, implementation, and inference. Ecology:e3771. | May 2022 |
Evans, AF, Q Payton, NJ Hostetter, K Collis, B. Cramer, and DD Roby. 2022. Cumulative effects of piscivorous colonial waterbirds on juvenile salmonids: a multi predator-prey species evaluation. PLOS ONE 17:e0272875. | August 2022 |
Evans, A.F., N.J. Hostetter, D.D. Roby, K. Collis, D.E. Lyons, B.P. Sandford, and R.D. Ledgerwood. 2012. Systemwide evaluation of avian predation on juvenile salmonids from the Columbia River based on recoveries of Passive Integrated Transponder tags. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:975-989. | July 2012 |
Desrochers, H. M., M. N. Peterson, L. R. Larson, C. E. Moorman, E. M. Kierepka, J. C. Kilgo, and N. J. Hostetter. 2025. Emotions and political identity predict public acceptance of urban deer management. Urban Ecosystems 28:15. | Abstract | January 2025 |
Collis, K., D.D. Roby, K.W. Larson, L.J. Adrean, S.K. Nelson, A.F. Evans, N.J. Hostetter, D.S. Battaglia, D.E. Lyons, T.K. Marcella, and A. Patterson. 2012. Trends in Caspian tern nesting and diet in San Francisco Bay: Conservation implications for terns and salmonids. Waterbirds 35:25-34. | March 2012 |
Coleman, N., D Fox, A Horne, NJ Hostetter, J Madsen, M O'Brien, I Park, C Stend, D Secor. 2024. Spawning run estimates and phenology for an extremely small population of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Marshyhope Creek–Nanticoke River system, Chesapeake Bay. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 16:e10292. | July 2024 |
Bacheler, N.M., Patterson, W.F., Tarnecki, J.H., Shertzer, K.W., Buckel, J.A., Hostetter, N.J., Pacifici, K., Viviane Zulian and Bubley, W.J. (2024). Spatiotemporal dynamics and habitat use of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) on the southeastern United States Atlantic continental shelf. Fisheries Research, [online] 281, pp.107200–107200. doi: |
January 2025 |
Amburgey SM, AA Yackel Adams, B Gardner, NJ Hostetter, SR Siers, BT McClintock, and SJ Converse. 2021. Validation of camera trap-based abundance estimators for unmarked populations. Ecological Applications 31: e02410. | Abstract | October 2021 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Zulian, V, K Pacifici, NM Bacheler, JA Buckel, WF Patterson III, BJ Reich, KW Shertzer, NJ Hostetter. Integrating mark-resight and count data to estimate effective sampling area and fish density. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon. 6-11 August 2023. | August 2023 |
Zulian, V, K Pacifici, NM Bacheler, JA Buckel, WF Patterson III, BJ Reich, KW Shertzer, NJ Hostetter. Integrating mark-resight and count data to estimate effective sampling area and fish density. American Fisheries Society - Tidewater Chapter Conference. Dowell, Maryland. 23-25 March 2023. | March 2023 |
Zampogna, K., C. Moorman, L. Pacifici, M. Carver-McGinn, E. Kierepka, J. Kilgo, J. Lamb, N. Peterson, A. Boggs Pope, N.J. Hostetter. Influence of urbanization on white-tailed deer fawn survival and cause-specific mortality. The Wildlife Society - North Carolina Chapter Annual Meeting. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 25-27 February 2025. | February 2025 |
Wassmer A, K Pacifici, SH Schweitzer, NJ Hostetter. 2023. Illuminating Factors Affecting Occupancy and Detection of Alligators Observed during Annual Spotlight Surveys in North Carolina. Palmetto Alligator Research and Management Symposium. 9-10 November 2023. Georgetown, South Carolina. Oral Presentation. | November 2023 |
Warlick AJ, Wood F, Hostetter NJ, Converse SJ. A Bayesian state-space nest survival model that incorporates breeding phenology to address unknown age and unknown fate data. International Statistical Ecology Conference. Capetown, South Africa. June 27-July 1, 2022. | June 2022 |
Warlick AJ, NJ Hostetter, and SJ Converse. 2020. Estimating reproductive success using a Bayesian nest survival model with uncertain nest age and nest state for Pigeon Guillemots in Puget Sound, Washington. International Statistical Ecology Conference, Online. 22-26 June. | June 2020 |
Warlick AJ, F Wood, NJ Hostetter, and SJ Converse. 2021. Integrated population modeling of an unmarked population to examine environmental drivers of demography for an indicator species. EURING 2021 Analytical Meeting & Workshop, Virtual. | May 2021 |
Tharp RM, NJ Hostetter, AB Paxton, JC Taylor, JA Buckel. 2024. Artificial reef structure selection by reef fishes: the importance of structure characteristics. American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, Hawaii. 16-19 September 2024. | September 2024 |
Tharp RM, AB Paxton, JC Taylor, NJ Hostetter, NM Bacheler, PJ Rudershausen, JA Buckel. 2022. Fine-scale movements and habitat use of recreationally important reef fishes. American Fisheries Society Annual Conference. Spokane, WA. 21-25 August 2022. | August 2022 |
Tharp RM, AB Paxton, JC Taylor, NJ Hostetter, NM Bacheler, PJ Rudershausen, JA Buckel. 2022. Fine-scale movements and habitat use of recreationally important reef fishes. American Fisheries Society - Tidewater Chapter Conference. Dowell, Maryland. 23-25 March 2023. | March 2023 |
Tharp RM, AB Paxton, JC Taylor, NJ Hostetter, NM Bacheler, PJ Rudershausen, JA Buckel. 2022. Fine-scale movement and habitat selection of artificial reef materials by reef fishes: implications for offshore wind studies. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Annual Conference. Dublin, Ireland. 19-22 September 2022. | September 2022 |
Rivera, D, NJ Hostetter, J Collazo, R Bell. Assessing Species Boundaries in Antillean Four-lined Skinks (<i>Spondylurus</i>) Using Whole Genome Data. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Norfolk VA, USA. 12-16 July 2023. | July 2023 |
Rivera, D, NJ Hostetter, J Collazo, R Bell. Assessing Species Boundaries in Antillean Four-lined Skinks (<i>Spondylurus</i>) Using Whole Genome Data. Evolution 2023. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. 21-25 June2023. | June 2023 |
Rivera, D, JB Henderson, AW Lam, NJ Hostetter, JA Collazo, RC Bell. 2024. High-quality, chromosome-level reference genomes of the viviparous Caribbean skinks Spondylurus nitidus and S. culebrae. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. June 2024. | June 2024 |
Rivera, D, JB Henderson, AW Lam, NJ Hostetter, JA Collazo, RC Bell. 2024. High-quality, chromosome-level reference genomes of the viviparous Caribbean skinks Spondylurus nitidus and S. culebrae. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. July 2024. | July 2024 |
Reich, BJ, NM Bacheler, JA Buckel, BR Goldstein, K Pacifici, WF Patterson III, E Schliep, KW Shertzer, V Zulian, NJ Hostetter. Estimation of US Atlantic Red Snapper Abundance using Bayesian spatial modeling. American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, Hawaii. 16-19 September 2024. | September 2024 |
Pharr, LD, C Cooper, C Moorman, NJ Hostetter, C Sorenson, J Walters. 2024. Effects of Territory Density and Helper Sex Ratio on Red-cockaded Woodpecker Productivity. The Wildlife Society. Baltimore, Maryland. 19-23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Nastase, E.A., N.J. Hostetter, N. Tarr, C. Kelly, S. Schweitzer, and J.A. Collazo. 2025. Integrated range-wide dynamic occupancy models inform local predictions of songbird occupancy following landscape-scale disturbance. 2025 International Association for Landscape Ecology Annual Meeting, Raleigh, North Carolina. 13-17 April 2025. | April 2025 |
Nastase, E.A., N.J. Hostetter, K. Pacifici, A.J. McKerrow, and J.A. Collazo. 2024<b>. </b>Multi-scale assessment of Henslow’s Sparrow (<i>Centronyx henslowii</i>) habitat use in a fire-managed grassland. 2024 AOS Annual Meeting, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado. 1–5 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Morin, DJ, JH Vashon, M O’Neal, NJ Hostetter, EA Flaherty. Could hunting over bait increase black bear population growth offsetting the intentions of harvest? 25<sup>th</sup> Eastern Black Bear Workshop. Trego, Wisconsin. April 2023. | April 2023 |
Morin, DJ, EA Flaherty, JH Vashon, NJ Hostetter. Role of Anthropogenic Foods on black bear demographics in Maine revealed through stable isotope analysis. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Spokane WA. November 2022. | November 2022 |
Miller, M.A., B. Daykin, N.J. Hostetter, A.A. Yackel Adams, S.J. Converse, and F.J. Mazzotti. Assessment of Invasive Species Removal. Invited Presentation. Everglades Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area Summit, Davie, Florida. July 11-12, 2023. | July 2023 |
McIver II JK, WG Cope, NJ Hostetter, R Boyles, TJ Kwak, T Ben-Horin, F Weber, J Nelson, B Watson. 2023. Chronic Effects of Sea Salt on Organ Tissues of Sub-Adult Freshwater Mussels in Reconstituted and Natural Waters. American Fisheries Society North Carolina Chapter Meeting. 22-23 Feb 2023. Durham, North Carolina. | February 2023 |
Lynn, A., N.J. Hostetter, H. Evans, C. Moorman, N. Peterson, J. Kilgo, and E. Kierepka. Fecal DNA reveals declining deer density as urbanization increases. Southeast Deer Study Group Annual Meeting. Cambridge, Maryland, 16-18 February 2025. | February 2025 |
Lynn, A, NJ Hostetter, C Moorman, N Peterson, H Evans, M Boggess, J Shaw, J Kilgo, E Kierepka. 2023. Estimating White-Tailed Deer Densities through Non-Invasive Sampling across an Urban-Rural Continuum. Oral presentation. The Wildlife Society - Annual Conference. 5-9 Nov 2023. Louisville, Kentucky. | November 2023 |
Lloyd NA, NJ Hostetter, CL Jackson, SJ Converse, and A Moehrenschlager. 2018. Optimizing release strategies: a stepping-stone approach to reintroduction. International Wildlife Reintroduction Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 13-16 November. | November 2018 |
Lamb, J., C. Moorman, M. Carver-McGinn, H. Desrochers, E. Kierepka, J. Kilgo, N. Peterson, N.J. Hostetter. Harvest susceptibility of white-tailed deer across an urbanization gradient. North Carolina Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Poster. 3-5 April 2024. Black Mountain, North Carolina. . | April 2024 |
Lamb, J., C. Moorman, M. Carver-McGinn, H. Desrochers, E. Kierepka, J. Kilgo, N. Peterson, A. Boggs Pope, N.J. Hostetter. Harvest susceptibility of white-tailed deer across an urbanization gradient. Southeast Deer Study Group Annual Meeting. Cambridge, Maryland, 16-18 February 2025. | February 2025 |
Jimenez, F, KE Brzeski, S Hervey, NJ Hostetter, CK Brett, C Olfenbuttel, DJ Morin. 2024. Developing a Range-wide American Black Bear Single Nucleotide Panel for Population Studies. The Wildlife Society. 19-23 October 2024. Baltimore, Maryland. | October 2024 |
Hostetter, NJ, JH Vashon, M O’Neal, AK Fuller, SJ Converse. An integrated age-at-harvest model linking harvest and research data to estimate black bear abundance and demographics. 13th International Mammalogical Congress. Anchorage, Alaska. 14-20 July 2023. | July 2023 |
Hostetter, NJ, JH Vashon, C McLaughlin, M O’Neal, AK Fuller, SJ Converse. An integrated age-at-harvest model linking harvest and research data to estimate black bear abundance, demographics, and population growth rates in Maine, USA. 25<sup>th</sup> Eastern Black Bear Workshop. Trego, Wisconsin. April 2023. | April 2023 |
Hostetter, NJ, CK Brett, F Jimenez, C Olfenbuttel, DU Greene, JD Clark, B Augustine, DJ Morin. 2024. Estimating bear density using non-invasive genetics: Importance of linking subsampling methods to modeling approaches. International Association for Bear Research and Management. Oral presentation. 15-20 September 2024. Edmonton, Alberta. | September 2024 |
Hostetter, NJ, CK Brett, F Jimenez, C Olfenbuttel, DU Greene, JD Clark, B Augustine, DJ Morin. 2024. Density estimation using minimally invasive hair sampling: Importance of linking subsampling methods to modeling approaches. The Wildlife Society. 19-23 October 2024. Baltimore, Maryland. | October 2024 |
Hostetter*, N., D.D. Roby, A. Evans, K. Collis, and M. Hawbecker. 2009. Relative vulnerability of threatened Snake River steelhead smolts to fish-eating birds on the Columbia River. 36th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Hakodate Japan, 25 February. | February 2009 |
Hostetter*, N., D.D. Roby, A. Evans, K. Collis, and M. Hawbecker. 2008. Relative vulnerability of threatened Snake River steelhead smolts to fish-eating birds on the Columbia River. 6th Annual Symposium on Research Advances in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Ecology, Corvallis OR, 11 November. | November 2008 |
Hostetter*, N., A. Evans, D.D. Roby, K. Collis, M. Hawbecker, and B. Sandford. 2009. Relative vulnerability of threatened Snake River steelhead smolts to fish-eating birds nesting on the Columbia River. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque NM, 4 May. [ | May 2009 |
Hostetter NJ, SJ Converse, and EV Regehr. 2017. Study design considerations for integrated population models: improving conservation and management of polar bears. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 6-11 August. | August 2017 |
Hostetter NJ, SJ Converse, SM Amburgey, MG Nafus, LT Huse, L Gray, PD Barnhart, SR Siers, D Vice, AA Yackel Adams. 2021. Brown Treesnakes on Cocos: Using a robust design removal model to investigate abundance and optimize future survey efforts. Brown Treesnake Technical Working Group, Online. 8 Nov - 11 Nov. 2021. | November 2021 |
Hostetter NJ, SJ Converse, EV Regehr, JA Royle, and RR Wilson. 2018. Integrating spatial capture-recapture and telemetry data to jointly estimate abundance and movement. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, USA. 7-11 October. | October 2018 |
Hostetter NJ, NJ Lunn, ES Richardson, EV Regehr, and SJ Converse. 2019. Integrating age data to improve estimation of polar bear abundance, survival, and recruitment in open-population Jolly-Seber models. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society Joint Conference, Reno, Nevada. 29 September - 3 October. | September 2019 |
Hostetter NJ, EV Regehr, RR Wilson, NJ Lunn, ES Richardson, JA Royle, and SJ Converse. 2020. Data integration approaches to estimate polar bear abundance, survival, movement, and recruitment. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska. 27-31 January. | January 2020 |
Hostetter NJ, AA Yackel-Adams, SM Amburgey, WA Link, and SJ Converse. 2020. Optimizing eradication strategies for an incipient population of brown treesnakes on Cocos Island. Brown Treesnake Technical Working Group, Online. 9 Nov - 19 Nov. | November 2020 |
Haro, D., N.J. Hostetter, A. A. Yackel Adams, M. M. Miller, S.N. Smith, M.R. Sandfoss, B.L. Welty, A.F. Currylow, F.J. Mazzotti, and C.M. Romagosa. Using removal data to estimate abundance of invasive species to inform management decisions. Invasive Science Research Symposium. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. May 6-8, 2024. | May 2024 |
Gould, NP, NJ Hostetter, C Olfenbuttel, CS Deperno. 2021. Survival and cause-specific mortality for American black bears in a medium-sized city. International Urban Wildlife Conference, Virtual. | May 2021 |
Gardner B., B.T. McClintock, S.J. Converse, N.J. Hostetter. 2021. Integrating animal movement processes into spatial capture-recapture models. International Conference on Advances In Interdisciplinary Statistics And Combinatorics. Greensboro, NC. 8-10 October 2021. | October 2021 |
Gardner B, NJ Hostetter, B Abrahms, R Chandler, P Conn, SJ Converse, R Emmet, D Johnson, and B McClintock. 2020. Moving forward: Integrating animal movement into spatial capture-recapture models. International Statistical Ecology Conference, Online. 22-26 June. | June 2020 |
Evans*, A., N. Hostetter, D.D. Roby, K. Collis, M. Hawbecker, M. Carper, B. Cramer, P.J. Loschl, J.Y. Adkins, D.E. Lyons, B. Sandford, and S. Sebring. 2008. Steelhead vulnerability to avian predators in the Snake and Columbia rivers. 2008 AFEP Annual Review, Portland OR, 9 December. | December 2008 |
Desrochers, H.M., N. Peterson, L. Larson, C. Moorman, N.J. Hostetter. The Role of Emotions in Predicting Perceptions of Risk Posed by Wildlife Disease. The Wildlife Society. Baltimore, Maryland, 19-23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Desrochers, H.M., N. Peterson, L. Larson, C. Moorman, N.J. Hostetter. Emotions Predict Perceptions of Risk toward Wildlife Disease. Pathways Europe 2024: Revisiting What Is Wild for Coexisting. Cordoba, Spain, 13-16 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Davis A, K Pacifici, SH Schweitzer, NJ Hostetter. Illumination of Factors Affecting Occupancy, Detection, and Relative Abundance of Alligators Observed during Annual Spotlight Surveys in North Carolina. 2023. The Wildlife Society - North Carolina Chapter Meeting. 7-9 Feb 2023. Sherrills Ford, North Carolina. Poster. | February 2023 |
Converse SJ, NJ Hostetter, WA Link, SM Amburgey, and AA Yackel Adams. 2020. Decision analysis for early detection and rapid response: modeling to advance identification of optimal management. World Congress of Herpetology, Dunedin, New Zealand. 5-10 January. | January 2020 |
Converse SJ, NJ Hostetter, SM Amburgey, AE Bratt, AJ DuVall, BK Thompson, LS Petracca, HA Sipe, MH Sorel, AJ Warlick, and M Kadin. 2022. Synchrony in seabird survival: drivers at multiple spatial scales. Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Online. 23-25 February. | February 2022 |
Carver-McGinn, M., C. Moorman, N. Peterson, J. Kilgo, E. Kierepka, M. Boggess, H. Evans, J. Shaw, N.J. Hostetter. Connecting urbanization to population dynamics: movement, resource selection, and mortality risk of white-tailed deer across an urbanization gradient. Southeast Deer Study Group Annual Meeting. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Poster. 26-28 Feb 2023. | February 2023 |
Carver-McGinn, M., C. Moorman, N. Peterson, J. Kilgo, E. Kierepka, M. Boggess, H. Evans, J. Shaw, N.J. Hostetter. Connecting urbanization to population dynamics: movement, resource selection, and mortality risk of white-tailed deer across an urbanization gradient. North Carolina Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Poster. 7-9 Feb 2023. | February 2023 |
Carver-McGinn, M., C. Moorman, N. Peterson, J. Kilgo, E. Kierepka, M. Boggess, H. Evans, J. Shaw, N.J. Hostetter. Connecting urbanization to population dynamics: movement, resource selection, and mortality risk of white-tailed deer across an urbanization gradient. International Urban Wildlife Conference. Washington D.C., Poster. 4-7 June 2023. | June 2023 |
Carver-McGinn, M., C. Moorman, J. Kilgo, N. Peterson, E. Kierepka, J. Lamb, A. Boggs-Pope, H. Evans, J. Shaw, N.J. Hostetter. Effects of Anthropogenic Features on Seasonal Resource Selection by White-Tailed Deer Across an Urbanization Gradient. The Wildlife Society. Baltimore, Maryland, 19-23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Carver-McGinn, M., C. Moorman, J. Kilgo, N. Peterson, E. Kierepka, A. Boggs Pope, H. Evans, J. Shaw, N.J. Hostetter. Navigating Urbanization: Effects of Anthropogenic Features on White-tailed Deer Movement. Southeast Deer Study Group Annual Meeting. Cambridge, Maryland, 16-18 February 2025. | February 2025 |
Brett, CK, F Jimenez, DJ Morin, C Olfenbuttel, DU Greene, JD Clark, NJ Hostetter. 2024. Using Video Camera Footage to Understand Black Bear (<i>Ursus americanus</i>) Interactions with Hair Snare Sites. The Wildlife Society North Carolina Chapter Meeting. Poster. 3-5 April 2024. Black Mountain, North Carolina. | April 2024 |
Brett, CK, F Jimenez, DJ Morin, C Olfenbuttel, DU Greene, JD Clark, NJ Hostetter. 2024. Quantifying Black Bear Interactions with Hair Snare Sites Using Video Camera Traps. The Wildlife Society. Baltimore, Maryland. 19-23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Brett, CK, F Jimenez, DJ Morin, C Olfenbuttel, DU Greene, JD Clark, NJ Hostetter. 2024. Black Bear (<i>Ursus americanus</i>) Abundance and Population Genetics in the North Carolina Coastal Bear Management Unit. The Wildlife Society North Carolina Chapter Meeting. Poster. 3-5 April 2024. Black Mountain, North Carolina. | April 2024 |
Brautigam, KJ, NP Gould, NJ Hostetter, C Olfenbuttel, CS DePerno. Evaluating the effects of urbanization on American black bear population growth rates in western North Carolina. 25<sup>th</sup> Eastern Black Bear Workshop. Trego, Wisconsin. April 2023. | April 2023 |
Bratt AE, NJ Hostetter, and SJ Converse. 2021. Estimating survival while accounting for partial mark loss in capture-mark-resight surveys. EURING 2021 Analytical Meeting & Workshop, Quebec City, PQ, Canada, 31 May - 11 June 2021. | May 2021 |
Bradshaw, F., C. Moorman, M. Carver-McGinn, N.J. Hostetter, E. Kierepka, J. Kilgo, J. Lamb, N. Peterson, A. Boggs Pope, E. Youngsteadt. Evaluating predictors of white-tailed deer (<i>Odocoileus virginianus</i>) birth-site selection along an urban-rural gradient. The Wildlife Society - North Carolina Chapter Annual Meeting. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 25-27 February 2025. | February 2025 |
Arocho-Hernández, N, D Rivera, R Bell, NJ Hostetter, J Collazo, JP Zegarra. 2023. Resolving Taxonomic Uncertainty of Caribbean Skink species (genus <i>Spondylurus</i>). Puerto Rico Herpetology Symposium. Arecibo, Puerto Rico, USA. 13 October 2023. | October 2023 |
Amburgey SM, AA Yackel Adams, B Gardner, NJ Hostetter, BT McClintock, S Siers, and SJ Converse. 2020. The challenges of using camera trapping for abundance estimation of invasive herpetofauna. Brown Treesnake Technical Working Group, Online. 9 Nov - 19 Nov. | November 2020 |
Amburgey SM, AA Yackel Adams, B Gardner, N Hostetter, BT McClintock, S Siers, and SJ Converse. 2020. The challenges of using camera trapping for abundance estimation of invasive herpetofauna. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Online. 27 Sept - 1 Oct. | September 2020 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
The Wildlife Society - Biometrics Working Group | Hostetter | January 2016 | Present |
Ecological Society of America - Statistical Ecology | Hostetter | January 2016 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - NA | Hostetter | October 2018 | Present |