Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Vermont
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Vermont Staff Member

Mark J. Henderson

Mark Henderson in Alaska

Unit Leader
Phone: (802) 656 - 2693
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website


  • Ph D College of William and Mary 2012
  • MS University of Washington 2005
  • BS SUNY Geneseo 2000


Mark Henderson recently started as the Unit Leader for the USGS Vermont Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Vermont. Prior to joining the Vermont Cooperative Research Unit, he was the acting unit leader at the California Cooperative Research Unit for six years.

Mark's overarching research interests are how the physical, and biological, environment influences fish population dynamics (e.g., movements, growth, and mortality) on different spatial and temporal scales. He is a quantitative ecologist that uses various modeling approaches to answer applied research questions related to fisheries management. Research in his lab group primarily focuses on the interactions between fishes and their environment, and how our changing climate will affect species distributions, habitat availability, and population dynamics.

Prior to coming to Vermont, the majority of the research in Mark's lab focused on using population dynamics and species distribution models to understand the causes of salmonid mortality. Many of the salmonid populations in California are ESA listed as threatened or endangered, thus identifying the causes of mortality and what management and restoration actions may aid in population recovery is critical. In Vermont, Mark will apply similar quantitative methods to understand the population dynamics and management of Lake Champlain and inland fishes in Vermont.

Areas of Expertise

AI/Machine Learning, Adaptive Management, Aquatic Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Decision Support/Analysis, Fisheries Management, GIS/Spatial Analysis, Hydroacoustics/Bioacoustics, Marine/Coastal Ecology, Movement Ecology, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Distribution Modeling, Statistics and Modelling, Stream Ecology, eDNA

Taxon Groups Studied

Anadromous Fishes, Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Salmonids

Research Publications Publication Date
Winship A.J., Thorson J., Clarke E., Coleman H., Costa B., Georgian S., Gillett D., Grüss A., Henderson M., Hourigan T.F., Huff D., Kreidler N., Pirtle J., Olson J.V., Poti M., Rooper C.N., Sigler M.F., Viehman S., and Whitmire C.E. in review . Good practices for species distribution modeling of deep-sea corals and sponges: data collection, analysis, validation, and communication. Submitted to Frontiers in Marine Science. | Abstract May 2020
Van Vleet, N. P., Ward, D. M., Som, N. A., Barton, D. C., Anderson, C., & Henderson, M. J. (2024). It's about time: A multistate semicontinuous time mark–recapture model to evaluate seasonal survival and movement rates of juvenile Coho Salmon in a small coastal watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 153, 541–1. | Abstract August 2024
Shi, Y., Dick, C.M., Karpan, K., Baetscher, D., Henderson, M.J., Sethi, S.A., McPhee, M.V., Larson, W.A. Towards absolute abundance for conservation applications: estimating the number of contributors via microhaplotype genotyping of mixed-DNA samples. submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources. | Abstract May 2023
Rub, A.M., Som, N.A., Henderson, M.J., Sandford, B.P., Van Doornik, D.M., Teel, D.J., Tennis, M, Langness, O., van der Leeuw, B., Huff, D.D. 2019. Changes in adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) survival with the lower Columbia River amid increasing pinniped abundance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76: 1862-1873. | Abstract September 2019
Robinson, H.E., Strickler, J.R., Henderson, M.J., Hartline, D.K., Lenz, P.H. 2019. Predation strategies of larval clownfish capturing evasive copepod prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 614: 125-146. DOI: 10.3354/meps12888 | Abstract April 2019
Robinson, D.H., Henderson, M.J., H.E., Goodman, Perry, R.W., Som, N.A. From site to system: approaches for producing system-wide estimates of fish habitat in large rivers. To be submitted to River Research and Applications. | Abstract October 2021
Okun, N., McGuire, J., Henderson, M., Gallagher, S., Lang, E. and Mackey, E. Large Wood Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring in a Coastal Northern California Stream: A Paired Watershed Before-After-Control-Impact Study. Final Report to California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fisheries Restoration Grant Program May 2021. August 2021
Notch J.J., McHuron A.S., Michel C.J., Cordoleani F., Johnson M., Henderson M.J., and Ammann A.J. (in press) Outmigration survival of wild Chinook salmon smolts through the Sacramento River during historic drought and high water conditions. environmental biology of fishes. | Abstract May 2020
Michel, CJ, Henderson, MJ, Loomis, CM, Smith, JM, Demetras, NJ, Iglesias, IS, Lehman, BM, Huff, DD. Fish Predation on a Landscape Scale. Submitted to Ecological Applications. | Abstract June 2020
M. McClure, M.A. Haltuch, E. Willis-Norton, D.D. Huff, E.L. Hazen, L.G. Crozier, M.G. Jacox, M.W. Nelson, K.S. Andrews, L.A.K. Barnett, A.M. Berger, S. Beyer, J. Bizzarro, D. Boughton, J.M. Cope, M. Carr, H. Dewar, E. Dick, E. Dorval, J. Dunham, V. Gertseva, C. Greene, R.G. Gustafson, O.S. Hamel, C.J. Harvey, M.J. Henderson, C.E. Jordan, I.C. Kaplan, S.T. Lindley, N.J. Mantua, S.E. Matson, M.H. Monk, P. Moyle, C. Nicol, J. Pohl, R.R. Rykaczewski, J.F. Samhouri, S. Sogard, N. Tolimieri, J. Wallace, C. Wetzel, S.J. Bograd. 2023. Vulnerability to climate change of managed stocks in the California Curret large marine ecosystem. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10, 1103767. | Abstract February 2023
Henderson, M.J., Loomis, C., Michel, C., Smith, J., Iglesias, I., Lehman, B., Huff, D. Estimates of predator densities using mobile DIDSON surveys: implications for survival of Central Valley Chinook salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43: 628-645. | Abstract June 2023
Henderson, M.J., Iglesias, I.S., Michel, C.J., Ammann, A.J., Huff, D.D. 2019. Estimating spatial-temporal differences in Chinook salmon outmigration survival with habitat and predation related covariates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76: 1549-1561. September 2019
Henderson, M.J., Huff, D.D., and Yoklavich, M.M. 2018. Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Taxa Increase Demeral Fish Diversity and the Probability of Fish Presence. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:593844. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.593844 | Abstract | Download November 2020
Henderson, M.J., Fiechter, J., Huff, D.D., and Wells, B. 2019. Spatial Variability in ocean-mediated growth potential is linked to Chinook salmon survival. Fisheries Oceanography, 3: 334-344. DOI: 10.1111/fog.12415 May 2019
Hassrick, J. L., Henderson, M. J., Huff, D. D., Sydeman, W. J., Sabal, M. C., Harding, J. A., Ammann, A. J., Crandall, E. D., Bjorkstedt, E. P., Garza, J. C., Hayes, S. A. Early ocean distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon in an upwelling ecosystem. Fisheries Oceanography, March 2016, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp. 133-146. | Abstract | Publisher Website March 2016
Futia, M.H., Binder, T.R., Henderson, M. and Marsden, J.E. (2024). Modeling regional occupancy of fishes using acoustic telemetry: a model comparison framework applied to lake trout. Animal Biotelemetry, 12(1). doi:
‌ | Abstract
August 2024
Fabrizio, M.C., Henderson, M.J., Rose, K. and Petitgas, P. (2022). Editorial: Habitat and distribution models of marine and estuarine species: Advances for a sustainable future. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. doi:
‌ | Abstract
October 2022
Dick, C., Larson, W.A., Karpan, K., Baetscher, D.S., Shi, Y., Sethi, S., Fangue, N.A., Henderson, M.J. Prey ration, temperature, and predator species influence digestion rates of prey DNA inferred from qPCR and metabarcoding. Submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources. | Abstract August 2023
Deibner-Hanson, J.D. and Henderson, M. Life Cycle Monitoring of Coho Salmon in Prairie Creek 2017-2020. Final Report to Fisheries Restoration Grant Program Project Number P1610520. April 2021. | Abstract October 2021
Chen, E.K. and Henderson, M.J. 2021. Reduced recruitment of Chinook salmon in a leveed bar-built estuary. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78: 894-904. | Abstract | Download July 2021
Project Completion Date
Klamath Basin S3 Model September 2019
Phase II: Monitoring the endangered Tidewater Goby using environmental DNA in water samples: Field tests June 2019
Not just a needle in a haystack: using models to understand the potential impact of a round goby invasion on the Lake Champlain ecosystem June 2027
Survival and habitat use of Atlantic Salmon in Lake Champlain July 2028
Impacts of predation and habitat on Central Valley Chinook smolt survival June 2024
Genomic forensics: using bioinformatics to investigate the causes of melanistic lesions in Brown Bullhead September 2028
Research and development of a suitable method for estimating weekly-stratified abundances of migrating juvenile salmonids in the absence of mark-recpature experiments January 2026
Using environmental DNA to monitor abundances of juvenile Central Valley Chinook salmon December 2023
Using genomics to elucidate local adaptation among isolated populations of the endangered tidewater goby December 2022
Development of environmental DNA assays for Central Valley Chinook salmon ecotypes December 2020
Integration of molecular methods into predator diet analysis to advance understanding of juvenile Chinook salmon predation mortality in the Delta December 2022
Standardizing Environmental DNA methodologies for Coho Salmon December 2023
Modeling the density of a parasite impacting salmonids in the Klamath River November 2023
Large wood restoration effectiveness for salmonids in Pudding Creek, California: A before-after-control-impact experiment June 2021
Research and development of a predictive model for Ceratonova shasta waterborne parasites in support of Klamath River water management decisions and the Klamath Basin Stream Salmonid Simulator (S3 Model) September 2023
Juvenile rearing distribution of threatened coho salmon at habitat restoration sites on the Hoopa reservation August 2022
Comparison of standard and eDNA methods for estimating Chinook Salmon smolt abundance in the Klamath River (CA) April 2020
Tracking Coho Salmon using eDNA December 2019
Basal Hollow Roost Selection June 2019
Prairie Creek Coho Salmon Life Cycle Monitoring March 2020
Monitoring threatened Coho Salmon populations in Humboldt Bay tributaries September 2020
Monitoring Chinook Salmon in Redwood Creek to assess the impacts of a modified estuary June 2020
Linking predation mortality to predator density and survival for out-migrating Chinook Salmon and steelhead in the lower San Joaquin and South Delta December 2018
How many cooks in the kitchen? Evaluating the potential of DNA mixture models to infer counts from fish and wildlife genetic samples October 2016
Humboldt Bay Invertebrate August 2019
Tidewater Goby Survey September 2018
Habitat selection in an Arctic Seabird: Implications for Climate Change December 2019
Grasso, Kyle

Massie, Jordan
Post Doc

Molla, Mohammad
Post Doc

Montague, Graham

Presentations Presentation Date
Winship, Thorson, Henderson et. al (2019) Best practices for spatial predictive modeling to support effective management of deep-sea corals and sponges. 7th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. July 29-August 2, 2019, Cartagena, Colombia. July 2019
Van Vleet, Nicholas and Henderson, Mark. A novel approach to estimate winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Van Vleet N., Henderson M.J., Ward, D. 2018. Winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon in Freshwater Creek, California. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 54nd Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR. March 13-16, 2018. March 2018
Van Vleet N., Henderson M.J., Ward, D. 2018. Winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon in Freshwater Creek, California. 52nd Annual California-Nevada American Fisheries Society meeting, San Luis Obispo, CA. Feb 28 - March 2, 2018. March 2018
Solinger L., Bjorkstedt E., Buchheister A., Henderson M., and Field J. 2018. Developing spatially-explicit stock assessment models to explore spatial variability in recruitment of Chilipepper Rockfish (Sebastes goodei). 13th National Stock Assessment Workshop. Irvine, CA. May 22-24, 2018. May 2018
Pope, K. L., M. P. Carey, D. R. DeVries, J. E. Garvey, M. Henderson, S. Hitchman, M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, and R. W. Tingley. 2022. Researchers and managers: co-development of science-based management. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan (Virtual). May 2022
Okun, N. and Henderson, M. Large wood restoration effectiveness for salmonids in Pudding Creek, CA: a before-after-control-impact experiment. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Okun, N. and Henderson, M. Large Wood Restoration Effectiveness for Salmonids in Pudding Creek, CA: A before-after-Control-Impact Experiment. 149th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. September 29 - October 3, 2019. September 2019
Nissa Kreidler, Dave Huff, Jerome Fiechter, Andre Buchheister, Mark Henderson. Species Distributions Modeling of Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Taxa in the Southern California Bight. Ocean Sciences Meeting. Honolulu HI February 27 - March 4 2022.<br><sup> </sup> March 2022
Michel C., Smith, J., Demetras N., Iglesias I., Lehman B., Loomis C., Henderson M., Huff D. 2018. Spatial patterns and environmental associations of piscivorous predation throughout the south Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in 2017. 10th biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. September 10-12, 2018. September 2018
Michel C., Loomis C., Henderson M., Smith J., Demetras N., Iglesias I., Lehman B., Huff D., and Hayes S. Fish predation on a landscape scale. OneNOAA Science Seminar Series. August 2020
McReynolds, A., Pientka, B., Henderson, M., Jech, M., Rudstam, L., Marsden, E., Stockwell, J. Shifts in rainbow smelt distributions during alewife invasion in Lake Champlain. International Association for Great Lakes Research, May 20-24, 2024. Windsor, ON, CAN. May 2024
McReynolds, A., Marsden, J.E. Jech, J.M., Rudstam, L., Henderson, M., Stockwell, J. D. Vessel avoidance by pelagic forage fishes during acoustic/trawl surveys using a hybrid-electric research vessel. International ​Association for Great Lakes Research - 68th annual conference. Milwaukee, WI. June ​2-6, 2025. June 2025
Loomis, C. and Henderson, M. Estimating predator fish density and abundance in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using DIDSON Acoustic cameras. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Loomis, C and Henderson, M. Density and Distribution of Piscivorous Fishes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 149th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. September 29 - October 3, 2019. October 2019
Loomis C. and Henderson M., 2018. Estimating Delta predatory fish abundance with DIDSON acoustic cameras. 10th biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. September 10-12, 2018. September 2018
Kreidler, Buchheister, and Mark Henderson (2019) Habitat Suitability Mapping for Fish Indicative Deep Sea Corals and Sponges in the Southern California Bight. International deep sea coral symposium. July 2019
Kreidler N., Buchheister A., and Henderson M. 2018. Habitat Suitability Mapping for Southern California Bight Deep Sea Corals and Sponges. 15th Deep-Sea Biology symposium. Monterey, CA. Sept 9-14, 2018 September 2018
Kanawi, E., Kinziger, A., and Henderson, M. Using environmental DNA water samples to determine the timing and abundance of outmigrating Coho Salmon. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 4-8, 2019. Bend, OR. March 2019
Kanawi, E., Kinziger, A., and Henderson, M. Using environmental DNA water samples to determine the timing and abundance of outmigrating Coho Salmon. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Jordan Massie, Russell Perry, Arnold Ammann, Cyril Michel, Jeremy Notch, Mark Henderson. How Spatiotemporal Variation Affects Predation and Outmigration Survival for Juvenile Chinook Salmon. Delta Research Awards Seminar Series, July 10th, 2024 July 2024
Jordan Massie, Russell Perry, Arnold Ammann, Cyril Michel, Jeremy Notch, Mark Henderson. How Spatiotemporal Variation Affects Predation and Outmigration Survival for Juvenile Chinook Salmon. 2024 Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA, Sept 30-Oct 2, 2024. October 2024
Jordan Massie, Russell Perry, Arnold Ammann, Cyril Michel, Jeremy Notch, Mark Henderson. How Spatiotemporal Variation Affects Predation and Outmigration Survival for Juvenile Chinook Salmon. 154th meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu Hawaii, September 15-19, 2024 September 2024
Henderson, M.J., Kreidler, N, Yoklavich, M., Buchheister, A., Fiechter J., Huff, D. 2021. The importance of accounting for spatial autocorrelation in habitat analyses. 151st meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 6-10, 2021. November 2021
Henderson, M.J., I. Iglesias, C. Michel, D. Huff, E. Danner, and S. Hayes. 2018. Processes influencing outmigrating Chinook Salmon survival in the Sacramento River. 148th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, NJ, 19-23 August 2018. August 2018
Henderson, M.J., Huff, D.D., and Yoklavich, M. 2018. Associations between deep-sea coral and sponge assemblages and demersal fishes in the Southern California Bight. 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland OR, 11-16 September 2018. February 2018
Henderson, M., Iglesias, I., Michel, C., Huff, D., Pike, A., Danner, E., and Hayes, S. 2017. Mortality of Central Valley Chinook Salmon smolts relative to physical habitat features. 51st Annual meeting, Cal-Neva Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eureka, California, April 5-7, 2017. April 2017
H. Eve Robinson, J. Rudi Strickler, Mark J. Henderson, Daniel K. Hartline, Petra H. Lenz June 2018
Graham Montague, Kurt Heim, Laurie Earley, Bernie Pietka, Margaret Murphy, Paige Blaker, Kevin Kelsey, Mark Henderson. Acoustic telemetry of hatchery raised landlocked Atlantic Salmon smolts in Lake Champlain. 154th Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 15-19, 2024 September 2024
Futia, M., Henderson, M., Fisk, A., Marsden, E. Using acoustic telemetry to understand Lake trout restoration in Lake Champlain. 153rd Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 20-24, 2023 August 2023
Futia M., Binder T., Henderson M., Marden E. A Model Comparison Framework for Estimating Broad-scale Occupancy using Acoustic Telemetry. 154th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu Hawaii, September 15-19 2024 September 2024
Feyrer, F., Perry, R., Clause, J., Young, M., Huntsman, B., Larwood, V. Enos, E. Henderson, M., Dick, C., Larson, W., Shi, Y., Michel, C., and Nelson, T.R.. Quantifying the Role of Predation by Piscivorous Fishes as a Source of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Mortality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Interagency Ecological Program annual workshop, March 22-24, 2022 March 2022
Dick, C., Larson, W., and Henderson, M. How many salmon smolts are consumed in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: quantifying predation with molecular methods. 151st annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD, USA. November 6-10, 2021 November 2021
Chen, Emily and Henderson, Mark. Contribution of estuarine rearing in a bar-built estuary to recruitment of Chinook salmon using a hierarchical life cycle model. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 4-8, 2019. Bend, OR. March 2019
Chen, Emily and Henderson, Mark. Barred from the Ocean: Consequences of a Unique Estuary Phenomenon on Juvenile Growth and Population Recruitment of Chinook Salmon in Redwood Creek. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Chen, E.K., Som, N.A., Deibner-Hanson, J.D., Anderson, D.G., Henderson, M.H., A life cycle model for evaluating estuary residency and restoration potential in Chinook salmon. California Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Lecture Series. August 2022
Chen, E. and Henderson, M. Barred from the Ocean: Consequences of a Unique Estuary Phenomenon on Recruitment of Chinook Salmon. 149th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. September 29 - October 3, 2019. October 2019
Chen E. K., Henderson M.J. 2018 Contribution of juvenile estuarine residency to Chinook Salmon recruitment in Redwood Creek, California. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 54nd Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR. March 13-16, 2018. March 2018
Chen E. K., Henderson M.J. 2018 Contribution of juvenile estuarine residency to Chinook Salmon recruitment in Redwood Creek, California. Cal-Neva Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 52nd Annual Meeting, San Luis Obispo, CA. Feb 28-March 2, 2018. March 2018
Caught in the middle: Top-down impact of seabirds on Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is dependent on bottom-up mechanisms November 2016
Bridegum, J., Kinziger, A., Bandy, G., Poytress, B., and Henderson, M. Comparing eDNA and juvenile salmon trap passage estimates on the Sacramento River. Coastwide salmonid genetic conference, Boise, ID June 27-29, 2023. June 2023
Bridegum, J., Kinziger, A., Bandy, G., Poytress, B., and Henderson, M. Comparing eDNA and Juvenile Salmon trap passage estimates on the Sacramento River. 153rd Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 20-24, 2023 August 2023
Associations between deep-sea coral/sponge assemblages and demersal fishes in the Southern California Bight September 2016
<b>Mohammad Habibur Rahman Molla<sup>1</sup>, Emily Guswa<sup>2</sup>, Vicki S. Blazer<sup>3</sup>, Peter Emerson<sup>4</sup>, Matthew Bodnar<sup>4</sup>, Tom Jones<sup>4</sup>, Julie Dragon<sup>2</sup>, Mark J Henderson<sup>5*</sup>. <b>Brown Bullhead Fish</b><b> Epigenetics: Insights into Disease Identification and Environmental Consequences. 154th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Honolulu Hawaii, September 15-19, 2024.</b></b> September 2024
<b>Lindsey N. Hartzell</b>, Vicki S. Blazer, Heather L. Walsh, Peter Emerson, Matthew Bodnar, Thomas Jones, Jean-Sébastien Messier, Patricia M. Mazik and Mark J. Henderson. Malignant Melanomas of Brown Bullhead<i> Ameiurus nebulosus</i> in Lake Memphremagog. 2023 Joint Meeting of the Northeast Fish Health Committee and the AFS Fish Health Section. Burlington, VT, July 24-27, 2023. July 2023
Technical Publications Publication Date
Limberg, K., Gibson, J., Haskill, C., Henderson, M., Huynh, Q. 2020. American Shad Benchmark Stock Assessment Peer Review Report. Stock Assessment Report of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. August 2020
Iglesias I.S., Henderson M.J., Michel C.J., Ammann A.J., and Huff D.D. 2017. Chinook salmon smolt mortality zones and the influence of environmental factors on out-migration success in the Sacramento River Basin. Final report to USFWS - Agreement Number F15PG00146. 30 pgs. April 2017
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
American Fisheries Society - North American Journal of Fisheries Management Best Paper Award committee Henderson February 2018 Present
American Fisheries Society - Member Henderson January 2005 Present