Ellingsworth, E. A., R. J. DiStefano, J. T. Westhoff, and B. M. O'Brian. 2024. The endangered Caney Mountain Cave Crayfish: a preliminary study of its habitat with life history notes. Freshwater Crayfish 29:121-132.
The stygobitic Caney Mountain Cave Crayfish, Orconectes stygocaneyi, is among the rarest crayfish species in North America. It is known from a single location in Mud Cave, a small linear cave on the 3,200 ha Caney Mountain Conservation Area in Ozark County, Missouri. The species is listed as “Endangered” by the state of Missouri, and “Threatened” by the American Fisheries Society. Previous studies documented its population range and limited life history notes; but little is known about Mud Cave’s habitat. We conducted a one-year study to document the cave’s water chemistry, quality, and interior wetted pool volume, and how this habitat varies intra-annually, to establish a baseline for future study.