Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Kansas
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Mather, ME, Gerber, KM, Peterson, Z. Assessing distribution and movement of Blue Catfish in Kansas reservoirs. Final Report


This report is organized into three chapters that address six objectives. The first chapter addresses objectives 1-3. (1) Develop and test tagging protocols for Blue Catfish. (2) Develop and test protocols for setting up and calibrating stationary receivers. (3) Summarize tagging and tracking protocols for use in other systems with other species. The second chapter addresses objectives 4-5. (4) Determine where tagged Blue Catfish spend their time within Milford reservoir. (5) Determine when, size distribution, and how many Blue Catfish exit Milford reservoir. The third chapter 10 addresses objective 6. (6) Quantify potential drivers of distribution.