Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member

Theodore R Simons

Ted Simons

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (919) 515 - 2689
Faculty Website



  • Ph D University of Washington 1983
  • MS University of Washington 1979
  • BS University of Wisconsin 1975


B.S. University of Wisconsin, 1975 M.S. University of Washington, 1979 Ph.D. University of Washington, 1983 Research Biologist National Park Service 1984-1995. Assistant Unit Leader, NC Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. 1996 - present. . My research strives to improve species conservation and monitoring programs, and the management of protected areas, through a better understanding of wildlife habitat relationships and sampling methods. Central to that research has been the application of ecological principles to the conservation of rare, endangered, or declining species and their habitats. Recent research has been directed toward the conservation of Neotropical migratory landbirds, including studies of the stopover ecology of birds during migration and breeding birds in southern Appalachian forests, and the conservation of marine birds, including the endangered Hawaiian Petrel, Black-capped Petrels in the Dominican Republic, and American Oystercatchers on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Research is focused in three broad areas: (1) understanding the ecological factors that constrain species diversity and abundance, (2) modeling wildlife habitat relationships at the population and landscape level, and (3) improving wildlife population sampling methods. . I have taught a graduate course in ornithology at NC State University since 1997. The course covers the biology of birds, including evolution, functional morphology, physiology, ecology and behavior....

Research Publications Publication Date
Webster, R. A., Pollock, K. H., and Simons, T. R. 2008. Bayesian spatial modeling of point transect data from bird surveys. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 13: 121-139. June 2008
Stringer, E.M., M.K. Stoskopf, T.R. Simons, A.F. O’Connell, and A. Waldstein. 2010. Ultrasonic Measurement of Body Fat as a Means of Assessing Body Condition in Free-Ranging Raccoons (Procyon lotor). International Journal of Zoology 2010: 1-6. December 2010
Stocking, J.J., T.R. Simons, A.W. Parsons, and A.F. O'Connell. Submitted. Managing Native Predators to Protect Shorebirds: Evidence from a Partial Removal of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Waterbirds 40(SI1): 10-18. March 2017
Stanislav, S., Pollock, K.H., Simons, T. R. and M.W. Alldredge. 2010. Separation of Availability and Perception Processes for Aural Detection in Avian Point Counts: a Combined Multiple Observer and Time-Of-Detection Approach. Avian Ecology and Conservation 5(1): 3. [online] URL: . June 2010
Simons, T.R., E. Nol, and R. Boettcher (eds.), American Oystercatcher Working Group. 2012. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; doi:10.2173/bna.82. June 2012
Simons, T.R., D.S. Lee, and J.C. Haney. 2013. Diablotin Pterodroma hasitata: a biography of the endangered Black-capped Petrel. Marine Ornithology 41(Special Issue): 1-43. | Abstract July 2013
Simons, T.R. 2107. The American Oystercatcher Working Group - Fifteen years of collaborative focal species research and management. Waterbirds 40 (SI1): 1-9. March 2017
Simons, T. R., S. A. Shriner, and G. L. Farnsworth. 2006. Comparison of breeding bird and vegetation communities in primary and secondary forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Biological Conservation 129: 302-311. June 2006
Simons, T. R., S. A. Pearson, and F. R. Moore. 2000. Application of spatial models to the stopover ecology of trans-Gulf migrants. Studies in Avian Biology 20: 4-14. January 2000
Simons, T. R., M. W. Alldredge, and K. H. Pollock. 2007. Experimental analysis of the auditory detection process on avian point counts. The Auk 124(3): 986-999 June 2007
Simons, T. R., K. H. Pollock, J. M. Wettroth, M. W. Alldredge, K. Pacifici, and J. Brewster. 2009. Sources of measurement error, misclassification error, and bias in auditory avian point count data. Pp. 237-254 in D.L. Thomson et al. (eds.), Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations, Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3, Springer Science and Business Media. July 2009
Simons, T. R., G. L. Farnsworth, and S. A. Shriner. 2000. Evaluating Great Smoky Mountains National Park as a population source for the Wood Thrush. Conservation Biology 14:1133-1144. January 2000
Simons, T. R., F. R. Moore, and S. A. Gauthreaux. 2004. Mist netting trans-Gulf migrants at coastal stopover sites: the influence of spatial and temporal variability on capture data. In: The use of mist nets to monitor bird populations, (C. J. Ralph et al. eds. ). Studies in Avian Biology. November 2004
Simmerman, S., J. Wang, J. Osborne, K. Shook, J. Huang, W. Godsoe and T. Simons. 2012. Exploring Similarities Among Many Species Distributions. Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment 12: (preprint). July 2012
Shriner, S. A., and T. R. Simons. 2002. Modeling habitat associations of breeding birds in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Chapter 47 In: Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of Scale and Accuracy. Island Press. June 2002
Schulte, S.A. and T.R. Simons. 2016. Hurricane Disturbance Benefits Nesting American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus). Waterbirds 39: 327-337. January 2017
Sanders, N.J., R.R. Dunn, M.C. Fitzpatrick, C.E. Carlton, M.R. Pogue, C.R. Parker, and T.R. Simons. 2010. Diverse Elevational Diversity Gradients in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S.A. Pp. 75 – 87 in E.M Spehn and C. Korner, Data Mining for Global Trends in Mountain Biodiversity. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. March 2010
SCHULTE, S.A. and T.R. SIMONS. 2015. Factors affecting the reproductive success of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Marine Ornithology. DOI Not Available. January 2015
Rose, E.T.,T.R. Simons, R. Klein, and A.J. McKerrow. 2016. Normalized burn ratios link fire severity with patterns of avian occurrence. Landscape Ecology 31: doi:10.1007/s10980-015-0334-x April 2016
Rose, E.T. and T.R. Simons. 2016. Avian response to fire severity and time since burn in low elevation pine-oak forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 2016. Condor 118: 179-183. DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-15-85.1 July 2016
Riddle, J.D., R.S. Mordecai, K.H. Pollock, and T.R. Simons. 2010. Effects of prior detections on estimates of detection probability, abundance, and occupancy. The Auk 127: 1-6. July 2010
Riddle, J.D., J.H. Pollock, and T.R Simons. 2010. An unreconciled double-observer method for estimating detection probability and abundance. The Auk 127(4):841-849. October 2010
R.P. Clay, A.J. Lesterhuis, S. Schulte, S. Brown, D. Reynolds, and T.R. Simons. 2014. A global assessment of the conservation status of the American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus). Special Issue, International Wader Study Bulletin 20:62-82. August 2014
R. Sollman, B. Gardner. A.W. Parsons, J.J. Stocking, B.T. McClintock, T.R. Simons, K.H. Pollock, and A.F. O'Connell. 2013. A spatial mark-resight model augmented with telemetry data. Ecology 94: 553-559. April 2013
Pollock, K. H., J. D. Nichols, T. R. Simons, G. L. Farnsworth, L. L. Bailey, and J. R. Sauer. 2002. The design of large scale wildlife monitoring studies. Envirometrics 13: 1-15. April 2002
Pollock, K. H., H. H. Marsh, L. L. Bailey, G. L. Farnsworth, T. R. Simons, and M. W. Alldredge. 2004. Methodology for separating components of detection probability in population abundance estimation: An overview with diverse examples. In: Sampling rare or elusive species: Concepts, designs, and techniques for estimating population parameters. William Thompson (ed. ). Island Press. July 2005
Podolsky, A., T. R. Simons, and J. A. Collazo. 2004. A Method of food supplementation for ground-foraging insectivorous birds. Journal of Field Ornithology 75:296-302. June 2004
Podolsky, A. L., T. R. Simons, and J. A. Collazo. 2007. Modeling population growth of the Ovenbird in the southern Appalachians. The Auk 124: 1359-1372. November 2007
Pearson, S. M., and T. R. Simons. 2002. Spatial analysis of stopover habitats of Neotropical migratory birds. Chapter 52 In: Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of Scale and Accuracy. Island Press. June 2002
Parsons, A.W., T.R. Simons, A.F. O'Connell, and M.K. Stoskopf. 2013. Demographics, diet, movements, and survival of an isolated, unmanaged raccoon Procyon lotor (Procyonidea, Carnivora) population on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Mammalia 77:21-30. January 2013
Parsons, A.W., T.R. Simons, A.F. O'Connell, K. Pollock, M.K. Stoskopf, and J.J. Stocking. 2015. Camera Traps and Mark-Resight Models: The Value of Ancillary Data for Evaluating Assumptions. Journal of Wildlife Management 79: 1163-1172. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.931 August 2015
Pacifici, K., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2008. Effects of vegetation and background noise on the detection process in auditory avian point count surveys. The Auk 125:600-607. August 2008
Moore, F. R., M. S. Woodrey, J. J. Buler, S. Woltmann, and T. R. Simons. 2005. Understanding the stopover of migratory birds: a scale dependent approach. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191: 684-689. June 2005
Miller, D.A.W., L.L. Bailey, E.H. Campbell Grant, B.T. McClintock, L.A. Weir, and T.R. Simons. Performance of occupancy estimators when basic assumptions are not met: a test with field data where truth is known. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 557-565. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12342 July 2015
Miller, D.A.W., L.A. Weir, B.T. McClintock, E.H. Grant, L.L. Bailey, and T.R. Simons. 2012. Experimental investigation of false positive errors in auditory species occurrence surveys. Ecological Applications 22: (preprint). July 2012
McGowan, C. P., and T. R. Simons. 2006. Effects of human disturbance on the incubation behavior of American Oystercatchers. Wilson Bulletin 118: 485-493. December 2006
McGowan, C. P., and T. R. Simons. 2005. A method for trapping breeding adult American Oystercatchers. Journal of Field Ornithology 76(1):46-49. May 2005
McGowan, C. P., T. R. Simons, W. Golder, and J. Cordes. 2005 A comparison of American Oystercatcher reproductive success on barrier beach and river island habitats in coastal North Carolina. Waterbirds 28(2): 150-155. July 2005
McGowan, C. P., S. A. Schulte, and T. R. Simons. 2005. Resightings of marked American Oystercatchers banded as chicks. Wilson Bulletin 117: 382-385. June 2005
McClintock, B.T., L.L. Bailey, K.H. Pollock and T.R. Simons. 2010. Unmodeled observation error induces bias when inferring patterns and dynamics of species occurrence via aural detections. Ecology 91(8): 2446-2454. August 2010
McClintock, B.T., L.L. Bailey, K.H. Pollock and T.R. Simons. 2010. Experimental Investigation of Observation Error in Anuran Call Surves. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(8): 1882-1893. November 2010
Martin, Julien, A.F. O’Connell Jr., W. L. Kendall, M.C. Runge , T.R. Simons, A.H. Waldstein, S.A. Schulte, S.J. Converse, G.W. Smith, T. Pinion, M. Rikard, E.F. Zipkin. 2010. Optimal control of native predators. Biological Conservation 143: 1751-1758. June 2010
Lichstein, J. W., T. R. Simons, and K. E. Franzreb. 2002. Landscape effects on breeding songbird abundance in managed forests. Ecological Applications. 12(3): 836-857. June 2002
Lichstein, J. W., T. R. Simons, S. A Shriner, and K. E. Franzreb. 2002. Spatial autocorrelation and autoregressive models in ecology. Ecological Monographs. 72 (3):445-463 August 2002
Keller, R.A, D. B. Buchwalter, L. Xie, K. E. Franzreb, and T. R. Simons. 2014. Mercury bioaccumulation in southern Appalachian avifauna. Ecotoxicology 23: 304-316. January 2014
Hyde, E. J., and T. R. Simons. 2005. Monitoring Salamander Populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Chapter 44 In: Status and Conservation of US Amphibians (M. J. Lannoo ed. ). University of Iowa Press. July 2005
Hyde, E. J., and T. R. Simons. 2001. Sampling Plethodontid salamanders: sources of variability. Journal of Wildlife Management 65(4): 624-632. October 2001
Hostetter, N.J. B. Gardner, S.H. Schweitzer, R. Boettcher, A. L. Wilke, L.Addison, W.R. Swilling, K.H. Pollock, and T.R. Simons. 2015. Repeated count surveys help standardize multi-agency estimates of American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) abundance. The Condor 117: 354-363. DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-14-185.1 August 2015
Felton, S.K., N.J. Hostetter, K.H. Pollock, and T.R. Simons. 2017. Managing American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) Population Growth by Targeting Nesting Season Vital Rates. Waterbirds 40 (SI1): 44-54. March 2017
Felton, S.K., K.H. Pollock, and T.R. Simons. 2018. Response of beach-nesting American Oystercatchers to off-road vehicles: an experimental approach reveals physiological nuances and decreased nest attendance. Condor 120: 47-62. February 2018
Farnsworth, G. L., and T. R. Simons. 2005. Relationship between Mayfield nest-survival estimates and seasonal fecundity: A cautionary reply. The Auk 122(3):1000-1001. August 2005
Farnsworth, G. L., and T. R. Simons. 2001. How many baskets? Clutch sizes that maximize annual fecundity of multiple-brooded birds. The Auk 118: 973-982. December 2001
Farnsworth, G. L., and T. R. Simons. 2000. Observation of Wood Thrush nest predators in a large contiguous forest. Wilson Bulletin 112: 82-87. January 2000
Farnsworth, G. L., K. H. Pollock, J. L. Nichols, T. R. Simons, J. E. Hines, and J. R. Sauer. 2002. A removal model for estimating detection probabilities from point count surveys. The Auk 119: 414-425 June 2002
Farnsworth, G. L., K. C. Weeks, and T. R. Simons. 2000. Validating the assumptions of the Mayfield Method. Journal of Field Ornithology 71:658-664. November 2000
Farnsworth, G. L., J. D. Nichols, J. R. Sauer, S. T. Fancy, K. H. Pollock, S. A. Shriner, and T. R. Simons. 2005. Statistical approaches to the analysis of point count data: a little extra information can go a long way. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191: 736-743. June 2005
Denmon, P., S.A. Heath, F.J. Sanders, T.R. Simons and S.L. Jones. 2017. American Oystercatcher. Waterbirds 40 Special Publication 1: 126 pp. March 2017
Davis, M. B., T. R. Simons, M. J. Groom, J. L. Weaver, and J. R. Cordes. 2001. The breeding status of American Oystercatcher on the east coast of North America and breeding success in North Carolina. Waterbirds 24(2): 195-202. August 2001
Cove, M.V., T.R. Simons, B. Gardner, A.S. Maurer, and A. F. O’Connell. 2016. Evaluating nest supplementation as a recovery strategy for the endangered rodents of the Florida Keys. Restoration Ecology. DOI:10.1111/rec.12418. October 2016
Cove, M.V., B. Gardner, T.R. Simons, R. Kays, and A.F. O’Connell. 2017. Free Ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) on public lands: estimating density, activity, and diet in the Florida Keys. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-017-1534-x. August 2017
Brewster, J.P. and T.R. Simons. 2009. Testing the importance of auditory detections in avian point counts. Journal of Field Ornithology 80: 178-182. June 2009
Borneman, T.E., E.T. Rose, and T.R. Simons. 2016. Off-road vehicles affect nesting behavior and reproductive success of American Oystercatchers. Ibis 158: 261-78. July 2016
Becker, S., C. Moorman, C. DePerno, and T. Simons. 2013. Quantifiable long-term monitoring on parks and nature reserves. Southeastern Naturalist 12: 1-13. June 2013
Bailey, L. L., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2004. Spatial and temporal variation in detection probability of plethodon salamanders using the robust capture-recapture design. Journal of Wildlife Management 68: 14-24. June 2004
Bailey, L. L., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2004. Estimating site occupancy and species detection probability parameters for terrestrial salamanders. Ecological Applications 14: 692-702. July 2004
Bailey, L. L., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2004. Estimating detectability parameters for plethodon salamanders using the robust capture-recapture design. Journal of Wildlife Management 68: 1-13. June 2004
Bailey, L. L., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2004. Comparing population size estimators for Plethodon salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 38. January 2004
Alldredge, M. W., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2007. Factors affecting aural detections of songbirds. Ecological Applications 17:948-955. March 2007
Alldredge, M. W., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2007. An experimental evaluation of distance measurement error in avian point count surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 2759-2766. August 2007
Alldredge, M. W., Pacifici, K., T. R. Simons, and K. H. Pollock. 2008. A field evaluation of the effectiveness of distance sampling and double independent observers to estimate detection probability in aural avian point counts. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1349-1356. August 2008
Alldredge, M. W., K. H. Pollock, and T. R. Simons. 2006. Estimating detection probabilities from multiple-observer point counts. The Auk 123: 1172-1182. March 2006
Alldredge, M. W., K. H. Pollock, T. R. Simons, and S. A. Shriner. 2007. Multiple species analysis of point count data: a more parsimonious modeling framework. Journal of Applied Ecology. 44: 281-290. January 2007
Alldredge, M. W., K. H. Pollock, T. R. Simons, J. A. Collazo, and S. A. Shriner. 2007. Time of detection method for estimating abundance from point count surveys. The Auk 124(2): 653-664. March 2007
Alldredge, M. W. T. R. Simons, K. H. Pollock, and K. Pacifici. 2007. A Field Evaluation of the time-of-detection method to estimate population size for Aural Avian Point Counts. Avian Ecology and Conservation 2(2):13. November 2007
Project Completion Date
Assessing the effects of the National Park Service predator and vehicle management practices on nesting shorebirds at Cape Hatteras National Seashore November 2017
Responses of Targeted Herpetological Communities to Fire Management Practices in Pine-Oak Forests of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park July 2014
Assessing endangered marsh rabbit and woodrat habitat use and feral cat population dynamics using photographic, video, and RFID capture-recapture data July 2016
Assessing the effects of the National Park Service prescribed fire program on the breeding bird community in Great Smoky Mountains National Park November 2014
Assessing the responses of breeding shorebirds to military jet overflights of the Core MOA at Cape Lookout National Seashore July 2012
American Oystercatcher Conservation Initiative North Carolina December 2011
Maximizing the Benefits of Field Borders for Nesting Quail and Early-succession Songbirds May 2012
Incorporating estimates of detection probability into the Breeding Bird Survey protocol: Assessment of current sampling methods December 2011
Ecology of raccoons within Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC, and the efficacy of raccoon removal as a management tool for protecting rare, threatened, and endangered species June 2011
Coastal wetland dynamics and wildlife populations: modeling the effects of sea level rise and landscape change August 2014
Assessing the relationship between acid precipitation, calcium depletion, and avian productivity in Great Smoky Mountains National Park September 2010
Presentations Presentation Date
Stocking, J., T. Simons, A. Parsons, and A. O'Connell. 2015. Managing Native Predators To Protect Shorebirds: Evidence From An Experimental Removal Of Raccoons On The Outer Banks Of North Carolina. Waterbird Society 2015 annual meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine. August 2015
Spear, K.A., S.H. Schweitzer, T.R. Simons, C. Thatcher, C. Wells. 2016. Assessment of Storm Impacts on Coastal Bird Populations, Behavior, and Nesting along the Outer Banks Barrier Islands, North Carolina. Waterbird Society 2016 Annual Meeting. September 2016
Simons, T.R., S.K. Felton, and T.E. Borneman. 2017. Causes of Nest Loss in American Oystercatchers; an Analysis of Video-monitored Nests. Waterbird Society 2017 Annual Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland. August 2017
Simons, T.R. and T.E. Borneman. Assessing the effects of pedestrians, vehicles, and aircraft on nesting American Oystercatchers on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. 37th Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Wilhelmhaven, Germany. September 2013
Simons, T.R. 2015. The American Oystercatcher Working Group – 15 years of collaborative focal species research and management. Waterbird Society 2015 Annual Meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine. August 2015
Rose, E.T. and T.R. Simons. 2014. Using spacecraft, aircraft, and field observations to identify patterns in bird distribution following changes in fire management. 2014 Annual meeting of the North Carolina Chapter of the Wildlife Society. February 2014
Rose, E.T. and T.R. Simons. Predicting bird distributions in southern Appalachian forests using remotely sensed fire severity indices. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Baltimore, Maryland. July 2013
Rose, E.T. and T.R. Simons. 2014. Understanding long-term trends in bird occurrence following an increase in the prevalence of fire on a southern Appalachian landscape. American Ornithologists' Union, Annual Meeting, Fr. Collins, Colorado. September 2014
Parsons, A.W., T.R. Simons, A.F. O'Connell, K. Pollock, M.K. Stoskopf, and J.J. Stocking 2015. Evaluating Assumptions of Mark-Resight Models: An Island Case Study. The Wildlife Society 2015 Annual Meeting, Manitoba, Canada. October 2015
Nolker, A. and T.R. Simons. 2013. Response of mockingbird vocalizations to thirty years of anthropogenic change. NC Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 2013 annual meeting, Colombia, NC. February 2013
Miller, D.A., Bailey L.L., Grant, E.H. McClintock, B.T., Weir, L.A., and T.R. Simons. 2013. IMPROVING OCCUPANCY ESTIMATES WHEN DETECTION HETEROGENEITY AND FALSE POSITIVES OCCUR. EURING 2013. Athens, Georgia. April 2013
Keller, R.A., T.R. Simons, R.A. Webster, and K.E. Franzreb. 2013. Effects of Acidic Deposition on Dark-eyed Juncos in the Southern Appalachians. 5th International Partners in Flight Conference and Conservation Workshop, Snowbird, Utah. August 2013
Hostetter, N.J., T.R. Simons, S.H. Schweitzer, R. Boettcher, A.L. Wilke, L. Addison, W.R. Swilling, and B. Gardner. 2014. Repeated count surveys help standardize multi-agency estimates of American Oystercatcher abundance. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, La Paz, Mexico. November 2014
Haematopology - 15 years of collaborative focal species research and management in shorebird conservation. Invited plenary lecture at the 2015 Western Hemisphere Shorebird Meeting, Wallops Island, VA. September 2015
Gardner, B., N.J. Hostetter, S. Sillett, and T.R. Simons. 2017. Data integration to decompose detection probability and improve abundance estimation. Ecological Society of America, 2017 Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. August 2017
Felton, S.K., T.R. Simons, K.H. Pollock, and L. Addison. 2014. Harnessing a Collaborative Database for Demographic Modeling of American Oystercatchers. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, La Paz, Mexico. November 2014
Felton, S.K., N.J. Hostetter, and T.R. Simons. 2015. Managing American Oystercatcher Population Growth by Targeting Nesting Season Vital Rates. Waterbird Society 2015 Annual Meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine. August 2015
Felton, S.K., K.H. Pollock, and T.R. Simons. 2017.Population level effects of American Oystercatcher management: Evaluating spatial and temporal trends in the distribution of breeding pairs and productivity. 7th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Conference, Paracas, Peru. November 2017
Felton, S.K., K.H. Pollock, and T.R. Simons. 2017. Uncovering American Oystercatcher population dynamics, using a collaborative banding data base. 7th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Conference, Paracas, Peru. November 2017
Felton, S.K, K.H. Pollock, and T.R. Simons 2016. Behavioral and Physiological Responses of Nesting American Oystercatchers to Off-Road Vehicles on North Carolina’s National Seashores. Waterbird Society 2016 Annual Meeting. September 2016
E.T. Rose and T.R. Simons. 2014. Using spacecraft, aircraft, and field observations to identify patterns in bird distribution following changes in fire management. 2014 All Taxa Biodiversity Conference, Great Smokies National Park. March 2014
Cove, M.V., T.R. Simons, B. Gardner, and A. O'Connell. 2016. Co-occurrence dynamics of endangered Lower Keys marsh rabbits and free-ranging cats. The Wildlife Society, Annual Meeting, Raleigh NC. October 2016
Cove, M.V., B. Gardner, T.R. Simons, and A. O'Connell, 2017. Exotic predators affect prey behavior with potential for trophic cascades in island ecosystems. 12th International Mammal Congress, Perth, Australia. July 2017
Cove, M., T.R. Simons, B. Gardner, A. O'Connell. 2014. Determining spatial and temporal overlaps of endangered small mammals and their invasive predators in the Florida Keys: inference from camera traps. Central Plains Society of Mammalogists, Annual Meeting. October 2014
Cove, M., T. Simons, B. Gardner, and A. O’Connell. 2016.Exotic predators affect prey behavior with potential for trophic cascades in island ecosystems. The Wildlife Society 2016 Annual Meeting. October 2016
Cove, M., T. Simons, B. Gardner, and A. O'Connell. 2015. Free-ranging cats (Felis catus) on public lands: estimating density and movement by pairing camera traps and spatial capture-recapture. 2015 Wildlife Society Meeting, Manitoba, Canada. October 2015
Cove, M., T. Simons, B. Gardner, and A. O'Connell. 2015. Determining spatial and temporal overlaps of endangered small mammals and their invasive predators. American Society of Mammalogists. 2015 annual meeting, Jacksonville, FL. June 2015
Borneman, T.E., S.K. Felton, and T.R. Simons. 2014. Effects of off-road vehicles on American Oystercatchers nesting at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Waterbird Society annual meeting, LaPaz, Mexico. November 2014
Borneman, T.E. and T.R. Simons. 2013. Effects of Human Activity on American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) Breeding at Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina. 2013 annual meeting of the NC chapter of The Wildlife Society. Colombia, NC. February 2013
Boreneman, T.E. and T.R. Simons. Effects of human activity on American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) breeding at Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Baltimore, Maryland. July 2013
Technical Publications Publication Date
Simons, T.R., and S. Schulte. 2009. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) research and monitoring in North Carolina. 2008 Annual report to the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Audubon Society. January 2009
Simons, T.R., and S. Schulte. 2008. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) research and monitoring in North Carolina. 2007 Annual report to the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Audubon Society. 58 pp. January 2008
Simons, T.R., and S. Schulte, and J.J. Stocking. 2010. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) research and monitoring in North Carolina. 2009 Annual report to the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Audubon Society. 58 pp. January 2010
Simons, T.R., and N. Tarr. 2009. Fall shorebird migration and ORV disturbance at Cape Lookout National Seashore. 2008 Annual report to the National Park Service. January 2009
Simons, T.R., and N. Tarr. 2008. Fall shorebird migration and ORV disturbance at Cape Lookout National Seashore. 2007 Annual report to the National Park Service. 66 pp. January 2008
Simons, T.R., and N. Tarr. 2007. The effects of vehicle traffic on migrating shorebirds at Cape Lookout National Seashore. 2006 Annual report to the National Park Service. 39 pp. January 2007
Simons, T.R., and N. Tarr. 2006. Measuring the effect of off-road vehicles on beach birds at Cape Lookout National Seashore. 2005 Annual progress report to the National Park Service. 26 pp. February 2006
Simons, T.R., and R. Hylton. 2006. Assessment of Black-capped Chickadees as a Model Species for a Calcium Limitation Study in the Southern Appalachians. 2005 Annual Report to the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. 25 pp. February 2006
Simons, T.R., S. Schulte, J. Cordes, M. Lyons, W. Golder. 2007. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) research and monitoring in North Carolina. 2006 Annual report to the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Audubon Society. 46 pp. January 2007
Simons, T.R., S. Schulte, C. McGowan, J. Cordes, M. Lyons, W. Golder. 2006. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) research and monitoring in North Carolina. 2005 Annual report to the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Audubon Society. 46 pp. January 2006
Simons, T.R., L.L. Bailey, and K.H. Pollock. 2001. Evaluation of salamander habitat associations and population monitoring techniques in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 2000 Annual Report. June 2001
Simons, T.R., K.H. Pollock, J.M. Wettroth, M.W. Alldredge, K. Pacifici, and J. Brewster. 2008. Sources of measurement error, misclassification error, and bias in auditory avian point count data. The All-Bird Bulletin, March 2008: 2-3. January 2008
Simons, T.R., C. McGowan, J. Cordes, M. Lyons, and W. Golder. 2003. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus paliatus) research and monitoring in North Carolina. Annual report to the National Park Service and the US. Fish and Wildlife Service, 27 pp. January 2005
Simons, T.R., A. Waldstein, and A. O'Connell. 2010. Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Ecology at Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina. 2009 Annual Report to the National Park Service. 58 pp. January 2010
Simons, T.R., A. Waldstein, and A. O'Connell. 2009. Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Ecology at Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina. 2008 Annual Report to the National Park Service. January 2009
Simons, T.R., A. Waldstein, and A. O'Connell. 2008. Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Ecology at Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina. 2007 Annual Report to the National Park Service. 58 pp. January 2008
Simons, T.R. and T. Borneman. 2011. Effects of Military Jet Overflights on American Oystercatcher Breeding Behavior and Productivity at Cape Lookout National Seashore. 2011 Annual Report to the U.S. Marine Corps. 44 pp. January 2012
Simons, T.R. and R. Hylton. 2010. Effects of Atmospheric Pollution on High Elevation Fauna in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 2009 Annual Report to the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. 49 pp. January 2010
Simons, T.R. and R. Hylton. 2009. Effects of Atmospheric Pollution on High Elevation Fauna in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 2008 Annual Report to the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. January 2009
Simons, T.R. and R. Hylton. 2008. Effects of Atmospheric Pollution on High Elevation Fauna in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 2007 Annual Report to the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. 49 pp. January 2008
Simons, T.R. and R. Hylton. 2007. Assessing the Effects of Atmospheric Pollution on High Elevation Bird and Snail Communities in the Southern Appalachians. 2006 Annual Report to the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. 20 pp. January 2007
Simons, T.R. and J.J. Stocking. 2011. American Oystercatcher Conservation Initiative – North Carolina. 2011 Annual Report to the National Park Service. 26 pp. January 2012
Simons, T. R., L. L. Bailey, E. J. Hyde, and K. J. Pollock. 2000. Evaluation of salamander habitat associations and population monitoring techniques in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 1999 Annual report to the Environmental Protection Agency, 20 pp. January 2000
Simons, T. R., J. L. Lichstein, and K. E. Franzreb. 2000. The effects of landscape pattern, core areas, and forest management practices on avian communities in the southern Appalachians. 1999 Annual report to the U.S. Forest Service, 23 pp. January 2000
Simons, T. R. and S. A. Shriner. 2000. Ecology and conservation of Neotropical migrants in the southern Appalachians. 1999 Annual report to the National Park Service, 27 pp. January 2000
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Wilson Ornithological Society - Member Simons January 1975 Present
The Waterbird Society - Elected Member of Executive Council Simons January 2013 January 2016
Society for Conservation Biology - Member Simons January 1985 January 2002
Ecological Society of America - Member Simons May 2004 Present
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member Simons January 1975 Present
American Ornithologists' Union - Member Simons January 1975 Present
American Association for the Advancement of Science - Member Simons January 1985 January 2005