Cooperative Research Units Program Headquarters Staff Member
Sammy King
Phone: (225) 578 - 7564
Faculty Email:
- Ph D Texas A&M University 1994
- MS Auburn University 1990
- BS Nicholls State University 1987
Dr. King is a native of Louisiana and holds a B.S. from Nicholls State University, M.S. from Auburn University, and a Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. Dr. King is interested in wetland systems and wetland-dependent wildlife with a particular emphasis on linking abiotic processes (e.g., hydrology, soils) to plant and animal community responses to guide wetland restoration and management. His work includes understanding how hydrologic processes affect secretive marshbirds; effects of altered hydrology and sedimentation patterns on arid and humid wetlands; germination processes of rare and common plants; effects of agricultural practices on waterbird use of rice fields, and the effects of hydrology on regeneration of bottomland hardwood forests. Dr. King teaches graduate courses in wetlands and floodplain ecology as well as special field-based courses on selected wetlands around the country. He works closely with state and federal agencies and non-governmental organizations to address a variety of wetland management and restoration challenges.
Areas of Expertise
Biodiversity, Forest Ecology, Habitat Management, Managed Flows/Hydrology, Species Management, Wetland Ecology, Wildlife Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Coastal/Marine Birds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Wohner, PJ, SA Laymon, JE Stanek, SL King, RJ Cooper. 2021. Challenging our understanding of western Yellow-billed Cuckoo habitat needs and accepted management practices. Restoration Ecology 29(3): e13331. | Abstract | March 2021 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2006. Secretive marsh bird distribution among structurally different vegetation types in managed wetlands of northwest Tennessee. Wetlands 26:619-623. | June 2006 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2006. Least Bittern nesting sites at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 5(2):317-320. | June 2006 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2005. A Pied-billed Grebe nest and Common Moorhen brood platform near Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. The Migrant 76(3):85-88. | September 2006 |
Wilhide, J. D., S. M. Cochran, V. E. Hoffman, S. L. King, and V. R. McDaniel. 2005. Roost and habitat use by bats in a southern bottomland hardwood forest. Pages 397-402 in L. H. Fredrickson, S. L. King, and R. M. Kaminski, eds. Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding. University of Missouri-Columbia. Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico, MO. | August 2005 |
Valente, J. J., S. L. King, and R. Wilson. 2011. Distribution and habitat associations of breeding secretive marsh birds in Louisiana's Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Wetlands 31(1): 1-10. | February 2011 |
Valente, J. J., S. L. King, and R. R. Wilson. 2012. Summer use of rice fields by secretive marsh birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of northeast Louisiana. Southeastern Naturalist 11(3):423-436. | September 2012 |
Ritenour, K., S.L.King, S. Collins, and M. D. Kaller. 2022. FACTORS AFFECTING NEST SUCCESS OF COLONIAL NESTING WATERBIRDS IN SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA. Estuaries and Coasts. 45:897-912. | Publisher Website | August 2021 |
Pierluissi, S., and S. L. King. 2008. Relative Nest Density, Nest Success, and Site Occupancy of King Rails in Southwestern Louisiana Rice Fields. Waterbirds 31:530-540. | December 2008 |
Pierluissi, S., S. L. King, and M. D. Kaller. 2010. Waterbird Nest Density and Nest Survival in Rice Fields of Southwestern Louisiana. Waterbirds 33(3): 323-330. | September 2010 |
Pierce, A.R., and S.L. King. 2017. Hydrological responses to channelization and the formation of valley plugs and shoals. Wetlands 37:513-523. | February 2017 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2008. Spatial dynamics of overbank sedimentation in alluvial floodplain systems. Geomorphology 100:256-268. | August 2008 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2007. The influence of valley plugs in channelized streams on floodplain sedimentation dynamics over the last century. Wetlands 27:631-643. | September 2007 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2007. The effects of flooding and sedimentation on seed germination of two bottomland hardwood tree species. Wetlands 27:588-594. | September 2007 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Valley plugs, land use, and phytogeomorphic response.In: John F. Shroder (ed.) Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 12, pp. 221-235. San Diego: Academic Press. | March 2013 |
Pierce, A. R. and S. L. King. 2011. A comparison of avian communities and habitat characteristics in floodplain forests along channelized and unchannelized streams. River Research and Applications 27(10):1315-1324. | Publisher Website | October 2011 |
Pickens, B.A., S.L. King, P. Vasseur, S. Zimorski, and W. Selman. 2017. Seasonal movements and multiscale habitat selection of Whooping Crane (Grus americana) in natural and agricultural wetlands. Waterbirds 40:322-333. | December 2017 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2014. Multi-Scale Habitat Selection of Wetland Birds in the Northern Gulf Coast. Estuaries and Coasts 37(5):1301-1311. | September 2014 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2014. Linking Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery to Coastal Wetland Dynamics and Bird Distribution Ecological Modelling 285:1-12. | August 2014 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2013. Microhabitat selection, demography, and correlates of home range size for the King Rail (Rallus elegans). Waterbirds 36:319-329. | September 2013 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2012. Predicting the spatial distribution of King Rails in an agricultural landscape. Condor 114(1):113-122. | February 2012 |
Perkins, M., S. L. King, and J. Linscombe. 2010. Effectiveness of capture techniques for rails in emergent marsh and agricultural wetlands. Waterbirds 33 (3):376-380. | September 2010 |
Perkins, M., S. L. King, S. E. Travis, and J. Linscombe. 2009. The use of morphometric measurements to differentiate between species and sex of king and clapper rails. Waterbirds 32:579-584 | October 2009 |
Pell, C.J., King, S.L., Hawkins, T. and Symmank, M. (2024). Determining the effects of reduced water availability on seed germination of five bottomland hardwood tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 577, pp.122410–122410. doi: |
November 2024 |
Oswalt, S., and S. L. King. 2005. Channelization and floodplain forests: impacts of accelerated sedimentation and valley plug formation on floodplain forests of the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, Tennessee, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 215:69-83. | September 2005 |
Newell, P., S. L. King, and M. Kaller. 2009 Foraging behavior of pileated woodpeckers in partial cut and uncut bottomland hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 258:1456-1464. | September 2009 |
Newell, P. and S. L. King. 2009. Relative abundance and species richness of Cerambycid beetles in partial cut and uncut bottomland hardwood forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39 (11):2100-2108. | November 2009 |
Lichtenberg, J. S., S. L. King, J. B. Grace, and S. C. Walls. 2006. Habitat associations of chorusing anurans in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley. Wetlands 26:736-744. | September 2006 |
Lemon, MGT., Richard F. Keim, Scott T. Allen, Brandon L. Edwards, and Sammy L. King. 2016. Satellite derived temperature for monitoring water status in a floodplain forests of the upper Sabine River, Texas. Southeastern Naturalist 15 (SI9):90-102. | December 2016 |
Laughban, M. K., S. L. King, and L. H. Fredrickson. 2012. Managing wetlands for wildlife. Pages 95-132 in N. Silvy, ed. The Wildlife Techniques Manual/Management. 7th edition, Vol. 2. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. | April 2012 |
Laubhan, M. K., S. L. King, and L. H. Fredrickson. 2005. Managing wetlands for wildlife. Pages 797-838 in C. E. Braun, ed. Techniques for Wildlife Investigation and Management. 6th Edition. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | May 2005 |
Latuso, KD, RF Keim, SL King, DC Weindorf, and RD DeLaune. 2017. Sediment deposition and sources into a Mississippi River floodplain lake; Catahoula Lake, Louisiana. Catena 156:290-297. | September 2017 |
LMVJV Forest Resource Conservation Working Group. 2007. Restoration, Management, and Monitoring of Forest Resources in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Recommendations for Enhancing Wildlife Habitat. Edited by R. Wilson, K. Ribbeck, S. King, and D. Twedt. | September 2007 |
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2021. Floodplain forest tree seedling response to variation in flood timing and duration. Forest Ecology and Management 502:119660. . | December 2021 |
Kroschel, W.A., S.L., King and R. F. Keim.2016. Tree Regeneration in Bottomland Hardwood Forests: A Review. Southeastern Naturalist 15 (SI 9):42-60. | December 2016 |
King, S.L., and R.F. Keim. 2019. Hydrologic issues challenge bottomland hardwood forest management. Journal of Forestry 117(5):504-514. | September 2019 |
King, S.L., W. Selman, P. Vasseur, and S. Zimorski. 2018. Louisiana Non-migratory Whooping Crane Reintroduction. Pages 469-484 in S. Converse, J. French, and F. Chavez, eds. The Whooping Crane. Elsevier | September 2018 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, P. Tashjian, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2021. Wetland conservation: challenges related to water law and farm policy. Wetlands 41:54 | Publisher Website | May 2021 |
King, S. L., and W. E. Grant. 1996. A simulation model of the impacts of green-tree reservoir management on bottomland hardwood seedling growth and survival. Ecological Modelling 87:69-82. | January 1996 |
King, S. L., and T. Perkins. 2013. Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Southwest Louisiana: History, Habitat Conditions, and Initial Reintroduction Efforts. Proceedings of the Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium 4:94-99 | December 2013 |
King, S. L., and T. J. Antrobus. 2005. Gapmaker-Gapfiller Relationships in an Arkansas Floodplain Forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 16:471-480 | August 2005 |
King, S. L., and T. J. Antrobus. 2001. Canopy disturbance patterns in a bottomland hardwood forest in Northeast Arkansas, USA. Wetlands 21:543-553. | January 2001 |
King, S. L., and J. Vradenburg. 2016. Considerations for Wetland Conservation and Management at Momege Nature Reserve. | March 2016 |
King, S. L., and J. A. Allen. 1996. Plant succession and greentree reservoir management: Implications for management and restoration of bottomland hardwood wetlands. Wetlands 16:503-511. | January 1996 |
King, S. L., and B. D. Keeland. 1999. Evaluation of reforestation of the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley. Restoration Ecology 7:348-359. | January 1999 |
King, S. L., R. R. Sharitz, J. W. Groninger, and L. L. Battaglia. (2009 invited). The ecology, restoration, and management of southeastern floodplain ecosystems: A synthesis. Wetlands 29:624-634 | June 2009 |
King, S. L., R. F. Keim, C. R. Hupp, B. L. Edwards, W. A. Kroschel, E. L. Johnson, and J. W. Cochran. 2016. Evaluation of the effects of hydrologic and geomorphic processes and bottomland hardwood plant communities of the ower White River Basin. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2016-1113. | August 2016 |
King, S. L., R. F. Keim, C. R. Hupp, B. L. Edwards, W. A. Kroschel, E. L. Johnson, and J. W. Cochran. 2016. Altered hydrologic and geomorphic processes and bottomland hardwood plant communities of the lower White River Basin. USGS Open File Report 2016-1113. |
July 2016 |
King, S. L., L. L. Battaglia, C. R. Hupp, R. F. Keim, and B. G. Lockaby. 2012. Floodplain wetlands of the southeastern coastal plain. Wetland habitats of North America: ecology and conservation concerns. Pages 253-266 in D. Batzer and A. H. Baldwin, eds. University of California Press, Berkeley. | May 2012 |
King, S. L., J. P. Shepard, K. Ouchley, J. A. Neal, and K. Ouchley. 2005. Bottomland hardwood forests: past, present, and future. Pages 1-17 in L. H. Fredrickson, S. L. King, and R. M. Kaminski, eds. Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding. University of Missouri-Columbia. Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico, MO. | August 2005 |
King, S. L., J. A. Allen, and J. McCoy. 1998. Long-term effects of a lock and dam and greentree reservoir management on a bottomland hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 112:213-226 | January 1998 |
King, S. L., H. L. Stribling, and D. W. Speake. 1991. Cottontail rabbit initial responses to prescribed burning and cover enhancement. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 62:178-188. | January 1991 |
King, S. L., H. L. Stribling, and D. W. Speake. 1990. Use of methoxyflurane and a funnel bag as a cottontail rabbit restraint system. Journal of Wildlife Management 54:409-411 | January 1990 |
King, S. L., H. L. Stribling, and D. W. Speake. 1990. Tree climbing ability of a cottontail rabbit. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 61:255-257 | January 1990 |
King, S. L., D. J. Twedt, and R. Wilson. 2006 (invited). The Role of the Wetland Reserve Program in Conservation Efforts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4):914-920. | December 2006 |
King, S. L., C. S. Elphick, D. Guadagnin, and O. Taft. 2010 (invited). Effects of landscape features on waterbird use of rice fields. Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1):151-159. | October 2010 |
King, S. L., B. D. Keeland, and J. L. Moore. 1998. Beaver lodge distributions and damage assessments in a forested wetland ecosystem in the southern United States. Forest Ecology and Management 108:1-7. | January 1998 |
King, S. L., A. R. Pierce, K. Hersey, and N. Winstead. 2011. Migration patterns and movements of sandhill cranes wintering in central and southwestern Louisiana, USA. Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop, Dells, Wisconsin. 11:57-61. | October 2010 |
King, S. L. 2013. Watershed planning in eastern Russia. International Crane Foundation Bugle. | October 2013 |
King, S. L. 2013. Climate change, cranes, and temperate floodplain ecoysystems. Pages 28-34 in J. H. Harris, ed. Proceedings of the 2010 International Crane Workshop, Muraviovoka Park, Russia. | October 2012 |
King, S. L. 1996. The effects of flooding regimes on bottomland hardwood seedlings planted on lignite mine spoil in East Texas. Texas Journal of Science 48:75-84. | January 1996 |
King, S. L. 1995. Effects of flooding regimes on two impounded bottomland hardwood stands. Wetlands 15:272-284. | January 1995 |
Keim, R.F., L. Dugue, K.D. Latuso, S. Joshi, S.L. King, and F.L. Willis. 2022. Influences of floodplain modification on expansion of woody vegetation into Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. | January 2022 |
Keim, R.., S. L. King, D. Scott, and F. M. Wilhelm (authors alphabetical). 2019. Klamath Trip Report. Results of May 2019 Technical Assistance Visit to Lower Klamath Lake. | July 2019 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2014. Suitability of Coastal Marshes as Whooping Crane Foraging Habitat in Southwest Louisiana, USA. Waterbirds 37 (3):254-263. | August 2014 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Influence of Hydrologic Connectivity on Pond Environmental Characteristics in a Coastal Marsh System. Southeastern Naturalist 12:568-578. | September 2013 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Effects of hydrologic connectivity and environmental variables on nekton assemblage in a coastal marsh system.Wetlands 33:321-334. | April 2013 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Effects of Hydrologic Connectivity and Environmental Variables on Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Different Marsh Types. Aquatic Biology 18:149-160. | January 2013 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2012. Influence of salinity and prey presence on the survival of aquatic macroinvertebrates of a freshwater marsh. Aquatic Ecology ( | August 2012 |
Kang, S. R. and S. L. King. 2013 (May 7). Seasonal Comparison of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in a Flooded Coastal Freshwater Marsh. Open Journal of Ecology DOI: 10.4236/oje.2013.32014 | May 2013 |
Kang, S. R. and S. L. King. 2013. Seasonal nekton assemblages in a flooded coastal freshwater marsh, Southwest Louisiana, USA. Open Journal of Ecology 116-121. DOI: 10.4236/oje.2013.32014 | April 2013 |
Ilyashenko, E., and S. L. King. 2018. Crane responses to changes in agriculture. Pages 55 to 71 in J.E. Austin, K.L. Morrison, and J.T. Harris, eds. Cranes and Agriculture: a global guide to sharing the landscape. International Crane Foundation. | October 2018 |
Hamilton, S., S.L. King, G. Dello Russo, and M. Kaller. 2019. Effect of hydrologic, geomorphic, and vegetative conditions on avian communities in the Middle Rio Grande of New Mexico. Wetlands 39:1029-1042. | May 2019 |
Gorham, L. E., S. L. King, B. D. Keeland, and S. Mopper. 2002. Effects of canopy gaps and flooding on homopterans in a bottomland hardwood forest. Wetlands 22(3):541-549. | January 2002 |
Gee, H.K.W., S. L. King, and R. Keim. 2015. Influence of Hydrologic Modifications on Fraxinus pennsylvanica in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45:1397-1406. | October 2015 |
Gee, H.K.W., S. L. King, and R. F. Keim. 2014. Stand development of a leveed floodplain forest in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 334:85-95. 334:85-95. | December 2014 |
Gagnon, P., L. Battaglia, B. Hanberry, W. Conner, and S.L. King. 2021. Chapter 6. Fire in floodplain forests of the southeastern United States. Pages 201-242 In: B Collins and C.H. Greenberg, eds. Fire Ecology and Management: Past, Present, and Future of US Forested Ecosystems. Vol. 39. Springer/Nature. | June 2021 |
Fredrickson, L. H., S. L. King, and R. M. Kaminski, eds. 2005. Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding. University of Missouri-Columbia. Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico, MO. | August 2005 |
Fowler, D. N. S.L. King, and D. C. Weindorf. 2014. Evaluating Abiotic Influences on Soil Salinity of Inland Managed Wetlands and Agricultural Croplands in a Semi-Arid Environment. Wetlands 34:1229-1239. | June 2014 |
Fournier, A.M.V, A.R. Sullivan, J.K. Bump, M. Perkins, M.C. Shieldcastle, and S.L. King. 2016. Combining citizen science derived species distribution models and stable isotope analysis reveals migratory connectivity in a secretive species, the Virginia rail (Rallus limicola). Journal of Applied Ecology 54(2):618-627. | June 2016 |
Fischer, R. A., and S. L. King. 1998. Suggestions for new and aspiring graduate students in wildlife science. The Wildlife Society Bulletin (peer edited) 26:41-50. | January 1998 |
Faulkner, S. P., J. L. Chambers, W. H. Conner, R. F. Keim, J. W. Day, E. S. Gardiner, M. S. Hughes, S. L. King, K. W. McLeod, C. A. Miller, J. A. Nyman, and G. P. Shaffer. 2007. Conservation and Use of Coastal Wetland Forests in Louisiana. Pages 447-460 in Conner, W. H., T. W. Doyle, and K. W. Krauss, eds. Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern United States. Springer, The Netherlands. | December 2007 |
Edwards, B.L., R. F. Keim, E. L. Johnson, C. R. Hupp, S. Marre, and S. L. King. 2016. Geomorphic adjustment to hydrologic modifications along a meandering river: implications for surface flooding on a floodplain. Geomorphology 269:149-159. | September 2016 |
Donnelly, JP, SL King, NL Silverman, DP Collins, EM Carrera-Gonzales, A Lafon-Terrazas, and JN Moore. 2020. Climate and human water use diminish wetland networks supporting continental waterbird migration. Submitted to Global Change Biology. | January 2020 |
Donnelly, J.P., King, S.L., Knetter, J., Gammonley, J.H., Dreitz, V.J., Grisham, B.A., Nowak, M.C. and Collins, D.P. (2021). Migration efficiency sustains connectivity across agroecological networks supporting sandhill crane migration. Ecosphere, 12(6). doi: | Abstract | Publisher Website |
June 2021 |
Cochran, W., R. F. Keim, S. L. King, L.L.Battaglia, and F. L. Willis. 2013. Hydrologic Changes and Floodplain Forests in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Proceedings of the LSU Natural Resources Symposium 4:1-8. | June 2013 |
Chambers, J. L., W. H. Conner, R. F. Keim, S. P. Faulkner, J. W. Day, E. S. Gardiner, M. S. Hughes, S. L. King, K. W. McLeod, C. A. Miller, J. A. Nyman, and G. P. Shaffer. 2006. Towards sustainable management of Louisiana's coastal wetland forests: Problems, constraints, and a new beginning. Pages 383-395 in Coastal Environment and Water Quality. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrology and Management of Forested Wetlands. Keim, R. F., J. L. Chambers, M. S. Hughes, J. A. Nyman, C. A. Miller, J. B. Amos, W. H. Conner, J. W. Day Jr., S. P. Faulkner, E. S. Gardiner, S. L. King, K. W. McLeod, and G. P. Shaffer. 2006. Ecological consequences of changing hydrological conditions in wetland forests of coastal Louisiana. P. 383-395 in: Coastal Environment and Water Quality, Y. J. Xu and V. P. Singh, eds. Challenges in Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality, Water Resource Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colo. 534pp. | February 2006 |
Cantu de Leija, A., and S.L. King. 2023. Relationships among rare plant communities and abiotic conditions in managed spring-fed arid wetlands. Restoration Ecologydoi: 10.1111/rec.14011. | September 2023 |
Cantu de Leija, A., S.L.King, and T.S. Hawkins. 2022. Seed germination requirements and responses to salinity for three rare wetland plants of spring-fed arid systems. Journal of Arid Environments 199. | April 2022 |
Burke, M. K., S. L. King, D. Gartner, and M. H. Eisenbies. 2003. Vegetation, soil and flooding relationships in a blackwater floodplain forest. Wetlands 23:988-1002. | December 2003 |
Anonymous. 2014. Whooping Cranes and Crawfish Farming. Factsheet. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Baton Rouge, LA. | June 2014 |
Allen, ST, K.W. Krauss, JW Cochran, SL King, and RF Keim. 2016. Wetland tree transpiration modified by river-floodplain connectivity. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 121(3):753-766. | March 2016 |
Allen, S.T., J. W. Cochran, K.W. Krauss, R.F. Keim, and S.L. King. 2016. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS ON DIAMETER GROWTH PHENOLOGY FOR CELTIS LAEVIGATA AND QUERCUS LYRATA IN THE FLOODPLAIN OF THE LOWER WHITE RIVER, ARKANSAS. Proceedings of the Southern Silvicultural Conference 18:273-279. | June 2016 |
Wohner, P.J., S.A. Laymon, J.E. Stanek, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Early successional riparian vegetation is important for Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo nesting habitat. Restoration Ecology 29(5):e13376. doi: 10.1111/rec.13376 | March 2021 |
Fournier, A.M.V, Sullivan, A., Bump, J., Perkins, M., Shieldcastle, M.C., King, S. 2016 Combining citizen science species distribution models and stable isotopes reveals migratory connectivity in the secretive Virginia rail Journal of Applied Ecology doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12723 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | June 2016 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
de Leija, A.C., J.P. Donnelly, S.L. King. 2022. Surface water dynamics of Chihuahuan Desert wetlands: implications for migratory waterbird habitat conservation. Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Wohner, P.J., S.A. Laymon, J.E. Stanek, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Challenging Our Understanding of Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Habitat Needs and<br>Accepted Management Practices. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual (Virtual) Meeting. | June 2021 |
Wiebe, J.J., R. Dobbs, J. Hemming, D. Hewitt, J.S. Gleason, S. King, K. Freer-Leonards, T. Baker, D. Lee, J.A. Nyman, T. Carruthers, E.Windhoffer, J. Henkel, and J. Bienn. 2024. Louisiana Coastwide Avian Restoration, Monitoring and Adaptive Management <i>Session Category</i>: Deepwater Horizon Science Coordination: Restoration, Co-Production, and Synthesis. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Tampa, FL. | February 2024 |
Vasseur, PL, SL King, and MD Kaller. 2020. Diurnal time-activity budgets and habitat use of Whooping Cranes in the reintroduced Louisiana nonmigratory population. North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2020 |
Vasseur, P.L, S.L. King, M.D. Kaller, and S. E. Zimorski. 2020. Behavior analysis and long-term survival of captive-reared juvenile whooping cranes in the reintroduced Louisiana nonmigratory population. North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2019 |
Stanek, J.E., P. J. Wohner, S. A. Laymon, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Nesting Habitat Restoration. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Virtual Meeting. | June 2021 |
Ritenour, K., S. Collins, and S.L. King. 2019. Flooding and Nest Success of Colonial Nesting Waterbirds in Coastal Louisiana, USA. Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. | May 2019 |
Ritenour, K., S. Collins, and S.L. King. 2019. Flooding and Nest Success of Colonial Nesting Waterbirds in Coastal Louisiana, USA. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Baltimore, MD. | May 2019 |
Pickens, B.A., and S.L. King. 2016. Multi-scale habitat associations of King Rails in coastal marshes of Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas. | June 2016 |
Perkins, T.L. and S. L. King. Behavior Ecology of Pen-Reared, Reintroduced Whooping Cranes within the Louisiana Landscape. 13th North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lafayette, LA. | April 2014 |
Perkins, T., V. Dinets, and S. L. King. 2013.Restoring A Part of Our Natural Heritage: The Return of the Whooping Crane to Louisiana. Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium. | August 2013 |
Perkins, T. L. and S. L. King. The Spatial and Temporal Use of Habitats by a Reintroduced Population of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana. 13th North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lafayette, LA. | April 2014 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2024. Characterizing trends of secretive marshbird distributions across the Deltaic Plain of Louisiana. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Tampa, Florida. | February 2024 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2023. Characterizing trends of secretive marshbird distributions across the Deltaic Plain of Louisiana. Waterbird Society Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. | October 2023 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2023. Characterizing Ecological Drivers of Secretive Marshbird Distribution Across Southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2025. The Processes and Patterns behind Secretive Marshbird Abundance and Movement within Southeastern Louisiana. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, D.N. Fowler, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2025.Water level dynamics affect displacement and home ranges of secretive marshbirds among seasons. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2024 |
Moran, L., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2022. Characterizing Ecological Drivers of Secretive Marshbird Distribution Across Southeastern Louisiana. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Moran, L., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J. Nyman. 2024. Characterizing ecological drivers of secretive marshbird distribution across southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. | November 2024 |
Lipford, A., Moran, L., J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2022. Assessing the value of created marshes for wetland birds in southeast Louisiana. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Annual Meeting, Ocean Springs, MS. | October 2022 |
Lipford, A., L.L.K. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2023. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Lipford, A., L. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2022. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. Waterbirds Society Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Lipford, A., J. Youtz, L. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2021. Assessing the value of created marshes for wetland birds in southeast Louisiana. Abstract for annual meeting of The Waterbird Society (virtual). | November 2021 |
Kroschel, and S.L. King. 2016. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX. | June 2016 |
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2019. AN ANALYSIS OF SEEDLING DYNAMICS IN FLOODPLAINS OF THE LOWER MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | May 2019 |
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2018. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Denver, Colorado. | May 2018 |
Kroschel, W.A. and S.L. King. 2018. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. | August 2018 |
Kroschel, W.A. and S. L. King. AN ANLYSIS OF SEEDLING DYNAMICS IN TWO HYDROLOGICALLY ALTERED LOUISIANA FLOODPLAINS. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | June 2017 |
King, SL and RF Keim. 2017. Draining the Swamp: water and the future of floodplain forests of the southeastern U.S. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. | September 2016 |
King, S.L., W. Harrell, E. Smith, and J.A. Nyman. 2017. The role of fire in the management of Whooping Crane habitats. 7th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, Orlando, FL. | November 2017 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, P. Tashjian, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2021. Opportunities and Constraints for Wetland Conservation in an Irrigated World. Society of Wetland Scientists 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. | June 2021 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2020. Rethinking wetland conservation in a water-scarce future. 2020 North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2020 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2019. Rethinking Wetland Conservation in a Water-Starved Future. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | May 2019 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2019. Rethinking Wetland Conservation in a Water-Starved Future. Presentation at the joint meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. | October 2019 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and A. Henry. 2018. Arid Wetlands: Challenges and Opportunities. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. | May 2018 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, P. Tashjian, and L. Fredrickson. 2025. Waterbird Conservation in a Water Limited World: An Overview. Waterbirds Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
King, S.L. 2020. Rice and waterbirds. Invited presentation virtual Sustainable Agriculture Summit. | November 2020 |
King, S.L. 2019. Climatic, geomorphic, and hydrologic variability in wetlands. The Wildlife Society Workshop entitled "A Process-Based Approach to Wetland Management", Reno, Nevada. | September 2019 |
King, S.L. 2015 (invited). Whooping Cranes and the Endangered Species Act. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA. | August 2015 |
King, S. L. 2009. Rice, crawfish, and waterbirds: The annual cycle. Working Wetland Initiative Meeting, LSU AgCenter Rice Experiment Station, Crowley, Louisiana. | July 2009 |
King, S. L. 2009. Potential reintroduction of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana: Issues and opportunities. Rivers and Wildlife Celebration, Kearney, Nebraska. | September 2008 |
Kang, S.R., and S.L. King. 2014. Whooping Crane prey assemblage in a coastal marsh system: Implications for wetland wildlife management. The 6th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress,Haikou, China. | April 2014 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2008. Whooping Crane food availability in different marsh types. The 32nd Annual Waterbirds Society Meeting. South Padre Island, Texas. | November 2008 |
Jiang, H., J. H. Harris, S.L.King, and J.N. Vradenburg. 2018. Managing wetlands in the West Songnen Plain of northeast China: Challenges and Opportunities. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting. | May 2018 |
Hamilton, S.G., S. L. King, and Russo, G D. 2014. Effect of hydrologic, geomorphic, and vegetative conditions on avian communities in the Middle Rio Grande. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon. | May 2014 |
Guo, Z., S.L. King, and R.F. Keim. 2023. The Effects of Woody Plant Encroachment on Precipitation Interception in Coastal Prairie of Texas. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Graham, S.P., S.L.King, and J.A. Nyman. 2019. Managing coastal marsh impoundments for vertical accretion in the face of sea level rise. Coastal Estuarine and Research Federation Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL. | November 2019 |
Fredrickson, L.H., M. K. Laubhan, K. Higgins, and S. L. King. 2016. A century of land management evolution: From guess work to complex decision-making in highly modified landscapes exhibiting extreme variability. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland. | February 2016 |
Fowler, D.N., S.L. King, D.C. Weindorf, and J. Vradenburg. 2018. Evaluating Abiotic Influences on Soil Salinity of Inland Managed Wetlands and Agricultural Croplands in a Semi-Arid Environment. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado | May 2018 |
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2024. Levers and switches that influence the conservation value of rice agriculture for waterfowl and other wetland dependent birds. 9<sup>th</sup> North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2023. Levers and switches that influence the conservation value of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds. Annual Meeting, The Waterbird Society, Ft. Lauderdale FL, 9 - 13 October 2023. | October 2023 |
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2023. A changing system: levers and switches that influence the role of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds. Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Spokane WA, 27 - 30 June 2023. | June 2023 |
Cantu, A., S.L. King, and J.P. Donnelly. 2021. Interior Wetlands of Mexico: Status and Issues of Waterbird Habitats. Society of Wetland Scientists 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. | June 2021 |
Cantu, A., J. Beauchamp, and S.L. King. 2021. Effects of Wetland Management and Associated Abiotic Factors to Rare Plant Communities in a Managed Arid Wetland. Society of Wetland Scientists Virtual Annual Meeting. | June 2021 |
Cantu, A., E. Carerra, and S.L. King. 2019. Status and Challenges of Wetland Habitats for Migratory Birds in Mexico’s Highlands. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, NV. | October 2019 |
Cantu, A, and SL King. 2020. Sandhill Cranes in Mexico: status of historical habitats and conservation challenges. North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2020 |
Booth, A.R., S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2018. Understanding mechanisms for coastal marsh sustainability in the face of sea level rise. 12th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Coral Springs, Florida. | April 2018 |
Boos, B., and S.L. King. 2023. Evaluating abiotic and biotic factors affecting plant succession processes at Malheur Lake. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting. | June 2023 |
Allen, S.T., J.W. Cochran, R.F. Keim, and S.L. King. 2015. A comparison of intra-annual radial growth of two dominant bottomland hardwood species across a hydrologic gradient. 18th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Conference, Knoxville, TN. | March 2015 |
<i> Booth, A.R.</i><i>, S.L. King, and J. A. Nyman. 2023. Elevation change and mechanisms for sustainability in Chenier Plain marsh impoundments. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA.</i> | June 2023 |
<b>Pell, C.J., S.L. King, and R. F. Keim. 2020. The effects of drought and shade on bottomland hardwood regeneration. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Quebec.</b> | June 2020 |
<b>Lipford, A.</b>, Moran, L,L.K., Nyman, J.A., and S.L. King. 2023. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. State of the Coast 2023. New Orleans, LA. | June 2023 |
<b>Cantu de Leija, A. , J. Beauchamp, and S. L. King. 2020. Germination requirements of rare wetland plants in managed arid wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Quebec.</b> | June 2020 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Villani, R., and S. L. King. 2010. Integrated waterbird use of moist soil units at six wildlife management areasin the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, Louisiana: Final Report. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center and the Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Report No. 1-2010. Baton Rouge, LA. | July 2010 |
Pickens, B. A., S. L. King, B. Vermilion, L. Smith, and L. Allain. 2009. Conservation Planning for the Coastal Prairie Region of Louisiana. A final report from Louisiana State University to the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in fulfillment of Agreement Nos. #644821/513-700205 (LDWF) and #201816N759 (USFWS). | March 2009 |
Perkins, M., S. L. King, and D. Krementz. 2009. Stopover habitat use by king rails: evaluation and habitat management implications. Final Report to US Fish & Wildlife Service. | July 2009 |
Chambers, J.L., W.H. Conner, J.W. Day, S.P. Faulkner, E.S. Gardiner, M.S. Hughes, R.F. Keim, S.L. King, K.W. McLeod, C.A. Miller, J.A. Nyman, and G.P. Shaffer. 2005. Conservation, Protection and Utilization of Louisiana's Coastal Wetland Forests, Final Report to the Governor of Louisiana from the Science Working Group on Coastal Wetland Forest Conservation and Use. 102 pp. | April 2005 |
Allen, S. T., J.W. Cochran, R. Keim, and S. L. King. 2015. A comparison of intra-annual radial growth of two dominant bottomland hardwood species across a hydrologic gradient.18th Southern Silvicultural Conference, Knoxville, TN. | March 2015 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Cantu, A and King, S. L. 2023. Effects of Wetland Management and Associated Abiotic Processes on Rare Plant Communities of Spring-fed Arid Wetlands at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge 2019-2020: U. S. Geological Survey data release, | January 2022 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
The Wildlife Society - Member | King | January 2003 | December 2010 |
The Wildlife Society - Interim Chair, Wetlands Working Group | King | March 2011 | September 2013 |
The Waterbird Society - Member | King | January 2007 | December 2008 |
Society of Wetland Scientists - Member | King | June 1992 | December 2008 |
Other - Board Member | King | April 2012 | October 2023 |
International Union for Conservation of Nature - Member of Crane Working Group | King | May 2010 | Present |