Staff Member
Lauren Austin
Phone: (770) 344 - 8316
My research experience includes a visit to Kruger National Park, South Africa where I assisted in researching the parasite competition within African buffalo. I have also assisted in researching the roosting and foraging habitat of Northern Yellow Bats on Little St. Simon's Island. After I completed that job, the island rehired me a shorebird technician. I monitored American Oystercatchers, Least Terns, and Wilson's Plovers and assisted with various shorebird surveys.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Austin, L.V., A.S. Silvis, M.S. Muthersbaugh, K.E. Powers and W.M. Ford. 2018. Bat Activity Following Repeated Prescribed Fire in the Central Appalachians. Fire Ecology 14:10* |
December 2018 |
Austin, L., A. Silvis, W.M. Ford, K.E. Powers and M. Muthersbaugh. 2017. Bat Activity Following Restoration Prescribed Burning in the Central Appalachian Upland and Riparian Habitats. Natural Areas Journal 38:183-195 | April 2018 |
Austin, L., A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and K.E. Powers. 2019. Effects of historic wildfire and prescribed fire on site occupancy of bats in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA. Journal of Forestry Research | April 2019 |
Project | Completion Date |
Post WNS bat ecology in the eastern United States | December 2028 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Silvis, A., J. Hall, S. Deeley, M. Mutherspaugh, L. Austin, N. Kalen, M. St. Germain and W.M. Ford. 2017. Level of effort required for northern long-eared bat surveys and colony status assessment in the mid-Atlantic region. 2017 Northeast Bat Working Group. January 11-12, Amherst MA. | January 2017 |
Muthersbaugh, M.A., S.E. Sweeten, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and L.V. Austin. 2016. Fall activity patterns of migratory and cave dwelling bats species in the central Appalachians. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. | October 2016 |
Muthersbaugh, M., S. Sweeten, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and L. Austin. 2016. FALL ACTIVITY PATTERNS OF MIGRATORY AND CAVE DWELLING BAT SPECIES IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHIANS. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore MD. January 12-13. | January 2016 |
Lauren V. Austin, Alexander Silvis, Michael S. Muthersbaugh, Karen E. Powers2, W. Mark Ford, and Michael S. Muthersbaugh. 2018. BAT ACTIVITY FOLLOWING REPEATED PRESCRIBED FIRE IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHIANS. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. | March 2018 |
Ford, W.M., Silvis, A., Muthersbaugh, M., Austin, L. Johnson, N. Kalen, J.W. Edwards and S. Owen. 2018. Twenty Years of Central Appalachian Bat Research – What Have We Learned and Where Are We Going? 2018 The Wildlife Society Meeting, October 7-11, Cleveland OH. | October 2018 |
Austin, L., A. Silvis, and W.M. Ford. 2015. Conservation of Myotis septentrionalis in Virginia: A preliminary outlook. 2015 Virginia Wildlife Society Meeting, Natural Bridge VA. | February 2015 |
Austin, L., A. Silvis, M. Mutherbaugh and W.M. Ford. 2016. A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF THE POST-WNS IMPACTS OF FIRE ON BAT OCCUPANCY IN SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore MD. Jan 12-13. | January 2015 |
Austin, L., A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2017. Impacts of prescribed fire and riparian areas on bat activity in Warm Spring Mountain, Virginia. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC. Feb. 16-17. | February 2017 |
Austin, L., A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2015. A preliminary assessment of the current distribution of three white-nose syndrome impacted bat species in Virginia. 2015 North American Joint Bat Working Group. St. Louis, MO, March 3-7. | March 2015 |