Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Ms. Jessica Pease

Jessica Pease

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Phone: (806) 742 - 0841


Jessica's dissertation focuses on variation amongst Guadalupe bass populations throughout their range and the role this variability plays in their response to flow alteration, urbanzaition within watersheds, and other anthropogenic disturbances.

Research Publications Publication Date
Peterson, J.T., J.A. Pease, L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2022. Integrated tools for identifying optimal flow regimes and evaluating alternative minimum flows for recovering at risk salmonids in a highly managed system. River Research and Applications 38: 293-308. | Abstract | Publisher Website December 2021
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, AP Pease, & PT Bean. 2018. Changing environmental gradients over forty years alter ecomorphological variation in Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii throughout a river basin. Ecology and Evolution 8:8508-8522. doi: 10.1002/ece3.4349. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2018
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, & AA Pease. 2017. Variation and plasticity and their interaction with urbanization in Guadalupe Bass populations on and off the Edwards Plateau. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-125-2017, Washington, D.C. | Abstract | Download August 2017
Pease AA, JE Pease, PT Bean, & TB Grabowski. 2022. Endemic Guadalupe Bass (Micropterus treculii) are supported by isotopically distinct resources in tributary versus mainstem river food webs. River Research and Applications. doi: 10.1002/rra.4015 | Abstract June 2022
Grabowski TB, JE Pease, & JR Groeschel-Taylor. 2018. Intraspecific differences in morphology correspond to differential spawning habitat use in two riverine catostomid species. Environmental Biology of Fishes 101:1249-1260. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-018-0772-9 | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2018
Grabowski TB, HM Williams, R Verble, A Pease, & JE Pease. 2019. Guadalupe Bass flow-ecology relationships; with emphasis on the impact of flow on recruitment. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series XXX-XXX. Washington, D.C. | Abstract December 2019
Acre MR, TB Grabowski, DJ Leavitt, NG Smith, AA Pease, & JE Pease. 2021. Blue Sucker movement and habitat use in a regulated Texas River: implications for conservation and restoration. Environmental Biology of Fishes 104:501-516. doi: 10.1007/s10641-021-01093-9 | Abstract April 2021
Acre MR, C Alejandrez, J East, WA Massure, S Miyazono, JE Pease, EL Roesler, HM Williams, & TB Grabowski. 2017. Comparison of the precision of age estimates generated from fin rays, scales, and otoliths of Blue Sucker. Southeastern Naturalist 16:215-224. | Abstract July 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Wolff JP, LC Elkins, JS Perkin, JE Pease, TB Grabowski, PT Bean, NG Smith, & KM Metizen. Multiple tracking methods reveal Guadalupe Bass dispersal is consistent with the restricted movement paradigm. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Norfolk, Virginia. 1-5 February 2023. February 2023
Wolff JP, LC Elkins, JS Perkin, JE Pease, TB Grabowski, PT Bean, NG Smith, & KM Metizen. Guadalupe Bass (<i>Micropterus treculii</i>) movement is predictable: implications for conservation. Annumal Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Hunt, Texas. 3-5 February 2022. February 2022
Wolff JP, LC Elkins, JS Perkin, JE Pease, TB Grabowski, & PT Bean. Guadalupe Bass (<i>Micropterus treculii</i>) movement is predictable: implications for conservation. 151st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland. 6-10 November 2021. August 2021
Peterson, J.T. and J. Pease. 2019. Integrated tools for identifying optimal flow regimes for recovering spring Chinook Salmon in the Willamette River, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. September 2019
Peterson, J.T. Pease, JE. L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2022. Willamette Instream Flow Project: Integrated Tools For The Evaluation Of Alternative Flow Management Strategies. Annual Willamette Fisheries Science Review , April 12-13, Corvallis OR. April 2022
Peterson, J.T. Pease, JE. L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2021. Willamette Instream Flow Project: Integrated Tools For The Evaluation Of Alternative Flow Management Strategies. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, March 3-5 March 2021
Peterson, J.T. Pease, JE. L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2020. Willamette Instream Flow Project: Integrated Tools For The Evaluation Of Alternative Flow Management Strategies. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 11-12 February 2020
Perkin JS, JE Pease, & TB Grabowski. Loiterers, leavers, and leptokurtosis: Synthesizing movement ecology of Guadalupe Bass (Micropterus treculii). 2018 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. College Station, Texas. 25-26 January 2018. January 2018
Pease, JE. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Willamette River Instream Ecological Flow Science Review and Analyses Prioritization. 2019. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. Corvallis OR, February 12-23 February 2019
Pease, JE. L. Whitman, K. Schroeder, and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Willamette instream flow project: estimation and modeling of Chinook salmon demographics. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 11-12 February 2020
Pease, J.E., L. Whitman, K. Schroeder, and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Spring Chinook Salmon survival and movement in response to altered flows and temperatures in the Willamette River, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Bend, OR. March 2020
Pease, J., J.T. Peterson, L. Whitman, K. Schroder. 2019. Spring Chinook Salmon Survival and Movement in Response to Altered Flows, Habitat Availability, and Temperatures in the Willamette River, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. September 2019
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Potential morphometric response of Guadalupe Bass populations to hydrologic alteration and urbanization within the Colorado River Basin, central Texas. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting 2015. Savannah, GA. 29 January-01 February 2015. January 2015
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Potential morphometric response of Guadalupe Bass populations to hydrologic alteration and urbanization within the Colorado River Basin, central Texas. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 15-17 January 2015. January 2015
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Movements and habitat use of Guadalupe Bass using radio telemetry in the lower Colorado River, Texas. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, KS. 22-25 August 2016. August 2016
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Movement patterns and habitat associations of Guadalupe Bass populations in the lower Colorado River. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Kerrville, Texas. 21-23 January 2016. January 2016
Pease J, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Potential hydrologic impacts of urbanization on Guadalupe Bass populations within the Colorado River Basin. Joint Meeting of the Texas and Oklahoma Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Pottsborro, Texas. 13-15 February 2014. February 2014
Pease J, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Population responses of Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii to potential hydrologic impacts of urbanization within the Colorado River Basin, central Texas. Sixth Annual Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. Tampa, FL. 25-29 August 2014. August 2014
Grabowski TB, JE Pease, & JR Groeschel. Intraspecific differences in morphology corresponds to differential spawning habitat use in two riverine catostomid species. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 17-21 August 2014. August 2014