Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit Staff Member

Dr. Dan Isermann

Dan Isermann

Unit Leader
Phone: (715) 346 - 3221
Faculty Email:



  • Ph D South Dakota State University 2003
  • MS Tennessee Technological University 2000
  • BS Southern Illinois University 1997


I serve as Unit Leader of the Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. I earned my degrees from Southern Illinois University (BS), Tennessee Tech University (MS), and South Dakota State University (PhD). Before my employment with USGS, I was an assistant professor of fisheries at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and worked as a fisheries biologist and research scientist with the Ohio and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.. My research focuses on the population dynamics and management of exploited fish populations. My research endeavors are direct collaborations with state and federal resource agencies that are designed to address agency questions related to management of recreational and commercial fisheries. My current research projects are focused on: 1) recruitment of walleye and yellow perch in northern Wisconsin lakes; 2) movement of walleye, lake whitefish, and muskellunge in and around Green Bay; 3) spawning habitat and harvest management of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system; 4) effects of climate change on walleye stocking success and bluegill population dynamics and demographics in the Midwest region; 5) lake whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan and 6) harvest management of muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes.. I teach a graduate level course covering fish population dynamics, fisheries management, and analytical methods frequently used in the assessment of fish populations.

Areas of Expertise

Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries Management, Population Dynamics

Taxon Groups Studied

Freshwater Fishes

Research Publications Publication Date
Wilson-Rothering, A.E., S.V. Marquenski, D. Isermann, A. Thruman, K.L. Toohey-Kurth, and T.L. Goldberg. 2015. Seroprevalence and inter-epidemic persistence of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) from Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin, USA. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53:2889-2894. | Abstract July 2015
Willis, D., and D. Isermann. 2014. Finding that academic position. Pages 59-66 in W.W. Taylor, A.J. Lynch, and N.J. Leonard, editors. Future of fisheries: perspectives for emerging professionals. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract July 2014
Wegleitner, E.W, and D.A. Isermann. 2017. Comparison of two viewing methods for estimating largemouth bass and walleye ages from sectioned otoliths and dorsal spines. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:1304-1310. DOI October 2017
Wegleitner, E., J. Raabe, D. Dembkowski, N. Legler, and D. Isermann. In Press. Wild juvenile salmonid abundance in Wisconsin tributaries indicates limited contributions to Lake Michigan fisheries. Journal of Great Lakes Research. December 2021
Waterhouse, M.D., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. 2014. Relationships among demographics and genetic diversity for walleye populations in northern Wisconsin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143: 744-756. | Abstract May 2014
Tingley, R. W., Hansen, J. F., Isermann, D. A., Fulton, D. C., Musch, A. and Paukert, C. P. (2019), Characterizing Angler Preferences for Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Walleye Fisheries in Wisconsin. North Am J Fish Manage 39:676-692. doi:10.1002/nafm.10301 May 2019
Sullivan, C.J., K.E. Whitlock, J.F. Hansen, and D.A. Isermann. 2020. Assessing the potential to mitigate climate-related expansion of largemouth bass populations using angler harvest. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:520-533. January 2020
Sullivan, C.J., H.S. Embke, K.M. Perales, D.A. Isermann, S.R. Carpenter, and M.J. Vander Zanden. 2019. Comparison of Bluegill catch rates and total length distributions among four sampling gears in two Wisconsin lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. April 2019
Snobl, Z.R., D.A. Isermann, R.P. Koenigs, J.K. Raabe. 2017. Relative sampling efficiency and movements of subadult lake sturgeon in the Lower Wolf River, Wisconsin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 146:5, 1070-1080, DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2017.1334703. July 2017
Shi, Y., J.J. Homola, P.T. Euclide, D.A. Isermann, D.C. Caroffino, M.V. McPhee, and W.A. Larson. 2022. High-density genomic data reveal fine-scale population structure and pronounced islands of adaptive divergence in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) from Lake Michigan. Evolutionary Applications. August 2022
Sheffer, R.J., S.R. Hogler, and D.A. Isermann. Submitted. Mark-recapture models accurately predict growth trajectories of known-age muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. February 2022
Sethi S.A., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, and D. Isermann. 2018. Estimating the number of contributors to DNA mixtures provides a novel tool for ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. | Abstract January 2019
Richter, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. 2016. Validation of side-scan sonar for quantifying Walleye spawning habitat availability in the littoral zone of northern Wisconsin lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36: 942-950. July 2016
Reed, K., L. Izzo, T. Binder, T. Hayden, D. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, C. Vandergoot, C. Krueger, and D. Isermann. 2023. Initial insights on the thermal ecology of Lake Whitefish in northwestern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. June 2023
Quist, M.C. and D.A. Isermann, editors. 2017. Age and growth of fishes: principles and techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. July 2017
Ogle, D.H., and D.A. Isermann. 2017. Estimating age at a specified length from the von Bertalanffy growth function. North American Journal of Fisheries Managment, 37:5, 1176-1180, DOI: 10.1080/02755974.2017.1342725. September 2017
Noring, A.M., G.G. Sass, S.R. Midway, J.A. VanDeHey, J.K. Raabe, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, T.P. Parks, J. Lyons, and M.J. Jennings. 2021. Pelagic forage versus abiotic factors as drivers of walleye growth in northern Wisconsin lakes. In Jared Meyers (Ed), Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 2017: 13th International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes, Bayfield, USA (p 207-223). Schweizerbart Science Publishers. December 2021
Mosel, K.J., D.A. Isermann, and J.F. Hansen. 2015. Evaluation of daily creel and minimum length limits for Black Crappies and Yellow Perch in Wisconsin. North American Journal of Fisheries Managment 35:1-13. | Abstract January 2015
Madenjian, C.P., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, S. Batterman, S. Chernyak, S. Cogswell, M. Holey. 2019. Absence of PCB hot spot effect in walleye Sander vitreus from Lower Green Bay of Lake Michigan. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology January 2019
Larson, W.A., D.A. Isermann, Z.S. Feiner. 2020. Incomplete bioinformatic filtering and inadequate age and growth analysis lead to an incorrect inference of harvested-induced changes: a comment on Bowles et al. (2020). Evolutionary Applications. DOI: 10.1111/eva.13122. September 2020
Krebs, J.E., E.J. Brandt, D.J. Dembkowski, D.A. Isermann. 2021. Relative effectiveness of D-Frame dip nets, quatrefoil light traps, and towed ichthyoplankton nets for larval Muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. June 2021
Koenigs, R.P., D.J. Dembkowski, C.D. Lovell, D.A. Isermann, and A. Nickel. 2020. Diets of Double-crested Cormorants in the Winnebago System, Wisconsin. Fisheries Management and Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/fme.12466 | Download August 2020
Koenig, L.D., D.J. Dembkowski, S.P. Hansen, I. Tsehave, T.J. Paoli, T.G. Zorn, and D.A. Isermann. 2022. Diet composition and overlap for walleye, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. December 2022
Kerns, J.A., D.A. Isermann, T.D. Simonson, J.M. Hennessy, G. Hansen, and T.A. Cichosz. 2017. Pages 489-502 in K.L. Kapuscinski, T.D. Simonson, D.P. Crane, S.J. Kerr, J.S. Diana, and J.M. Ferrell, editors. Muskellunge management: fifty years of cooperation among anglers, scientists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 85, Bethesda Maryland. October 2017
Kerkhove, A.M., A. Trudeau, O.P. Jensen, D.A. Isermann, P.A. Dombrowski, A.M. Latimer, and Z.S. Feiner. 2024. Understanding the role of recreational angling technology in angler expectations of catch, trip catch and angler satisfaction. Fisheries. doi:10.1002/fsh.11157 September 2024
Kelling, C.J., D.A. Isermann, B.L. Sloss, and K.N. Turnquist. 2016. Diet overlap and predation between largemouth bass and walleye in Wisconsin lakes using DNA barcoding to improve taxonomic resolution. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:3, 621-629. | Abstract May 2016
Izzo, L.K., D.D. Dembkowski, T. Hayden, T. Binder, C. Vandergoot, S. Hogler, M. Donofrio, T. Zorn, C. Krueger, D. Isermann. 2023. Spawning locations, movements, and potential for stock mixing of Walleye in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. May 2023
Isermann, D.A., M.J. Belnap, K. Turnquist, B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, S.P. Hansen, and D. Caroffino. 2020. Defining the need for genetic stock assignment when describing stock demographics and dynamics: an example using lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149:398-413. May 2020
Isermann, D.A., J.K. Raabe, E.G. Easterly, J.C. Schulze, N.J. Porter, D.J. Dembkowski, M.C. Donofrio, D.R. Kramer, and R.F. Elliot. 2022. Lake Sturgeon movement after trap and transfer around two dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. August 2022
Isermann, D.A., J.J. Breeggemann, and T.J. Paoli. 2018. Evaluation of anal fin spines, otoliths, and scales for estimating age and back-calculated lengths of yellow perch in Southern Green Bay. Journal of Great Lakes Research. June 2018
Isermann, D.A., H. Embke, J. Vander Zanden, S. Carpenter, D. Dembkowski, G. Coppola, and C. Sullivan. 2022. A Safe Operating Space for Walleye: Adapting Inland Recreational Fisheries for Climate Change. Final Report. August 2022
Isermann, D.A. Submitted. Regulation and Recovery: Conserving North America’s Sauger Populations. In-Fisherman. February 2021
Isermann, D.A. 2021. USGS-Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit Contribution to Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts Fisheries Working Group Report. Expansion of largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts Fisheries Working Group Report which is produced on a periodic basis. February 2022
Isermann D.A., and R.P. Davis. 2024. Supply-and-demand dynamics associated with using stocking to maintain Walleye fisheries in the face of climate change. Final Report. June 2024
Hansen, G.J.A., J. Ruzich, C.A Krabbenhoft, H. Kudel, S. Mahlum, C.I. Rounds, A.O. Van Pelt, L.D. Eslinger, D.E. Logsdon, D.A. Isermann. 2022. It’s complicated and it depends: A review of the effects of ecosystem changes on Walleye and Yellow Perch populations in North America. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. January 2022
Haglund, J.M, and D.A. Isermann. 2016. Evaluation of trophy harvest regulations for Walleyes in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1315-1324. October 2016
Gostiaux, J., H.I.A. Boehm, N.J. Jaksha, D.J. Dembkowski, J.M. Hennessy, D.A. Isermann. 2021. Recruitment Bottlenecks for Age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. October 2021
Frater, P.N., Z.S. Feiner, G.J.A. Hansen, D.A. Isermann, A.W. Latzka, O.P. Jensen. 2024. The Incredible HALK: Borrowing Data for Age Assignment. Fisheries 49:117-128. March 2024
Feiner, Z.S., A.D. Shultz, G.G. Sass, A. Trudeau, M.G. Mitro, M.A. Luehring, C.J. Dassow, A.W. Latzka, D.A. Isermann, B.M. Maitland, J.J. Homola, H.S. Embke, M. Preul. 2022. Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) considerations for climate change adaptation in fisheries: the Wisconsin experience. Fisheries Management and Ecology. March 2022
Faust, M.D., M.J. Hansen, D.A. Isermann, and M.A. Luehring. 2015. Muskellunge growth potential in northern Wisconsin: implications for trophy management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:765-774. | Abstract July 2015
Easterly, E.G., D.A. Isermann, J.K. Raabe, J.W. Pyatskowit. 2020. Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) movement and survival after removal of two dams on the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29: 311-324. January 2020
Dembkowski, D.J., J.S. Shrovnal, T.P. Parks, G.G. Sass, J. Lyons, D.A. Isermann. Accepted. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin lakes in relation to lake- and landscape-level factors. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. October 2023
Dembkowski, D.J., J.A. Kerns, E.G Easterly, D.A. Isermann. Submitted. Electrofishing encounter probability, survival, and dispersal of stocked age-0 Muskellunge in Wisconsin lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:383-393. March 2020
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and R.P. Koenigs. 2019. Potential for improving among‐reader precision and accuracy of walleye age estimates with minimal training. North American Journal of Fisheries Management DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10293. April 2019
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and R.P. Koenigs. 2017. Walleye age estimation using otoliths and dorsal spines: preparation techniques and sampling guidelines based on sex and total length. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:474-486. doi:10.3996/052017-JFWM-038 December 2017
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and G.G. Sass. 2018. Short-term mortality and retention associated with tagging age-0 Walleye using passive integrated transponders (PITs) in the absence of anesthesia. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. December 2018
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, C.S. Vandergoot, S.P Hansen, and T.R. Binder. 2020. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. Advances in Limnology - Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes. March 2020
Dembkowski, D.A., D.A. Isermann, S.R. Hogler, W.A. Larson, and K.N. Turnquist. 2018. Stock structure, dynamics, demographics, and movements of walleyes spawning in four tributaries to Green Bay. Journal of Great Lakes Research. July 2018
Davis, R.P., and D. Isermann. 2024. Assessing factors related to Walleye stocking success in the midwestern United States. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.11030 September 2024
Davis, R.P., L. Simmons, S.L. Shaw, G.G. Sass, N.M. Sard, D.A. Isermann, W.A. Larson, J.J. Homola. 2024. Analyzing demographic patterns in reproductive success of walleye (Sander vitreus) in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Evolutionary Applications 17:e13665. January 2024
Crane, D., M.R. Cornett, C.J. Bauerlien, M.L. Hawkins, D.A. Isermann, J.L. Hansbarger, K.L. Kapuscinski, J.R. Meerbeek, T.D. Simonson, J.M. Kampa. 2019. Validity of age estimates from muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) fin rays and associated effects on estimates of growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. April 2019
Colborne, S.F., M.D. Faust, T.O. Brenden, T.A. Hayden, J.M. Robinson, T.M. MacDougall, H.A. Cook, D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, M. Haffley, C.S. Vandergoot. Submitted. Estimating internal transmitter and external tag retention by Walleye (Sander vitreus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes over multiple years. October 2023
Carpenter, S.R., W.A. Brock, G.J.A. Hansen, J.F. Hansen, J.M. Hennessy, D.A. Isermann, E.J. Pedersen, K. Martin Perales, A. Rypel, G.G. Sass, T.D. Tunney, M. Jake Vander Zanden. 2017. Defining a safe operating space for inland recreational fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 2017:1-11 DOI:10.1111/faf.12230. April 2017
Brooks, J.L., C. Boston, S. Doka, D. Gorsky, K. Gustavson, D. Hondorp, D. Isermann, J.D. Midwood, T.C. Pratt, A.M. Rous, J.L. Withers, C.C. Krueger, and S.J. Cooke. 2017. Use of fish telemetry in rehabilitation planning, management, and monitoring in Areas of Concern in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Environmental Management 60:1139-1154. December 2017
Brandt, E.J., Feiner, Z.S., Latzka, A.W. and Isermann, D.A. (2022). Similar Environmental Conditions are Associated with Walleye and Yellow Perch Recruitment Success in Wisconsin Lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 42(3), pp.630–641. doi: October 2021
Boehm, H.I.A., J.C. Gostiaux, G.J. Hansen, J.M. Hennessy, D.A. Isermann. 2020. Indexing age-0 walleye abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes before fall electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:910-921. July 2020
Boehm, H.I.A., D.A. Isermann, M.J. Ermer, L.D. Eslinger, G.J.A. Hansen, and D.E. Logsdon. 2022. Special section overview: Effects of ecosystem change on North American percid populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. June 2022
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, R.M. Claramunt, S.P. Hansen, and D.A. Isermann. 2016. Mixed stock analysis of Lake Michigan's lake whitefish commercial fishery. Journal of Great Lakes Research 42: 660-667. | Abstract June 2016
Project Completion Date
Use of a portable ultrasound to determine sex and maturation status of Lake Sturgeon in the White Rapids section and other portions of the Menominee River June 2016
Wisconsin angler preferences survey October 2014
Dynamics and demographics of Cisco populations in Wisconsin lakes June 2015
Evaluation of biological performance indicators for monitoring exploitation of walleye populations in northern Wisconsin June 2015
Evaluate the influence of harvest regulations on angler effort using remote car counters December 2016
Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes June 2018
Population characteristics and movements of smallmouth bass in the Menominee River June 2019
Effects of 2, 4-D treatments to control Eurasian Watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton in northern Wisconsin lakes December 2017
Movements of lake sturgeon after upstream passage through two dams on the Menominee River January 2017
Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes December 2018
Habitat use of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Lower Wolf River, Wisconsin August 2015
Statewide evaluation of calcified structures used to estimate ages of northern pike June 2017
Predicted effects of angler harvest on largemouth bass populations in northern Wisconsin lakes December 2014
Largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes: potential dietary interactions with walleyes December 2013
Predicted effects of exploitation and length-based harvest regulations on lake sturgeon in the White Rapids section of the Menominee River, Wisconsin January 2014
Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan December 2014
Population Characteristics of Buffalo in Wisconsin: Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest December 2024
Evaluating Potential Factors Limiting Lake Sturgeon Reproductive Success in the Upper Fox River December 2023
Understanding smallmouth bass recruitment in relation to nest fishing along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula October 2024
Walleye fisheries bright spots in a changing climate December 2026
Contribution of Different Spawning Strategies and Locations to Lake Whitefish Fisheries in Southern Green Bay December 2025
Walleye and Yellow Perch in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment Trends and Importance of Perch as Prey for Larval and Post-Larval Walleye June 2023
Managing bluegill fisheries as a social-ecological system under a changing climate August 2025
Supply-and-Demand Dynamics Associated with Using Stocking to Maintain Walleye Fisheries in the Face of Climate Change October 2023
Spatial variation in lake whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: the potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish December 2022
Estimating mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system using traditional age-based approaches and capture-recapture models July 2022
Determining spawning locations of Green Bay walleyes June 2021
Assessing abundance of centrarchids and juvenile Yellow Perch in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories December 2021
Identifying Sources of Lake Sturgeon Recruitment in the Lake Winnebago System with an Assessment of Reproductive Success in Relation to Size and Sex June 2021
Food Web Interactions Among Walleye, Lake Whitefish, and Yellow Perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan January 2020
Maximizing the capture of lake sturgeon and other species in the fish elevator on the Menominee River December 2019
Evaluation of car counters and trail cameras for estimating angler effort on Wisconsin lakes December 2019
Predicting abundance of adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin June 2020
Comparison of lake sturgeon growth rates estimated from fin rays and mark-recapture June 2018
Spawning site contribution and movements of lake whitefish in northwestern Lake Michigan June 2021
Evaluation of muskellunge habitat use and suitability in Green Bay and tributaries June 2021
Evaluating methodologies for estimating age and growth of lake sturgeon August 2019
How many cooks in the kitchen? Evaluating the potential of DNA mixture models to infer counts from fish and wildlife genetic samples October 2016
Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern and southern Wisconsin lakes December 2016
Assessment of walleye population characteristics in Stevens Point Flowage using passive integrated transponders June 2016
Safe operating space for walleye: adapting inland recreational fisheries for climate change May 2022
Brook trout movements in the west branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin June 2018
Wild juvenile salmonid abundance and outmigration in Wisconsin tributaries to Lake Michigan December 2018
Eastman, Ryan

Embersits, Sam

Izzo, Lisa
Post Doc

Lensing, Braden

Wilkinson, Maxwel

Presentations Presentation Date
Witzel, Z. J., and D. A. Isermann. 2016. Relative precision of northern pike ages estimated from multiple calcified structures: preliminary results from an ongoing statewide evaluation. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Willis, D. W., and D. A. Isermann. 2014. Finding That First Academic Position, Future of Fisheries: Perspectives for Emerging Professionals Symposium. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. August 2014
Wilkinson, M. V., S. Shaw, J. Mrnak, G. Sass, D. Dembkowski, and D. Isermann. January 2025.<b> </b>Evaluating the distribution of fish community production in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, January 19-22, 2025. January 2025
Wilkinson, M. V., S. Shaw, J. Mrnak, G. Sass, D. Dembkowski, and D. Isermann. January 2025.<b> </b>Evaluating the distribution of fish community production in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 54<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, La Crosse, Wisconsin, January 14-16, 2025. January 2025
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Evaluation of fish community production and variable predator abundance effects on prey species in northern Wisconsin lakes. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, January 28-31, 2024. January 2024
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Evaluating shifts in fish community production and predator abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 53<sup>rd</sup> Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Conference, Green Bay, Wisconsin, January 23-25, 2024 January 2024
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. 2025. Evaluating the distribution of fish community production in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 2025 Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention. Stevens Point, WI. March 2025
Wegleitner, E.J., D.A. Isermann, and K. Schnell. February 2015. Comparison of calcified structures and processing methods used to estimate largemouth bass ages. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Wegleitner, E., D. Isermann, and J. Kerns. August 2016. Wild Age-0 salmonid abundance and outmigration in Wisconsin tributaries to Lake Michigan. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Wegleitner, E., D. Isermann, N. Legler, and P. Hirethota. February 2017. Wild Age-0 Salmonid Abundance and Outmigration in Wisconsin Tributaries to Lake Michigan. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Wegleitner, E. and D. Isermann. February 2016. On the screen or through the scope: is there a difference when estimating ages of largemouth bass and walleyes from sectioned otoliths and dorsal spines? Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Vasquez, B. R., D. J. Dembkowski, O. P. Jensen, S. L. Shaw, G. G. Sass, Q. Smith, H. S. Embke, M. J. V. Zanden, Z. S. Feiner, J. T. Mrnak, G. J.A. Hansen, D. A. Isermann. August 2023. Empirical evaluation of walleye thermal-optical habitat in northern Wisconsin lakes. 153<sup>rd </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan August 2023
Traynor, D., S. Sitar, M. Seider, and D. Isermann. Quality assurance and control in a Great Lakes age assessment program. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 2023
Tingley III, R. W., J. Hansen, D. Isermann, D. Fulton, A. Musch, and C. Paukert. 2019. It’s complicated: Characterizing Wisconsin angler preferences for largemouth bass, bluegill, and walleye fisheries in inland lakes. 79th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH. Poster presentation. January 2019
Sullivan, C.J., K. Schnell, D.A. Isermann, and J. Hansen. January 2018. Potential for reducing largemouth bass abundance in Wisconsin lakes using angler harvest. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Sullivan, C.J., H. Embke, K.M. Perales, S. Carpenter, M.J. Vander Zanden, Z.J. Lawson, and D. Isermann. January 2018. Effects of centrarchid removal on Walleye (Sander vitreus) recruitment in a northern Wisconsin lake. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. January 2024. Spatial Variation in Time to Reach Preferred Length and Within-Lake Variation in PSD for Bluegill Populations in the Midwestern USA<b>. </b>84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. January 2022. Bluegill growth and size structure in the midwestern USA: Predictive models and benchmarks for fisheries management. 82<sup>nd</sup> Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. February 2022
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. February 2022. Bluegill Growth and Size Structure in the Midwestern USA: Predictive Models and Benchmarks for Fisheries Management. Wisconsin Chapter—American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. February 2022
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. Using side-scan sonar to assess habitat use of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Wisconsin American Fisheries Society. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. August 2014. Using side-scan sonar to assess habitat use of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Wolf River, Wisconsin. National American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Québec Canada. August 2014
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. Habitat use and movement of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Lower Wolf River, Wisconsin. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. October 2015
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowski, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. February 2021. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 81<sup>st</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota. February 2021
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowski, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. February 2021. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 50<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual.<b><i> </i></b> February 2021
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowksi, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. January 2020. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Sheffer, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and S. Hogler. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 2018 Annual Summer Meeting, Esocid Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa. August 2018
Sheffer, R., D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, and D. Isermann. January 2018. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Scribner, K., P. Forsythe, S. Tucker, N. Sard, L. Atler, J. Kanfesky, J. Johnson, D. Issermann, and R. Eliot. Genetic pedigree reconstruction informs lake adult sturgeon passage in the Menominee River. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 2023
Schulze, J.C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and A. Schiller. February 2016. Smallmouth bass movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Schulze, J.C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliott, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. March 2016. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Seaside, Oregon. March 2016
Schulze, J.C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliott, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. February 2016. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Schulze, J. C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliott, E. Baker, B. Sloss. October 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. October 2015
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2016. Smallmouth bass population characteristics and movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting – Minnesota Chapter. Duluth, Minnesota. February 2016
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2015. Smallmouth bass population characteristics in the Menominee River, Wisconsin. American Fisheries Society – Wisconsin Chapter. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2015. Smallmouth bass population characteristics and movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. August 2016. Smallmouth bass population characteristics and movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and K. Turnquist. February 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after upstream passage on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. American Fisheries Society – Wisconsin Chapter. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and K. Turnquist. August 2016. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. February 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. February 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. American Fisheries Society – Minnesota Chapter. Duluth, Minnesota. February 2016
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. September 2013. Predicted effects of angler harvest for reducing largemouth bass abundance. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas. September 2013
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. February 2014. Predicted effects of angler harvest for reducing largemouth bass abundance. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2014
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. February 2013. Replicating otolith ages for largemouth bass in northern lakes: a comparison of scales and spines. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. September 2013. Replicating Otolith Ages for Largemouth Bass in Northern Lakes: A Comparison of Scales and Spines. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas. September 2013
Schnell, K., D. Isermann, M. Hansen, and J. Hansen. February 2013. Predicted effects of angler harvest on largemouth bass abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Schiller, A., J. Schulze, D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2015. Smallmouth bass movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Rydell, Nicholas., D. Isermann, and J. VanDeHey. August 2016. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian Watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Rydell, N., D.A. Isermann, J. VanDeHey, J. Kubisiak, K. Gauthier, S. Van Egren. February 2017. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton in northern Wisconsin lakes. Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. St. Cloud, Minnesota. February 2017
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, and J. VanDeHey. February 2016. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian Watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, and J. VanDeHey. February 2016. Comparison of two larval fish sampling gears on northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, J. VanDeHey, J. Kubisiak, K. Gauthier, and S. Van Egren. March 2017. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton in northern Wisconsin lakes. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, J. VanDeHey, J. Kubisiak, K. Gauthier, S. Van Egeren. January 2018. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian watermilfoil on larval and juvenile fishes and zooplankton in northern Wisconsin lakes. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Ricther, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. February 2014. Use and validation of side-scan sonar to assess substrate composition in the littoral zone of Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2014
Richter, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. January 2014. Use and validation of side-scan sonar to assess substrate composition in the littoral zone of north temperate lakes. 74th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri. January 2014
Richter, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. February 2013. Use of side-scan sonar to assess substrate composition in the littoral zone of Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Richter, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. February 2013. Measuring walleye spawning habitat using side scan sonar versus transect-based methods. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Richter, J., B. Sloss, and D. Isermann. February 2015. Spawning habitat availability and the recruitment of walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Raabe, J., N. Porter, D. Isermann, R. Elliott, and M. Donofrio. August 2017. Factors influencing lake sturgeon behaviors and captures at the Menominee River fish elevator, Michigan and Wisconsin. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, Florida. August 2017
Porter, Nicholas, J. Raabe, D. Isermann, D. Kramer, M. Donofrio, S. Crimmins, and R. Elliot. Examining movement and maximizing capture of Lake Sturgeon in the fish elevator on the Menominee River. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Conference. Columbus, Missouri. January 2019
Porter, N., J. Raabe., D. Isermann, D. Kramer., M. Donofrio., and R. Elliott. January 2018. Examining movement and maximizing Capture of Lake Sturgeon and in the Fish Elevator on the Menominee River. Midwest Fish & Wildlife. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Ogle, D.H. and D.A. Isermann. February 2016. Modified von Bertalanffy growth function to estimate the age to reach a critical length. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
O'Connell, A.R., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. May 2022. Evaluation of methods for estimating age and growth of lake sturgeon. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 2022
O'Connell, A., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Burch, and S. Campana. March 2017. Evaluating Methodologies for Estimating Age and Growth of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. March 2017
O'Connell, A., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, and S. Campana. January 2018. Evaluating methodologies for estimating age and growth of lake sturgeon. 78th Annual Midwest and Fish Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Noring, A.M., G.G. Sass, S.R. Midway, J.A. VanDeHey, J.K. Raabe, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, T.P. Parks, J. Lyons, M.J. Jennings, G.J.A. Hansen, and T. Wagner. 2017. Effects of Cisco on Walleye Growth Trajectories in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. 13th International Coregonid Symposium. September 2017
Noring, A.M, B.A. Ray, D.A. Isermann, and G.G. Sass. March 2017. Application of the Parameter ω Derived from the von Bertalanffy Growth Equation for Walleye in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Joint Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter’s of The American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Noring, A., G.G. Sass, D. Isermann, J. Kampa, T. Parks, J. Lyons, J. VanDeHey, and M. Jennings. February 2015. Relationships between growth trajectories and walleye (Sander vitreus) and cisco (Coregonus artedi) presence in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Naas, E. M., D. J. Dembkowski, S. P. Hansen, J. A. VanDeHey, and D. A. Isermann. January 2024. Understanding Smallmouth Bass Recruitment in Relation to Nest Fishing along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula. Southern Division AFS Annual Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee. February 2024
Naas, E. M., D. J. Dembkowski, S. P. Hansen, J. A. VanDeHey, and D. A. Isermann. January 2024. Understanding Smallmouth Bass Recruitment in Relation to Nest Fishing along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Mohr, Z., and D. Isermann. January 2018. Comparison of northern pike age estimates and reader precision among anal, pelvic, and pectoral fin rays. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Lensing, B., L. Izzo, T. Binder, T. Hayden, D. Dembkowski, C. Phalen, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Tributary use of walleye in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Lensing, B., D. Dembkowski, J. Breeggemann, S. Hansen, and D. Isermann. January 2024. 53<sup>rd</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. January 2024
Krebs, J., R. Sheffer, D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. January 2020. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Krebs, J., R. Sheffer, D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. August-September 2020. Movements and spawning habitat of Muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 2020 150<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 2020
Kraus, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and J. Breeggemann. 2024. Yearling Muskellunge Survival in Green Bay in Relation to Length at Stocking and Stocking Location<b>. </b>Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI. January 2024
Koenig, L., Isermann, D., Dembkowski, D., Tsehaye, I., Hogler, S., Paoli, T., Hansen, S., Zorn, T., Caroffino, D., and Larson, W. August 2018. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Annual Summer Meeting, Walleye Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa. August 2018
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. January 2020. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. February 2019. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2019
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. February 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. August 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees; North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska. July 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Hugh C. Becker Symposium - Muskies, Inc., Minnetonka, Minnesota. March 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and J. Hansen. February 2016. Evaluation of vehicle counters for monitoring angler effort on small freshwater lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. March 2016. Predicting abundance of adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Hugh C. Becker Symposium, Muskies, Inc. Minnetonka, Minnesota. March 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. July 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society – Walleye Technical Committee Meeting, Brookings, South Dakota. July 2015
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. February 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, J. Hansen, and J. Hennessy. August 2016. Evaluation of vehicle counters for monitoring angler effort on small inland lakes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Kerns, J., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. October 2015. Comparison of lake sturgeon growth rates estimated from fin rays and mark-recapture. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. October 2015
Kerkhove, A.M., A. Trudeau, Z.S. Feiner, O.P. Jensen, and D.A. Isermann. January 2022. Impacts of Technology on Angler Catch Rates and Satisfaction for Panfish Across the State of Wisconsin. 82<sup>nd</sup> Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. February 2022
Kerkhove, A.M., A. Trudeau, Z. S. Feiner, O. P. Jensen, and D. A. Isermann. May 2022. Impacts of technology on angler catch rates and satisfaction for panfish across the state of Wisconsin. 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 2022
Kelling, C.J., D.A. Isermann, B.L. Sloss, and K. Turnquist. February 2013. Largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin: potential dietary interactions with walleyes. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Kelling, C., and D. Isermann. February 2013. Hatch timing and growth of age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rosthschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Kelling, C., and D. Isermann. April 2013. Largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin: factors regulating recruitment and potential dietary interactions with walleyes. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin. April 2013
Keiler-Klein, A., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, and L.D. Koenig. 2019. Differential predation of round goby by walleye, yellow perch, and lake whitefish. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2019
Keiler-Klein, A., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, and L.D. Koenig. 2019. Differential predation of round goby by walleye, yellow perch, and lake whitefish. Research in the Rotunda. Madison, Wisconsin. April 2019
Kampa, J., J. Church, T. Parks, D. Isermann, J. Lyons, and M. Jennings. February 2015. Morphological variation and the influence of habitat conditions among cisco populaitons in Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, W. Larson, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. February 2019. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2019
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. September 2019. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Manitoba, Canada. September 2019
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. January 2020. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Jaksha, N., D. Dembkowski, J. Gostiaux, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. January 2020. Diets of Larval Walleye in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Izzo, L., D.I. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, T. Hayden, T. Binder, C. Vandergoot, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, D. Caroffino, and C. Kruger. February 2022. Tributary use of walleye and lake whitefish in Green Bay. 51st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. February 2022
Izzo, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, T. Binder, T. Hayden, J. Homola, C. Vandergoot, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, and C. Krueger. May 2022. Telemetry, genomics, and conventional tagging inform lake whitefish management in northwestern Lake Michigan. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 2022
Izzo, L., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, T. Binder, S. Hansen, and C. Vandergoot. Feb 28-Mar 2, 2023. Survival of lake whitefish in Green Bay following transmitter implantation using chemical anesthesia and electroimmobilization. GLATOS 2023 Coordination Meeting, Ypsilanti, MI. March 2023
Isermann<sup>, </sup>D., D. Dembkowski, S. Carpenter, J. Vander Zanden, J. Hennessy, G. Hansen, J. Hansen, A. Latzka, H. Embke, G. Coppola, Z. Lawson, Z. Feiner, G. Sass, H. Boehm, J. Gostiaux, and E. Brandt. January-February 2021. Bucketmouths, Bottlenecks, and Busted Headlights: A Timeline of Field-Based Efforts to Understand Walleye and Yellow Perch Recruitment in Northern Wisconsin. 81st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual. February 2021
Isermann, D.I., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Krueger, and C. Vandergoot. May 2021. Telemetry, Genomics, and Conventional Tagging Inform Lake Whitefish Management in Northwestern Lake Michigan. 2021 Virtual International Association of Great Lakes Research. May 2021
Isermann, D.A., and S. Hogler. February 2016. Walleye stock characteristics in Green Bay. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Isermann, D.A., T. Parks, J. Lyons, J. Kampa, G. Sass, A. Rypel, and M. Jennings. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin Lakes. 13th Annual International Coregonid Symposium. Bayfield, Wisconsin. September 2017
Isermann, D.A., R. Koenigs, and C. Isermann. February 2014. Replicating otolith ages for walleyes in Wisconsin using dorsal spines: development of correction factors. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2014
Isermann, D.A., N.A. Nate, and G. Hansen. 2014. Evaluation of biological performance indicators for monitoring exploitation of Walleye populations in northern Wisconsin. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. August 2014
Isermann, D.A., M. Vaske, D. Miller, T. Meronek, and J. Thompson. February 2015. Otolith-based length limit simulations for two Wisconsin crappie fisheries: can we improve on pretty good? Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Isermann, D.A. and A. Musch. February 2015. Use of portable ultrasound to determine sex and maturity of adult lake sturgeon. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Isermann, D.A. September 2013. Training fishery managers in a changing academic environment: people, politics, and PSD. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, Arkansas. September 2013
Isermann, D., and K. Schnell. February 2014. Use of a portable ultrasound to determine sex of largemouth bass. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2014
Isermann, D., and J. Hansen. 2014. Going green: the rise of largemouth bass in the north woods. January 2014
Isermann, D., and A. Musch. February 2015. Use of a portable ultrasound to determine sex and maturity of adult lake sturgeon. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Isermann, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Krueger, and C. Vandergoot. February 2021. Generalized Movements, Spawning Site Fidelity, and Thermal Ecology of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. 81st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual. February 2021
Isermann, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Kreuger, and C. Vandergoot. February 2021. Generalized Movements, Spawning Site Fidelity, and Thermal Ecology of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. February 2021
Isermann, D., T. Binder, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, C. Krueger, C. Vandergoot, and W. Larson. January 2018. Spawning site contribution and movements of lake whitefish in northwestern Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Isermann, D., Schulze, J., Porter, N., Raabe, J., Donofrio, M., Elliott, R., and Kramer, D. July 2018. Lake Sturgeon Movements after Upstream Passage of Two Dams on the Menominee River. Part of a Symposium titled: Acoustic Telemetry and Application in the Great Lakes. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. July 2018
Isermann, D., S. Sammons. P. Bettoli, J. Hammonds, T. St. John, T. Broadbent, and M. Rogers. January 2024. A Really Crappie Reunion: Revisiting Length-Limit Model Predictions for Tennessee Reservoir Populations Two Decades Later. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society February 2023
Isermann, D., S. Hogler, W. Larson, and K. Turnquist. July 2016. Stock structure, dynamics, and demographics of walleyes spawning in tributaries to Green Bay. Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees; North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska. July 2016
Isermann, D., S. Hogler, W. Larson, and K. Turnquist. August 2016. Stock structure, dynamics, and demographics of walleyes spawning in tributaries to Green Bay. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Isermann, D., S. Carpenter, J. Hansen, G. Hansen, T. Tunney, E. Pederson, J. Vander Zanden, A. Rypel, G. Sass, and J. Hennessy. August 2016. Collaboration to address community change: the bass-walleye project in Wisconsin. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Isermann, D., R. Koenigs, and C. Isermann. Feburary 2015. A comprehensive evaluation of methods used to estimate walleye ages. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Isermann, D., N.A. Nate, and G. Hansen. February 2014. Evaluation of biological performance indicators for monitoring exploitation of walleye populations in Northern Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2014
Isermann, D., M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. February 2013. Evaluating harvest regulations for lake sturgeon in the White Rapids section of the Menominee River. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Isermann, D., M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. April 2013. Evaluating harvest regulations for lake sturgeon in the White Rapids section of the Menominee River. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin. April 2013
Isermann, D., K. Welke, L. Stremick-Thompson, C. Isermann. February 2013. Population demographics and dynamics of common carp in Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Isermann, D., J. Zimmerman, C. Long, and C. Wienandt. February 2013. Size-selective exploitation of bluegills in Lake Archibald, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Isermann, D., J. Lyons, G. Sass, and J. Kampa. February 2015. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2014
Isermann, D., Dembkowski, D., Hayden, T., Hogler, S., Zorn, T., Krueger, C., and Vandergoot, C. August 2018. Mixed stock assessment and movements of Green Bay walleyes. Annual Summer Meeting, Walleye Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa. August 2018
Isermann, D., Dembkowski, D., Binder, T., Hansen, S., Caroffino, D., Krueger, C., and Vandergoot, C. July 2018. Spawning Site Contribution and Movements of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. Part of a Symposium titled: Acoustic Telemetry and Application in the Great Lakes. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. July 2018
Isermann, D., D. Dembkowski, J. Krebs, R. Sheffer, and S. Hogler. Muskellunge spawning habitat in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 2023
Isermann, D., D. Dembkowksi, M. Donofrio, J. Schulze, and J. Raabe. Maintaining Trophy Potential of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Populations in the Upper Midwest: An Assessment using the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan, as a Model. January 2020. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Isermann, D. A., and R. Davis. August 2022. Supply-and-Demand Dynamics Associated with Using Stocking to Maintain Walleye Fisheries in the Face of Climate Change. Annual Gathering of the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, Madison, Wisconsin August 2022
Isermann, D. A., R. Koenigs, and C. Isermann. 2014. Adjusting Dorsal Spine Ages to Reduce Bias in Estimates of Growth and Mortality for Wisconsin Walleyes. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. August 2014
Isermann, D. A., M. C. Donofrio, and E. A. Baker. 2014. Predicted Effects of Exploitation and Harvest Regulations on Lake Sturgeon Recruitment Potential in Multiple Segments of the Menominee River. Practical Applications of Sturgeon Research Symposium 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. August 2014
Isermann, D. A., A. Gillem, D. Dembkowski, J. Hennessy, and A. Latzka. August 2022. Walleye and Yellow Perch Recruitment in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment Trends and Importance of Perch as Prey for Larval Walleye. Treaty Working Group Meeting, virtual. August 2022
Henningsen, R., H. Embke, G. Coppola, D. Dembkowski, Z. Lawson, J. Hennessy, S. Carpenter, J. Vander Zanden, and D. Isermann. May 2022. Using a large-scale removal to better understand density-dependent growth in centrarchids. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 2022
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, J. Hennessy, and G. Hansen. March 2017. Expanded Assessment of Recruitment Bottlenecks for Age-0 Walleye (Sander vitreus) in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, J. Hennessy, and G. Hansen. July 2017. Expanded assessment of recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. July 2017
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, G. Hanson, and J. Hennessey. August 2016. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for Age-0 Walleye (Sander vitreus) in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri August 2016
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, J. Hennessy, and G. Hansen. January 2018. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Gostiaux, J., D. Isermann, and J. Hennessy. July 2016. Identifying walleye recruitment bottlenecks in northern Wisconsin lakes-version 2.0. Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees; North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska. July 2016
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. January 2022. Walleye and yellow perch in northern Wisconsin lakes: recruitment trends and importance of perch as prey for larval and post-larval walleye. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina. January 2022
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. February 2022. Walleye and yellow perch in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment trends and importance of perch as prey for larval and post-larval walleye. 82nd Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. February 2022
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. February 2022. Walleye and Yellow Perch in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment Trends and Importance of Perch as Prey for Larval and Post-Larval Walleye. Wisconsin American Fisheries Society Meeting. Virtual. February 2022
Everson, J.M., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, J. Smith, D. Caroffino, and T. Zorn. February 2022. Spatial variation in Lake Whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: the potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 82nd Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, IA. February 2022
Everson, J.M., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, J. Smith, D. Caroffino, and T. Zorn. February 2022. Spatial variation in Lake Whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: the potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 51st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. February 2022
Eastman, R., J. Breeggemann, R. Davis, D. Dembkowski, and D. Isermann. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. January 2025
Eastman, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, R. Davis, and J. Breeggemann. January 2024. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Eastman, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, R. Davis, and J. Breeggemann. January 2024. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 53<sup>rd</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, WI. January 2024
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and D. Dembkowski. Comparison of Lake Sturgeon Growth and Survival Using Fin Rays and Capture-Recapture Data. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2019
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, J.Pyatskowit, J. Raabe. September 2017. Brook trout movements in the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Wild Trout Symposium. West Yellowstone, Montana. September 2017
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, J. Pyatskowit. March 2017. Brook trout movements in the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, J. Pyatskowit, and J. Raabe. January 2018. Brook trout movements in the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Dembkowski, D.J., R.P. Koenigs, and D.A. Isermann. January 2018. Microelemental signatures of tributaries to the Lake Winnebago system. 78th Annual Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Dembkowski, D.J., R.J. Eastman, and D.A. Isermann. 2020. Yellow perch recruitment synchrony in six northern Wisconsin lakes. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL. January 2020
Dembkowski, D.J., J. Miazga, and D.A. Isermann. 2020. Replicating Northern Pike cleithra ages using otoliths, pelvic fin rays, and scales: precision and sampling guidelines based on sex and total length. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL. January 2020
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and T. Parks. 2021. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin lakes. 81<sup>st</sup> Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference; St. Paul, MN. February 2021
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and R.P. Koenigs. January 2018. Walleye age estimation using otoliths and dorsal spines: insights on precision at a statewide level. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and L.D. Eslinger. 2019. Temporal stability of adult muskellunge abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes. Joint Technical Committee Meetings. Webster, South Dakota. July 2019
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and C.S. Vandergoot. 2017. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, T. Hayden, C. Vandergoot, S. Hogler, T. Zorn, and C. Krueger. 2020. Fishery contributions, seasonal movements, and spawning site fidelity of Green Bay Walleyes. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL. January 2020
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, S.R. Hogler, K.N. Turnquist, and W.A. Larson. January 2018. Walleye movements in Green Bay: testing assumptions of the current conceptual model for management. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, C.S. Vandergoot, S.P. Hansen, and T.R. Binder. 2017. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. 13th International Coregonid Symposium. Bayfield, Wisconsin. September 2017
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, A.W. Latzka, and Z.S. Feiner. 2022. Potential shifts in angler effort in response to implementation of more restrictive panfish regulations 51st Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Virtual. February 2022
Dembkowski, D., and J. Raabe. 2025. Fish sampling: goals, design, and methods. 2025 Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention. Stevens Point, WI. March 2025
Dembkowski, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, B. Buechel, D. Isermann, D. Hanson, K. Keretz, R. Kraus, and R. Oldham. 2024. Effects of mussel biofouling on receiver detection range. GLATOS Annual Meeting, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. February 2024
Dembkowski, D., L. Allex, S. Baeckman, D. Gillman, K. Reed, R. Zwiers, M. Wilkinson, and D. Isermann. 2025. Diet composition and overlap of walleye and largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes: implications for walleye recruitment and size structure of prey fish. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. La Crosse, WI. January 2025
Dembkowski, D., L. Allex, S. Baeckman, D. Gillman, K. Reed, R. Zwiers, M. Wilkinson, and D. Isermann. 2025. Diet composition and overlap of walleye and largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes: implications for walleye recruitment and size structure of prey fish. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. January 2025
Dembkowski, D., J. Everson, D. Isermann, S. Hansen, J. Smith, S. Pothoven, T. Zorn, and D. Caroffino. 2023. Spatial variation in lake whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 153<sup>rd</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 2023
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. GLATOS Annual Meeting. Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. February 2024
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. 53<sup>rd</sup> Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI. January 2024
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, L. Izzo, S. Hansen, B. Eggold, and C. Vandergoot. 2023. Using acoustic telemetry to assess potential latent mortality of walleye and sublegal lake whitefish in the southern Green Bay trap net fishery. 2023 GLATOS Coordination Meeting. Ypsilanti, Michigan. February 2023
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, L. Eslinger, T. Cichosz, J. Hennessy, and J. Kubisiak. 2023. Temporal stability of adult muskellunge populations in northern Wisconsin lakes. 153<sup>rd</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 2023
Dembkowski, D., D, Isermann, J. Breeggemann, and T. Zorn. 2025. Understanding and building resilience in Green Bay walleye populations. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO January 2025
Dembkowski, D., B. Vasquez, S. Hansen, and D. Isermann. 2025. Initial observations of smallmouth bass movements following a simulated tournament displacement event. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. La Crosse, WI. January 2025
Dembkowski, D., B. Davis, R. Eastman, and D. Isermann. 2024. Yellow perch population characteristics in Wisconsin inland lakes. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 2024
Dembkowkski, D., and D.A. Isermann. July 2017. Wisconsin walleye research. 2017 Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees-North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. July 2017
Davis, R.P., and D. Isermann. June 2023. Factors affecting stocking success in walleye fisheries in the Midwestern United States: implications of a changing climate. 2023 Joint Meeting of the Esocid, Centrarchid, and Walleye Technical Committees, North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Minocqua, Wisconsin. June 2023
Davis, R.P., Simmons, L.M., Homola, J.J., Shaw, S.L., Sass, G.G., Isermann, D.A., and W. A. Larson. May 2022. Analyzing patterns in parental reproductive success in walleye <i>Sander vitreus</i> using genetic parentage analysis in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Joint Aquatic Science Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 2022
Davis, R.P., Isermann, D., Hansen, G., Shaw, S., Lawson, Z., Hennessy, J., Latzka, A., Logsdon, D., Hoxmeier, J., Shultz, D., Blackwell, B., Herbst, S., Gangl, S., Krogman, R., Koupal, K., and J. Conroy. February 2022. Supply-and-demand dynamics associated with using stocking to maintain walleye fisheries in the face of climate change. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA. February 2022
Davis, R.P., Isermann, D., Hansen, G., Shaw, S., Lawson, Z., Hennessy, J., Latzka, A., Logsdon, D., Hoxmeier, J., Shultz, D., Blackwell, B., Herbst, S., Gangl, S., Krogman, R., Koupal, K., and J. Conroy. February 2022. Supply-and-Demand Dynamics Associated with Using Stocking to Maintain Walleye Fisheries in the Face of Climate Change. 51<sup>st</sup> Wisconsin American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, <i>Virtual</i> February 2022
Davis, B., D. Dembkowski, R. Eastman, and D. Isermann. 2024. Population demographics and factors influencing abundance of yellow perch in inland Wisconsin lakes. 53<sup>rd</sup> Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI. January 2024
Crane, D.P., M. Cornett, C. Bauerlien, M.L. Hawkins, J.L. Hansbarger, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, T.D. Simonson, M.P. Rennicke, K.L. Kapuscinski, and J.R. Meerbeek. January 2018. Use of fin rays for estimating age of muskellunge. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Crane, D.P., J.L. Hansbarger, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, K.L. Kapuscinski, J.R. Meerbeek, M.P. Rennicke, and T.D. Simonson. February 2017. Development of a standardized protocol for use of fin rays in estimating age of Muskellunge. 77th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2017
Coppola, G., H. Embke, C. J. Sullivan, S. Carpenter, M. J. Vander Zanden, Z. J. Lawson, and D. A. Isermann. January 2020. Effects of large scale centrarchid removal on walleye and centrarchids in a Wisconsin lake. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, and D. A. Isermann. January 2020. Extent of piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass cohorts in Wisconsin lakes. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, D. Dembkowski and D. A. Isermann. February 2021. Effects of climate-induced shifts in hatch timing on early life history of largemouth bass in Wisconsin. 81<sup>st</sup> Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, virtual. February 2021
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, D. Dembkowski and D. A. Isermann. February 2021. Effects of climate-induced shifts in hatch timing on early life history of largemouth bass in Wisconsin. 50<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, virtual. February 2021
Catalano, A., D. Isermann, I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, T. Paoli, and S. Hogler. January 2018. Preliminary assessment of walleye, lake whitefish, and yellow perch diets in Green Bay. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Catalano, A., D. Isermann, I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, T. Paoli, S. Hogler. March 2017. Preliminary Assessment of Walleye, Lake Whitefish, and Yellow Perch Diets in Green Bay. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Carpenter, S., H. Embke, G. Hansen, D. Isermann, G. Sass, L. Sikora, and J. Vander Zanden. February 2022. Safe operating space for walleye fisheries: Applications & tests. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. Virtual. February 2022
Carpenter, K., T. Zorn, D. Isermann, C. Isermann, and D. Dembkowski. March 2017. Precision of Otolith and Dorsal Spine Age Estimates for Walleye Sander vitreus in Northern Lake Michigan. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Cahalan, J., D. Dembkowski, J. Breeggemann, and D. Isermann. 2025. Factors influencing recruitment of age-0 walleye in the Fox River and Lower Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. La Crosse, WI. January 2025
Brandt., E.J., Z.S. Feiner, A.W. Latzka, and D.A. Isermann. January–February 2021. Evidence for synchrony between Yellow Perch and Walleye recruitment dynamics and temporal trends in northern Wisconsin lakes. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota. February 2021
Brandt., E.J., Z.S. Feiner, A.W. Latzka, and D.A. Isermann. February 2021. Evidence for synchrony between Yellow Perch and Walleye recruitment dynamics and temporal trends in northern Wisconsin lakes. 50th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. February 2021
Brandt., E.J., D.J. Dembkowski, A.W. Latzka, J.M. Hennessy, and D.A. Isermann. January–February 2020. Assessing abundance of centrarchids in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota. February 2021
Brandt., E.J., D.J. Dembkowski, A.W. Latzka, J.M. Hennessy, and D.A. Isermann. February 2021. Assessing abundance of centrarchids in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 50th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. February 2021
Brandt., E. J., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. July 2019. Assessing abundance of centrarchids and juvenile Yellow Perch in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 2019 Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees – North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Webster, South Dakota. July 2019
Brandt., E. J., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. January 2020. Assessing abundance of centrarchids and juvenile Yellow Perch in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 80th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, and D. A. Isermann. Population Characteristics of Buffalo in Wisconsin: Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 154<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, HI. September 2024
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, J. J. Homola and D. A. Isermann. Population Characteristics of Buffalo in Wisconsin: Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. January 2025
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, J. J. Homola and D. A. Isermann. Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo in Wisconsin: Population Characteristics and Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota January 2024
Boehm, H., and D.A. Isermann. August 2014. Comparison of sampling techniques for capturing larval walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes. American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. August 2014
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. November 2014. Identifying Recruitment Bottlenecks for Walleye in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. Riveredge Nature Center's Student Research Symposium. Saukville, Wisconsin. November 2014
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. November 2014. Comparison of sampling techniques for capturing larval percids in northern Wisconsin lakes. Riveredge Nature Center’s Student Research Symposium, Saukville, Wisconsin. November 2014
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. January 2016. Evaluation of sampling techniques for capturing age-0 walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan. January 2016
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. February 2016. Evaluation of sampling techniques for capturing age-0 walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin AFS Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. July 2015. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society – Walleye Technical Committee Meeting, Brookings, South Dakota. July 2015
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. January 2016. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan. January 2016
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. February 2016. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. February 2015. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. February 2015. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. June 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. International Association of Great Lakes Research 56th Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, Indiana. June 2013
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. January 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. 74th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri. January 2014
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. February 2014. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. February 2014
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. February 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. April 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Boise, Idaho. April 2013
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. April 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin. April 2013
Baeckman, S., J. Mrnak, Q. Smith, M. Wilkinson, D. Dembkowski, and D. Isermann. 2025. Relative vulnerability of yellow perch and bluegill to largemouth bass and walleye predation in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. La Crosse, WI. January 2025
<i>Lensing, B., D. Dembkowski, J. Raabe, J. Breeggemann and D. Isermann. Identifying Walleye and Lake Whitefish Spawning Habitat to Inform Habitat Improvements for Lake Sturgeon in the Lower Fox River below De Pere Dam. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. </i> January 2025
Type Citation Publication Date
Software Release Davis, R. and Isermann, D., 2024, Assessing factors related to Walleye stocking success in the midwestern United States - Associated Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, May 2024
Data Release Coppola, G., Kelling, C., and Isermann, D., 2024, Lengths, hatch dates, and piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes: U.S. Geological Survey data release, May 2024
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
American Fisheries Society - Walleye Technical Committee, North Central Division Isermann January 2012 Present
American Fisheries Society - President-elect, North Central Division Isermann February 2023 Present
American Fisheries Society - President WI Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Isermann February 2017 February 2018
American Fisheries Society - Member, Wisconsin Chapter Isermann December 2008 Present
American Fisheries Society - Member Isermann January 1997 Present
American Fisheries Society - Executive Committee Member-Wisconsin Chapter Isermann January 2017 February 2019
American Fisheries Society - Education Section, North Central Division Representative Isermann September 2014 September 2016
American Fisheries Society - Committee Member, Books Program Special Committee Isermann April 2019 Present
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Walleye Technical Committee, North Central Division, American Fisheries Society Isermann January 2013 December 2013