Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar. Hastings, NE.
February 2015
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE.
February 2015
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Severe weather impacts on an unpredictable system: wetland dynamics and shorebird stopover decisions in a highly-altered landscape.
August 2015
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. American Ornithologist Union and Cooper Ornithological Society. Estes Park, CO.
September 2014
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar. Hastings, NE.
February 2014
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Kearney, NE.
February 2014
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Crane Trust Research Symposium. Wood River, NE.
November 2013
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Habitat decisions in altered landscapes: behavioral and physiological consequences for long-distance migrants. Nebraska Natural Legacy Conference. Nebraska City, NE.
September 2013
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Habitat decisions in altered landscapes: behavioral and physiological consequences for long-distance migrants. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE.
March 2013
Fontaine, J.J., C. Gillespie and R.J. Stutzman. 2013. The interplay of climate and land-use change: Implications for a long distance migrant. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar. Hastings, NE.
February 2013
Fontaine, J.J., C. Chizinski, N. Cole, C. Gillespie, A. Lipinski, J. Lusk, L. Messinger, K. Pope, and L. Wszola. Climate change: challenges for wildlife, outdoor enthusiasts, and the future of wildlife management. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society
March 2015