Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member

Dr. Sarah Sells

Sarah Sells

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (406) 243 - 4393
Faculty Email:


Dr. Sells received her BS from Oregon State University and MS and PhD from the University of Montana. She was a postdoctoral research scientist before joining the Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit in 2022. Dr. Sells is a basic and applied ecologist with expertise in animal behavior, spatial ecology, quantitative analyses, agency collaboration, and decision analysis. Her research aims to ask and answer questions that advance understanding of the natural world and address pressing conservation challenges. To this end, she collaborates closely with resource managers to produce research that addresses conservation needs. Over the years, Dr. Sells has worked with numerous researchers on projects spanning the alpine meadows of Olympic National Park, to canyon country of the Southwest, and to cloud forests of Central America. Most recently, she has been collaborating with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to study grizzly bear connectivity among ecosystems. Prior to this, she studied wolf behavior and spatial ecology to help estimate abundance of wolves in Montana.

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral Ecology, Decision Support/Analysis, GIS/Spatial Analysis, Landscape Ecology, Movement Ecology, Population and Community Ecology, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Carnivores, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Ungulates

Research Publications Publication Date
Sells, S. N., C. M. Costello, P. M. Lukacs, L. L. Roberts, & M. A. Vinks. 2023. Predicted connectivity pathways between grizzly bear ecosystems in Western Montana. Biological Conservation, Volume 284, 110199, ISSN 0006-3207, | Abstract July 2023
Sarah N. Sells, Cecily M. Costello, Paul M. Lukacs, Frank T. van Manen, Mark Haroldson, Wayne Kasworm, Justin Teisberg, Milan A. Vinks, Dan Bjornlie. 2023. Grizzly bear movement models predict habitat use for nearby populations. Biological Conservation, Volume 279, 109940, ISSN 0006-3207, March 2023
Durglo, Kaylie

Sipe, Hannah
Post Doc

Presentations Presentation Date
Vinks, M. A., S. N. Sells, C. M. Costello, and L. L. Roberts. 2024. Effects of forest disturbance on grizzly bear resource selection in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Butte Montana. February 2024
Sipe, H A, Sells, S N, Gude, J A, Podruzny, K M, Parks M, Lewis, M S, Metcalf, A L, and Metcalf, E C. 2024. Management strategy evaluation for informing decisions about wildlife management and conservation. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland. October 2024
Sells, S. N., and C. M. Costello. 2024. Predicted Grizzly Bear Habitat in the Bitterroot Ecosystem. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Butte Montana. February 2024
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2024. Spatial Behavior of Grizzly Bears in the US Northern Rockies. International Association for Bear Research and Management, Edmonton, AB, Canada. September 2023
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Predicting Habitat and Movement Corridors for Grizzly Bears in the US Northern Rockies. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, AK. July 2023
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Predicted Habitat and Movement Corridors for Grizzly Bears in Western Montana. Montana Chapter Conference of The Wildlife Society February 2023
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Grizzly Bear Habitat Selection and Predicted Movement Corridors in the US Northern Rockies. Movement Ecology of Animals Gordon Research Seminar May 2023
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Grizzly Bear Habitat Selection and Predicted Movement Corridors in the US Northern Rockies. Movement Ecology of Animals Gordon Research Conference May 2023
Sells, S. N. 2024. Predicted Habitat and Movement Pathways for Grizzly Bears in the Greater Missoula Area. Missoula Regional Connectivity Group, Linkage Lunch, Missoula, MT. June 2024
Justin Gude, Nick DeCesare, Kelly Proffitt, Sarah Sells*, Bob Garrott, Imtiaz Rangwala, Mark Biel, Jessy Coltrane, Julie Cunningham, Tammy Fletcher, Karen Loveless, Rebecca Mowry, Megan O’Reilly, Ryan Rauscher, Mike Thompson. Demographic uncertainty and disease risk drive climate-informed mountain goat management. November 2023
Technical Publications Publication Date
Parks, M., K. Podruzny, S. Sells, T. Parks, N. Lance, W. Cole, T. Smucker. S. Bhattacharjee 2023. Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management 2022 Annual Report. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Helena, Montana. 53 pages. | Download June 2023
Cook, J.D., K. Flynn, D.A. Bell, M.E. Jaeger, J. Warren, R. Kreiner, J. Payne, J. Andrews, A. Brummond, E.H. Campbell Grant, and S.N. Sells | Download March 2023
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release Sells, S.N., and Costello, C.M. 2024. Predicted connectivity pathways for grizzly bears between the Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems: spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, May 2024
Data Release Sells, S.N. and Costello, C.M. 2024. Predicting future grizzly bear habitat use in the Bitterroot Ecosystem under recolonization and reintroduction scenarios: spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, May 2024
Data Release Sells, S.N. and Costello, C.M. 2024. Predicted grizzly bear movement pathways in Central Montana: spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, July 2023
Data Release Sells, S. N., Costello, C. M., Lukacs, P. M., van Manen, F. T., Haroldson, M., Kasworm, W., Teisberg, J., Vinks, M. A., and Bjornlie, D. 2023. Predicted grizzly bear habitat use in Western Montana: spatial data: U. S., Geological Survey data release, July 2023