Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Hannah Sipe

Graduate Student Hannah Sipe.

Post Doc


Hannah is a graduate student with Sarah Converse at the University of Washington's Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. She is pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences.

Research Publications Publication Date
Sipe HA, IN Keren, and SJ Converse. 2023. Integrating community science and agency-collected monitoring data to expand monitoring capacity at large spatial scales. Ecology and Evolution 14: e4585. | Abstract June 2023
Converse SJ and HA Sipe. 2021. Finding the win-win strategies in endangered species conservation. Animal Conservation 24:161-162. April 2021
Presentations Presentation Date
Sipe, H.A., Paxton, E.H., Yackel Adams, A. A., and Converse, S.J. 2023. Developing a framework to guide vertebrate restoration in Guam. Brown Treesnake Technical Working Group. 14 November. November 2023
Sipe, H.A., Paxton, E.H., Yackel Adams, A. A., and Converse, S.J. 2022. The role of expert judgement in avian reintroduction planning on the island of Guam. The Wildlife Society Conference. 6-10 November. November 2022
Sipe, H A, Sells, S N, Gude, J A, Podruzny, K M, Parks M, Lewis, M S, Metcalf, A L, and Metcalf, E C. 2024. Management strategy evaluation for informing decisions about wolf management and conservation. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. March 2025
Sipe, H A, Sells, S N, Gude, J A, Podruzny, K M, Parks M, Lewis, M S, Metcalf, A L, and Metcalf, E C. 2024. Management strategy evaluation for informing decisions about wildlife management and conservation. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland. October 2024
Sipe, H A, S N Sells, J A Gude, K M Podruzny, M Parks, D P Walsh, S B Bassing, A K Moeller, and D A W Miller. Evaluating the performance of occupancy models for wolf management in Montana through simulation. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. March 2025
Sipe HA, GL Slater, AE Bratt, SF Pearson, and SJ Converse. 2025. Reintroduction strategy development and evaluation for Streaked Horned Larks. Cascadia Prairie-Oak Partnership Conference, Tacoma, WA. 14-17 April. April 2025
Sipe HA, G Blatz, SM Desimone, IN Keren, SF Pearson, and SJ Converse. 2019. Combining citizen science and agency survey data to model Common Loon distribution and habitat associations. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society Joint Conference, Reno, Nevada. 29 September - 3 October. September 2019
Sipe HA, EH Paxton, AA Yackel Adams, MA Hall, ND Holmes, M Kastner, S Mullin, WC Pitt, R Reed, HS Rogers, TM Summers, and SJ Converse. 2021. Paradise sought: the collaborative path to restoring Guam’s vertebrates. Marianas Terrestrial Conservation Conference, Online. 9 June - 17 June. June 2021
Sipe HA, EH Paxton, AA Yackel Adams, MA Hall, ND Holmes, M Kastner, S Mullin, R Reed, HS Rogers, TM Summers, and SJ Converse. 2020. Paradise sought: the collaborative path to restoring Guam’s vertebrates. Brown Treesnake Technical Working Group, Online. 9 Nov - 19 Nov. November 2020
Sipe HA and SJ Converse. 2019. Washington State Common Loons: multi-state occupancy modeling using citizen science and survey data. Washington State Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Grand Mound, Washington. 25 February - 1 March. February 2019
Sells, S N, H A Sipe, J A Gude, K M Podruzny, and M Parks. Evolving Models for Evolving Conditions: Updating Montana’s Wolf Group Size Model for iPOM. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. March 2025
Law E, G Slater, A Bratt, HA Sipe, SJ Converse, J Lawler, and J Heinrichs. 2024. Management options for Streaked Horned Larks under multiple interacting stressors. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. June 2024
HA Sipe, JG Ewen, S Canessa, L Adams, D F Shanahan, K C Beaven, R Selwyn, E H Parlato, and SJ Converse. 2024. Using constructed value of information to identify uncertainties in threatened species management programs. The Wildlife Society Conference. 19 - 23 October. October 2024
HA Sipe, GL Slater, Bratt AE, SF Pearson, and SJ Converse. 2024. Reintroduction strategy development and evaluation for a threatened grassland passerine using decision analysis. British Ornithologists’ Union Conference on avian translocations. 12 - 13 Nov. Online November 2024
Converse SJ, NJ Hostetter, SM Amburgey, AE Bratt, AJ DuVall, BK Thompson, LS Petracca, HA Sipe, MH Sorel, AJ Warlick, and M Kadin. 2022. Synchrony in seabird survival: drivers at multiple spatial scales. Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Online. 23-25 February. February 2022
Bratt AE, GL Slater, SF Pearson, HA Sipe, SJ Converse. 2022. Estimating the effects of climate on the population dynamics of an early successional songbird with integrated population models. The Wildlife Society Conference. 6 - 10 Nov. November 2022
Bratt AE, C Cappello, AJ DuVall, HA Sipe, AJ Warlick, B Gardner, and SJ Converse. 2022. Figuring out what counts: evaluating the effect of data quantity and quality on the performance of integrated population models . International Statistical and Ecology Conference, Online. 27 June - 1 July. June 2022
Bratt AE, C Cappello, AJ DuVall, HA Sipe, AJ Warlick, B Gardner, and SJ Converse. 2021. The effects of data availability on integrated population model performance. EURING Analytical Meeting and Workshop, Online. 31 May - 11 June. May 2021
Bagnall K, GL Slater, HA Sipe, AE Bratt, and SJ Converse. 2022. Reintroduction of the federally threatened streaked horned lark (<i>Eremophila alpestris strigata</i>): developing effective release techniques and an implementation strategy. Cascadia Prairie Oak Partnership Conference, Vancouver, WA; 7-10 November. November 2022