Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Nicholas Van Vleet

Nicholas Van Vleet in the field



  • BS Colorado State University 2007


Nick hails from North Central Texas and received his undergraduate degree from Colorado State University with a BS in Wildlife Biology. Since then, he has been working with salmonids in Northern California. Nick is currently pursuing his master's degree in Fisheries at Humboldt State University where he is focusing on characterizing habitat preferences of juvenile Coho Salmon rearing in non-natal streams.

Presentations Presentation Date
Van Vleet N., Henderson M.J., Ward, D. 2018. Winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon in Freshwater Creek, California. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 54nd Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR. March 13-16, 2018. March 2018
Van Vleet N., Henderson M.J., Ward, D. 2018. Winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon in Freshwater Creek, California. 52nd Annual California-Nevada American Fisheries Society meeting, San Luis Obispo, CA. Feb 28 - March 2, 2018. March 2018