Staff Member
Gregory S Fraser
I completed my B.S. in Biology in 2005 at the University of Victoria. Between completing my B.S. and beginning my Masters I worked in aquatic sciences across the U.S. from the Bering Sea to the deserts of the Southwest. During that time I also completed a tour with the Peace Corps working as an Environmental Educator in El Jicaral, Nicaragua. I am currently doing my M.S. with Dr. Dana Winkelman and Dr. Kevin Bestgen on the roundtail chub, flannelmouth sucker and bluehead sucker populations in the White River.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Fraser, G.S., K.R. Bestgen, D.L. Winkelman, and K.G. Thompson. Temperature-not flow-predicts native fish reproduction with implications for climate change. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:509-527. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10151 | Download | January 2019 |
Fraser, G.S., D.L. Winkelman, K.R. Bestgen, and K.G. Thompson. Submitted. Tributary Use by Flannelmouth and Bluehead Suckers in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | September 2017 |
Project | Completion Date |
Movement Patterns, reproduction, and potential impacts of climate change on three native fishes in the upper White River drainage, Colorado | June 2015 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Fraser, G., K.R. Bestgen, D.L. Winkelman. 2014. Use of Coal Creek,White River drainage by flannelmouth and bluehead sucker. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Fraser, G., K.R. Besten, D.L. Winkelman, and K. Thompson. Flannelmouth and bluehead sucker tributary use in Coal Creek, CO. | January 2014 |