Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Dr. Perry J. Williams

Perry Williams

Post Doc



  • Ph D Colorado State University 2015
  • MS Colorado State University 2015
  • MS University of Minnesota 2008
  • BA St. Olaf College 2006


Statistical and mathematical methods for estimating population processes to improve wildlife management and conservation.

Research Publications Publication Date
Williams, P.J., S. A. Whitmore, R.J. Gutierrez. 2014. Use of private lands for foraging by California spotted owls in the central Sierra Nevada. Widlife Society Bulletin 35:705--709. | Abstract January 2014
Williams, P.J., N. J. Engbrecht, J. R. Robb, V. C. K. Terrell, and M. J. Lannoo. 2013. Surveying a threatened amphibian species through a narrow detection window. Copiea 2013(3):553-562. October 2013
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, and M.R. Bower. (2018). Monitoring dynamic spatio-temporal ecological processes optimally. Ecology, 99: 524-535. May 2018
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, M.R. Bower, and T.J. Hefley. (2017). Estimating occupancy and abundance using aerial images with imperfect detection. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1679-1689. July 2017
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, M.R. Bower, and T.J. Hefley. (2017). An integrated data model to estimate spatio-temporal occupancy, abundance, and colonization dynamics. Ecology, 98: 328-336. March 2017
Williams, P.J. and M.B. Hooten. (2016). Combining statistical inference and decisions in ecology. Ecological Applications, 26: 1930-1942. December 2016
Williams, P. J., and W. L. Kendall. A guide to multi-objective optimization for ecological problems with an application to cackling goose management. Ecological Modelling, in press. October 2016
Williams, P. J., W. L. Kendall, and M. B. Hooten. 2019. Choosing ecological models using multi-objective optimization. Ecological Modelling 404:21-26. July 2019
Williams, P. J., R. J. Gutierrez, and S. A. Whitmore. 2011. Home range and habitat selection of spotted owls in the central Sierra Nevada. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:333-343. | Download | Publisher Website February 2011
Williams, P. J., J. R. Robb, and D. R. Karns. 2012. Occupancy dynamics of breeding crawfish frogs in southeastern Indiana. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:350--357. June 2012
Williams, P. J., J. R. Robb, and D. R. Karns. 2012. Habitat selection by crawfish frogs (Lithobates areolatus) in a large mixed grassland/forest habitat. Journal of Herpetology 46:682--688 December 2012
Williams, P. J., J. R. Robb, R. H. Kappler, T. E Piening, and D. R. Karns. 2012. Intraspecific density dependence in larval development of the crawfish frog, Lithobates areolatus. Herpetological Review 43:36-38. April 2012
Vigil, E., M. K. C. Christianson, J. M. Lepak, and P. J. Williams. 2016. Temperature effets on hatching and viability of juvenile gill lice; Salmincola californiensis. Journal of Fish Diseases. Early View January 2016
Schook, D. M., M. D. Collins, W. E. Jensen, P. J. Williams, N. E. Bader, and T. H. Parker. 2008. Geographic patterns of song similarity in the dickcissel (Spiza Americana). Auk 125:953-964. | Download October 2008
N Engbrecht, M Lannoo, P Williams, J Robb, T Gerardot, D Karns, M Lodato. 2013. Is There Hope for the Hoosier Frog? An Update on the Status of Crawfish Frogs (Lithobates areolatus) in Indiana, with Recommendations for their Conservation. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 121 (2), 147-157 September 2013
Hoffman, A. S., J. L. Heemeyer, P. J. Williams, J. R. Robb, D. R. Karns, V. C. Kinney, N. J. Engbrecht, and M. J. Lannoo. 2010. Strong site fidelity and a variety of imaging techniques reveal around-the-clock and extended activity patterns in crawfish frogs (Lithobates areolatus). BioScience 60:829-834. | Download November 2010
Heemeyer, J. L., P. J. Williams, M. J. Lannoo. 2012. Obligate Crayfish Burrow Use and Core Habitat Requirements of Crawfish Frogs. Journal of Wildlife Management. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website February 2012
Gerber, B. D., P. J. Williams, L. L. Bailey. 2014. Primates and Cameras: Non-invasive sampling to make population-level inferences while accounting for imperfect detection. International Journal of Primatology 35:841--858. January 2014
Crimmins, S. M., P. C. McKann, J. R. Robb, J. P. Lewis, T. Vanosdol, B. A. Walker, P. J. Williams, and W. E. Thogmartin. 2016. Factors affecting Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) nest survival in southern Indiana. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128:1:10. January 2016
Conn, P.B., D.S. Johnson, P.J. Williams, S. Melin, and M.B. Hooten. (2018). A guide to Bayesian model checking for ecologists. Ecological Monographs, 88: 526-542. January 2018
Presentations Presentation Date
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, and M.R. Bower. (2016). Contributed talk, Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL. Title: A spatio-temporal model for ecological colonizations. August 2016
Williams, P., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, and M.R. Bower. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2016. Seattle, WA. Contributed talk: A Spatio-Temporal Model to Infer Colonization Dynamics of Sea Otters in Glacier Bay, Alaska. June 2016
Williams, P. J., C. R. Ely, W. L. Kendall, M. B. Hooten, and J. A. Schmutz. 2014. Population dynamics and management of Cackling Geese. 21st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, PA. October 2014