Staff Member
Henry Tyler Pittman
Phone: (479) 575 - 4427
- MS Clemson University 2010
- BS Clemson University 2010
I am a Doctoral Research Assistant from Greenville, SC pursuing a Phd. in Biology. I received a Bachelor's and Master's of Science from Clemson University in South Carolina. I am very outdoor oriented with many of my hobbies pertaining to hunting and fishing.. I am currently researching the effects of prescribed fire on eastern wild turkey nesting ecology in the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas. I am also very interested in the use of GIS and Spatial statistics to assess the effects of disturbance on wildlife habitat. Population genetics and molecular techniques and their use in wildlife management are also an are of interest in my research.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Pittman, H. T., and D. G. Krementz. 2016. Efficacy of landscape scale oak woodland and savanna restoration in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas, USA. Journal of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:233-242 | Abstract | March 2016 |
Pittman, H. A., and D. G. Krementz. 2016. Effects of short-rotation early-growing season prescribed fire on eastern wild turkey nest ecology in the Ozark Highlands, Arkansas, USA. PLoS ONE 11(1):e0147317. | Abstract | January 2016 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Pittman, H.T. and D.G. Krementz. 2015. Consideration of scale in the restoration of woodland and savanna ecosystems in the Central Hardwoods of North America. Ecological Society of America. Baltimore, MD | August 2015 |
Pittman, H. T., D. G. Krementz, R. S. Whalen, B. Bowers, and K. Lynch. 2013. Survival of Eastern Wild Turkey in the Ozark Highlands, Arkansas. 2013. Arkansas State Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Russellville, AR | September 2013 |
Pittman, H. T. , and D. G. Krementz. 2013. Nest site selection of eastern wild turkey in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas. The Wildlife Society Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. | October 2013 |
Marlis R. Douglas, H. Tyler Pittman, Whitney J.B. Anthonysamy, Mark A. Davis, David G. Krementz, Robert E. Vernocy Jr, and Michael E. Douglas. 2012. New tools for the next generation of wildlife professionals: molecular ecology of wild turkey from the interior highlands of Arkansas. | October 2012 |
H. Tyler Pittmana and David G. Krementzb. 2015. Effects of Frequent Landscape Disturbance on Breeding Dispersal and Nest-site Searching of Eastern Wild Turkey in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN. | February 2015 |
H. Tyler Pittman and David G. Krementz. 2015. Vegetative Response to Landscape Scale Woodland and Savanna Restoration at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN. | February 2015 |
Douglas, M. R., H.T. Pittman, W. J. B. Anthonysamy, M. A. Davis, D. G. Krementz, R. E. Vernocy Jr., W. Louis, and M. E. Douglas. 2012. Molecular ecology of eastern wild turkey in the interior Highlands of Arkansas and surrounding areas. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. | December 2012 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Pittman, H. T. 2014. Effects of Large Scale Growing Season Prescribed Burns on Movement, Habitat Use, Productivity, and Survival of Female Wild Turkey on the White Rock Ecosystem Restoration Project of the Ozark-St. Francis National Forest. | July 2014 |