Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Bradley Kalb

Brad Kalb

Phone: (575) 646 - 3355


I received my B.S. in Fishery Resources with a minor in Statistics from the University of Idaho. As a student, I worked for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game on a variety of projects ranging from nutrient supplementation of the Kootenai River to high mountain lake surveys. . Currently, I am working with my advisor, Dr. Colleen Caldwell, to assess if the Rio Ruidoso within the Mescalero Apache Reservation, New Mexico is suitable for renovation and reintroduction of Rio Grande Cutthroat trout that are believed to have historically occupied this stream. My research includes understanding stream fish movement and foraging position selection using radio telemetry and bioenergetic models. Additionally, I am looking at the effects of supercooled water and thermal refuges on fish movement and microhabitat selection.

Research Publications Publication Date
Kalb, B.W., B.M. Huntsman, C.A. Caldwell, M.A. Bozek. 2018. A mechanistic assessment of seasonal microhabitat selection by drift-feeding rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in a southwestern headwater stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes 101:257-273. August 2018
Kalb, B.W. and C.A. Caldwell. 2014. Restoration of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis to the Mescalero Apache Reservation. Report to Mescalero Apache Tribe. Agreement No. GR3386. 59 pp. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2014
Presentations Presentation Date
Kalb, B. and C.A. Caldwell. 2014. Evidence of seasonal behavioral thermoregulation of resident rainbow trout in a small headwater stream. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM American Fisheries Society and the AZ and NM Wildlife Societies. Pinetop, AZ. 6-8 February. February 2014