Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Nicholas Pirius

Nick Pirius



My thesis focuses on the overwinter ecology of lesser prairie chicken Tympanuchus pallidicinctus in the southern Texas high plains. My research will assess survival, movement patterns, home range, and habitat use, particularly man-made water sources, through the use of motion triggered trail cameras

Research Publications Publication Date
Pirius, N.E., C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and M.C. Wallace. 2013. Winter habitat use and survival of lesser prairie-chickens in west Texas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:759-765. December 2013
Presentations Presentation Date
Gicklhorn, T., P.K. Borsdorf, N. Pirius, and C.W. Boal. 2013. Seasonal use of artificial water-sources by lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). 49th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX. Feb. 2013. February 2013
Gicklhorn, T., N. Pirius, and C. Boal. Analysis of motion-captured pictures located on man-made water sources in the Southern High Plains of West Texas. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. February 2015