Staff Member
Ben Skipper
Post Doc
Dr. Skipper's research focuses on estimating Golden Eagle occupancy in relations to landscape features and characteristics in the inter-mountain west to better inform risk models applied to prospective wind energy projects. Additionally, he is evaluating survey design to provide guidance on costs/benefits associated with particular survey configurations.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Skipper, B.R., and C.W. Boal. 2011. Female American kestrel survives double amputation. Journal of Raptor Research 45:374-375. | January 2012 |
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2017. Assessment of frequency and duration of point counts when surveying for golden eagle presence. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:212 - 223. | April 2017 |
Project | Completion Date |
RWO84 Golden eagle survey and monitoring strategy development | September 2015 |
RWO 99: Winter Abundance and Habitat Associations of Golden ... | May 2017 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2014. Evaluation of survey protocol recommendations for golden eagles. Symposium on Conserving eagles: a prelude into the science underway to inform wind energy decisions, including incidental take permits. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2014. | October 2014 |
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2014. Evaluation of survey protocol recommendations for golden eagles. 2014 Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Corpus Christi, TX, September 2014 | September 2014 |
Skipper, B.R. and C.W. Boal. 2013. Nest-site selection by Mississippi kites in urban and exurban areas of west Texas. 49th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX. Feb. 2013 | February 2013 |
Mitchell, N., B. Skipper, and C.W. Boal. Land Cover Associations of Migrant and Wintering Golden Eagles in the Southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. | February 2016 |
Mitchell, N., B. Skipper, and C. Boal. Abundance and Land Cover Associations of Migrant and Wintering Birds of Prey in the Southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, February 2015. | February 2015 |
Mitchell, N., B. Skipper, and C. Boal. Abundance and Land Cover Associations of Migrant and Wintering Birds of Prey in the Southern Great Plains. 48th Joint Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, NM, February 2015. | February 2015 |
Gulick, C., B. Skipper, and C. Boal. 2014. Occupancy estimates of ferruginous hawks in the Snake River Bird of Prey Area. 50th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX, Feb. 2014. | February 2014 |