Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Kurt A. Rinehart

Kurt Rinehart_

Phone: (802) 656 - 3388


  • MS University of Vermont 2007
  • BA University of Iowa 1992


I joined the Unit in the fall of 2009 a few years after receiving my MS from UVM. In the years leading up to 2009, I worked as an independent consultant and as a writer. When not working or spending time with my wife and kids, I try to get out hunting and fishing as much as possible.. My primary interest right now is in providing a robust framework for generating and evaluating management actions for Vermont game species. This generally includes modeling populations and the effects of various human and non-human influences (e.g. harvest, land-use change) on them in order to help us identify optimal management strategies. More generally, I have a long-standing interest in wildlife behavior, landscape ecology, and field and quantitative methods for studying rare and elusive wildlife, particularly mammalian carnivores.. I am part of a team that developed Occupancy Modeling and Estimation, an on-line course. It is a thorough introduction to occupancy models delivered through multi-media presentation on-line aimed at graduate students and working professionals. The other developers are Dr. Donovan, Dr. Lewis Coggins (USFWS) and Diane Nelson (BLM). I have conducted training in tracking skills, data-collection and management, and study design for professionals and volunteers. I have also collaborated with outdoor learning and science programs at high-school and college level as an instructor and as a curriculum consultant.

Research Publications Publication Date
Rinehart, K., T. Donovan, B. Mitchell, R. Long. 2009. Factors influencing occupancy patterns of Eastern Newts across Vermont. Journal of Herpetology 43(3):521-531. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2009
Technical Publications Publication Date
Rinehart, K. 2011. Jay Peak beech scar analysis. Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, Waterbury, VT. June 2011
Rinehart, K. 2006. Naturalist's Guide to Observing Nature. Stackpole Books. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. June 2006
Elbroch, M. and K. Rinehart. 2011. Peterson Reference Guide: Behavior of North American Mammals. Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt. Boston, Massachussetts, USA October 2011
Collins, M., M. C. Runge, K. A. Rinehart, E. E. Crone, J. Dillon, G. Fitzpatrick, T. Hicks, W. Messinger, C. B. Schultz, and D. C. Brewer. 2011. Monitoring design for Fender’s blue butterfly. Case study from Structured Decision Making Workshop, January 24-28, 2011. National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, West Virginia. January 2011