Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit Staff Member
Alexander Zale

Unit Leader
Phone: (406) 994 - 2380
Faculty Email:
- Ph D University of Florida 1984
- MS Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1980
- BS University of Massachusetts 1978
Dr. Zale began his career with the Cooperative Research Units program in 1975 as an undergraduate technician with the Massachusetts Unit before getting graduate degrees at the Virginia and Florida units. After a postdoc with the Florida Unit, he became the AUL/F at the Oklahoma Unit in 1985 and transferred to the Montana Fishery Unit in 1994, where he subsequently became UL in 2002. Dr. Zale’s primary research focus is applied aquatic ecology directed at native fish assemblage restoration, a prominent and pressing ecological and societal issue in Rocky Mountain and Great Plains ecosystems as well as in similar ecosystems worldwide. Other areas of emphasis include thermal biology, especially the generation of empirical data in both the laboratory and field needed to assess the effects of climate change, movement ecology, and recreational fishery management. However, Dr. Zale’s overarching research goal is to answer the applied aquatic research questions that the Unit’s State and Federal Cooperators need to have answered to achieve their missions. He has therefore conducted research on a broad range of topics. His teaching focuses on preparing his students for agency positions. He also teaches a graduate course entitled Human Dimensions of Fish and Wildlife Management.
Areas of Expertise
Anthropogenic Impacts, Aquatic Ecology, Disease/Parasites, Fisheries Management, Grassland Ecology, Habitat Management, Invasive Species, Movement Ecology, T&E Species Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Mussels, Salmonids
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zale, A.V., T.M. Sutton, and D.L. Parrish. 2012. Conducting fisheries investigations. Pages 1-13 in A. V. Zale, D. L. Parrish, and T. M. Sutton, editors. Fisheries techniques, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | January 2013 |
Zale, A. V., R. L. Simmonds, Jr., and R. T. Eades. 2000. Getting a job or assistantship: How to surpass the competition. Fisheries 25(6):24-31. | January 2000 |
Zale, A. V., D. L. Parrish, and T. M. Sutton, editors. 2012. Fisheries techniques, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | January 2013 |
Zale, A. V., D. A. Hewitt, and B. R. Murphy. 2012. Style, usage, grammar, and punctuation. Pages 33-46 in C. A. Jennings, T. E. Lauer, and B. Vondracek, editors. Scientific communication for natural resource professionals. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | August 2012 |
Zale, A. V., C. Brooke, and W. C. Fraser. 2005. Effects of surgically implanted transmitter weights on growth and swimming stamina of small adult westslope cutthroat trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:653-660. | May 2005 |
Zale, A. V. 2006. Pursuing graduate studies in fisheries. Pages 39-55 in D. A. Hewitt, W. E. Pine, III, and A. V. Zale, editors. 2006. The AFS guide to fisheries employment, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | September 2006 |
Zale, A. V. 2010. Fisheries science and management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: ensuring good fishing by preserving healthy ecosystems. Pages 95-111 in J. Johnson, editor. Knowing Yellowstone—science in America’s first national park. Taylor Trade Publishing, Lanham, Maryland. | June 2010 |
Wuellner, M. R., R. G. Bramblett, C. S. Guy, A. V. Zale, D. R. Roberts, and J. Johnson. 2013. Reach and catchment-scale characteristics are relatively uninfluential in explaining the occurrence of stream fish species. Journal of Fish Biology 82:1497-1513. | May 2013 |
Voss, N. S., R. Al-Chokhachy, A. J. Sepulveda, C. E. Verhille, M. P. Ruggles, and A. V. Zale. 2022. The importance of phenology and thermal exposure to early life history success of non-native Smallmouth Bass in the Yellowstone River. Transactions of the American Fisheris Society 151:527-542. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10364 | Abstract | July 2022 |
Uthe, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, B. B. Shepard, A. V. Zale, and J. Kershner. 2019. Effects of climate-related stream factors on patterns of individual summer growth of Cutthroat Trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:21-34. | January 2019 |
Uthe, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, A. V. Zale, B. B. Shepard, T. E. McMahon, and T. Stephens. 2016. Life history characteristics and vital rates of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in two headwater basins. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1240-1253. | September 2016 |
Triano, B., K. M. Kappenman, T. E. McMahon, M. Blank, K. C. Heim, A. E. Parker, A. V. Zale, and K. Plymesser. 2022. Attraction, entrance, and passage efficiency of Arctic Grayling, trout, and suckers at Denil fishways in the Big Hole River Basin, Montana. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 151:453-473. | Abstract | May 2022 |
Tornabene, B. J., R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, and S. A. Leathe. Spatiotemporal Ecology of Apalone spinifera in a Large, Great Plains River Ecosystem. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12:252-271. | April 2017 |
Tornabene, B. J., R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, and S. A. Leathe. 2018. Factors Affecting Nesting Ecology of Apalone spinifera in a Northwestern Great Plains River of the United States. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 17:63-77. doi:10.2744/CCB-1298.1 | June 2018 |
Tornabene, B. J., M. E. Jaeger, R. G. Bramblett, M. Nelson, N. McClenning, T. Watson, A. Ankrum, K. Frazer, A. M. Reinhold, and A. V. Zale. 2019. Riverine turtles select habitats maintained by natural discharge regimes in an unimpounded large river. River Research and Applications | July 2019 |
Thomas, N. A., C. S. Guy, T. M. Koel, and A. V. Zale. 2019. In-situ evaluation of benthic suffocation methods for suppression of invasive Lake Trout embryos in Yellowstone Lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:104-111. | January 2019 |
Steed, A. C., A. V. Zale, T. M. Koel, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2011. Population viability of Arctic grayling in the Gibbon River, Yellowstone National Park. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:1582-1590. | January 2011 |
Simmonds, R. L., Jr., A. V. Zale, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2000. Modeled effects of double-crested cormorant predation on simulated reservoir sport and forage fish populations in Oklahoma. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:180-191. | January 2000 |
Shepard, B. B., P. Clancey, M. L. Nelson, C. G. Kruse, R. T. Al-Chokhachy, D. Drinan, M. L. Taper, and A. V. Zale. 2021. Evaluation of remote site incubators to incubate wild- and hatchery-origin Westslope Cutthroat Trout embryos. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:844-855. | Download | June 2021 |
Shepard, B. B., M. L. Taper, and A. V. Zale. 2013. Improved variance estimates of biomass for stream-dwelling fish calculated using removal estimators. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:841-853. | April 2013 |
Shepard, B. B., L. M. Nelson, M. L. Taper, and A. V. Zale. 2014. Factors influencing successful eradication of nonnative brook trout from four small Rocky Mountain streams using electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:988-997. | Abstract | September 2014 |
Sepulveda, A., R. Al-Chokhachy, M. B. Laramie, K. Crapster, L. Knotek, B. Miller, A. V. Zale, and D. S. Pilliod. 2021. It’s complicated…environmental DNA as a predictor of trout and char abundance in streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78:422-432. | Download | April 2021 |
Selong, J. H., T. E. McMahon, A. V. Zale, and F. T. Barrows. 2001. Effect of temperature on growth and survival of bull trout, with application of an improved method for determining thermal tolerance in fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:1026-1037. | November 2001 |
Ryce, E. K. N., A. V. Zale, and R. B. Nehring. 2001. Lack of selection for resistance to whirling disease among progeny of Colorado River rainbow trout. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 13:63-68. | March 2001 |
Ryce, E. K. N., A. V. Zale, and E. MacConnell. 2004. Effects of fish age and parasite dose on the development of whirling disease in rainbow trout. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 59:225-233. | June 2004 |
Ryce, E. K. N., A. V. Zale, E. MacConnell, and M. Nelson. 2005. Effects of fish age versus size on the development of whirling disease in rainbow trout. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 63:69-76. | January 2005 |
Ritter, T. D., A. V. Zale, G. Grisak, and M. J. Lance. 2020. Groundwater upwelling regulates thermal hydrodynamics and salmonid movements during high temperature events at a montane tributary confluence. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | Abstract | August 2020 |
Reinhold, A. M., R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, G. C. Poole, and D. W. Roberts. 2017. Spatially-dependent responses of a large-river fish assemblage to bank stabilization and side channels. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:967-982. | August 2017 |
Reinhold, A. M., R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, D. W. Roberts, and G. C. Poole. 2016. Comparative use of side and main channels by small fish in a large, unimpounded river. Freshwater Biology doi:10.1111/fwb.12796. | July 2016 |
Reinhold, A. M., G. C. Poole, R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, and D. W. Roberts. 2018. Cumulative effects of side-channel plugs on whole-floodplain side-channel habitat loss. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190:305 | April 2018 |
R. W. Van Kirk, and A. V. Zale. 2000. Aquatic resources of the Henry's Fork watershed. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 6:103-332. | March 2001 |
Poole, A. S., T. M. Koel, N. A. Thomas, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Benthic suffocation of invasive Lake Trout embryos by fish carcasses and sedimentation in Yellowstone Lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. | Abstract | July 2020 |
Poole, A. S., T. M. Koel, A. V. Zale, and M. A. H. Webb. 2023. Rotenone induces mortality of invasive Lake Trout and Rainbow Trout embryos. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 152:3-14. | January 2023 |
Plymesser, K., M. Blank, M. Conley, K. Kappenman, J. Cahoon, D. Dockery, and A. V. Zale. 2022. A scaled Denil fishway for upstream passage of Arctic Grayling. Journal of Ecohydraulics | August 2022 |
Mullen, J. A., R. G. Bramblett, C. S. Guy, A. V. Zale, and D. W. Roberts. 2011. Determinants of fish assemblage structure in northwestern Great Plains streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:271-281. | Abstract | April 2011 |
Mitro, M. G., and A. V. Zale. 2002. Seasonal survival, movement, and habitat use of age-0 rainbow trout in the Henrys Fork of the Snake River, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:271-286. | March 2002 |
Mitro, M. G., and A. V. Zale. 2002. Estimating abundances of age-0 rainbow trout by mark-recapture in a medium-sized river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:188-203. | February 2002 |
Mitro, M. G., and A. V. Zale. 2000. Use of distance sampling to estimate rainbow trout redd abundances in the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, Idaho. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 6:223-231. | March 2001 |
Mitro, M. G., and A. V. Zale. 2000. Predicting fish abundance using single-pass removal sampling. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:951- 961. | January 2000 |
Mitro, M. G., A. V. Zale, and B. A. Rich. 2003. The relation between age-0 rainbow trout abundance and winter discharge in a regulated river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60:135-139. | February 2003 |
Miller Hesed, C.D., Yocum, H.M., Rangwala, I., Symstad, A.J., Martin, J.M., Ellison, K., Wood, D.J. A., Ahlering, M., Chase, K.J., Crausbay, S., Davidson, A.D., Elliott, J., Giocomo, J., Hoover, D.L., Klemm, T., Lightfoot, D., McKenna, O.P., Miller, B.W., Mosher, D., Nagy, R.C., Nippert, J.B., Pittman, J., Porensky, L., Stephens, J., and Zale, A.V., 2023, Synthesis of climate and ecological science to support grassland management priorities in the North Central Region: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2023–1036, 21 p., | Publisher Website | April 2023 |
McMahon, T. E., E. A. Bear, and A. V. Zale. 2008. Use of an annular chamber for testing thermal preference of westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. | March 2008 |
McMahon, T. E., A. V. Zale, F. T. Barrows, J. H. Selong, and R. J. Danehy. 2007. Temperature and competition between bull trout and brook trout: a test of the elevation refuge hypothesis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1313-1326. | September 2007 |
Lukins, H. J., A. V. Zale, and F. T. Barrows. 2007. A packed-bed filtration system for collection of Myxobolus cerebralis triactinomyxons. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. | December 2007 |
Lewandoski, S. A., C. S. Guy, A. V. Zale, P. C. Gerrity, J. W. Deromdei, K. M. Johnson, D. L. Skates. 2017. Empirical estimation of recreational exploitation of burbot, Lota lota, in the Wind River drainage of Wyoming using a multistate capture-recapture model. Fisheries Management and Ecology 24:298-307. | May 2017 |
Lance, M.J., David, R.T., Zale, A.V., Grisak, G.G., Mullen, J.A., Walsh, S.J., Heim, K.C. and Al‐Chokhachy, R. (2024). Spatial and temporal variability of movements among sympatric salmonids in an unfragmented inland watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, [online] 153(5), pp.611–629. doi: |
September 2024 |
Koel, T. M., P. D. Doepke, D. J. MacDonald, N. A. Thomas, C. W. Vender, H. C. Glassic, A. S. Poole, C. S. Guy, and A. V. Zale. 2023. Aerial application of organic pellets eliminates lake trout recruitment from a primary spawning reef in Yellowstone Lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. | March 2023 |
Koel, T. M., N. A. Thomas, C. S. Guy, P. D. Doepke, D. J. MacDonald, A. S. Poole, W. M. Sealey, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Organic pellet decomposition induces mortality of lake trout embryos in Yellowstone Lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149:57-70. | January 2020 |
Koel, T. M., J. L. Arnold, P. E. Bigelow, T. O. Brenden, J. D. Davis, C. R. Detjens, P. D. Doepke, B. D. Ertel, H. C. Glassic, R. E. Gresswell, C. S. Guy, D. J. MacDonald, M. E. Ruhl, T. J. Stuth, D. P. Sweet, J. M. Syslo, N. A. Thomas, L. M. Tronstad, P. J. White, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Yellowstone Lake ecosystem restoration: a case study for invasive fish management. Fishes. . | June 2020 |
Koel, T. M., C. R. Detjens, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Two Ocean Pass: An alternative hypothesis for invasion of Yellowstone Lake by lake trout, and implications for future invasions. Water [online serial] 12(6), 1629. | June 2020 |
Kerans, B. L., and A. V. Zale. 2002. The ecology of Myxobolus cerebralis. Pages 145-166 in J. L. Bartholomew and J. C. Wilson, editors. Whirling Disease: Reviews and Current Topics. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 29, Bethesda, Maryland. | December 2002 |
Katzman, L. M., and A. V. Zale. 2000. Age and growth of an unexploited burbot population in Upper Red Rock Lake, Montana. Pages 139-146 in V. L. Paragamian and D. W. Willis, editors. Burbot: biology, ecology, and management. Fisheries Management Section, American Fisheries Society. Arthur H. Clark Company, Spokane, Washington. | January 2000 |
Jaeger, M. E., A. V. Zale, T. E. McMahon, and B. J. Schmitz. 2005. Seasonal movements, habitat use, aggregation, exploitation, and entrainment of sauger in the lower Yellowstone River: an empirical assessment of factors affecting population recovery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1550-1568. | November 2005 |
Hewitt, D. A., W. E. Pine, III, and A. V. Zale, editors. 2006. The AFS guide to fisheries employment, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | September 2006 |
Gates, K., C. Guy, A. Zale, and T. Horton. 2009. Angler awareness of aquatic nuisance species and potential transport mechanisms. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16:448-456. | November 2009 |
Gates, K. K., C. Guy, A. V. Zale, and T. B. Horton. 2008. Adherence of Myxobolus cerebralis myxospores to waders: implications for disease dissemination. North American Journal of Fisheries Managaement 28:1453-1458. | October 2008 |
Gale, S. B., A. V. Zale, and C. G. Clancy. 2008. Effectiveness of fish screens to prevent entrainment of westslope cutthroat trout into irrigation canals. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1541-1553. | October 2008 |
Duncan, M. B., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2021. Movements of selected minnows between the lower Yellowstone River and its tributaries. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99:45-56. | January 2021 |
Duncan, M. B., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2016. Distributions of Small Nongame Fishes in the Lower Yellowstone River. American Midland Naturalist 175:1-23. | January 2016 |
Duncan, M. B., B. R. Murphy, and A. V. Zale. 2009. Conservation of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone National Park: a case study. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education 38:173-182. | July 2009 |
Drinan, D. P., A. V. Zale, M. A. H. Webb, M. L. Taper, B. B. Shepard, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2012. Evidence of local adaptation in westslope cutthroat trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:872-880. | Abstract | June 2012 |
De Rito, J. N., A. V. Zale, and B. B. Shepard. 2010. Temporal reproductive separation of fluvial Yellowstone cutthroat trout and hybrids in the Yellowstone River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:866-886. | Abstract | August 2010 |
Davis, W. N., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2010. Effects of coalbed natural gas development on fish assemblages in tributary streams of the Powder and Tongue rivers. Freshwater Biology doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02480.x | August 2010 |
Davis, W. N., R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, and C. L. Endicott. 2009. A review of the potential effects of coalbed natural gas development activities on fish assemblages of the Powder River Geologic Basin. Reviews in Fisheries Science 17:402-422. | May 2009 |
Cox, T. L., M. J. Lance, L. K. Albertson, M. A. Briggs, A. J. Dutton, and A. V. Zale. 2023. Diet composition and resource overlap of sympatric native and introduced salmonids across neighboring streams during a peak discharge event. PLoS ONE | January 2023 |
Brown, P. J., and A. V. Zale. 2012. Rotenone persistence model for montane streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:560-569. | Abstract | March 2012 |
Brown, P. J., J. L. Ard, and A. V. Zale. 2012. Transverse mixing of simulated piscicides in small montane streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:353-356. | Abstract | March 2012 |
Brown, P. J., H. Johnson, and A. V. Zale. 2011. Effect of rainbow trout size on response to rotenone and antimycin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:1146-1152. | Abstract | January 2012 |
Bramblett, R. G., and A. V. Zale. 2000. The ichthyofauna of small streams on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, Montana. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 6:57-67. | September 2001 |
Bramblett, R. G., T. R. Johnson, A. V. Zale, and D. G. Heggem. 2005. Development and evaluation of a fish assemblage index of biotic integrity for northwestern Great Plains streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:624-640. | May 2005 |
Bear, E. A., T. E. McMahon, and A. V. Zale. 2007. Comparative thermal requirements of westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout: implications to species interactions and development of thermal protection standards. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1113-1121. | July 2007 |
Andrews, T. M., B. B. Shepard, A. R. Litt, C. G. Kruse, A. V. Zale, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2013. Juvenile movement among different populations of cutthroat trout introduced as embryos to vacant habitat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:795-805. | October 2013 |
Andrews, T. C., B. B. Shepard, A. R. Litt, C. G. Kruse, M. L. Nelson, P. Clancey, A. V. Zale, M. L. Taper, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2016. Performance of juvenile Cutthroat Trout translocated as embryos from five populations into a common habitat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:926-941. | July 2016 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Zale, A. V. 2020. Changes in perspectives of fisheries professionals to non-native fish introductions. Annual Conference of the American Society for Environmental History, Ottawa, Ontario, 26-28 March 2020 (cancelled because of the COVID-19 crisis). | March 2020 |
Wellstone, K., B. Ertel, C. Guy, T. Koel, J. Rotella, and A. Zale. 2023. Electrofishing and angling data reduce error in abundance estimates for trout in the Lamar River. 56th Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 21-24 February 2023, Butte, Montana. | February 2023 |
Voss, N., R. Al-Chokhachy, A. Zale, A. Sepulveda, M. Ruggles, and J. Rhoten. 2018. Patterns and limits of smallmouth bass distribution in the upper Yellowstone River. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Butte, Montana, 29 January to 2 February 2018. | February 2018 |
Voss, N. S., R. Al- Chokhachy, A. V. Zale, A. Sepulveda, M. Ruggles, and J. Rhoten. 2019. Factors affecting the recruitment of non-native Smallmouth Bass in the Yellowstone River and implications for upstream range expansion. Joint Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, 1 October 2019. | October 2019 |
Voss, N. S., A. Sepulveda, R. Al- Chokhachy, A. V. Zale, M. Ruggles, and J. Rhoten. 2019. Patterns in the distribution, size, and ecology of non-native smallmouth bass in the Yellowstone River. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Billings, Montana, 30 January to 1 February 2019. | January 2019 |
Uthe, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, and A. Zale. 2013. Effects of abiotic and biotic factors on life history characteristics and vital rates of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in a headwater basin. 46th Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Fairmont, Montana, 5-8 February, 2013. | February 2013 |
Triano, B., K. Kappenman, T. E. McMahon, and A. V. Zale. 2019. Evaluating the efficiency of Denil fish ladders for upstream passage of Arctic grayling and other species on the Big Hole River. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Billings, Montana, 30 January to 1 February 2019. | February 2019 |
Triano, B., K. Kappenman, T. E. McMahon, M. Blank, A. V. Zale, and A. Parker. 2019. Efficiency of Denil fish ladders for upstream passage of Arctic Grayling, Brook Trout, and other fishes evaluated using PIT technology in the Big Hole River Basin, Montana. Joint Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, 1 October 2019. | October 2019 |
Triano, B., K. Kappenman, M. Blank, T. McMahon, A. Parker, K. Heim, K. Plymesser, and A. Zale. 2020. Efficiency of Denil fish ladders for upstream passage of Arctic Grayling, Brook Trout, and other fishes evaluated using PIT technology in the Big Hole River Basin, Montana. International Conference on River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, 28 June to 3 July 2020 (cancelled because of the COVID-19 crisis). | June 2020 |
Tornabene, B. T., R. G. Bramblett, S. A. Leathe, and A. V. Zale. 2013. Nesting ecology of spiny softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera hartwegi) on the Missouri River in Montana: zoogeographic and management implications. 46th Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Fairmont, Montana, 5-8 February, 2013. | February 2013 |
Tornabene, B. J., R. G. Bramblett, S. A. Leathe, and A. V. Zale. 2014. Nesting ecology of the turtle Apalone spinifera in a large river-floodplain ecosystem. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Chattanooga, Tennessee, 30 July to 3 August 2014. | July 2014 |
Thomas, N., C. Guy, T. Koel, and A. Zale. 2017. Evaluation of suppression methods targeting non-native lake trout embryos in Yellowstone Lake. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Missoula, Montana, 22-25 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Thomas, N., C. Guy, T. Koel, A. Zale, A. Poole. 2018. Evaluation of suppression methods targeting non-native lake trout embryos in Yellowstone Lake. Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. | January 2018 |
Thomas, N. A., T. M. Koel, C. S. Guy, P. D. Doepke, D. J. MacDonald, A. S. Poole, W. M. Sealey, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Integrated pest management: from experimental evaluation to implementation of Lake Trout embryo suppression in Yellowstone Lake. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kalispell, Montana, 25-28 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Stringer, A. S., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2017. Range contractions of three native cyprinids are associated with invasive Northern Pike expansion. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida, 20-24 August 2017. | August 2017 |
Stringer, A. S., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2017. Invasive Northern Pike are associated with range contractions of three native cyprinids. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Missoula, Montana, 22-25 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Stringer, A. L., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2019. Non-native predators are associated with range contractions of native cyprinids in Montana. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Billings, Montana, 30 January to 1 February 2019. | February 2019 |
Stringer, A. L., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2015. Our dace are numbered. 7th Annual Research Symposium of the Montana Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology, Missoula, Montana, 18-20 November 2015. | November 2015 |
Stringer, A. L., A. V. Zale, and R. G. Bramblett. 2019. Effects of invasive Northern Pike on Montana prairie fish assemblages. Joint Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, 3 October 2019. | October 2019 |
Shepard, B. B., T. A. Delomas, M. R. Campbell, C. G. Kruse, R. T. Al-Chokhachy, M. L. Taper, and A. V. Zale. 2021. Contributions, inbreeding, and outbreeding of wild- and hatchery-origin stocks of Westslope Cutthroat Trout released as eyed embryos into vacant habitat. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, online, 1-5 March 2021. | March 2021 |
Shepard, B. B., R. Al-Chokhachy, S. Opitz, C. Sestrich, and A. V. Zale. 2013. Potential influences of climate change on population dynamics of nonnative brook trout and native Yellowstone cutthroat trout in headwater stream networks. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Boise, Idaho, 15-18 April, 2013. | April 2013 |
Shepard, B. B., R. Al-Chokhachy, S. Opitz, C. Sestrich, and A. V. Zale. 2013. Distributions, recruitment, growth, and movements of nonnative brook trout and native Yellowstone cutthroat trout in the upper Shields River basin. 46th Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Fairmont, Montana, 5-8 February, 2013. | February 2013 |
Shepard, B. B., C. Kruse, P. Clancey, L. Nelson, A. V. Zale, S. Barndt, and B. Roberts. 2017. Collaborative restoration of Westslope Cutthroat Trout into 100 km of Cherry Creek, a Madison River, Montana, tributary. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida, 20-24 August 2017. | August 2017 |
Shepard, B. B., C. G. Kruse, P. Clancey, L. Nelson, S. T. Kalinowski, D. P. Drinan, T. M. Andrews, and A. V. Zale. 2015. Restoration of native westslope cutthroat trout to an isolated stream system in Montana. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon, 16-20 August, 2015. | August 2015 |
Ritter, T. D., A. Zale, and G. Grisak. 2017. Salmonid movements and thermal hydrodynamics at a montane river system confluence: thermal refugia in the Smith River basin. Wild Trout XII, West Yellowstone, Montana, 26-29 September 2017. | September 2017 |
Ritter, T. D., A. Zale, and G. Grisak. 2016. Salmonid movements and thermal hydrodynamics at a montane river system confluence: thermal refugia in the Smith River basin. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Helena, Montana, 16-19 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Reinhold, A. M., R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, G. C. Poole, and D. W. Roberts. 2014. Fish assemblage and habitat differences between side and main channels in the lower Yellowstone River. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 18-23 May 2014. | May 2014 |
Reinhold, A. M. G. C. Poole, R. G. Bramblett, A. V. Zale, and D. W. Roberts. 2017. Small flow obstructions implicated in accelerating whole-floodplain side-channel loss. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, North Carolina, 4-9 June 2017. | June 2017 |
Puchany, A., A. Zale, T. Koel, B. Shepard, and M. Campbell. 2020. Assessing Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Arctic Grayling restoration efforts in Yellowstone National Park. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kalispell, Montana, 25-28 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Puchany, A., A. V. Zale, T. Koel, M. Campbell, and B. B. Shepard. 2023. A framework for assessing native fish conservation translocations: two case studies in Yellowstone National Park. 2023 Westslope Cutthroat Trout Conference, Missoula, Montana, 7-8 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Puchany, A., A. V. Zale, T. Koel, M. Campbell, and B. B. Shepard. 2021. Status of Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Arctic Grayling following conservation translocations in Yellowstone National Park. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, online, 1-5 March 2021. | March 2021 |
Puchany, A., A. V. Zale, T. Koel, M. Campbell, and B. B. Shepard. 2021. A guide to assessing native fish conservation translocations using two case studies in Yellowstone National Park, Montana and Wyoming. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland, 6-10 November 2021. | November 2021 |
Poole, A., A. Zale, M. Webb, and T. Koel. 2018. Laboratory Evaluations of Lake Trout Embryo Suppression Methods for use in Yellowstone Lake. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Butte, Montana, 29 January to 2 February 2018. | February 2018 |
Poole, A. S., A. V. Zale, M. A. Webb, and T. M. Koel. 2017. Laboratory evaluations of embryo suppression techniques. Conservation Actions to Restore Yellowstone Lake—An Interim Scientific Assessment. Bozeman, Montana, 18-19 April 2017. | April 2017 |
Poole, A. S., A. V. Zale, M. A. Webb, and T. M. Koel. 2016. Ova suppression lab studies. Yellowstone Lake Working Group Meeting. Bozeman, Montana, 7 December 2016. | December 2016 |
Plymesser, K., M. Blank, M. Conley, K. Kappenman, J. Cahoon, D. Dockery, and A. V. Zale. 2022. A scaled Denil fishway for upstream passage of Arctic Grayling. Fish Passage 2022, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, 13-16 June 2022. | June 2022 |
M. Heinemann, A. R. Litt, M. Lance, K. Vivian, J. Mullen, and A. V. Zale. 2018. Estimating detection probability of PIT tags consumed by white pelicans to improve inferences in fish movement and avian predation studies. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Butte, Montana, 29 January to 2 February 2018. | January 2018 |
Lance, M., J. Mullen, D. Ritter, G. Madel, G. Grisak, A. Zale, and D. Owensby. 2016. Construction and operation of half-duplex PIT tag networks: lessons learned in the Missouri and Smith River watersheds. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Helena, Montana, 16-19 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Lance, M., A. Zale, J. Mullen, R. Al-Chokhachy, G. Grisak and T. McMahon. 2017. Fish movement patterns in the Smith River watershed in central Montana. Wild Trout XII, West Yellowstone, Montana, 26-29 September 2017. | September 2017 |
Lance, M., A. Zale, J. Mullen, R. Al-Chokhachy, G. Grisak and T. McMahon. 2017. Fish movement patterns in the Smith River watershed in central Montana. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Missoula, Montana, 22-25 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Lance, M. J., T. D. Ritter, A. V. Zale, G. G. Grisak, J. A. Mullen, S. Walsh, R. Al-Chokhachy, K. C. Heim, T. E. McMahon, and G. A. Liknes. 2019. Use of a network of autonomous PIT arrays to study movement behaviors of sympatric salmonids across an un-fragmented watershed. Joint Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, 3 October 2019. | October 2019 |
Lance, M. J., A. V. Zale, G. G. Grisak, J. A. Mullen, T. D. Ritter, R. Al-Chokhachy, T. E. McMahon, and G. A. Liknes. 2019. Variable demographic rates of sympatric fish species suggest sources, sinks, and ecological traps in a connected watershed. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Billings, Montana, 30 January to 1 February 2019. | January 2019 |
K. Plymesser, M. Blank, J. Cahoon, K. Kappenman, T. McMahon, B. Triano, B., and A. Zale. 2020. A comparison of lab and field based passage data for Arctic grayling in Denil fishways. International Conference on River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, 28 June to 3 July 2020 (cancelled because of the COVID-19 crisis). | June 2020 |
Heinemann, M., A. R. Litt, M. Lance, K. Vivian, J. Mullen, and A. V. Zale. 2018. Characterizing rearing habitat of American white pelicans using PIT tags from consumed fish. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Butte, Montana, 22 February 2018. | February 2018 |
Guy, C. S., T. M. Koel, P. E. Bigelow, B. Ertel, A. Puchany, M. A. Briggs, T. O. Brendon, H. C. Glassic, D. J. MacDonald, C. W. Vender, and A. V. Zale. 2024. Rebuilding and ecosystem: a success story in the making. 57th Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lewistown, Montana. PLATFORM | February 2024 |
Gilham, A., B. Shepard, and A. Zale. 2014. Effects of variable-intensity cattle grazing on salmonid populations in headwater streams on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Chico, Montana, 5-7 March 2014. | March 2014 |
Detjens, C., A. V. Zale, T. M. Koel, A. Litt, and M. Schwartz. 2018. Use of eDNA to monitor the abundance of spawning Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in tributaries to Yellowstone Lake. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Butte, Montana, 29 January to 2 February 2018. | January 2018 |
Detjens, C. R., A. V. Zale, T. M. Koel, A. R. Litt, and M. K. Schwartz. 2020. Use of eDNA to estimate abundances of spawning Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in tributaries to Yellowstone Lake. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kalispell, Montana, 25-28 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Crapster, K., R. Al-Chokhachy, A. Sepulveda, W. L. Knotek, M. Young, and A. V. Zale. 2018. Do habitat attributes influence the relationship between native trout abundance and eDNA concentrations in northwest Montana? Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Butte, Montana, 29 January to 2 February 2018. | February 2018 |
Cook, K., A. Zale, D. Stagliano, M. Anderson, C. Guy, L. Albertson, and C. Barnhart. 2020. Reproductive timing of Western Pearlshell mussels in Montana. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kalispell, Montana, 25-28 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Cook, K., A. Zale, D. Stagliano, M. Anderson, C. Guy, L. Albertson, and C. Barnhart. 2020. Reproductive timing of Western Pearlshell mussels in Montana. 2020 Symposium of the Pacific Northwest Native Freshwater Mussel Workgroup, Vancouver, Washington, 26 March 2020. | March 2020 |
Cook, K., A. Zale, D. Stagliano, M. Anderson, C. Barnhart, C. Guy, and L. Albertson. 2021. Reproductive phenology and hermaphroditism of Western Pearlshell Mussels in Montana. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, online, 1-5 March 2021. | March 2021 |
Cook, K. A. Zale, D. Stagliano, M. Anderson, C. Barnhart, C. Guy, and L. Albertson. 2021. Reproductive phenology and life-history traits of western pearlshell mussels in Montana. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, virtual, 12-14 April 2021. | April 2021 |
Buller, C., K Plymesser, M. Blank, K. Kappenman, J. Cahoon, and A. V. Zale. 2022. Upstream passage of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in a scaled Denil fishway. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, Washington, 21-25 August 2022. | August 2022 |
Bramblett, R., K. Chase, R. Gresswell, S. Hostetler, J. Johnson, D. Roberts, and A. Zale. 2013. Simulated effects of climate change on the hydrology and fish assemblages of northern Great Plains streams. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Bismarck, North Dakota, 27-28 February 2013. | February 2013 |
Blank, M., C. Buller, K. Plymesser, M. Blank, K. Kappenman, D. Dockery, and A. V. Zale. 2024. Westslope Cutthroat Trout passage through scaled Denil fishways. Joint International Symposium on Ecohydraulics—Fish Passage Conference, 5-9 May 2024, Québec City, Québec, Canada. | May 2024 |
B. B. Shepard, C. Kruse, P. Clancey, L. Nelson, T. Andrews, S. Kalinowski, A. Zale, and D. Drinan. 2015. First generation results of the Cherry Creek westslope cutthroat trout restoration project. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Great Falls, Montana, 25-26 February 2015. | February 2015 |
Anderson, I., A. V. Zale, M. Ruggles K. Plymesser, M. Blank, J. Cahoon, and C. Guy. 2022. Effectiveness of the nature-like fishway at Huntley Diversion Dam, Yellowstone River, Montana. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, online, 1-4 March 2022. | March 2022 |
Anderson, I., A. V. Zale, K. Plymesser, M. Blank, J. Cahoon, and M. Ruggles. 2021. Effectiveness of a nature-like fishway on a large, uncontrolled river in Montana, USA. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, online, 11-14 March 2021. | March 2021 |
Anderson, I., A. V. Zale, J. Cahoon, K. Plymesser, M. Blank, and M. Ruggles. 2021. Effectiveness of a nature-like fishway on a large, free-flowing river in Montana, USA. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland, 6-10 November 2021. | November 2021 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., P. Uthe, B. Shepard, and A. V. Zale. 2015. Temperature and streamflow effects on growth and survival of headwater cutthroat trout populations in the Greater Yellowstone Area. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon, 16-20 August, 2015. | August 2015 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., P. Uthe, B. Shepard, A. Zale, and J. Kershner. 2014. Developing a mechanistic understanding of the effects of climate change on native and non-native salmonids in the Greater Yellowstone. 12th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming, 6-8 October, 2014. | October 2014 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Zale, A. V., and D. Rider. 2003. Comparative use of modified and natural habitats of the Upper Yellowstone River by juvenile salmonids. Final report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska. 66 pages. | March 2003 |
Zale, A. V. 2003. Distribution, movements, and life history characteristics of genetically pure westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi in the Fan Creek drainage, Yellowstone National Park. Final report to National Park Service and Yellowstone Park Foundation. 103 pages. | March 2003 |
Vatland, S., R. E. Gresswell, and A. V. Zale. 2009. Evalaution of habitat restoration for the fluvial Arctic grayling in the Big Hole River, Montana. Final report to the Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 36 pages. | April 2009 |
Steed, A. C., and A. V. Zale. 2007. Population viability of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in the Gibbon River, Yellowstone National Park. Final Report to the National Park Service. 78 pages. | September 2007 |
Shepard, B. B., and A.. V. Zale. 2005. Dyce Creek brook trout removal project: 2004 to 2005. Final Report to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Dillon, Montana. 20 pages. | December 2005 |
Shepard, B. B., M. L. Taper, and A. V. Zale. 2009. Evaluation of habitat restoration for the conservation of cutthroat trout. Final report to the Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 94 pages. | January 2009 |
Ryce, E. K. N., and A. V. Zale. 2004. Bacterial coldwater disease in westslope cutthroat trout: hatchery epidemiology and control. Final Report to The Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 13 pages. | December 2004 |
Ryce, E. K. N., and A. V. Zale. 2001. Effects of size versus age on the development of whirling disease in rainbow trout. Final report to the Whirling Disease Initiative of the National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Cold Water Fisheries, Bozeman, Montana. 11 pages. | January 2002 |
Ryce, E. K. N., E. MacConnell, and A. V. Zale. 2001. Effects of size versus age on the development of whirling disease in rainbow trout. Pages 35-36 in Proceedings of the 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | February 2001 |
Ryce, E. K. N., E. MacConnell, A. V. Zale, and M. A. Adkison. 2001. Effect of initial exposure to Myxobolus cerebralis on the development of resistance to reinfection in rainbow trout. Pages 37-38 in Proceedings of the 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | February 2001 |
Ryce, E. K. N., A. V. Zale, and R. B. Nehring. 2000. Laboratory assessment of possible selection for resistance to whirling disease among progeny of Colorado River rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Final report by Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit to the Whirling Disease Initiative of the National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Cold Water Fisheries, Bozeman, Montana. | January 2000 |
Ryce, E. K. N., A. V. Zale, and E. MacConnell. 2001. The effect of initial exposure to Myxobolus cerebralis on the development of resistance to reinfection in rainbow trout. Final report to the Whirling Disease Initiative of the National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Cold Water Fisheries, Bozeman, Montana. 10 pages. | January 2001 |
Ryce, E. K. N., A. V. Zale, E. MacConnell, and M. A. Adkison. 2002. Factors affecting the resistance of juvenile rainbow trout to whirling disease. Pages 27-28 in Proceedings of the 8th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | August 2002 |
Reinhold, A. M., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2014. Anthropogenic habitat change effects on fish assemblages of the middle and lower Yellowstone River. Completion Report to the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Technical Advisory Committee, Yellowstone River Conservation District Council. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks University Research Completion Report Series Number 2014-01. | December 2014 |
R. W. Van Kirk, and A. V. Zale. 2000. Preface: Aquatic resources of the Henry's Fork watershed. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 6:103-105. | March 2001 |
MacConnell, E., and A. V. Zale. 2000. Susceptibility of mountain whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni, to Myxobolus cerebralis. Final report by Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit to the Whirling Disease Initiative of the National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Cold Water Fisheries, Bozeman, Montana. | January 2000 |
MacConnell, E., A. V. Zale, and M. A. Quinn. 2000. Susceptibility of mountain whitefish to Myxobolus cerebralis. Pages 107-108 in Proceedings of the 6th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | January 2000 |
Lukins, H. J., A. V. Zale, and F. T. Barrows. 2004. Triactinomyxon dynamics estimated by packed-bed filtration. Pages 9-10 in Proceedings of the 10th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | March 2004 |
Lukins, H. J., A. V. Zale, and F. T. Barrows. 2003. Temporal, spatial, and discharge mediated dynamics of of triactinomyxon abundances and infection risk estimated directly by packed-bed filtration. Final report to the Whirling Disease Initiative of the National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Cold Water Fisheries, Bozeman, Montana. 26 pages. | December 2003 |
Lukins, H. J., A. V. Zale, and F. T. Barrows. 2003. Temporal fluctuations in triactinomyxon densities. Pages 41-42 in Proceedings of the 9th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium-Managing the Risk. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | March 2003 |
Leathe, S., G. Liknes, T. McMahon, A. Munro, and A. V. Zale. 2001. Epidemiology of whirling disease in the Missouri River Ecosystem. Final report to the Whirling Disease Initiative of the National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Cold Water Fisheries, Bozeman, Montana. 16 pages. | January 2002 |
Leathe, S., G. Liknes, T. McMahon, A. Munro, E. R. Vincent, and A. Zale. 2002. Epidemiology of whirling disease in the Missouri River, Montana: disease spread and trout population response five years after discovery. Pages 19-20 in Proceedings of the 8th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | August 2002 |
Kerans, B. L., and A. V. Zale. 2001. The ecology of Myxobolus cerebralis. Page 53 in Proceedings of the 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | February 2001 |
Harnish, R. A., and A. V. Zale. 2007. Fish screen efficiency and effects of screened and unscreened irrigation canals on the downstream movement of westslope cutthroat trout juveniles in Skalkaho Creek, Montana.Final Report to The Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 96 pages. | October 2007 |
Gale, S. B., and A. V. Zale. 2005. Evaluation of entrainment losses of westslope cutthroat trout at private irrigation diversions and the efficiency of fish screens on Skalkaho Creek, Montana. Final Report to The Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 75 pages. | January 2005 |
Duncan, M. B., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2012. Distribution, habitats, and tributary linkages of small and nongame fishes in the lower Yellowstone River. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks University Research Completion Report Series Number 2012-01. | September 2012 |
Doepke, P. D., T. M. Koel, C. S. Guy, A. S. Poole, N. A. Thomas, and A. V. Zale. 2017. Lake Trout suppression alternatives to gillnetting. Yellowstone Science 25(1):70-73. | January 2017 |
Davis, W. N., R. G. Bramblett, and A. V. Zale. 2006. Literature review and development of a study plan to assess the effects of coalbed natural gas activities on fish assemblages. Final Report to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Miles City, Montana. 79 pages. | February 2006 |
Davis, W. N., A. V. Zale, and R. G. Bramblett. 2008. Effects of colabed natural gas development on fish assemblages in tributary streams in the Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming. Final Report to The Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 125 pages. | April 2008 |
Craig, A. J., and A. V. Zale. 2001. Effects of bank stabilization structures on fish and their habitat: a literature review. Report to Omaha District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Governor's Upper Yellowstone River Task Force. 27 pages. | February 2001 |
Brown, P., and A. V. Zale. 2009. Evaluation of the efficiency and efficacy of piscicides for non-native fish eradication. Final report to the Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 38 pages. | January 2009 |
Bramblett, R. G., and A. V. Zale. 2000. Fishery survey of the streams of the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, Montana. Final report by Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit to U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado. | January 2000 |
Bramblett, R. G., T. R. Johnson, A. V. Zale, and D. Heggem. 2003. Development of biotic integrity indices for prairie streams in Montana using fish, macroinvertebrate, and diatom assemblages. Final report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 96 pages. | August 2003 |
Bear, B. A., T. A. McMahon, and A. V. Zale. 2004. Thermal requirements of westslope cutthroat trout. Final Report to The Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Montana University System Water Center, Bozeman, Montana. 31 pages. | December 2004 |
Barrows, F. T., A. V. Zale, and T. E. McMahon. 2000. Triactinomyxon collection using packed-bed filtration: Update on progress. Pages 81-82 in Proceedings of the 6th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | January 2000 |
Barrows, F. T., A. V. Zale, H. Lukins, and T. E. McMahon. 2002. Validation of packed-bed filtration for triactinomyxon quantification: laboratory and field trials. Pages 65-66 in Proceedings of the 8th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Whirling Disease Foundation, Bozeman, Montana. | August 2002 |
Barrows, F. T., A. V. Zale, H. Lukins, and T. E. McMahon. 2001. Field collecting the triactinomyxon stage of Myxobolus cerebralis using combined filtration methods. Final report to the Whirling Disease Initiative of the National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Cold Water Fisheries, Bozeman, Montana. 5 pages. | January 2002 |
Bahn, L., and A. V. Zale. 2007. An assessment of losses of native fish to irrigation diversions on selected tributaries of the Bitterroot River, Montana. Final report to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. 118 pages. | November 2007 |
Adelman, I. R., P. Moy, M. Walsh, C. Caldwell, B. Durham, J. Isely, D. Jackson, and A. Zale. 2008. AFS topic oriented meetings: a new opportunity for information exchange. Fisheries 33:291. | June 2008 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
North American Benthological Society - Member | Zale | January 1986 | December 2006 |
North American Benthological Society - Member | Zale | January 1985 | December 2006 |
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists - Member | Zale | January 1980 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - created the logo for the 2017 Western Division AFS meeting | Zale | June 2016 | August 2016 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Western Division | Zale | January 1994 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Program Committee, Western Division | Zale | February 2005 | May 2006 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Presentation and Poster Guidelines Committee | Zale | September 2005 | September 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Montana State University Student Subunit | Zale | January 2004 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Montana Chapter | Zale | January 1994 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Meeting Oversight Committee | Zale | August 2004 | August 2009 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Education Section | Zale | January 1986 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Award of Excellence Committee | Zale | August 2002 | September 2005 |
American Fisheries Society - Member | Zale | September 1978 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Judge, Best Student Presentation and Poster Committee | Zale | June 2008 | August 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - AFS Special Committee on the Future of Books Program | Zale | January 2019 | March 2020 |