Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Emily Weiser

Faculty Website


Glaucous gull feeding ecology on Alaska's North Slope

Research Publications Publication Date
Weiser,E. L. and A. N. Powell. 2011. Evaluating gull diets: a comparison of conventional methods and stable isotope analysis. Journal of Field Ornithology 82(3):297-310. August 2011
Weiser, E. L. and A. N. Powell. 2011. Reduction of garbage in the diet of nonbreeding glaucous gulls corresponding to a change in waste management, Arctic 64(2): 220-226. June 2011
Weiser, E. L. and A. N. Powell. 2010. Does garbage in diet improve reproductive output in Glaucous Gulls? Condor 112(3):530-538. September 2010
Project Completion Date
Diet of glaucous gulls on Alaska's north Slope September 2011