Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Wendy Vreeland

Wendy Vreeland



As a late bloomer in the field of hunting and fishing, I have been enjoying the outdoors through many different activities beyond my family camping trips as a youngster. Having grown up along the south shore of Long Island, New York, my outdoor experiences included weekend sailing trips to the beach. While in high school, attending an ornithology course changed my life's path. After completing my Bachelor's of Science degree in Wildlife Management at the University of Maine, my work experiences have taken me through Maine, Vermont, California and currently Pennsylvania. Aside from hunting and fishing, I spend a lot of time with my husband gardening, making wine and beer, photography, and caring for our English bulldog. . I have worked with a wide variety of research projects including macroinvertebrates, reptiles, songbirds, seabirds, raptors, fish stocking and stream surveys, wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, and marine mammals. I am currently working with the Pennsylvania Unit as a research assistant estimating hen survival and harvest rates and causes of mortality in Pennsylvania. As a graduate student at Penn State working on a M.S. degree, I am studying dispersal timing, rates, and distances of Pennsylvania juvenile black bear using tag recovery data from 1980-2008.

Research Publications Publication Date
Diefenbach, D. R., W. C. Vreeland, M.J. Casalena, M. V. Schiavone. 2016. Retention of riveted aluminum leg bands by wild turkeys. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. doi: | Download February 2016
Diefenbach, D. R., M. Casalena, M. Schiavone, M. Reynolds, R. Eriksen, W. C. Vreeland, B. Swift, R. C. Boyd. 2012. Variation in Spring Harvest Rates of Male Wild Turkeys in New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:514-522. | Abstract April 2012
Casalena, M. J., R. Everett, W. C. Vreeland, I. D. Gregg, and D. R. Diefenbach. 2016. Timing of spring wild turkey hunting in relation to nest incubation. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 11:237-247. | Download January 2016
Presentations Presentation Date
Vreeland, W. C., D. R. Diefenbach, M. Ternent. Dispersal Timing, Distance, and Rate of Pennsylvania Black Bear. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 23 October 2014. October 2014
Casalena, M. J., W. C. Vreeland, R. Everett, I. Gregg, and D. R. Diefenbach. Timing of spring wild turkey hunting in relation to nest incubation. National Wild Turkey Symposium. January 2016
Technical Publications Publication Date
Diefenbach, D., W. Vreeland, and K. M. Heister. 2008. Statistical Analysis of Understory Vegetation Data from Valley Forge National Historical Park, Pennsylvania, 1993–2003. Technical Report NPS/NER/NRTR—2008/118. National Park Service. Philadelphia, PA. April 2008