Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Janess Vartanian

Janess Vartanian with Mountain Lion Cub

Phone: (307) 766 - 6415
Faculty Website


Janess Vartanian is a MS candidate based in the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the Department of Zoology and Physiology. . Prior to starting her research, Janess obtained a Bachelor's of Science in Zoology from North Carolina State University. She has since worked extensively throughout the United States on a variety of carnivore and ungulate species. Before starting her Master's research at the University of Wyoming, Janess was working for the Arizona Game and Fish Department as a Mexican Wolf Biologist on the Mexican Wolf Recovery Project. Her current research focuses on understanding the influence of seasonal habitat quality and disturbance on wildlife populations and identifying factors which may limit populations. Janess' other research interests include wildlife conservation, predator-prey interaction, habitat fragmentation, land use/spatial dynamics, ecosystem management, human-animal conflict, and the reintroduction/ management of threatened species. When not conducting research, Janess enjoys listening to live music, climbing, snowboarding, and photography. The key to her sanity was Quoia.

Project Completion Date
Jackson Moose Project December 2011
Technical Publications Publication Date
Jackson Moose Project - GTNP 2009 Annual Report June 2009
Jackson Moose Project - GTNP 2008 Annual Report June 2008