Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Susan Schroeder

Post Doc

Research Publications Publication Date
Susan A. Schroeder, Louis Cornicelli, David C. Fulton & Steven S. Merchant (2019) The influence of motivation versus experience on recreation satisfaction: How appreciative- versus achievement-oriented recreation experience preferences relate to hunter satisfaction, Journal of Leisure Research, 50:2, 107-131, DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2018.1557502 February 2019
Smith, K., S.A. Schroeder, A.C. Landon, L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, and L.E. McInenly. (2020). A replication of proximity to chronic wasting disease, perceived risk, and social trust in managing between hunters in Minnesota and Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife (published online without volume/page numbers).
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1860270
December 2020
Schroeder,S. A. D. C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli, and L.E. McInenly. 2020. Recreation conflict, coping, and satisfaction: Minnesota grouse hunters’ conflicts and coping response related to all-terrain vehicle users, hikers, and other hunters,Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism,Volume 30,100282

DOIL 10.1016/j.jort.2020.100282
May 2020
Schroeder, S.A., Landon, A., Cornicellis, L, Fulton, D.C. and McInenly, L.2021. Institutional trust, beliefs and evaluation of regulations, and management of chronic wasting disease (CWD). Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 26, 228-244.
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1808915
August 2020
Schroeder, S.A., Fulton, D.C., Lawrence, J.S., and Cordts, S.D. 2014. Legitimization of regulatory norms: Waterfowl hunter acceptance of changing duck bag limits. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19: 234-252 May 2014
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, L.J. Cornicelli, and S.S. Merchant. 2018. Discrete choice modeling of season choice for Minnesota turkey hunter. Journal of Wildlife Management 82(2): 457-465 DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21382 online: February 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. How Minnesota wolf hunter and trapper attitudes and risk-benefit perceptions about wolves predict their management preferences. September 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, J. Lawrence, and S. Cordts. 2013. Identification and specialization as a waterfowl hunter. Leisure Sciences, 35, 3, 218-234. May 2013
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, E. Alten, H. Baird, D. Dieterman, and M. Jennings. Factors influencing anglers’ support for fisheries management strategies: Habitat protection and restoration. Environmental Management (2018). May 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton and K. DonCarlos. (2016). Clarifying beliefs underlying hunter intentions to support a ban on lead shot. Society & Natural Resources, 29,7, 852-867. January 2016
Schroeder, S.A., Cornicelli, L.J., Fulton, D.C., and Merchant, S. 2018. Explicit versus implicit motivations: Clarifying how experiences affect turkey hunter satisfaction using revised importance-performance, importance grid, and penalty-reward-contrast analyses. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(1) 1-20. January 2018
Schroeder, S.A., A.C. Landon, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly. 2021. Social identity, values, and trust in government: How stakeholder group, ideology, and wildlife value orientations relate to trust in a state agency for wildlife management. Biological Conservation, 261
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109285 | Abstract
September 2021
Schroeder, S.A., A. Landon, L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly. 2021. Cognitive and behavioral coping in response to wildlife disease: The case of hunters and chronic wasting disease. Human Dimensions of Wildlife (Published online 4/30/2021). DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2021.1919340 | Abstract April 2021
Schroeder, S.A. and Fulton, D.C. 2013. Comparing catch orientation among walleye, northern pike and bass anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18, 355-372. September 2013
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. (2017). Voice, perceived fairness, agency trust and acceptance of management decisions among Minnesota anglers. Society & Natural Resources, 30:5, 569-584. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1238987 May 2017
Schroeder, S., Cornicelli, L., Fulton, D. and Grund, M. (2014). What predicts support for Antler Point Restrictions? Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19:301-318. July 2014
Schroeder, S. A., and Fulton, D. C. 2010. Land of 10, 000 lakes and 2. 3 million anglers: conflict, crowding, and coping among Minnesota anglers. Journal of Leisure Research 42(2), 291-316. March 2010
Schroeder, S. A., Landon, A. C., Fulton, D. C., & McInenly, L. E. 2022. On the Multiple Identities of Stakeholders in Wolf Management in Minnesota, United States. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 10. | Abstract June 2022
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D. C., Nemeth, M. E., Sigurdson, R. E., and Walsh, R. J. Fishing in the Neighborhood: Understanding motivations and constraints for angling among Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota metro residents, In Urban Fishing Symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium xx. Bethesda, Maryland. December 2008
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D. C., Currie, L., Goeman, T. 2006. He said, she said: Gender and angling specialization, motivations, ethics and behaviors. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 11: 301-315. November 2006
Schroeder, S. A., D. C. Fulton, and J. Lawrence. 2006. A typology of waterfowl hunters in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34(2):380-387. April 2006
Schroeder, S. A. and Fulton, D.C. 2013. Public lakes, private lakeshore: Modeling protection of native aquatic plants. In review. Environmental Management, 52,1, 989-112. July 2013
S.A. Schroeder and D.C. Fulton. (2015). A replication of a factor analysis of motivations for trapping. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20, 3, 280-283. July 2015
Landon, A.C., K. Smith, L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L.E. McInenly, S.A. Schroeder. Examining Landowners’ Preferences for a Chronic Wasting Disease Management Program. Wildlife Society Bulletin December 2022
Presentations Presentation Date
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. Small Game Hunters Intentions to Support a ban on Lead Shot in Minnesota’s Farmland Zone: How Beliefs Relate to Attitudes. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Bemidji, MN Feb. 4-6, 2014. February 2014
Schroeder, S., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, A. Landon, and L. McInenly. 2019. Factors influencing acceptance of CWD management in Minnesota. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Landon, A., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly, and S. Schroeder. 2019. Assessing landowner preferences for CWD management in southeast Minnesota: a discrete choice experiment. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Fulton, D.C., S. Schroeder, and L.J. Cornicelli. Hunting as a social-ecological system: the case of turkey hunting. The 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Raleigh, NC, October 15-19, 2016. October 2016
Fulton, D.C., Bruskotter, J. and Schroeder, S. Using the cognitive hierarchy to understand and predict angler behavior: Its promise and limitations. World Recreation Fishing Conference. Victoria, BC. July 16-20, 2017. July 2017
Technical Publications Publication Date
Schroeder, S. and D.C. Fulton. 2006. Fishing in the neighborhood: a study of recreation and fishing participation in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. University of Minnesota, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2006