Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Steffen Oppel

Post Doc

Research Publications Publication Date
Oppel, S., R. Federer, D. O'Brien, A. Powell, and T. Hollmen. 2010. Effects of lipid extraction on stable isotope ratios in avian egg yolk – is arithmetic correction an alternative? Auk 157:72-78. January 2010
Oppel, S., D.L. Dickson, and A.N. Powell. 2009. International importance of the eastern Chukchi Sea as a staging area for migrating king eiders. Polar Biology 32:775-783. February 2009
Oppel, S., A.N. Powell, and D.L. Dickson. 2009. Using an algorithmic model to reveal individually variable movement decisions in a wintering sea duck. Journal of Animal Ecology 78:524-531. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01513.x January 2009
Oppel, S., A.N. Powell, and D.L. Dickson. 2008. Timing and distance of king eider migration and winter movements. Condor 110:296-305. July 2008
Oppel, S., A. Powell, and D. O'Brien. 2008. Using eggshell membranes as a non-invasive tool to investigate the source of nutrients in avian eggs. Journal of Ornithology. DOI 10. 1007/s10336-008-0325-7. August 2008
Oppel, S., A. N. Powell, and D. O'Brien. 2010. King eiders use an income strategy for egg production: a case study for incorporating individual dietary variation into nutrient allocation research. Oecologia 164:1-12, DOI 10.1007/s00442-010-1619-z April 2010
Oppel, S., A. N. Powell, and M. G. Butler. 2011. King Eider foraging effort during the pre-breeding period in Alaska. Condor 113:52-60. January 2011
Oppel, S. and A.N. Powell. 2010. Carbon isotope turnover in blood as a measure of arrival time in migratory birds using isotopically distinct environments. Journal of Ornithology 151:123-131, DOI 10.1007/s10336-009-0434-y. July 2009
Oppel, S. and A.N. Powell. 2009. Does winter region affect nest survival of king eiders in northern Alaska? Polar Biology 32:1203-1209. DOI 10.1007/s00300-009-0618-1. August 2009
Oppel, S. and A.N. Powell. 2008. Assigning king eiders to wintering regions in the Bering Sea using stable isotopes of feathers and claws. Marine Ecology Progress Series 373:149-156. doi: 10.3354/meps07744. December 2008
Oppel, S. and A. N. Powell. 2010. Age-specific survival estimates for king eiders derived from satellite telemetry. Condor 112(2):323-330. June 2010
Lovvorn, J.R., Rocha, A.R., Jewett, S.C., Dasher, D., Oppel, S., Powell, A.N., 2015. Limits to benthic feeding by eiders in a vital Arctic migration corridor due to localized prey and changing sea ice, Progress in Oceanography 136:162-174. | Download July 2015
Presentations Presentation Date
Powell, A. N., R. Bentzen, and S. Oppel. 2013. Survival, site use, and fidelity of king eiders: a large, multiple year study. 29 January, North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, TN. January 2013