Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Abby Nelson

Abigail Nelson

Phone: (307) 766 - 6415
Faculty Website


In August 2011 Abby completed her master's research in the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Department of Zoology and Physiology, and is currently working as a Wolf Management Specialist for Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. . After graduating from Colorado College in 2002, Abby has worked in Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming in various animal related positions. Abby worked from 2004-2007 as a biological science technician for the Yellowstone Wolf Project on field studies of wolf behavior, kill rates, and prey selection. From 2007-2011, Abby coordinated the Absaroka Wolf-Livestock Project, studying patterns of wolf predation and habitat use in an area characterized by high levels of wolf-livestock conflict near Cody, Wyoming. She has also been involved with research on the Absaroka Elk Ecology Project in a shared study area of the two projects. In August 2011 Abby completed her master's research in the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Department of Zoology and Physiology, and is currently working as a Wolf Management Specialist for Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. When she's not working, Abby enjoys snooping around the mountains on skis, horses or on foot, and trying to catch dinner, whether it has fins or fur.

Research Publications Publication Date
Nelson, A.A., M.J. Kauffman (and others). 2012. Elk migration patterns and human activity influence wolf habitat selection in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecological Applications 22:2293–2307. December 2012
Project Completion Date
Absaroka Elk Ecology Project August 2012
Absaroka Wolf-Livestock Project June 2011