Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Paul Link


Presentations Presentation Date
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2024. Non-breeding habitat selection of Blue-winged teal throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyways. 9th North American Duck Symposium, Portland Oregon, February 5-9, 2024. February 2024
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2022. Quantifying Migration Chronology and Habitat Selection of Blue-winged Teal throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyways. The Wildlife Society Conference. November 2022
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2022. Migration Phenology and Habitat Selection of Adult Female Blue-winged Teal throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyways. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Symposium. October 2022
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2022. Migration Phenology and Habitat Selection Patterns of Blue-winged Teal in the Central and Mississippi Flyways. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. February 2022
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2021. Quantifying migration phenology of adult female Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors) throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyway using GPS/GSM transmitters. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference October 2021
Technical Publications Publication Date
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2006. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use, and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quarterly Progress Report, 1 October 2006. 42pp. October 2006
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2006. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use, and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quarterly Progress Report, 1 April 2006. 22pp. April 2006
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2005. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quarterly Progress Report. 18pp. September 2005
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2005. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. First Progress Report. 15pp. May 2005