Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Alison Iles

Research Coordinator

Research Publications Publication Date
Iles, Alison C., and Joseph B. Rasmussen. 2005. Indirect effects of metal contamination on energetics of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) resulting from food web simplification. Freshwater Biology 50, 976�992. June 2005
Iles, A., T. P. Archdeacon, and S. A. Bonar. 2012. Novel praziquantel treatment regime for controlling Asian tapeworm infections in pond-reared fishes. North American Journal of Aquaculture 74:113-117. April 2012
Brouder, M., A. C. Iles, and S. A. Bonar. 2009. North American averages of length frequency, condition, growth, and catch per effort. In S. A. Bonar, W. A. Hubert, and D. W. Willis, Editors. Standard Methods for Sampling North American Freshwater Fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. 64 pp. August 2009
Bonar, S. A., S. Contreras-Balderas, and A. C. Iles. 2009. An Introduction to Standardized Sampling. In S. A. Bonar, W. A. Hubert, and D. W. Willis, Editors. Standard Methods for Sampling North American Freshwater Fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. 20 pp. August 2009
Archdeacon, T.P., A. Iles, J. Kline, and S. A. Bonar. 2010. Asian Fish Tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi in the Desert Southwestern United States. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 22:274–279. | Abstract December 2010
Technical Publications Publication Date
Kline, S.J., T.P. Archdeacon, A.C. Iles, and S.A. Bonar. 2007. Factors influencing distribution of introduced Asian tapeworm and effects on selected Southwestern fishes (Yaqui topminnow and Yaqui chub). Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit Fisheries Research Report 01-07. January 2007
Archdeacon, T.P., S.A. Bonar, S.J. Kline, A.C. Iles and D. Hughson. 2008. Effects of Asian Tapeworm on the Endangered Mohave Tui Chub. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Fisheries Research Report 02-08. February 2008