Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Margaret Guyette

Margaret Guyette - Bio

Post Doc


  • Ph D University of Maine 2012
  • MS Dartmouth College 2001
  • BA Dartmouth College 1999


I came to the Maine Unit in January 2008 as a Ph.D. student. I completed my Ph.D. in September 2012 and stayed on for a Post-Doctoral research appointment. My dissertation research examined the role of marine-derived nutrients in Atlantic salmon nursery streams in the Penobscot River watershed. Before joining the Maine Unit I spent a number of years as an educator, teaching in high school classrooms and non-traditional settings in Wyoming, Vermont, and Maine. I completed my M.S. at Dartmouth College in 2001, where I explored the effects of acid rock drainage on stream ecosystem structure and metal bioaccumulation in the New World Mining District in Montana. When I'm not working I enjoy organic gardening, biking, running, swimming, bird watching, and cooking. . I am a broadly trained ecologist with a particular interest in taking a systems view when addressing research questions. This approach has led me to develop skills and knowledge in a number of areas. My research experiences include studies connected to spatial ecology, freshwater ecology, stable isotope ecology, ecotoxicology, and ornithology spanning scales from organisms to ecosystems. I am interested in basic and applied research that can add to the knowledge base and help inform managers, policy-makers, and the general public about key issues related to sustainability and ecosystem resilience. My current research involves working with managers at the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (ONWR), in Georgia, to...

Research Publications Publication Date
Loftin, C.S., M.Q. Guyette, and P.Wetzel. 2018. Evaluation of vegetation-fire dynamics in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia, USA, with Bayesian belief networks. Wetlands 38:819-834. DOI10.1007/s13157-018-1033-6 July 2018
Guyette, M.Q., C.S. Loftin, and J. Zydlewski. (2013) Carcass analog addition enhances juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) growth and condition.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:860-870. | Download June 2013
Guyette, M.Q., C.S. Loftin, J. Zydlewski, and R.Cunjak. 2014. Carcass analogues provide marine subsidies for macroinvertebrates and juvenile Atlantic salmon in temperate oligotrophic streams. Freshwater Biology 59:392-406. | Download March 2014
Presentations Presentation Date
Loftin, C.S., and M.Q. Guyette. 2014. A Bayesian belief network assessment of vegetation spatial dynamics in response to fire in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia, USA. Presentation at the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 18-23 May, Portland, OR. May 2014
Guyette, M.Q. and C.S. Loftin. 2013. A Bayesian belief network assessment of vegetation succession and spatial dynamics in response to fire and hydrological conditions in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia, USA. Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Ameica, August 4-9, Minneapolis, MN. August 2013
Technical Publications Publication Date
Quinn, M.R. (maiden name), Feng, X., Folt, C.L., Chamberlain, C.P. 2003. Analyzing trophic transfer of metals in stream food webs using nitrogen isotopes. The Science of the Total Environment 317: 73-89. January 2003