Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Lisa Ferguson



Ecology and conservation of seabirds and shorebirds

Research Publications Publication Date
Ferguson, L.M., Y. Satge, J. Tavano, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Seabird colony registry and atlas for the Southeastern U.S. Final Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Clemson, SC. June 2018
Ferguson, L.M.*, T.M. Norton, A. Dipl, C. Cray, M. Olivia, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Health assessments of brown pelican nestlings from colonies in South Carolina and Georgia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45:835-845. | Abstract July 2014
Ferguson, L. M., P. G. R. Jodice, W. Post, F. I. Sanders. 2005. Reddish Egret extends its breeding range on the North American Atlantic Coast. Waterbirds 28:525-526. December 2005
Eggert, L.M.F. *, P.G.R. Jodice, K.M. O’Reilly. 2009. Stress response of Brown Pelican nestlings to ectoparasite infestation. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 166: 33-38. June 2009
Eggert, L. M. F., P. G. R. Jodice. 2008. Growth of Brown Pelican nestlings exposed to sublethal levels of soft tick infestation. Condor 1104:134-142. February 2008
Presentations Presentation Date
Ferguson, L.M.*, J. Speakman, P. Redman, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Energetics of Brown Pelican Nestlings. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska. February 2014