Staff Member
Matthew Dekar
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Magoulick, D.D., S.W. Hodges, M.P. Dekar, M.K. Scott, M.R. Rabalais and C.M. Bare. 2021. Hydrologic variation influences stream fish assemblage dynamics through flow regime and drought. Scientific Reports 11:10704. | Download | May 2021 |
Dekar, M.P., D.D. Magoulick and J. Beringer. 2010. Bioenergetics assessment of fish and crayfish consumption by otter (Lontra canadensis): integrating prey availability, diet, and field metabolic rate. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:1439-1448. | September 2010 |
Dekar, M.P., D.D. Magoulick and G.R. Huxel. 2009. Shifts in the trophic base of intermittent stream food webs. Hydrobiologia 635:263-277. | October 2009 |
Dekar, M.P. and D.D. Magoulick. 2013. Effects of predators on fish and crayfish survival in intermittent streams. Southeastern Naturalist 12:197–208 | March 2013 |
Dekar, M. P., and D. D. Magoulick. 2007. Factors affecting fish assemblage structure during seasonal stream drying. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16:335-342. | July 2007 |